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Player Bio

Personal Data

I. Personal Data					Last Updated: 2009-06-17

A. Basic Data
Full Name:  	Brian V. Mansur
Nickname:  	Ecualegacy (web handle)

B. Ethnic Data
Gender/Sex:  	Male
Race: 		Caucasian
DOB:  		1975
Citizenship:  	USA
Hometown:  	Des Moines, Iowa
Occupation: 	1) Bank Cards Collector; 2) Internet/Phone Support Rep
Education:	B.S. Biochemistry; M.S. Business Administration
Interests:  	Family, Christian Apologetics, iPod
Languages:  	English; Spanish (moderate fluency)
Religion:  	Christian, non-denominational 

C. Family
Married: 	2001
Children:  	1 - Son

D. Contact Info
E-mail: 	brian.v.mansur[]; ecualegacy[]

ASR Role-Playing Characters

II. ASR Role-Playing Characters 

A. Active Characters (In Order of Appearance)
Orgins	Sean Merrick		LCDR	FO/NAV	HOOD		2260.150-

B. Previous Characters (In Order of Appearance)
Prime	Marcus Hastings		LT	TRAINEE	ALB		120726-120823
	 			LT	CMO	KIROV		120823-131202 
	 			LT	SCI	KIROV		131202-150103  
				LT	GUEST	TESLA II	150914-160124
	 			LT	NAV	KIROV		160506-170119
	 			LCDR	GUEST	KIROV 		210511 

Prime	Lemitt Vornholt 	LCDR 	CSO	DAEDALUS 	130915-131030

Prime	Maya Zhunio 		LTjg 	CNS	KUSANAGI 	130922-131214

Prime	Taka Kwihani		ENS	FCO	KUSANAGI	140225-140725
				ENS	ENG	KIROV		150702-151016  
				LCDR	XO	YAMATO		180213-190329

Prime	Everet Snow 		RADM 	COMPA 	SFPA		140801-141201

Prime	Wolf Northan		LT	OPS	LYSANDER	150807-150915

Prime	Ella Serenidad		LCDR	CSO	KIROV		170927-190401 

Active Character Table

ORIGINS Sean Merrick LCDR FO HOOD 2260.153 -

Retired Character Table

ORIGINS Marcus Hastings LCDR FO HOOD 2260.153 -

ASR Statistics

III. ASR Statistics 

A. Basic Data
Joined ASR: 		May 13, 2000
Leaves of Absence:	3 - total of 39 months / 3.25 years
RPC Characters:		8

B. Awards
Outstanding Player	Oct 2002	SCI KIROV
Outstanding Player	Oct 2003	ENG KIROV, OPS LYSANDER
Most Outstanding Unit 	Apr 2003 	SCI KIROV
Most Outstanding Unit 	Oct 2004 	NAV KIROV

C. Billets Played
Billet		# 	Characters
ADMIN		1	Everett Snow
CO		-
FO/XO		2	Taka Kwihani, Sean Merrick
OPS		1	Wolf Northan
NAV		2	Marcus Hastings, Sean Merrick
FCO/HELM	1	Taka Kwihani
ENG		1	Taka Kwihani
CSO/SEC		1	Lemitt Vornholt, Ella Serenidad
SCI		1	Marcus Hastings
CMO/MED		1	Marcus Hastings
CNS/COU		1	Maya Zhunio
MCO		-

D. Chronology
True Date    Stardate     Event
2000-05-13 / 24120513 - ENS Marcus Hastings commissioned.
2000-07-26 / 24120726 - LT Marcus Hastings assigned to ALB Training.
2000-08-23 / 24120823 - LT Marcus Hastings assigned to CMO, USS KIROV.

2001-09-15 / 24130915 - LDCR Lemitt Vornholt assigned to CSO, USS DAEDALUS.
2001-09-22 / 24130922 - LTjg Maya Zhunio assigned to CNS, USS KUSANAGI.  
2001-10-30 / 24131030 - LDCR Lemitt Vornholt ended tour as CSO, USS DAEDALUS.
2001-12-14 / 24131214 - LTjg Maya Zhunio ended tour as CNS, USS KUSANAGI.  
2001-12-02 / 24131202 - LT Marcus Hastings assigned to SCI, USS KIROV.

2002-02-25 / 24140225 - ENS Taka Kwihani assigned to FCO, USS KUSANAGI.
2002-07-25 / 24140725 - ENS Taka Kwihani ended tour as FCO, USS KUSANAGI.
2002-08-01 / 24140801 - RADM Everet Snow assigned to COMPA, SFPA.
2002-12-01 / 24141201 - RADM Everet Snow ended tour as COMPA, SFPA.

2003-01-03 / 24150103 - LT Marcus Hastings ended tour as SCI, USS KIROV.
2003-01-03 / 24150103 - 7 Month leave of absence from ASR. 
2003-07-02 / 24150702 - ENS Taka Kwihani assigned to ENG, USS KIROV.
2003-08-07 / 24150807 - LT Wolf Northan assigned to OPS, USS LYSANDER. 
2003-10-16 / 24151016 - ENS Taka Kwihani ended tour as ENG, USS KIROV.
2003-09-14 / 24150914 - LT Marcus Hastings assigned to GUEST, USS TESLA II.
2003-09-15 / 24150915 - LT Wolf Northan ended tour as OPS, USS LYSANDER. 

2004-01-24 / 24160124 - LT Marcus Hastings ended tour as GUEST, USS TESLA II.
2004-05-06 / 24160506 - LT Marcus Hastings assigned to NAV, USS KIROV.

2005-01-19 / 24170119 - LT Marcus Hastings ended tour as NAV, USS KIROV.
2005-01-19 / 24170119 - 8 Month leave of absence from ASR.
2005-09-27 / 24170927 - LCDR Ella Serenidad assigned to CSO, USS KIROV.
2006-02-13 / 24180213 - LCDR Taka Kwihani assigned to XO, USS YAMATO. 

2007-03-29 / 24190329 - LCDR Taka Kwihani ended tour as XO, USS YAMATO.
2007-04-01 / 24190401 - LCDR Ella Serenidad ended tour as CSO, USS KIROV.
2007-04-01 / 24190401 - 2 Year leave of absence from ASR. 

2009-05-11 / 24210511 - LCDR Marcus Hastings posted USS KIROV decomm post.  
2009-06-01 / 2260.153 - LCDR Sean Merrick assigned FO/NAV, USS HOOD.  

Stardate Key

IV. Stardate Key 

A. Origins Universe Stardate Conversion Chart
1990	2241		2000	2251		2010	2261	
1991	2242		2001	2252		2011	2262		
1992	2243		2002	2253		2012	2263		
1993	2244		2003	2254		2013	2264		
1994	2245		2004	2255		2014	2265		
1995	2246		2005	2256		2015	2266		
1996	2247		2006	2257		2016	2267		
1997	2248		2007	2258		2017	2268		
1998	2249		2008	2259		2018	2269		
1999	2250		2009	2260		2019	2270	

SD = YYYY.DDD where Y= Game year and D= Julian Day of Year
Example: Real Year June 1, 2009 = Game Year June 1, 2260 = SD 2260.153
		(where June 1st is the 153rd day of the year in 2260)

B. Prime Universe Stardate Conversion Chart
1990	2401		2000	2412		2010	2422	
1991	2402		2001	2413		2011	2423		
1992	2403		2002	2414		2012	2424		
1993	2404		2003	2415		2013	2425		
1994	2405		2004	2416		2014	2426		
1995	2406		2005	2417		2015	2427		
1996	2408		2006	2418		2016	2428		
1997	2409		2007	2419		2017	2429		
1998	2410		2008	2420		2018	2430		
1999	2411		2009	2421		2019	2431		

SD YYYYMMDD, where Y = Game year, M = Month and D = Day of Month
Example: Real Year June 1, 2009 = Game Year June 1, 2421 = SD 24210801

Character Bios

  • Sorted Alphabetically by Last Name.

Marcus Hastings

I. Personal Data	Created: SD 24120513	Last Updated: SD 24210617

A. Basic Data
Name: 		Hastings, Marcus
Rank: 		Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) (O-4)
Billet: 	Unassigned

B. Ethnic Background
Race: 		Human
Gender: 	Male
Age: 		39 Terran Standard Years (as of SD 24210617)
Date of Birth: 	3 May 2382
Place of Birth: Terra/Sol III
Citizenship: 	Terra/Sol III, UFP
Religion: 	Christian (Non-Denominational)
Languages:	English, Spanish (passable)

C. Family
Parents: 	Chris Hastings, Elizara Hastings
Siblings: 	Valeria Hastings
Spouse: 	Maya Zhunio
Children: 	Scott (born 24190513)

D. Physical Description
Height: 	182 cm/6'0''
Weight: 	91 kg/200 lbs
Eyes: 		Grey
Hair: 		Brown
Complexion: 	Caucasian

II. Service Background

A. Chronological History
24110601 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
24111201 Completed Staff Officer's Training School.
24120601 Completed Field Xenomedicine Training School.
24120513 Commissioned as ENS (O-1).
24120726 Promoted to LT (O-3).
24120602 Assigned to training at ALB.
24120818 Graduated ALB.
24120823 Assigned as CMO, USS KIROV.
24131102 Completed General Sciences Training School.
24131202 Assigned as SCI, USS KIROV.
24150103 Assigned as Physician in Starfleet Disaster Recovery Task Force.
24150914 Assigned as Support Personel, USS TESLA II. 
24160506 Assigned as NAV, USS KIROV.
24170119 Assigned as OPS, SB GAMMA
24170120 Promoted to LDCR (O-4)
24210511 Assigned to OPS, SB EPSILON.

B. Commendations and Reprimands

C. Educational Overview

Marcus Hastings began his Starfleet career as a physician. He developed 
extensive piloting skills as a youth and during his post-medical graduate 
academy training. Since joining Starfleet he has earned a General 
Sciences Degree and he is currently pursuing a Command Management degree. 
He is eminently qualified for several starship billets. 

D. Qualifications
-- Medical Officer
-- Navigational Officer
-- Operations Officer
-- Science Officer

III. Fitness Report

Marcus Hastings is physicially fit though not on an athletic level. He 
works out 5 days a week for one hour, dividing the time between 
cross-training aerobic machines and free-weight training. 

After medical school, Marcus Hastings volunteered for Starfleet Medical's 
Intelligence Enhancement Program. This non-eugencics attempt to improve 
humanoid mental functions has recently been declassified and opened to 
the public. The implants are nested in a surgically created fossa within 
the skull. They improve focus, abstract thinking, speed in calculations, 
and a nearly photographic memory. The implants have only recently 
achieved their maximum designed function in Marcus as they take time to 
integrate into the brain. Marcus has not reported any problems with the 
implants and believes that they have significantly improved his life. 

IV. Biographical Notes

As a personality, Marcus Hastings is intellectual, sentimental, and 
deeply spiritual. He aspires to high ideals based on his Christian 
beliefs, but sometimes lacks the focus to fulfill his goals. While 
professing a wish to please those around him, his own concerns often 
blind him to the sensitivities of others. The word "charming" has never 
been assigned to him. On the other hand, he is generally friendly. As 
long as he is not brooding over a problem, he responds to others with a 
hearty smile. 

As a professional, he is analytical, usually cordial, and perpetually 
running about 5 minutes late. Since participating in the Starfleet 
Medical's Intelligence Enhancement Program, he has learned a large and 
valuable repetoir of skills in a short time. 

Despite his mental abilities, the task of balancing his marriage, work, 
studies, and personal interests is a neverending concern for Marcus. 
He has discontinued most extracurricular readings and nearly all of his 
holonovel programs. His wife does not share his interest in science and 
science fiction. Instead, they spend much of their off-duty time in the 
holodeck. Favorite programs include long walks on beaches, hours 
shopping at exotic market plazas, and relaxing dinners in comedy clubs. 

Marcus has endured many difficult trials: medical school, 5 years of 
separation from his wife before they could marry, combat, and the 
stresses of multiple KIROV missions. Through these fires he has emerged 
as a man dedicated to his family, his craft, and the ship he serves. 
He recently switched career paths to command with the goal of putting 
his unfulfilled leadership skills and experience to their utmost use. 

Marcus lives with his beloved wife Maya, their son Scott, and an ornery 
pet droid cat O-range.

IV. Personality Notes

A. Ambitions
To achieve the rank of captain and to command a starship
Favorite Scriptures: Ecclesiastes 12:13; Matthew 22:37-39
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Beverage: Cherry Coca-Cola (Terran Carbonated Beverage)

B. Hobbies
Christian Studies
Fitness training
Science Fiction and Historical Non-fiction Holonovels
Strategy simulations

C. Idiosyncracies
Talks to his droid cat (who talks back)

D. Weaknesses
Holonovels and Simulation Games


Taka Kwihani

I. Personal Data	Created: SD 24130705	Last Updated: SD 24210617

A. Basic Data
Name: 		Taka Sokaiey Kwihani
Rank: 		Commander (CDR) (O-5)
Billet: 	Unassigned

B. Ethnic Background
Race: 		Human
Gender:		Male
Age: 		38 Terran Standard Years (as of SD 24210617)
Birthday: 	February 10, 2383
Birthplace: 	Banum Plains, New Rigel
Citizenship: 	United Federation of Planets
Religion: 	Christian (non-denominational)

C. Family
Father: 	Bahanai Kwihani - Age 66
Mother: 	Eshaksa Kwihani (Maiden Name: Naitey) - Age 60
Brothers: 	Aunoo Kwihani - Age 37
Sisters: 	Kiee Kwihani - Age 35
Spouse: 	None
Children: 	None

D. Physical Description
Height: 188 cm/6'2'' 
Weight: 96 kg/211 lbs
Eyes: Light Brown 
Hair: Dark Brown 
Complexion: Kwihani bears the dark complexion of Terra's North American 
Plains Pre-Columbian Natives. He keeps his fine hair long and braided. 
He possesses a square jaw, elvin eyes, and broad shoulders.

II. Promotion and Service Record	

A. Chronologic History
SD 080802: Accepted to Starfleet Academy.
SD 130704: Commissioned as ENS (O-1). 
SD 130705: Assigned to advanced training at ALB.
SD 130920: Assigned aFCO, USS KUSANAGI.
SD 140501: Assigned to SB EPSILON advanced engineering training.
SD 150224: Assigned aENG, USS KIROV.
SD 150702: Assigned ENG, USS KIROV.
SD 151016: Assigned CSO, USS AKIRA.
SD 151030: Promoted to LTjg (O-2).
SD 151030: Awarded Bronze Star, Pike Medallion.
SD 160120: Promoted to LT (O-3).
SD 160131: Assigned OPS/2O, USS QUASAR.
SD 170828: Awarded Cross of Alexander.
SD 171228: Promoted to LCDR (O-4).
SD 171228: Assigned XO, USS YAMATO.

B. Commendations
Cross of Alexander 
Bronze Star 
Pike Medallion 

C. Reprimands

III. Educational Background	

A. Educational Summary
Double Major: Starship Engineering and Astrophenomena
Double Minor: Flight Control and Space War Tactics
Grade Average: B (average marks due to double major work load)
Graduation Rank: 73/219
Graduating Thesis: Neglected Innovations: Wide Beam Phaser Settings, 
Internally Located Bridges, Transporter Bombs, and the Fuse

B. Qualifications
-- XO
-- ENG
-- OPS
-- CSO
-- SCI

IV. Medical Notes	

Above average upper and lower body strength. Immunizations up to date as 
of SD 24171225.  No significant medical history. 

V. Biographical Notes

Taka was the third of three children, descended from ancient North 
American tribesmen. Taka grew up on a grassy plateau where his tribe's 
rich cultural heritage infused and molded his young life. There he 
learned to survive in the wilderness and to bring down game with arrow, 
spear, sling, and trap. 

His parents put him to work in the family freighting business by age 12. 
They acquainted him with basic management, trade routes, starports, 
spacecraft, and the myriad mercantile species in New Rigel's corner of 
the galaxy. By eighteen, Taka had learned to pilot cargo haulers, how to 
keep archaic warp drives working, and tactics for defeating the local
pirate menace. 

Taka rose to prominence quickly and took commmand of his first freighter 
at age 24. Over the next few years he faced many challenges. He defeated 
Naith pirates twice, weathered the infamous New Rigel ion storm of 2407, 
helped rescue his brother Aunoo from Feringi opportunists, and aided the 
USS ARIZONA in tracking down an Orion slave ship. 

Misfortune caught up with the Kwihanis when the Naith raided New Rigel 
and took Kwihani's home settlement hostage. The imprisoned clan was 
removed to the caves of a Naith controlled world. There the hostages 
faced gross mistreatment, cold, damp, and starvation, 

The Naith captors deposited their prisoners within an immensely huge 
network of sealed caverns to await a randsom payment. The heavy minerals 
of that dungeon precluded any hope of an orbiting rescue ship scanning 
the hundred little lives in the planet's bowels. Only Taka managed to 
escape the guard and flee into the tunnel maze. 

Taka braved the dark wet caves for days, living off underground streams 
and rodents, until finally, he made his way to open sky. By then, 
Starfleet had chased a Naith raider ship to that world. The USS TOKYO 
rescued Taka from orbit. Taka then fearlessly guided an away team back 
through the caves, to free his family. 

Family freighters quickly took the clan back to their shattered homes. 
Taka offered the TOKYO his tactical experience with the Naith as reason 
to stay aboard and help hunt down the criminals. The TOKYO's chief of 
security, Lemitt Vornholt, took note of Taka's vengeful state of mind. 
Lemitt's shared his own stories of suffering injustice and betrayal. His 
faith opened Taka's mind to the peace of the Christianity. 

The Naith eventually met justice at the hands of USS TOKYO. The TOKYO's 
captain, impressed by Taka Kwihani's abilities and character, offered to 
sponsor him to Starfleet Academy. Taka at first felt ambivalence to the 
idea. He believed his family needed him to rebuild their homes. They, 
however, convinced Taka that it would be quite honorable to join the 
service that had saved the family. Besides, they argued, his talents 
could help save more lives in Starfleet.


VI. Personality Notes

A. Overview
Taka Kwihani likes to see things get done. He often demonstrates gruff 
impatience when he believes matters are not proceeding satisfactorily. If 
he cannot find a better person for the job, he will take control of the 
situation himself. 

Competent confidence forms the core of Kwihani's command abilities. He 
has already spent years commanding spacecraft, studying a dozen sentient 
races, and practicing survival skills. He is shrewd, inventive, observant, 
careful, and exceedingly responsible. 

Kwihani is a very private individual. He selects his friends with 
exsquisite care and is fiercely loyal. In the past he has relied on his 
brother and sister as emotional sounding boards. He has felt himself less 
open to them, however, since converting to Christianity. His spiritual 
mentor, Lemitt Vornholt, has his complete trust but their Starfleet 
careers allow for little interaction. His relationships at the academy 
never satisfied the loneliness he feels. 

Despite his ordeal with the Naith raiders, Kwihani remains a well 
adjusted person. Anger is an emotion Kwihani works hard to control. He 
can become extremely agitated when he witnesses cruelty. He is careful to 
act amiable toward others even when he feels insulted by their actions. 
Unlike many officers, he shies from complaining openly about the 
shortcomings of superiors. 

B. Ambitions
To be an outstanding officer
To attain command of a starship by SD 24200101 (unmet). 

C. Annoyances
Hates it when people ignore his suggestions when he has had more 
leadership and combat experience than most of his peers.

D. Favorites Things
Scriptures: Psalms 137:8-9
Color: Green and Yellow
Beverage: Pinia Coladas
Activities: Getting Caught in the Rain
Enjoys: Wide Open Spaces
Prefers: Brunettes

E. Hobbies
Hunting (practices on holodecks when not on New Rigel)
Tactics Brainstorming
Reading History (especially about McKinzie Calhoun)
Shuttle Piloting
Practicing Martial Arts

F. Idiosyncracies
Taka does not care what term is used to describe his anscestory as 
long as it is said with appropriate respect. 
He always keeps his phaser on 30 degree wide beam stun.
Snorts loudly when there is something in his nose. 
Likes to find exceptions to rules.
Kwihani fervently admires the cunning and fortitude of CPT McKinzie 
Calhoun from the 24th century USS EXCALIBUR.

Taka has a vengeful streak which he acknowledges is at odds with his 
Christian beliefs.


Sean Merrick

I. Personal Data	Created: SD 2260.149	Last Updated: SD 2260.153

Full Name:  	Sean Vincent Merrick
Surname:  	Merrick
Given Name:  	Sean
Current Rank:  	Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Current Billet: FO/NAV, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Species:  	Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:  	Male/XY
Age:  		35 Terran Years 
DOB:  		25 May 2225 
POB:  		Des Moines, Iowa, Earth
Parents:  	Victor Merrick 		(2190-    ) - LCDR (ret)
	  	Catherine Bale-Merrick 	(2189-    ) - Homemaker
Siblings:  	Gracie Merrick-Jordan 	(2238-    ) - Paralegal
		Harris Merrick 		(2220-    ) - Plant Spvr
Spouse:  	Jeri Wilson (Divorced)	(2223-2258) - Aerospace Architect
Children:  	None

A. Physical Description
HT: 		6'2" (188 cm)
WT: 		203 lbs (92 kg)
EY: 		Dark Brown 
HR: 		Brown 
SK:  		Light Tan  
Blood Type:  	O+
Vision:  	O: +.025, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)

B. Background Data
Religion:  	Atheist (formerly Protestant Christian)
Citizenship:  	Earth, United Federation of Planets
Languages:  	Terran Standard (native speaking)
		Spanish (passable)

II.  Educational Background

A. Academic Institutions Attended
   -- Starfleet Academy {Graduated *cum laude*}
         (Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering)

B. Service Schools Attended
   -- Starfleet Exosciences School
   -- Starfleet Command School

C. Qualifications (MOS/MOCs)
   -- MOC:  Engineering Officer
   -- MOC:  Navigation/Astrogation Officer
   -- MOC:  Science Officer
   -- MOC:  Command Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record
Honors: 		*Cum Laude* 
Academic Major: 	Mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: 	Starship Engineering, Exosciences
Class Rank:  		53/360
Reprimands: 		0
Commendations: 		2
Athletics:  		Pareses Squares
Activities:  		Warpfield Dynamics Society

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form)
0:	Born Des Moines, Iowa, Earth, Starfleet Shipyards HQ.  
0-18:  	Lived with parents.  Attended Starfleet public schools.
18-21:	Attended Starfleet Academy.
22:	Began active duty in Starfleet.
27:	Married Jeri Wilson.
33:	Divorced Jeri Wilson.
33:	Jeri Wilson killed on Vulcan in the Nero Holocaust.

B. Background Summary
Sean is an emminently capable science officer and commander.  He 
possesses an almost single-minded dedication to his work.  His fellows 
describe him as stern, but approachable; quick tempered, but loyal.  

For all his effectiveness as an officer, Sean is haunted by the death of 
his ex-wife, Jeri Wilson.  

Sean met Jeri at Starbase 10 in Jiu Jitsu class (she taught him 
everything he knows about the martial arts).  They married after just 
six months of wrestling on the mat.  Their careers exacerbated an 
already rocky relationship.  As an aerospace architect, Jeri frequently 
worked at remote construction sites.  Sean, of course, was often deployed.  
They quickly grew apart and finally divorced after several bittersweet 

Jeri headed back for Earth to make a fresh start with a new building 
project.  On her return voyage, she accepted a friend's invitation to 
visit a retreat on Vulcan.  She felt that, after her tumultuous divorce, 
she would benefit from that world's calm serenity.  

The week of her arrival, the renegade Nero destroyed Vulcan.  Jeri was 35 
when she died and Sean has never forgiven himself for driving her away to 
her death.  

Afterward, Sean turned his self-loathing and disappointment with God 
into an obsessive devotion to his career.  On his better days, he uses 
his time off to scan and contribute to the Starfleet Exosciences White 
Pages.  On his worse days, he drowns his sorrows in virtual reality 
pornography and alcohol.  

Sean has always had an eye for women and they generally see him as 
attractive.  But even 2 years after losing Jeri, he has not had much 
interest in dating.  Furthermore, his sense of humor carries a new, 
decidedly cynical edge.  

Sean's ground combat experience extends to skirmishes on Arrancar VI 
and Monil IV.  He saw space combat against Klingons as a Helmsman aboard 
the FARSTAR.  

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion and Service History
2241.210: Entered Starfleet Academy
2245.159: Commissioned as an Ensign (O-1)
2245.159: Assigned Assistant Engineer, USS SAGAN NCC-0218 
2246.366: Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2)
2247.222: Assigned Helmsman, USS ERASMUS NCC-0464
2248.199: Assigned Navigator, USS ERASMUS NCC-0464
2249.010: Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3)
2249.059: Assigned Executive Officer, OUTPOST 14 (ROMULAN NTRL ZONE)
2250.359: Assigned Commander, OUTPOST 14 (ROMULAN NEUTRAL ZONE)
2251.010: Assigned Assistant Engineer, SB 10
2252.058: Assigned Science Office, USS CYGNUS NCC-1182  
2253.010: Assigned Chief Engineer, USS FARSTAR NCC-0945
2255.212: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
2255.360: Assigned Engineer, SB 12
2259.018: Assigned Chief Engineer, USS HOOD NCC-1703
2260.145: Assigned First Officer/Navigation Officer, USS HOOD NCC-1703

B.  Medals and Commendations
Starfleet Commendation Award x3
Combat Action Award
Medal of Merit - Exosciences
Outstanding Unit Citation

V. Skills Profile
Redbelt Level 1, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.  

VI. Recent Fitness Reports
Sean Merrick is in top athletic condition.  12 minute 4 km runtime.  
90 Push-ups in 2 minutes.  70 sit-ups in 2 minutes.  No physical 
limitations found.  Right shoulder dislocation related to Jiu-Jitsu 
tournament competition fully healed.  No diseases or conditions found.  
He is cleared for active duty.  

-- Physician Assitant Beltris
   Staff Attending, Starbase 12

VII. Psychological Profile
LCDR Sean Merrick continues to struggle with his grief over his ex-wife's 
death.  This has not adversely affected his professional performance.  If 
anything, his concentration on his work has stepped up a notch according 
to his superiors.  I recommend bi-annual evaluations unless otherwise 
indicated for 2 years.  

-- CDR Arca'al Wris 2059.064
   Staff Psychologist, Starbase 12

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Sean reads and contributes regularly to Starfleet's starship exosciences 
white pages.  


Wolf Northan


Name:           Northan, Wolf Sebastian
Rank:           Lieutenant (0-3) 
Billet:         Unassigned
Gender:         Male 
Age:            30
Species:        Human

Birthplace:     Des Moines, New Iowa
Birthday:       August 7
Citizenship:    United Federation of Planets
Religion:       Christian (non-denominational)

Height:         186 cm/6'1'' 
Weight:         94 kg/208 lbs 
Skin:           White
Hair:           Medium Brown 
Eyes:           Gray

Appearance:     Close shaven hair, usually wears a perpetually bemused smile, 
                and bears a small scar under his left ear.  

Spouse:         Never Married
Children:       None

Father:         Anweer Drayven (Foster) - Deceased
Mother:         Jela Drayven (Foster) (Maiden Name: Caligan) - Age 51
Siblings:       Heather Drayven (Foster) - Age 25
Note:           Records of Wolf's biological are not available.  


A. Service History
24080802: Accepted to Starfleet Academy
24130704: Commissioned as ENS (O-1) 
24100705: Assigned to advanced training at ALB
24100821: Assigned FCO, USS TOKYO
24110115: Promoted to LTjg (O-2)
24140301: Assigned to SB EPSILON advanced engineering training
24140913: Assigned ENG, USS TOKYO
24150224: Assigned to SB EPSILON advanced operations training
24150224: Promoted to LT (O-3)
24150410: Granted leave to accompany evacuation convoy to Quennor Colony
24150815: Assigned OPS/2O, USS LYSANDER
24150915: Ended tour as OPS, USS LYSANDER

B. Medals and Commedations

Endo/Exo Atmospheric Flight Control 
General Sciences 
General Starship Engineering 
Space War Tactics 
Wilderness Survival


Excellent upper and lower body strength.  Immunizations up to date as of 
SD 150101.  No other significant medical history.  

A. Academy Notes
Major(s):      Starship Engineering and Scientific Phenomena
Minor(s):      Flight Control and Space War Tactics
Grade Average:     A-
Graduation Rank:   34/211
Graduating Thesis: Overcoming Subspace Sheer In D-Warp

B. Personal History
      Wolf Northan survived a difficult childhood, growing up in a secluded 
frontier colony in the home of estranged parents and few privileges.  After his 
father died, several lugubrious men floated in and out of his home.  Those who
did not simply ignore him generally beat him him.  

      Wolf escaped from home at 12 years of age by stowing away on a Merchant 
ship.  He evaded discovery and snuck aboard the ERISON outpost station deep 
inside the frontier.  He survived in seclusions on what emergency ration bars 
he could steal and the vermin he could hunt.  Using a durasteel beam he raided
a nest of Cardassian vols and made it his sleeping den.  Day by day, he 
explored the station's innards until he became an expert on every hiding hole 
and source of sustinence to be found.  

      He was surprised one day to wake up to a petit girl staring him in the 
face.  The boisterous child was named Heather, she told him stoutly, and she was
7 years old.  Her parents were visiting the station in their cargo hauler.  

      Wolf tried to get this girlish curiosity to leave him alone over the next 
few days, but no matter where in the station he hid, she would find him.  She 
proved an excellent friend, bringing him tidbits from her dinner, and even an 
arch welder gun for added protection.  In trade, she insisted forced him to 
improve his manners.

      Wolf was just becoming accustomed to Heather's endearing nature when a 
band of Naith raiders attacked the station, captured her parents, and made the 
post their base of operation.  For days the young pair skulked the Jeffries 
Tubes, exploiting opportunities to rescue various crewmen, sabotage the 
station, and send out a call for help.  It took ten days, but a starship 
finally arrived and saved everyone.  

      The impression that the Starfleet rescuers made on Wolf changed the 
course of his life.  From then on, he wanted to be one of them.  Heather's 
parents accepted the responsibility of fostering Wolf and, though the process 
was long and often painful, turned him into a respectable young man.  When he 
came of age, he applied to and was accepted to Starfleet Academy.  

C. Personality
      Wolf is a decidedly rough and tough persona.  His straightforward and 
determinined manner is intimidating to some, but generally appreciated by his 
commanding officers.  By it he has earned a reputation for getting the job 
done.  He refuses to suffer excuses, inaction, and slacking.  At the same time,
he respects the private lives of his subordinates.  He believes that there are 
only three reasons for having to work beyond the regular shift schedule in his
department.  Either he has poorly planned for the day, the crewman has been a 
poor worker, or they are in the middle of an emergency.  

      Anger management remains a constant struggle for Wolf.  His Christian 
upbringing by his foster parents has tempered him.  Nevertheless, he can be 
quite harsh in his criticisms, especially when things are going wrong.  This 
has led to demoralizatoin of his subordinates on a few occasions.  In spite of 
these failings, he is a surprisingly patient man when it comes to long term
task completion.  

D. Personal Notes
Ambitions:   Starship command.
Hobbies:     Wrestling.  Cave exploration.
Quirks:      Eats Vols.  
Likes:       Dark, cramped places.
Annoyances:  Slackers.  Having to work past his shift.  
Habits:      Bites his fingernails.
Admires:     Innocence, fortitude, Vols.  


Ella Serenidad

I. Personal Data	Created: SD 24170926	Last Updated: SD 24210617

A. Basic Data
Name: 		Estrella "Ella" Azul de Serenidad
Rank: 		Lieutenant Commander (LCDR) (O-4)
Billet: 	Unassigned

B. Ethnic Background
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 29 Terran Standard Years (as of SD 170926)
Birthdate: 26 September 2388
Birthplace: Sicarax
Citizenship: UFP (Naturalized from Sicarax)
Religion: Christian (Universal Heritage Church)

C. Family
Parents: Mattheo and Catalina Serenidad
Siblings: None.
Spouse: None.
Children: None.

D. Physical Description
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 105 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Complexion: Light Mocha
Appearance: Surprisingly youthful appearance as though she were still in 
her late teens. She possesses a well toned, athletically proportioned 
feminine figure. Her most recent hairstyle is wavy and shoulder-length. 
Her brown eyes are usually warmly compassionate, with a hint of pain 
since her artifical bioimplants were removed.

II. Promotion and Service Record

A. Chronologic History
24080601 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
24120501 Graduated with majors in Nanotechnology, Neurology, and 
          Spacewar Tactics.
24120501 Commissioned as ENS (0-1).
24120512 Assigned as SCI, USS DIOGENES.
24130902 Promoted to LTjg (0-2).
24131003 Assigned as CSO, USS DIOGENES.
24140602 Promoted to LT (0-3).
24150629 Assigned as CSO, USS ENDURANCE.
24170926 Promoted to LCDR (0-4).
24170926 Assigned as CSO, USS KIROV.

B. Commendations

C. Reprimands

III. Educational Background

A. Educational Overview
As an exceptionally gifted scholar, Serenidad has published doctorate 
thesis in Nanotechnology, Neurology, and Spacewar Tactics. 

B. Qualifications
-- Operations Officer
-- Science Officer
-- Security Officer

IV. Medical Notes

Serenidad exhibits Vulcan-like focus, highly abstract thinking, advanced 
mental processing speed, and a nearly photographic memory. Her projected 
lifespan is expected to exceed 500 years. All these abilities are due to 
the ongoing Sicaraxan eugenics program begun at the colony's founding.

Until recently, Serenidad's "natural" abilities were enhanced by a series 
of artificial implants. She had artificial eyes that interface with three 
bioimplants in her cortex. These permitted her to visually process data 
files stored within her implants as well as improve physical 

Other implants in her cerebellum gave her acrobatic agility. Buried 
within her bones lay a personal shield generator, site-to-site 
transporter, and various energy weapons. Stored elsewhere were nanite 
workers to keep her artifical parts working and as anti-borg combatants. 

All of her artificial devices were surgically removed on SD 180403. Her 
homeworld had ordered this aciton for all Sicaraxans serving in Starfleet 
and in governmental offices throughout the Federation. It was deemed a 
politically necessary gesture in the planet's application for Federation 
membership. Serenidad looks forward to the day when her enhanced 
abilities will be restored to her. 


V. Biographical Notes

Sicarax was founded in the 22nd Century by a group of Earth scientists 
with the intention of creating a genetically advanced society. The colony 
flourished in peace until galactic politics drew a border with an 
unfriendly 23rd Century Klingon Empire only a few light years away. 
Sicarax applied for and received protection from the Federation, but not 
membership. The planet was quarantined to protect Federation Society from 
the dangers perceived by the eugenics program.

Political attitudes required over a hundred years to cool before Sicarax 
successfully lobbied the Federation Council to allow some of the 
colonists to apply for citizenship. Young Estrella Serenidad's parents 
were among the first applicants. Her parents entered Federation society 
as diplomats and quickly made names for themselves working with the 

The frequent diplomatic trips to and from Tholian space gave Serenidad a 
taste for life among the stars. Still, she had to apply twice to Starfleet 
before friendly Federation Council members could push her through 
admissions. The screening board admitted reluctance to shouldering 
responsibility for the obvious political consequences that Serenidad's 
career would bring. Once in the Academy, however, Serenidad enjoyed the 
fact that she performed better than most anyone else at nearly everything 
she did.

While Serenidad appreciated her abilities, she has been incessantly 
drilled by her parents, mentors, and friends not to flaunt her talents or 
to develop attitudes of inherent superiority. As an adult, she came to 
appreciate just how closely political entities within Starfleet, the 
Federation Council, and her homeworld Sicarax were watching her 
integration. Her success or failure would directly affect her homeworld's 
ongoing pursuit of Federation membership. 

V. Personality Notes

A. Ambitions
Serenidad seeks to build political connections through Starfleet, then 
run for the Federation Council. She wishes nothing less than to speed the 
Federation's march toward symbiosis with the synthetic. She sees this as 
the next inevitable step in human evolution. 

B. Personality
Serenidad is intellectual, deeply spiritual, and quietly passionate about 
her political views. She is aware of the Federation's reluctance to 
indulge in artificial human enhancements and guards her more shocking 
opinions on eugenics. Since the Sicaraxan authorities ordered its 
citizens working within the Federation to abandon their artificial 
bio-devices, Serenidad's loyalty has been severly tested. Her cool 
confidence has shifted to near constant unease as she struggles to adapt 
to life without her enhancements. She feels far less secure personally 
without her body defenses. 

She treasures friendship, loyalty, and integrity. She does not trust 
anyone easily. Those who betray her trust find it nearly impossible to 
regain it. 

C. Favorite Things
Favorite Scriptures: I Corinthians 15:54; I Thessalonians 4:13-14
Favorite Color: Cream
Favorite Beverage: Sucar Rojo (Sweet, blood red beverage)
Favorite Food: Cheese

D. Hobbies
Christian Studies
Strategy simulations

E. Idiosyncracies
She is always eager to argue philosphy, religion, and politics. 

F. Spiritual Beliefs
Many find it remarkable that a genetically superior human converted to 
Christianity. Serenidad claims that a classmate, Taka Kwihani, first 
challenged her on the subject of comparing religions. Kwihani helped her 
recognize the futility of existence without the hope of everlasting life. 
From there it was a two year walk toward becoming convinced that she had 
found the "right" religion. Of course, she admits to a habit of 
constantly double-checking the evidence, arguments, and her own personal 
reasons for believing. Religious debate is a favorite passtime of hers. 

G. Weaknesses
Technological accessories. 
The temptation to show off, especially in competitive sports. 
Any philosophical debate relating to meaning of life, the universe, and 


Everet Snow

Commander of Public Affairs:  RADM Everet Teague Snow (Last Update SD 140918)
I. Personal Data

Name:            Snow, Everet Teague
Current Rank:    Rear Admiral (O-8)
Current Billet:  COMPA, SB ALPHA
Species:         Homo spaiens sapiens (Terran Human)

Gender/Sex:      Male
Age:             51 Terran Standard Years (as of SD 140918)
Date of Birth:   September 18, 2362
Place of Birth:  Des Moines, Iowa, USA, Terra/Sol III

Parents:         Samuel S. Snow
                 Karen L. Snow (Maiden Name: Winsorset)
Siblings:        Marc and Jesse Snow
Spouse:          Irena Snow (Maiden Name: Paskin)
Children:        Tyler, Ringold, and Sherry

Physical Description:
                 HT: 182 cm/6'0''
                 WT: 91 kg/200 lbs
                 Eyes: Brown
                 Hair: Gray
                 Comp: Fair
Blood Type:      O+
Vision:          O: 0.00, S: 0.00 (20/20)

Religion:        Christian (non-denominational)
Citizenship:     Terra/Sol III, UFP

II. Official Star Fleet Record

Promotion History:
     140809  Promoted to CAPT (O-6)
     140918  Promoted to RADM (O-8)

Service History:
     140809  Assigned as DEPCOMPA
     140918  Assigned as COMPA


Lemitt Vornholt

Chief Security Officer: LCDR Lemitt Kras Vornholt
Name:           Vornholt, Lemitt Kras 
Rank:           LCDR (0-4) 
Billet:         CSO, USS DAEDALUS 

Gender:         Male 
Age:            37 
Species:        Human 
Birthplace:     Hell, Michigan; Earth/Terra/Sol III
Citizenship:    UFP
Religion:       Christianity (no denomination claimed)  

Height:         190 cm/6'3'' 
Weight:         97 kg/215 lbs 
Skin:           Dark Brown (African American Decent)
Hair:           Black 
Eyes:           Gray

Service History: 
061202:  Commissioned as ENS (O-1) 
061202:  Assigned aSEC, USS TSUNAMI 
070601:  Promoted to LTjg (O-2)
070601:  Assigned CSO, USS TOKYO 
080917:  Assigned CSO, USS MARATHON 
101029:  Promoted to LT (0-3) 
101029:  Assigned OPS, USS MARATHON 
110105:  Attended Space War College 
120215:  Assigned CIC, USS WYVERN 
130910:  Promoted to LCDR (O-4) 
130915:  Assigned CSO, USS DAEDALUS
         (NRPG: Vornholt left DEADALUS for 2 weeks to take on a classified
         mission.  For his safety, no official record exists of his 
         activities during that time.)

Medals and Commedations: 
Purple Heart 

Fleet tactics 
Security procedure 
Black belt karate 
Splendid chicken lasagna 
Practical Jokes

Suffered a shattered C5-7 vertebral bodies and neuro deficit to shoulders 
and arms.  Reconstruction restored 98% of sensitivity and motor control.  

     In pursuit of the most complete biofile possible, this biographer 
sought the familial attatchments of one Lemitt Kras Vornholt.  The 
Vornholt clan is a squirly bunch.  They live in a serene suburban 
community in the outskirts of Hell, Michigan.  Upon my first request for 
an interview, they all flatly denied any knowledge of a Lemitt Kras 
     Further inquiries quickly uncovered a conspiracy silence.  Lemitt 
Kras did in fact live.  An anonymous family source claimed that he had 
incurred ancestoral shame.  It seems he had been caught naked in a certain 
bar on Argelius II.  The informant began to describe a place where the 
women are so....  For decency's sake, this biographer declined further 
     Fortunately, the source eventually admitted that a practical joke was 
afoot.  The family proved happy to answer my questions.  Here are the 
fruits of that interview.
     Lemitt Kras Vornholt.  His childhood was typical.  Summers in 
Kenboat, Atlantis.  Lugguie lessons from his brothers.  In the fall he 
would make leaf helmets and play Foot Soldier.  When he was insolant he 
was placed in a corner and ignored until contrition.  Lemitt has met a lot
 of corners in his lifetime.  Or so his mother says.  
     Lemitt claims fond memories of the Academy.  At the tender age of 18 
the Black Pi fraternity visciously abducted Lemitt into their underground 
organization.  First he had his scrotum shorn.  Then he was coerced into 
reciting the object lessons to all 129 Adventures of Flotter.  The 
ultimate humiliation, however, involved a mud bath.  Lemitt would not give 
details.  He only mentioned something about an infestation of rectally 
feeding sucker worms.  To quote Lemitt, "Those were the days."
     The ensuing starfleet career proved merciless.  His one adventurous 
tour with the TSUNAMI (later destroyed), propelled him to chief of 
security aboard the destroyer TOKYO.  There, a superior's lack of 
professionalism cost him a friend's life.  Later that same tour, a trusted
associate secretly betrayed the crew during the Ulando Crisis.  Lemitt 
discovered the betrayal too late to save seven shipmates.  The crisis put 
Lemitt himself in the infirmary for about 3 months.  During his 
convalescence, the unnamed traitor attempted to frame various senior 
officers for incompetence, deriliction of duty, cowardice, and even 
treason.  A witch hunt inquest afterward ruined the careers of several 
good officers and cast serious doubt on Lemitt's.  
     Despite these setbacks, Lemitt proved himself too good an officer to 
quit.  Enjoying the support of his commanding officer, he found a home on 
the MARATHON.  His tactical prowess at Iggy IV saved the ship in the face 
of a superior Naith force.  Eventually he was recommended to the Space War 
College for further training.  During an extended assignment to the WYVERN 
as CIC, he helped fight renegade Romulans, Orion Pirates, and even the 
Deity of Ulando.  
     Lemitt has to deal with a lot of buried anger.  Far too many people 
have severely disappointed him for him to trust easily.  There is little 
space in his heart to tolerates insincerity and sloth.  He cares little 
for other people's opinions of himself though it is hard to call Lemitt 
traditional arrogant.  He is confident in his strengths, but learns from 
mistakes and from anyone who talks sense.  
     Interestingly, a witty sense of humor commands his appreciation.  He 
holds that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery so, since 18 months 
of age, he has labored to play as many practical jokes as he believes the 
Almighty has played on him.  
     Under the crunch, Lemitt is objective, cool, and precise.  Well, that 
is what he would like to think anyway.  The truth is that nothing scared
him more than his Space War College thesis presentation.  At least he 
     To be fair, Lemitt deals equibly with his subordinates.  To be blunt, 
his superiors wished he would be more of a tight mouth.  He can be 
scathingly brutal in his criticism against those guilty of ignoring what 
they know better.  A trio of close friends aboard the WYVERN have helped 
him to shed some of his cynicism and bitterness.  
     Leadership, in his book, is by example.  His life is disciplined, but 
hardly spartan.  He is careful to positively reinforce and praise his staff 
(he censors his more biting mental comments for their benefit).  He has a 
soft spot for helping out crewmen who honestly need a break.  He is thought 
well of by many, despised by a some (for his practical jokes and upstanding 
decency), and appreciated generally as an all-together wholesome guy.  
Officers who have served with him say they are happy to have him on their 
side...most of the time.  

     Biofile Summary: Lemitt K. Vornholt 
     Unleashed SD 130907 
     ENS Vance Wynning 
     Starfleet Public Relations 


Maya Zhunio

Counselor:  LT(jg) Maya Gemma Zhunio Hastings (Updated SD 150914)

Name:		Zhunio, Maya Gemma
Rank:	 	LT(jg) (O-2)
Billet:	 	aCNS, USS KIROV
Species:     	Homo sapiens sapiens

Gender:	 	Female
Age:		33 Terran Standard Years
Birthday:     	23 June, 2380 
Birthplace: 	Cuenca, Earth/Sol III

Height:		163 cm/5'4'' 
Weight:		46 kg/102 lbs 
Skin:		Light Brown
Hair:		Black 
Eyes:		Dark Brown
Maya usually exhibits a sweet, nurturing expression.  Her ample lips are 
set above a square jaw that tappers sharply into a rounded chin.  She 
almost always wears rose-red lipstick and fruity perfume scents.  Maya 
possess an exceedingly slender and delicate figure.  Her off-duty dress
is designed to accentuate the subtle curves of her frame.  She prefers 
her wavy black hair at shoulder length with bangs reaching the eyebrows.


Promotion History:
120122  Commissioned as ENS (O-1)
130601  Promoted to LT(jg) (O-2)

Service History:
120601  Entered Starfleet Academy  
130601  Completed Staff Officer's Training School
130601  Completed Field Xenomedicine Training School
130728  Assigned CNS, USS KIROV (Orders Countermanded before taking billet)
140201  Assigned aCNS, USS KIROV
150103  Assigned Counselor in Starfleet Disaster Recovery Program
150914  Assigned as Support Personel to the TESLA II  
160519  Assigned as aCNS, USS KIROV

Medals and Commedations:


PhD Family Crisis Counseling


     Maya Zhunio's height and weight are barely below standards for female 
officers.  Due to the present dearth of counselors in Star Fleet, Medical 
has waved the physical requirements.  Her body tone and strength are up to 
standards.  Eye sight and reflexes are good.  No history of significant 
physical illness.

     Continued counseling is needed to combat acrophobia diagnosed in 
adolescence.  However, given the nature of her previous crisis counseling 
experience, Academy stress testing, and fitness interviews, Star Fleet 
Medical approves this officer for active duty.


     Friends of Maya describe a demure, forgiving, loyal, quiet, sensitive, 
and sentimental young woman.  Her unimposing persona has lulled even the most 
affected patients into yielding trustfulness.  Acquaintences know well that 
her gentle exterior conceals a star-fire passion for healing hearts.  She 
carries on this work with unblemished professionalism.

     Maya considers herself a teenager at heart in that she loves to learn
something new each day.  Her philosophy of life is to stay happy so that she 
can help others to be happy.  She owns a remarkable ability to make snap 
decisions in a crisis.  This trait has astonished friends since she is 
notorious for her indecisive nature.  

     Miss Zhunio remains apathetic toward male advances at this time.  
Despite an eight year drought of communication with her ex-fiancee, she 
knows her heart has always longed for him.  Shortly before completing her 
own Star Fleet training, she reestablished ties with a most receptive 
Hastings.  She remains optimistic that they will make the most of their 
second chance together.

Beliefs:     	Christian (non-denominational)

Interests: 	Relationships
		Salsa (ancient Latin dance style)

Likes:	 	God
		Marcus Hastings
		Christian Studies
		Ecuadorian Mountains

Quriks:      	Hates Waiting (but does it better than some)
		Screams at the sight of rodents
		Uncomfortable around Ferengi (they look like large rats to her)
		Hates having to make decisions
		Becomes very quiet when angry

Weaknesses:	Anything requiring great patience
		Anything chocholate
		Marcus Hastings
		Fear of heights
		Fear of rodents
Family:		Parents:  Juan and Graciella Zhunio (Maiden name Saviajo)
		Siblings: Maria Eugenia Alanzi
		          Pilar Zhunio
		Spouse:   None
		Children: None

     Maya Zhunio hails from the charming spanish-colonial settlement of 
Cuenca.  Embraced by the evergreen Andes Mountains, Maya called this city home 
for 27 years.  She once remarked, "The only thing cold about Cuenca is its 
weather."  In that cold city she flourished: warmed by the bosom of familial 
comfort and intimate Latin society.  

     Despite this ideal setting, Zhunio suffered a tortuous loss of innocence 
there.  At age 23, she became the obssession of a most abusive man.  To this 
day, her two year ordeal with him remains so raw that she refuses to speak his 
name.  She reveals only that she knew hate for the first time because of him.  

     Maya's natural resilience kept her from failing academically.  Emotionally, 
however, she bore formidible wounds.  While she kept close friends and attended 
school, she shied from society.  

     Her long winter finally ended at age 25.  While she was completing her 
master's in counseling, the sensitive manner of a visiting missionary, one 
Marcus Hastings, captured her heart.  A sweet and innocent romance ignited 
between them almost immediately.  Marcus felt so passionately about Maya that 
he proposed marriage mere months later.  Although Maya accepted 
enthusiastically, Marcus quickly realized his emotional inability to handle both 
medical school and a serious relationship.  The young man broke off the 
engagement a short time later.

     Not one day has passed that Maya does not think of her beloved prince.  His
loving support helped heal her.  So, despite her newly broken heart, she felt 
inspired to be a strength for others as Marcus had been for her.  She threw 
herself into her work and completed her PhD in family crisis counseling at age 
27.  Shortly thereafter, she joined a UFP disaster counseling task force.  She 
has since provided crisis therapy on over half a dozen worlds.  

     Maya came to Star Fleet's attention after her heroic actions during a 
pirate attack on Garoth IV.  At first, she accepted requests to present a week of 
after-action lectures to the Academy.  By the end of the week, the deputy head 
of Star Fleet Counseling had offered her a seat in the next year's professional
recruits class.

     Zhunio recollects how she would have turned down the offer had she not 
noticed a certain young doctor walking on campus earlier that day.  It did not
take her long to confirm that one unattached Marcus Hastings was finishing his 
own training that month.  Maya then schemed to join Star Fleet and seek a 
posting near her long lost fiancee.  

UPDATE 150103

     Maya's journey to marital happiness came to completion in a wedding to 
Marcus Jeffrey Hastings on Earth in her hometown of Cuenca, Ecuador.  The 
couple looks forward to working together as part of a Starfleet task force for
frontier disaster recovery.  



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