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GOLD Fleet Insignia

DEEP SPACE 13 Crew Biofiles
Version 2.4 (Updated SD 190523)



CO- Commanding Officer		CSciO- Chief Science Officer
XO- Executive Officer		PRO- Protocol Officer
OPS- Operations Manager		CMO- Chief Medical Officer
CIC- Combat Information Center	COU- Counselor
TAC/CSO- Chief Tactical/        MCoC- Marine Company Commander
	Security Officer	MPlC- Marine Platoon Commander
FCO- Flight Control Officer	OSFI- Intelligence Liaison
ENG- Chief Engineering Officer	CON- Constable (Civilian Security)


aCO        CDR	 Rivenda April, RN    Female   Human
XO         CDR   Adrian Makkedor      Male     Human
OPS        LT    William Scores       Male     Nanite Collective
TAC/CSO    LTJG  Juliana Lorress      Female   Human
FCO        LT    Asri Kaethe          Male     Unknown   
CSciO      LTJG  David Henderson      Male     Human
PRO        LT    Lyrica Shae          Female   Betazoid
MCoC       LTM   Charles Howden       Male     Human
MPlC       2LT   Kevin Stone          Male     Human
OSFI       LCDR  Serl Montoya         Male     Derian


POSITION                CHARACTER            GENDER   RACE
Gorn Hegemony AMB	Linkri Saresh	     Female   Gorn
Federation AMB          Ayako Kimura         Female   Human


April		   Sean Murphy		murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
Makkedor	   Scott Lusby		co-circe[at]alt-starfleet-rpg[dot]org
Scores		   Bruce Summa		bsumma[at]grm[dot]net
Lorress		   Susanne Dubrov	susan197011[at]yahoo[dot]com
Kaethe             Ryan Eanes           rseanes[at]gmail[dot]com
Shae		   Robin Murphy		murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
Henderson	   Andrew Bell		llebwerdna[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au
Howden             Mark Mosher          col.howden[at]gmail[dot]com
Stone              Michael Bursey       m_bursey[at]hotmail[dot]com
Montoya		   Andrea Mills		amills[at]gallatinriver[dot]net
Saresh		   Tess Gratton         cwythan[dot]wind[at]gmail[dot]com
Kimura             Kyungmi Kim          byunhosa64[at]sbcglobal[dot]net


CDR Rivenda April, Acting Commanding Officer

Lieutenant Commander Rivenda April, DS13
Name: Rivenda Clarise April
Rank: Commander (0-5)
Serial: 9021-345-021
Race: Human Terran
Date of Birth: 01-16-2388

Service Record: =^=
100528 - Graduation Star Fleet Academy Commissioned Ensign 
101015 - Graduation ALB 
101025 - Assigned USS PERSEPHONE FCO 
110118 - Promoted to Lt.(jg) 
110201 - Transferred to USS LEVIATHAN FCO 
110816 - Assigned USS LEVIATHAN CIC 
111225 - Promoted to LT. 
120215 - Assigned USS LEVIATHAN OPS Manager
150326 - Promoted to Lt.Cdr
160510 - Board of Inquiry - Lost Line Status
160510 - Assigned Head Nurse Orestes Medical Pavilion
160903 - Assigned USS CIRCE CEO
160925 - Line status reinstated; Reassigned USS CIRCE OPS
171201 - Transferred as XO, DEEP SPACE 13
181127 - Promoted to CDR; assigned as Acting CO, DEEP SPACE 13


Awards & Decorations

Combat Action Ribbon - Briol Campaign
Combat Action Ribbon - Woren Conflict
Combat Action Ribbon - Battle of the Belt
Campaign ribbon - Briol Campaign
Campaign Ribbon - Tybiiran Campaign
Silver Star - Briol Campaign
Silver Star - Second Battle of the Belt
Pike Medallion for Heroic Injury - Briol Campaign
Pike Medallion for Heroic Injury - Battle of the Belt
Bronze Star- Battle of the Belt
Pike Medallion for Heroic Injury - Second Battle of the Belt 
Starfleet Commendation Medal- Woren Conflict 
GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon- Woren Conflict
Alpha Quadrant Service Ribbon- Woren conflict 
Captain's Commendation - Woren Conflict
Beta Quadrant Service Ribbon - Briol Campaign


= TAC/SEC Officers Exam
= FCO Exam
= Lead/Charge Nurse Qualified
= Incident Command System - Medical Commander
= Ship board Operations & Command Course - OPS
= Junior Bridge Officer Exam
= Senior Bridge Officers Exam
= CIC Manager Test
= Shuttle Pilot Instructor

===LTM Charles Howden, Marine Company Commander===
* played by [mailto:col.howden@gmail.com Mark Mosher]

NAME: Charles Michael Howden
DATE OF BIRTH: 15th of February, 2337
PLACE OF BIRTH: Rock Hill, South Carolina, Earth
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 228lbs
EYE COLOUR: Dark Brown

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Muscular, well-defined body features, in excellent physical health and condition for a man of his age
LIKES: Discipline, people that have good attention to detail
DISLIKES: Ignorance, rude behavior and individuals that don't know when they have crossed the line
STRENGTHS: Commanding presence, superior tactician
WEAKNESSES: Very quick tempered, impatient at times
HOBBIES: Working out, reading strategies from all manners of wars, spending time in the holodeck



2355-2358: Marine Corps Officer Training Program
2358-2360: Intelligence Officer, Intelligence Team XI (2nd Lt.)
2360-2362: Weapons/Demolitions Expert, Intelligence Team XI (1st Lt.)
2362-2364: Infiltration Expert, Intelligence Team XI (Lt. Maj.)
2364-2366: Strategic Operations Officer/Second Officer, Intelligence Team XI (Lt. Maj.)
2366: Acting Executive Officer/ Strategic Operations Officer, Intelligence Team XI (Major)
2367-2369: Executive Officer, Intelligence Team XI (Major)
2369-2370: Marine War College
2370-2373: Executive Officer, Intelligence Team XI (Major)
2373-2475: Assistant to the Starfleet Intelligence Director, Starfleet Intelligence Headquarters (Major)
2375-2410: MIA/Presumed KIA (Metabolic Stasis)
2411: Debriefing, Office of Star Fleet Intelligence 
2412-2414: Mandatory retirement from Star Fleet service
2415-2418: Marine Platoon Commander, USS MONITOR, NCC-31849 (Lt. Maj.)
2419: Marine Company Commander, Deep Space 13 (Lt. Maj.)


Federation Standard


Charles Howden grew up in the rural town of Rock Hill, South Carolina. His childhood was rather normal for a child of such upbringing, with no unusual happenings occurring for most of his first 18 years of life. While he spent a good majority of his time playing sports, and otherwise building his body, Charles also spent a good portion of his time in libraries, studying Earth history, mainly the history of Earth wars. 


Charles Howden grew up in the rural town of Rock Hill, South Carolina. His childhood was rather normal for a child of such upbringing, with no unusual happenings occurring for most of his first 18 years of life. While he spent a good majority of his time playing sports, and otherwise building his body, Charles also spent a good portion of his time in libraries, studying Earth history, mainly the history of Earth wars. 

During his four years at Starfleet Academy, Charles Howden showed remarkable skill for managing personnel and planning battle strategies. His leadership skills were surprisingly developed for someone so young, and his ability to garner results from anyone he was placed with was the subject of much admiration. 

Because of the unusual request made by Cmdr. Grindle to recruit the up and coming Marine Cadet, several high ranking officials with Starfleet Intelligence approached 2Lt. Howden with an offer. They suspected that Grindle had some ulterior plans beyond simple career ambition; unfortunately all internal operatives had been discovered and ousted. Their hope was that, having only recently come up through the Academy, 2Lt. Howden would be able to effectively infiltrate the team's inner sanctum and if the need arose, prevent Grindle from carrying out anything untoward. Because of Howden's fierce sense of loyalty to the Corps and Starfleet, he accepted their 'deal' and waited for graduation. 

Upon leaving the Academy, 2nd Lt. Howden was given the position with Cmdr. Grindle's Intelligence Team. Upon actually meeting Howden, Commander Brian Grindle saw great potential in the fresh faced young 2nd Lt. This being the case because of his superior ability to garner trust and information from people he came into contact with. 2nd Lt. Howden's first assignment was as an Intelligence Officer, a position that gave him broad experiences and contact with virtually all the members of the large intelligence team. After a few years serving as an Intel officer, 2nd Lt. Howden requested that he be transferred to an area where he would gain a much more useful set of skills to aid him in his mission. 

His request was granted in the form of Weapons and Demolitions Expert, where he spent several months training with some of the best operatives in the field. Because of his desire to learn, Lt. Howden mastered most of what he was taught, though his level of competence began to fall off after he was exposed to the most complicated and hard to master weapons and explosives. This did not diminish his effectiveness, however, and he went on to serve in the post with remarkable flair and style. Several notable, though classified engagements with Federation enemies saw the inventive use of explosives not only to distract and confound the enemy, but to aid the team in the completion of their missions, something that greatly impressed Captain Grindle. 

His next transfer was one that now 1st Lt. Howden never asked for. Because of his undisputed mastery of all things destructive, Capt. Grindle decided to test Lt. Howden's ability to use stealth and cunning to get a job done, rather than brute force and a hail of weapons fire. Such a complete shift in roles was indeed a challenge for the Marine, and though he would later succeed in mastering even that, his early attempts proved less than masterful. His first mission as an Infiltration Expert proved too much for his limited experience with the covert world. In the midst of a rather important and highly classified mission, Lt. Howden inadvertently destroyed a power distribution network, causing himself and several team members to be discovered and captured after a lengthy battle against superior numbers. Thankfully a rescue operation swiftly spirited them away before their existence could be made public and their entire mission compromised. Subsequent missions proved far more successful, and Lt. Howden's exploits soon earned him a promotion to Lieutenant Major. 

A year after his promotion to Lieutenant Major, Maj. Howden found himself taking on a role that he, in his mind, had been born to fulfill, that of Strategic Operations Officer. His prowess for planning and effectively utilizing the strengths of the individual members of a team to execute nearly flawless missions within enemy territory earned him much respect among his peers and superiors. At the end of his third year as the Strategic Operations Officer, the Intelligence Team found themselves faced with a tragic loss. On a mission to infiltrate a Romulan outpost suspected of making raids on Federation holdings near the Neutral Zone, the team's Executive Officer was discovered, savagely tortured, and put to death. This sent shockwaves through the team, and morale was crippled for months. 

The news suddenly reached Maj. Howden that he would be filling in as the Executive Officer until a suitable candidate was found. Such news seemed to instantly stave off the tide of poor morale, though he did very little in the way of run the team as his duties as a strategist took up most of his time. A year after his appointment as Acting Executive officer, Commodore Grindle came to Major Howden with new orders. It seemed that his service to the team in the dual role had garnered him much support and much admiration for the Commodore's cause. 

With the permanent title of Executive Officer, Major Howden was given the task of removing agents that could not be trusted. The Major did the Commodore's bidding with ruthless efficiency, sweeping through the large intelligence team in a matter of months. The loyal ITXI members stood firmly behind their Executive Officer, and began to do much of his work for him to prove their worth to him and Commodore Grindle. Within a year, Major Howden had solidified Commodore Grindle's position within the intelligence community, which gained him a class date to the Marine War College.

The year spent in the War College was mainly to learn the principles of commanding units in the Corps, and had little to do with his duties as an Intelligence Officer, though none but the Commandant knew that he was an intelligence officer of great skill and prowess. Despite never having been a part of a standard Marine Company, Major Howden's natural leadership abilities and adaptable nature gained him a graduation with honors, something even the Commandant of the College thought was out of his reach given his knowledge base. 

Upon returning to Intelligence Team XI, Maj. Howden began to place the operatives he knew he could trust in various locations to facilitate the culmination of Commodore Grindle's plans. The Dominion War, which started three years after his return to ITXI, greatly impeded their plans. Throughout the War, Maj. Howden and his team were called upon to deal with the covert threats to the Federation, including the Changeling infiltration. While Maj. Howden never saw any front line action, nor did he participate in any of the more widely known battles of the war, he and his team did manage to impact the war and secure their Commanding Officer the office of Director of the Starfleet Intelligence Bureau. 

With Rear Admiral Grindle in the position he had been seeking so very long, Maj. Howden was finally given the orders to implement the plans that had been left on the back burners while the Dominion threat was being dealt with. Over the next three years, various diplomats, representatives, and covert operations outposts were replaced or re-staffed, changes that were meant to bring about Admiral Grindle's domination of the Federation. The sudden involvement of ITIV in the Admiral's grand scheme gave Major Howden the opportunity he'd been waiting for since 2355, the chance to bring Grindle down. While on the surface, he did all that he could to impede ITIV and their mission, once they successfully ousted the Admiral from his position as Director of Intelligence, Major Howden was able to pull his hidden strings and slowly cripple Adm. Grindle and his followers. Using agents that were singularly loyal to him, and not the Admiral's true cause, Howden instrumented dozens of mysterious accidents and disappearances of key allies to the Grindle faction that began to slowly but surely strip the Admiral of his power base in the Federation. 

The failed assassination attempt of President Jaresh-Inyo forced Major Howden to emerge from his hidden position of opposition and take a much more active role in the capture of the renegade Admiral. Together with ITIV, Howden managed to locate the man, who had fled to Romulan space with the aid of some Romulan allies Grindle had kept secret, even from Howden. Armed with the knowledge that the rogue Admiral was using Romulan help to carry out his plan for domination, Major Howden approached the Federation Counsel and presented them with nearly twenty years worth of evidence in an effort to secure a call for action. Such action was indeed called for, and though Major Howden had played a key role in the Admiral's plans, he was granted immunity from prosecution due to both his hidden efforts and the efforts he had made in the forefront to stop Grindle now that he was nearing success. 

Howden led the members of ITIV to Remus, where they encountered the Admiral and his Romulan companions. The ensuing battle was chaotic and devastating, and in the process of Grindle's capture, Major Howden was reported as missing. Starfleet records up to this point indicated that he was presumed killed in action, as no evidence of his being alive could be found, and he never resurfaced anywhere in the Federation. 

Major Howden had not, however, been killed in the effort, successful as it was. He had, however, been wounded severely and found by officers of the Romulan Imperial Navy, who had been dispatched to clean up the mess made by the rebels who were helping Grindle. Whether it was an act of benevolence or sheer luck, Howden was immediately placed in status for his injuries, and somewhere in route was transferred to a medical facility where he would remain, almost forgotten, for thirty-five years. 

Sometime during 2408, Major Howden's status pod was returned to the Federation, however it would not be noticed for a further two years. At the tail end of 2410, Maj. Howden was finally revived and given medical attention for the nearly four decades old injuries he'd suffered, as well as receiving life-extension treatment in an effort to give him back some of the time he'd lost due to his stasis. 

The following year greeted the newly awakened Howden with a battery of debriefings by the current incarnation of Starfleet Intelligence. His entire life history was placed under the microscope. While the investigation provided them with little information they did not already possess, a recommendation was made to have the Major retired from service as a precautionary measure. 

Two years being away from the Corps seemed like an eternity for Howden. While his expertise was of great desire in the civilian security sector, it didn't have the rigid discipline that, to Howden, he had enjoyed and grown accustomed to all his life. To him, the last thirty some odd years had gone by in an instant. And to add insult to injury, he had been forced to retire well before he was ready. 

Howden made several appeals to the Judge Advocate General's office, all but one being denied. The very last attempt saw the uncovering of the Major's Presidential Pardon, while post-humorously awarded, given his MIA/KIA status according to the records of the time, it was still a matter of record and was enough firepower to see that the Major was reinstated. The conditions given to him for his return to service were that he took a demotion to Lieutenant Major, which Howden had very little problem with, and that he was not to reenter the intelligence community ever again. Both conditions were immediately accepted by the man, and he finally was allowed to don the uniform of a Marine once more. 

His first assignment was aboard the USS Monitor as Platoon Commander; an assignment that Howden made great efforts to excel in given his unfamiliarity with the 25 th century. To the Major's surprise, the Marine Corps had had not changed much. The discipline demanded of a Marine was identical to that of his time, and the methods of command were so close to his own that he hardly needed time to adapt. The Monitor's Marine unit was nominated several times as one of the best Fleet Marine Force units in Starfleet, and while they lost to larger units each time, Howden considered it a point of pride that such a small detachment could be on par with the battalions that won the award over them. 

Given the great efforts Maj. Howden put forth to make his unit shine, Starfleet Command decided to give him more responsibility. With a recent vacancy at Deep Space 13, Lt. Major Howden was ordered to take command of Bravo Company, 2 nd Battalion, 1st Marine Expeditionary Unit, and turn it in to one of the best in Gold Fleet.


Other Qualifications:


Marksman - Type I Phaser Expert - Type II Phaser Expert - Type III Phaser

Master Fourth Level Bat'leth Instructor Koshoryu Kenpo


Physical Description:


Ht: 6'4" Wt: 195 Lbs Weightlifter's physique Race: Caucasian, Olive Complexion Hair: Brown, shoulder length Eyes: Brown

IDENTIFIYING MARKS: Celtic Armband Tattoo Left Biceps 3 inches wide Celtic Armband, below other one, 1 inch wide


Education Background:


Bussard High School Brooklyn New York Star Fleet Academy Graduation 052810 Class Rank 5th of 290 - Double Major - Bachelor of Science & Engineering - Weapon Systems Engineering Bachelor of Science Nursing RN License 2409 - Minor - Associates of Applied Science - Xeno-Communications-

    Emphasis Klingon Culture

Thesis: Space Naval Combat, Theories and Tactics of Capital Ship


Medical History:


Allergies: Morphine - Makes Patient per

Hx - Fracture Right Clavicle Horse back riding accident, Central

    Park New York 
    Normal Recovery

Hx - Concussion sustained during the explosion of USS AVALON in

    Bertyl Nebula 
    Normal Recovery

Hx - Ruptured ear drum, laceration to abdomen - First battle of

    the Belt 
    Normal Recovery

Hx - Radiation Exposure - Second Battle of the Belt

    Normal Recovery

Family History:


Father: Captain Johnathan April M.D. Head of Star Fleet CDC Chicago

     Research Facility Xeno-Biologist 

Mother: Captain Deborah April M.D PhD Star Fleet Research & Development

     Chicago Research Facility Bio- Chemist 

No Siblings

Rivenda April is a direct descendant of Captain Robert April, who commanded the USS ENTERPIRSE NCC 1701 from 2245 to 2250. Although he was the last April to sit in the command seat, Rivenda's ambition is correct that. Her goals have made her somewhat of an affectionately thought of "Black Sheep" in her family of Medical Doctors and Scientists, but her parents still love and support her despite their disappointment at her career choice.


Observations and Recommendations:


Midshipman April has proven over and over again her natural knack or the theories of Capital Ship combat. As her instructor these last few years, I have observed her unique blend of being as tenacious as a Klingon on a blood trail, yet, as compassionate as Florence Nightingale. In short, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of her tactical planning.

Commander William Lennox Instructor Capital Ship Combat Star Fleet Academy


Nurse April is by far one of the most intriguing individuals to grace the halls of Star Fleet Medical Training Facility in a long time. She graduated 1st in her class of 120 Nurses, earning her degree in three years, rather than 4. Although this is common, I would like to note she was a double major in Engineering. She also distinguished herself during the Earthquake of 2409, Completing a 36 hour shift as Triage officer in San Francisco Generals ER. Like her father, I believe her career is wasted in any field other than Medicine.

CMDR Evelyn Cheshire MSN Commander Star Fleet Medical training Division


Lt(jg) April has distinguished herself since the first day of her arrival her on PERSEPHONE. She, along with Lt's Akelu and Scine arrived in the middle of a fire fight with the stolen Frigate USS AVALON, were she and her shuttle were instrumental in locating and eventually destroying the AVALON. She then worked nearly 12 hours in Sick Bay helping, despite her suffering from a concussion sustained in the explosion. She will be sorely missed, and an asset to any ship she is assigned.

Captain Orleese Forrent CO USS PERSEPHONE Red Fleet


Lieutenant Rivenda April was simply the best Combat Information Manager with whom I have ever had the pleasure of serving. Her instincts and training proved to be invaluable during the twin battles in the Tybiiran Complext- they literraly helped to save the ship and its crew, as her Silver and Bronze Star awards attest.

She may very well be a great nurse, but she's adamn fine combat officer as well.

Captain Denton Vargas CO USS LEVIATHAN GOLD Fleet


Commander April is a battler through and through- we would never have survived half the skirmishes we did if not for her heroic efforts in both Orestes and Briol. She will be sorely missed.

Captain Caylebreth Veld CO USS CIRCE COMTACRON-13 GOLD Fleet


Board of Inquiry SD 160510

Article 21-3808 Obstructing Legal Process Article 21-3816 Hindering an Officer of the Federation Article 21-3812 Aiding a Felon Article 21-3811 Aiding ESCAPE from Custody Article 21-3702 Attempting to permanently deprive the Federation of

    property, namely, the USS LEVIATHAN 

Article 22-921 Dereliction of Duty, i.e. Failure to apprehend Lieutenant

    Commander Landor during the commission of this crime. 

Article 32-211 Insubordination. Namely, Calling Captain Shaw a...

    ' spineless Targ-humper'...in front of Junior officers when he 
    apprehended you. 

Insufficient Evidence to proceed on all charges, save the last. To which she plead guilty.

Punishment - Loss of Line Status.

            Reassigned to Orestes Medical Pavilion

End Bio chip--------------------------------

CDR Adrian Makkedor, Executive Officer

Commander Adrian P. Makkedor, DEEP SPACE 13
I. Personal Data
Full Name:        Adrian Pierce Makkedor  [SEC-079663-9109]
Surname:          Makkedor
Given Name:       Adrian
Current Rank:     Commander (O-5)
Current Billet:   XO, DEEP SPACE 13
Species:          Homo sapiens sapiens (Terran Human)
Gender/Sex:       Male/XY
Age:              32 Terran Standard Years 
DOB:              11 August 2386
POB:              Kings Park, New York, Terra
Parents:          James Gerard Makkedor, Jr. (DOB: 2361)
                  Margaret Chancellor (DOB: 2363)
Siblings:         Daniel Ryan, Junior Executive, Montgomery Materials 
                       (DOB: 2389)
                  Gregg William, Star Fleet Navy (DOB: 2394)	
Spouse:           None
Children:         None

Physical Description:
HT:               6' 0"  
WT:               178 lbs  
EY:               Blue 
HR:               Brown 
SK:               Light Tan;  Goatee with hint of gray
Blood Type: 	  Ak+
Vision:           O: +.05, S: +.025 (effectively 20/20)
Religion:         None
Citizenship:  	  Terran, United Federation of Planets

II.  Educational Background

A. Academic Institutions Attended:

   -- Star Fleet Academy {Graduated *magna cum laude*}
   	(Bachelor of Science, Political Science)

B. Service Schools Attended:

   -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School

C. Qualifications: 

   -- Qual:  Tactical Officer
   -- Qual:  Navigation/Astrogation Officer
   -- Qual:  Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests
   -- Qual:  Security Officer's Tests
   -- Qual:  Command Officer's Tests

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors:                 *Magna Cum Laude*
Final Cadre Rank:  	Cadet Commander
Academic Major:         Political Science
Professional Major:     Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics
Class Rank:  		4/250
Reprimands: 		0
Commendations:		2 
Athletics:  		Terran baseball; Null gravity handball.
Activities:  		Cadre, Future Starship Captain's Club, 
                             Nova Squadron 

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):

0-17:   Lived with parents on Terra.  Received standard public 
             education there.
18-22:  Attended Star Fleet Academy.
23-Present:  Active duty in Star Fleet.

B. Background Summary:

Mak is extremely dedicated to his posting (regardless of what that 
maybe) and the members of his unit, despite his snafu in reporting
to ALB. He is fiercely driven for absolute excellence, and expects
nothing but the same from his team. Mak is also outwardly 
confident in his abilities and self-assured; he knows he's "a 
natural" at his chosen career path. 

In his younger days, Mak was often accused as being cocky and,
at times, conceited.  This in actuality stemmed from his
knowledge of his natural abilites and his confidence in them
rather than misplaced ego.  His stance has softened in the
three years since he graduated Star Fleet Academy, toning
down his behavior somewhat.

He has also gotten past, for the most part, his apprehension
towards making friends with his crew.  He still has trepidations
regarding forming close relationships with colleagues, but has
come to learn that isolating oneself is a sure way to turn an
exciting adventure of discovery and exploration into something
far more mundane.  He has even found himself considering more
intimate relationships...

Mak enjoys spending his off time either in the holodeck honing 
his already brilliant tactical skills or reading a good 19th-
20th century novel when not enjoying the company of his crew-

He avoids physical confrontations unless backed into a corner, 
as he doesn't have much confidence in his hand-to-hand fighting 
capabilities. He much prefers a hand phaser, with which he's 
pretty good. Unfortunately, he's not much good at being 
diplomatic, either. He does spend time trying to improve this 
skill, as he knows it is vital to be adept at it if one is to 
make Captain someday. Another reason why he keeps to himself 
when off duty-it keeps him out of trouble. He comes from a 
family of five, with two younger brothers. Both are still in 
school at various levels. His family still lives in Kings Park,
a small town in what was once known as New York state, on Earth. 

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:

Star Date (24)040801:  Entered Star Fleet Academy.  Appointed Cadet 
                            Fourth Class.
Star Date (24)050801:  Advanced to Cadet Third Class, Cadet Ensign.
Star Date (24)060801:  Advanced to Cadet Second Class, Cadet Lieutenant.
Star Date (24)070801:  Advanced to Cadet First Class, Cadet Commander.
Star Date (24)080531:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy. 
Star Date (24)090217:  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
Star Date (24)101013:  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
Star Date (24)111016:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
Star Date (24)120220:  Given brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Dtae (24)120730:  Brevet rescinded.
Star Date (24)130417:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Date (24)180923:  Promoted to Commander (O-5).

B. Service History:

Star Date (24)040801:  Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco,
Star Date (24)070801:  Promoted to Cadet Commander at Star Fleet Academy
Star Date (24)071001:  Received Bronze Star for bravery and leadership 
                            under extreme circumstances.
Star Date (24)080531:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy, 4th in class of 250 
                            Major: Starship Combat Strategy and Tactics	
                            Minor: Starship Helm Operation 
Star Date (24)090101:  Assigned Armstrong Lunar Base, Holodeck 17 to
                            complete officer's training
Star Date (24)090203:  Graduated Armstrong Lunar Base (with honors),
                            assigned to SB ALPHA for assignment 
Star Date (24)090217:  Promoted to Ensign (O-1); 
                            Assigned FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE NCC-800
Star Date (24)091201:  Granted Leave of Absence
Star Date (24)100401:  Resumed Active Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE
Star Date (24)100921:  Tour of Duty as FCO, USS CHARLEMAGNE ends.
Star Date (24)101013:  Promoted to Lieutenant, JG (O-2); 
                            Assigned TAC/CSO, USS AURORA NCC-57103
Star Date (24)111016:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); reassigned
                            OPS, USS RAMSES NCC-1198
Star Date (24)120220:  Received brevet promotion to Lieutenant Commander (O-4).
Star Date (24)120730:  Brevet to Lieutenant Commander rescinded;
			    Reassigned TAC/SEC, USS KUSANAGI NCC 45054
Star Date (24)130417:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4);
			    Assigned XO, USS MAELSTROM NCC-57104
Star Date (24)150101:  Tour of duty as XO, USS MAELSTROM ends.
Star Date (24)150201:  Assigned XO, USS KUSANAGI NCC-45054
Star Date (24)161009:  Tour of duty as XO, USS KUSANAGI ends; reassigned
Star Date (24)180923:  Tour of duty as CO, USS MANCHESTER ends; reassigned
                                XO, DEEP SPACE 13

(Note:  Ships recorded at classification at the time officer 
was assigned, not their current re-classification.)

C.  Medals and Commendations

Star Date (24)071001 Bronze Star - Awarded for bravery and leadership during 
		rescue of participant during the Star Fleet Academy Marathon.
Star Date (24)100301 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)100301 Fardon Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)100301 GREEN Fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)101201 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For efforts in discovering 
		a saboteur while serving as CSO/TAC of USS AURORA.
Star Date (24)101201 Romulan Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)101201 GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120220 Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon- For role in the Battle of the 
		Tybiiran Asteroid Belt.
Star Date (24)120220 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120220 Gorn Sector Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)120720 Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the recovery 
		and ultimate rescue of USS RAMSES during operations against 
		Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex at great risk to 
		his own life.
Star Date (24)160930 Starfleet Commendation Medal- For role in Teneriffe 
Star Date (24)160930 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)160930 BLUE fleet Service Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Combat Action Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Briol Campaign Ribbon.
Star Date (24)171031 Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the victory
                 against overwhelming forces of the Gorn Hegemony in the 
                 Briol system.
Star Date (24)181001 Combat Action Ribbon.

V. Skills Profile

Successful and ambitious officer despite age.  Natural tactician 
and strategist, emerging Negotiation/Diplomacy skills.  
Outstanding leader- able to inspire loyalty in those under his 
command.  Eventually will be a fine starship Captain.

VI. Recent Fitness Reports

"Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor was one of the finest 
students it has been my pleasure to teach at Star Fleet Academy. 
His shear brilliance in my class on Advanced Starship Combat 
Strategy and Tactics notwithstanding, his transcript (and 
discussions with other instructors) reveals a young man dedicated 
to his duty. His leadership qualities are exceptional, and his 
acceptance of nothing short of excellence makes him not only an 
ideal officer, but an officer who has all the makings of a fine 
commander. Star Fleet will benefit immensly from his service." 

-Captain U'Bann Elysee
Instructor, Star Fleet Academy


"In his time here at Star Fleet Academy, Cadet Commander Adrian 
Pierce Makkedor has performed exceptionally, in the finest 
tradition of Star Fleet. While his grades certainly reflect this, 
one particular circumstancestands out. During the annual Academy 
Marathon (StarDate 24070916), CC Makkedor's detatchment was assigned 
as field security along a particularly dangerous part of the 
course, the infamous "Dead Man's Pass" at kilomarker 27. This pass
is an extremely narrow, uphill climb for over a full kilometer. 
Only two at a time can fit through the narrow pass, as one side is
a wall of rock, the other a shear drop of almost a half a 
kilometer at its highest point. Special notches had to be cut into
the rock face for the security detatchment's deployment. As a pair
of runners approached CC Makkedor's position, one of them tripped, 
knocking him into the other. The other runner lost her balance and
fell off from the path, dangling 10 meters below the ledge by a 
tree root. CC Makkedor immediately sprang into action. He quickly 
organized those of his detatchment in the area, and before the 
root could give way, CC Makkedor had effected her rescue. 

The fact that CC Makkedor was given command of the detatchment 
patrolling "Dead Man's Pass" speaks for itself. However, CC 
Makkedor's ability to quickly organize subordinates and resolve a 
critical situation without loss of life demonstrates his natural 
ability to lead- especially in times of crisis. It is precisely 
why CC Makkedor was assigned. Such actions saved a fellow cadet's
life. CC Makkedor is the kind of leader Star Fleet strives to 
mold. He is an asset to our service." 

-Admiral Horatio Drallas
Commandant, Star Fleet Academy 


"In my opinion, Cadet Makkedor should be held back for additional 
training, with specific focus given to the Star Fleet Codes of 
Ethics and the Chain of Command. Cadet Makkedor, while undeniably 
a diligent Cadet, refuses to follow the guidelines of the 
aforementioned when his opinion differs from his Commanding 
Officer's. While Cadet Makkedor may eventually be a fine officer, 
his unwillingness to follow either the Code of Ethics or the Chain
of Command detract from his natural leadership abilities. I am 
afraid that, without further training, Cadet Makkedor may find 
himself at the bottom of promotion list time and time again." 

-Captain Sufik
Instructor, Star Fleet Academy


"Lieutenant Commander Makkedor is an officer of the highest quality.
During the 2nd Battle of Tybiiran, Commander Makkedor prooved
invaluable in the efforts to keep RAMSES alive after she was rammed
by Gorn attackers.  It was largely through his efforts- his demeanor
under pressure, his leadership, and his quick decision-making skills-
that RAMSES survived long enough to deliver all those who remained
alive to SB BETA in like condition."

-Captain Christine Xiao-Ping Archer
Commanding Officer, USS RAMSES


"Lieutenant Commander Adrian Makkedor is the ideal XO- resourceful,
efficient, and, most importantly, willing to offer plausible
alternatives to potentially violent situations.  His diplomacy skills
continue to imporve to the point where he is a capable negotiator,
and his tactical mind is first-rate.  I'll hate to lose him, but
the good ones don't stay XO's for long."

- Commander Sabin Samaalak
Commanding Officer, USS MAELSTROM


"Lieutenant Commander Makkedor served with distinction during the Briol
Campaign, keenly aware of his delicate responsibilities as the commanding
officer of an escort ship.  His performance in Briol was exemplary."

- Captain Caylebreth Veld
Commanding Officer, USS CIRCE/Tactical Squadron 13

VII. Psychological Profile

PATIENT: Cadet Commander Adrian Pierce Makkedor
Cadet Makkedor, while not an exceptionally brilliant man in his 
own right, possesses a tremendous drive for excellence, even 
perfection. This combined with his innate ability to lead allows 
him to overcome just about any obstacle put in his path. Cadet 
Makkedor has an extremely high chess rating, one of the highest 
in Star Fleet. He is also known to be a brilliant poker player. 
This explains his excellence in combat situations. His ability to 
feign, bluff and outflank an enemy can be traced directly these 
activities. However, Cadet Makkedor, despite being a reasonably 
attractive man with an engaging personality (as all natural 
leaders do), does not seem to have many close friends, if any at
all. He believes this to be "a conflict of interests." He 
believes that getting too close to anyone could adversely affect
his judgement in a crisis situation. Cadet Makkedor also, at 
times, can come off rather cocky, which also contributes to his
lack of socializing. As stated before, Cadet Makkedor is an 
engaging person; however, it is my belief that others may find
him arrogant at first, which may dissuade some from pursuing a 
friendship further. 

While Cadet Makkedor's drive for excellence is commendable, the 
roots behind this drive are mildly disturbing. Cadet Makkedor 
has an extreme fear of failure. More to the point, Cadet 
Makkedor is extremely afraid of, through some failure of his, 
being directly responsible for a fellow officer's or a 
civilian's death. While this may serve him well as of now, it 
may become a problem if it advances to the point of obsession. 
There is some cause for alarm in this, as Cadet Makkedor has 
experienced nightmares during evaluations when presented with a 
potential crisis. At this point, however, his nightmares have 
never occurred during the crisis; they have only occurred the 
evening before, when given advanced notice. If a crisis was 
sprung upon him, he performed as his natural talents and 
training would seem to dictate. He also performed quite well in
situations following the nightmares. In short, they have never 
interfered with his performance to date. In conclusion, I can 
find no evidence or precedent to restrict his future 
assignments. He should make Star Fleet a wonderful officer 
and commander some day- if he doesn't become obsessed with 
(Signed)-Captain Wilmington Harris
CMO, Star Fleet Academy
(Signed)-Commander Dana Relimar
Chief Psychologist, Star Fleet Academy 



	(Routine upon completion of Assignment)
PATIENT: Ensign Adrian Pierce Makkedor
Ensign Makkedor experiences aboard the CHARLEMAGNE have provided 
him with growth material.  His introverted personality has 
loosened somewhat; he is a more open, pleasant person upon first 
meeting than previously reported.  This is a typical shift in 
personality for an officer returning from his first deep space 
assignment, as they learn to get along with others quickly and 
form the emotional ties essential to mental stability far away 
from "home."  This is an extremely positive sign, considering 
only 6 months ago Ensign Makkedor reportedly almost resigned his 
commission after the horrific incident that resulted in the 
destruction of the YAKOLEV and the SABRE as well as the 
mutilation of several crew mates.  After a crisis of that 
magnitude, a choice has to be made between moving forward and 
dwelling on the past.  After a brief leave of absence from Star 
Fleet, Ensign Makkedor chose to move on.

Another thing should be mentioned here- since rejoining Star 
Fleet, Ensign Makkedor has not reported a single nightmare.  We 
attempted to stimulate such a response without success here.  
Judging from this most recent session, for the first time since 
he joined Star Fleet, Ensign Makkedor seems to have found inner 

Ensign Makkedor is in excellent physical and mental health at 
this time, and is declared fit for duty.  This office can find 
no reason to restrict his duty at this time.

-(Signed) Lt. Tim Gladden
CMO, Deep Space 4

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

19th and 20th Century novels; Terran baseball and ice hockey

IX. Miscelleneous Classified Information

Mak's drive for perfection comes from a deep-seeded fear of 
failure. More specifically, he is afraid at being directly 
responsible for a colleague's death. He wants to avoid this at all
costs, which is why he has honed his skills at Starship Combat 
Strategy and Tactics to such levels; he'd rather be court-
martialed and have his crew survive then live with their deaths on
his conscience. Now, however, since he has found a rut in Star 
Fleet, he has begun dedicating more and more free time to learning
the art of Negotiation and Diplomacy, as he has begun to realize 
how powerful a tool it can be, especially if his crew's lives are 
at stake... While Mak's superiors will undoubtedly have some 
knowledge of this fear (as mention of it is in his psyche file), 
his colleagues will not, unless they guess it. 

He has gradually been whittling away at this fear, becoming
more and more comfortable with the risks involved in his
job with each passing day.  This has led to more fraternization
with fellow officers and a willingness to work in teams without
confrontation.  However, these fears have NOT completely
receeded.  They tend to come to the surface when Mak suffers a
setback of some sort- the more serious the setback, the stronger
the fears.  There have been a few setbacks- though none has
directly resulted in the loss of life- but, thus far, he has not
withdrawn so far as to begin suffering his nightmares again.

The conquest of his personal demons were never more evident than
in his performance at the 2nd Battle of the Tybiiran Asteroid Belt.
He was cool under fire, composed, and proved he can lead other
officers into and through a firefight and subsequent recovery
operations.  This has re-energized his career in the eyes of
Star Fleet, and placed him back on track for command.

Since that time, Mak has steadily climbed the ranks in Star Fleet.
He is currently on the 'short list' of officers earmarked for a
large-ship command.

-----------------------End Bio chip----------------------------------

LT William Scores, Operations Manager

Surname: Scores
Given Name(s): William
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet: Operations Manager, DEEP SPACE 13

Species: Nanite Collective
Gender/Sex: Other
Age: 51 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: September 24, 2367
Place of Birth: Kavis Alpha IV 

Too numerous to list.

Too numerous to list.



HT: 1.80 m; 
WT: 84.1 kg; 
Eyes: Black;
Hr.: Grey; 
Comp: Light Gray

100615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
140601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Assigned as Chief Engineering 
          Officer, USS SERAPIS
151231 Promoted to LTJG (O-2)
171201 Promoted to LT (O-3); Transferred to DS13 as ENG
181001 Reassigned as OPS, DS13

None on file. 

A. Academic Institutional Background:
-- Church of the Creator
-- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School 

C. Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Navigation/Helm Officer
-- Engineering Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 10%; Honors *magna cum laude*
Academic Major: Mechanical and Nano-mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: Navigation
Qualifications: Navigation/Helm Officer, Engineering Officer

Commendations: 2
Academy Commendation of Merit- William Scores received this general 
commendation for volunteering for a possibly dangerous scientific 
experiment, the details of which are currently classified. Scores 
offer to assist in the experiment was later rejected but he was 
awarded this commendation based on his willingness to assist.

Commendation of Creative Thought- During a cadet training mission near 
Jupiter, William Scores vessel developed an unexpected engine 
malfunction. Scores was able to repair the malfunction by rerouting the 
engines systems around the damaged area actually creating a slight 
improvement to the engine design.

Reprimands: 1
Ensign Scores received a written reprimand during his Academy training 
for being involved in an incident of cheating by two other students. 
After the investigation was completed, it was determined that Ensign 
Scores had been manipulated into his participation. The other students 
preyed on Ensign Scores social short comings to gain his assistance. 
Ensign Scores was reprimanded and givin counceling to help him correct 
his conduct.

During his Academy career, Ensign Scores displayed very few off duty 
activites. When asked about this, Ensign Scores will only explain that 
his off duty activities involve watching other activities. 

A. Chronology (tabular form):
Birth 2367- Nanite reproduction occured over the course of a few days 
     at various locations on Kavis Alpha IV

Animation 2370- After extensive testing and evaluation by the local 
     government known as the "Church of the Creator". Ensign Scores 
     individual nanites were selected and entered into a collective. 
     Ensign Scores physical form was created.

Church Study 2370-2396 Ensign Scores entered the local government 
     controled educational program. His education focused on the study 
     of "The Creator", Xenosociology, and mechanincal engineering.

Wayward Studies 2396-2410 Ensign Scores, with the approval of his 
     government, leaves his home planet to work with a Federation 
     research team on the Mars colony.

Starfleet Academy 2410-2414 Ensign Scores, following his religious 
     faith, enters Starfleet to better study the Universe and 
     specializes in Navigational Studies.

B. Background Summary:
William Scores is in fact, not a single person as he appears to be. 
Scores is a collective of individually self aware nanites working 
together to create the person known as William Scores. This can best be 
explained in the following way: A human body is made up of trillions 
of individual cells, each cell does a specific job. Now add in the 
twist that each cell is self aware and has its own opinion.

William's race was created by Ensign Wesley Crusher in 2366 while on 
board the USS Enterprise. After some confusion, it was determined that 
the nanites that Wesley created were in fact self aware and were 
allowed to colonize Kavis Alpha IV. 

This is were Starfleet's offical record on this matter ends, but not 
the Nanites story. Like all lifeforms, the Nanites continued to evolve 
and to ask questions. Most societies, at some point, develop a need for 
a higher being, a religion. The Nanites are currently in that stage 
and have developed a religion based on their creator, Wesley Crusher. 
Once the Nanites had developed their society, the created a subspace 
communications device and contacted the Federation. Needless to say, 
this caused a little bit of turmoil with in the Federation Council. 
Since the Nanites were created by a Starfleet officer, it was 
determined that the Prime Directive did not apply to their society. 
Starfleet sent in several teams to aid the Nanites in developing their 
society but these teams were not able to convince the Nanites that 
Wesley Crusher was not God.

William Scores, Scores refering to the numerous individual that make 
him up, was patterned off of these humanoids in an attempt to be more 
like their creator, at least in physical form. The Nanite race believe 
that to better understand the Universe, they have to take the physcial 
form of the Creator. 

A. Skills Profile 
Keeping with the doctrines of Ensign Scores faith, he/they try to limit 
their physical capabilities to that of a normal human as much as 
possible. Having said that, Ensign Scores has displayed several "non 
human" abilites and is not limited to the normal physical limitations 
of biological beings.

Ensign Scores has "absorbed" a number of different standard Starfleet 
tools including such things as a Type 2 phaser, a complete Engineering 
field kit, and a communicator. These tools have been disassembled at 
the molecular level and can be reassembled for use in just a few 
seconds. Scores refers to these tools as necessary for the study of his 

In cases of extreme emergency, Ensign Scores has also displayed 
superior strength, reflexs, and senses. He has shown the ability to 
change his physical characteristics, such as his eye color,hair color, 
and even shape at will. Scores is very hesitant to uses these abilites 
though, stating that they are not the ways of the Creator. In general, 
he will only use these abilites under direct orders or to save lives. 

B. Recent Fitness Report
To: Director of Operation, STARFLEET
From: Commander Brian Carter, Intructor, Starfleet Academy
Ref: Cadet William Scores


Sir, per your directive I have been keeping a close eye on Cadet 
Scores. I have found him or more correctly, they, to be a fine cadet 
and a privilege to instruct. I find him to be an excellent navigator 
and even a moderately talented engineer. Even though he has capabilites 
that far exceed that of his other classmates, Cadet Scores strives to 
fit in on their same physical level. At one time, I even observed Cadet 
Scores "breathing" hard after a several kilometer run in order to 
appear more like other biological cadets. Over all, I feel that he 
will make a fine officer and even displays a high appitude for future 
command placement.

The only area in which Cadet Scores has failed is in physiological 
testing during high stress situations involving multiple "correct" 
solutions. Cadet Scores often hesitates, sometimes much longer then his 
other classmates, when making difficult moral descisions. During 
debriefing sessions after these tests, Cadet Scores reported that 
"they" had difficulty in coming to a consensus at to which correct 
answer to use. It appears that being made of trillions of self aware 
beings does have its disadvantages when it comes to getting everyone 
to agree. I have since scheduled Cadet Scores several sessions with 
the Academy counselors to help him reach a solution. After several 
sessions, his physiological test scores have improved greatly. 

Commander Brian Carter

C. Psychological Profile
Counselor Tina Batise Case File report
Subject: Cadet William Scores

Cadet Scores is one of the most interesting cases that has ever walked 
into my office. While working with Cadet Scores, I have to constantly 
remind myself that I am actually working with an entire society. 

Cadet Scores came to my office needed help making difficult moral 
decisions during high stress situations. In order to help him I first 
evaluated his "collective" commonly held moral beliefs. I found him to 
be of high moral character, consistant with any Starfleet officer. 
What suprised me was the way in which Cadet Scores makes any decision. 
It appears that he uses a truly democratic method to make decisions. 
He puts any decision to each member of is collective and then opens a 
debate about that decision. Finally, after each member has had time to 
consider the issue, a vote is taken as to which course of action would 
best address the situation. Under normal circumstances, this entire 
process only takes a few nanosecons, about the same time as any normal 
biological species. Unfortunately, this process seems to break down 
during issues of high moral difficulty. During these more difficult 
decisions, it appears that the collective often can not come to a 
consensus. This makes Cadet Scores appear to be hesitating when in 
fact, he hasn't even reached a decision yet.

In order to assist him with this problem, I took a page from the 
history of Earth. I showed him the history files on the governmental 
system of the former United States and suggested that he implement a 
representative democracy instead. This system is based on each member 
of the collective choosing a representative to vote on behalf of a 
number of members at the same time. 

After further testing, it appears that the representative democracy 
approach has worked for Cadet Scores. During follow up interviews, 
Cadet Scores has told me that these representatives have chosen to 
migrate to his head region and are currently taking on the role of 
human brain cells. 

On another interesting note, it appears that Cadet Scores has also 
adopted another human characteristic. Being a mechanical being, Cadet 
Scores has perfect memory and can recall every detail of every second. 
In order to better reflect humanity, Cadet Scores has chosen to record 
these memories in a highly disorganized and haphazard way. The over 
all effect of this method is that Cadet Scores has to try to recall a 
specific event just like a human. Unlike a human, who may or may not 
remember, Cadet Scores will recall the event in exact detail after a 
short time. 


D. Current Recreational Interests 
Ensign Scores has numerous recreational interestes. As a collective of 
individuals, Ensign Scores is interested in almost any type of 
recreation. The over all majority of the time though, Ensign Scores 
enjoys cutting edge technology, human history, tactical games such as 
chess, and watching the social interations of biological species. He 
is constantly studing the Universe as a whole hoping to find his 
religious enlightenment.

E. Miscellaneous Information 
Ensign Scores is a very powerful character but also has a lot of 
drawbacks. He is mechanical and has problems in social situations. He 
also has to eat, not to take in energy but to gain the raw material 
needed to replace nanite loses. The individual nanites act like living 
cells in the way they wear out and must be replaced. 

Then there is his whole religious belief system. He wants to be like 
his Creator and gain enlightenment like Wesley during the Traveler 
incident. That limits his various abilites that would unbalance the 
storylines. He may have incredible abilites but won't use them because 
of his religious beliefs unless there is no other way out.

Even though he's made up of nanites, he still can't create something 
out of nothing. Unlike a replicator which has almost limitless 
potential, Scores has to have the correct raw material if he is going 
to form something using his nanites. Thats why he prefers to 
disassemble actual items and carry them broken down.

Scores also knows nothing about human biology. That means he can't 
just enter into someone and cure injuries at will. Now if its an 
emergency, he can enter machines and fix them with his nanites but 
this still takes time and he prefers to do it the old fashion way, by 
--------------------End Bio chip-------------------------------------

LT Juliana Lorress, Chief Tactical and Security Officer

Lieutenant Junior Grade Juliana Lorress, DS13
Surname: Lorress
Given Name(s): Juliana
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet: Chief Tactical/Security Officer, USS SERAPIS 

Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 23 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: November 15, 2393
Place of Birth: Mount Olympus, Mars (Sol IV) 

Ursula Lorress, 52 years Hydrologist residing on Mars
Leon Lorress, 53 years, Administrator, residing on Mars




HT: 1,96 m; 
WT: 74 kg; 
Eyes: hazel; 
Hr.: silver blonde, worn in a short buzz cut; 
Comp: fair 

120615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
160801 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Assigned as TAC/SEC, USS SERAPIS.

None on file. 

A. Academic Institutional Background:
-- Mount Olympus High School
-- Star Fleet Academy

B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

C. Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Engineering Officer
-- Security Officer

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 15%; Honors *cum laude*
Academic Major: Mechanical and Nano-mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: Engineering
Qualifications: Engineering Officer, Security Officer

One, for letting experimental nanites run loose in an Academy computer 

Member of Starfleet Aikido Club
Member of the Cardassian Historical Research Society 

A. Chronology (tabular form): 
0-13: Lived with parents.
13-18: Attended High School
19: 1-year internship Utopia Planitia Shipyards
19-23: Attended Star Fleet Academy, graduated in 2416

B. Background Summary:
Juliana Lorress grew up in Mount Olympus on the planet Mars, Sol 
system. Her mother is an hydrologist working for a smaller scale 
terraforming project on the red planet, while her father is a civilian 
administrator on the orbital Utopia Planitia shipyards.

Juliana always had a keen interest in technology and since her father 
took her up to the shipyards as a kid, she was hooked. She wanted to 
be an engineer but not any kind but a Starfleet engineer.

Her parents supported her wishes and encouraged her to engage in 
physical activity that would help her offset the penalties of being a 
native of a low-gravity world.

After a one-year stint as an intern in the civilian engineering branch 
of Utopia Planitia, Juliana managed to be accepted into Starfleet 
Academy where she threw herself at her studies.

During one particular lesson her interest in Cardassian technology was 
piqued, mostly because high-tech of that origin was held in contempt 
by most of her instructors. Juliana found it quite refreshing to work 
with less-than-perfect toys and soon she was known as the "Cardie" 
among her classmates.

Her interest in martial arts brought her into contact with several 
security officers-to-be and she took advanced courses in that field, 
managing to qualify as a security crewman if only in the bottom half 
of her class in this case.

However, her grades in engineering more than offset the average 
performance in security. Soon Juliana became fascinated by nanites and 
nano-mechanics with her graduation thesis being labeled "The use of 
nano-mechanical devices and robots in Starship diagnosis routines".

She is still ashamed of an accident where she accidentally set nanites 
free in an Academy computer, not so much because of the reprisal but 
because she felt she screwed up. 

Skills Profile 
Juliana is a tinkerer at heart, fascinated by the nitty-gritty details 
of any problem, may it be mechanical, scientific or intellectual in 

She knows how to take things apart and usually knows how to put them 
back together. In case these things are of Cardassian origin they 
sometimes work better afterwards than they did before.

Unlike many engineers who specialize in propulsion systems, Juliana is 
in love with nano-technology and she's planning to take some medical 
classes to see how her knowledge of micro-mechanics can be applied in 
that area as well. Diagnosing a virus in a computer can't be that far 
from diagnosing it in a living body after all.

Her only problem if it can be called one, is that Juliana is in awe 
with the possibilities and chances Starfleet has to offer. She often 
feels that she has to live up to some unachievable standard to be 
worthy of being called a Starfleet officer.

Recent Fitness Report
Thanks to regular physical training Ensign Lorress is in excellent 
physical health and fit for duty without restrictions. While her very 
tall, slender frame is the result of genetic adaptation to the Martian 
environment she is in no way hampered by 1.0 g conditions.

-- LT. Harn Axelrod M.D., Medical Officer Starfleet Academy

Cadet Lorress is a dedicated worker with a feeling for technical 
problems. I do not claim to understand her fascination with cardassian 
technology but I have to admit that it taught her how to improvise 
under less than ideal conditions. My only concern is, that she should 
put more emphasize on the study of propulsion systems. Cadet Lorress 
has potential to eventually achieve a department head position but 
many captains still judge their Chief Engineer solely by their 
understanding of warp technology. 

-- CMDR Justine Mallor, Academy Instructor - Engineering Branch

Cadet Lorress´ performance in security training is average to slightly 
below average. However, given the fact that she is first and foremost 
an engineer, this is neither unexpected nor a mark against her. My 
impression is that she got into security cross-training mainly because 
she enjoys a good workout and has several friends among the security 
specialists. Given her skill in unarmed combat techniques and her 
steady aim with a phaser so she can be of use as a security guard in 
emergency situations. If Cadet Lorress wishes to achieve a higher rank 
and position in our speciality, a major career change is clearly 
indicated however.

-- LTCMR Zorn, Academy Instructor - Security Branch

Psychological Profile 
An ambitious, hard worker. Ensign Lorress will solve a problem set 
before her through sheer stubbornness if nothing else works. Off-duty 
she is outgoing and friendly, calm and helpful. On-duty she is very 
serious and professional, trying to be the more-than-perfect officer. 
It took me some effort to convince her that she did no have to adapt 
the rigid behaviour of a Marine to fullfilll the requirements of 
Starfleet. I was partially sucessful, although Cadet Lorress still 
reminds me of an iron rod more than anything else whenever she snaps to 
attention. This discrepancy between the private person and the officer 
tends to confuse others until they get to know Cadet Lorress a bit 

-- Counsellor Morvehl, Starfleet Academy

Current Recreational Interests
Since her early youth Juliana turned to physical training to overcome 
the disadvantages associated with growing up on a low gravity world 
such as Mars. What started as mere necessity became genuine interest. 
She enjoys swimming, long-distance running and Aikido where she works 
towards her first black belt.

When not physically active, she tinkers with all kinds of Cardassian 
technology she can get her hands on.

E. Miscellaneous Information

Thanks to her study of the Japanese martial art Aikido, Juliana has 
some basic knowledge of Japanese language, writing and culture. She 
has also a basic understanding of Cardassian language and writing as it 
relates to technical devices.
---------------------End Bio chip------------------------------------ 

LT Asri Kaethe, Flight Control Officer

Player Name:  Ryan Eanes
E-Mail:       rseanes@gmail.com

I. Personal Data

Last name:    Kaethe
Given name:   Asri
Species:      Cacatuan
Gender:       male

Height:       1.87 m
Weight:       81.6 kg
Eyes:         gray
Hair:         orange/blue/purple feathers
Complexion:   Caucasian skin w/ white/orange areas above eyes and temples

DOB:          25 September 2387
Birthplace:   South Marka Island, Cacatua V

Spouse:       N/A
Parents:      * Father - Bilic Eolo
              * Mother - Aeral Kaethe
Siblings:     * Sister - Beja Kaethe (deceased)
              * Sister - Jori Kaethe
Children:     N/A

Religion:     Cacatuan spirituality
Service:      Star Fleet Navy

II. Educational Background

Academic Institutional Background
* North Continent School, Cacatua V
* Star Fleet Academy

Service Schools Attended
* Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

Qualifications (MOCs)
* Navigation/Helm Officer
* Science Officer

Star Fleet Academy Record
Class Average:       Top 15% *cum laude*
Academic Major:      Physics/Astrophysics
Professional Major:  Navy - Navigation

Commendations:       None
Reprimands:          None

III. Biographical Notes

A. Chronology
2389-2393.    Early childhood.
2394-2404.    Enrolled & completed primary/secondary school equivalent.
2405-2408.    Attended Star Fleet Academy.
     2409.    Attended Space Warfare Officer School.
     2410.    Commissioned as ENS aboard USS CARSON as asst. helmsman.
     2412.    Promoted to LTJG.
              Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal.
     2413.    Transferred to USS SIROCCO as assistant helmsman.
     2415.    Promoted to LT.            
     2417.    Transferred to ORANGE FLEET as assistant chief helmsman for
                prototypes and experimental design.
     2419.    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal for participation in the
                development of groundbreaking new navigation/helm technologies.
              Requested transfer.
              Posted to DS-13 as FCO.

B. Background Summary
Asri Kaethe is a Cacatuan, a non-Federation affiliated species that calls Cacatua V
home.  The Cacatuans are a humanoid species notable for their tall, thin, tough,
muscular builds, their lightning-fast reflexes, and their bright plumage in place
of hair.  Asri, for instance, has tufts of large orange and red feathers that stick
straight up starting approximately where a human's ears are (the Cacatuan ear is
covered by feathers) and towards his temples; these feathers cascade up, over and
down the back of his neck, becoming dark purple--almost black--and shrinking in
size to the point that they are virtually identical to human hair to the naked eye.
His skin tone is mostly equivalent to a human Caucasian, though his forehead,
temples and the bridge of his nose are pale white, fading to flesh-tone, with areas
of orange and purple around his eyes.  The Cacatuans share a large number of genes
with a number of terrestrial bird species, but do not have beaks; indeed, aside
from their plumage and coloration, they appear virtually human, with the exception
of a somewhat birdlike visage (that is to say, long thin noses and thin lips).

Asri did not grow up around his father; in Cacatuan tradition, his father left
their home when he turned 3.  This is why he bears his mother's surname.

Cacatuans mature quickly in comparison to human beings, however; a 2-year old
Cacatuan is physically and mentally equivalent to a 4-year old human child.  Thus,
while spending time aboard his father's freighter as a 2- and 3-year old, he
encountered several members of Star Fleet who left an indelible impression on his
memory.  These early encounters drove him to become the first Cacatuan in Star Fleet.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record

100614.  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
120903.  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
150319.  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).


121005.  Awarded the Star Fleet Achievement Medal for exemplary evasive maneuvering
         in a high-stress situation while the CARSON was under duress to avoid
         boarding by hostile forces.
190722.  Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for material participation in the
         development of groundbreaking new helm and navigation technologies.


V. Skills Profile

Asri has lightning-fast reflexes, a trait common to his species.  This gives him some
advantage as a navigator, which he trained extensively to be.  Asri has some
experience piloting small craft such as shuttles and fighters, though he prefers to
operate the conn of a starship.

His memory is excellent as well; while he does not possess a "photographic memory,"
per se, he does seem to recall vast amounts of information very easily.

His ambition is to one day hold a command-level post of his own; for some time he's
hoped to serve as the OPS/2O aboard a fine ship, though for now he feels that his
strengths are best suited to navigation.

VI. Recent Fitness Report

Mr. Kaethe is in excellent physical health; he is in the top fifth percentile of
humanoids in his weight class in terms of his strength.  He is agile and amazingly
fast, with a sharp eye.  I have no reservations recommending him for duty.

CAPT Dr. Tobin MacGillivray, CMO, ORANGE FLEET

VII. Psychological Profile

Mr. Kaethe is not extremely talkative, but he does seem to enjoy the company of
others.  He also seems to take quite an interest in personal grooming and his
appearance; I have never seen him once look even the slightest bit unkempt, and he
keeps the shiniest boots of any Star Fleet cadet that I can recall.  He is very
inquisitive, however, and does not fully seem to grasp the ritual surrounding
certain human interactions, though he does seem eager to learn and understand the
behaviors of those that surround him.  As I have not encountered any other members
of his species before, I can only base my opinions on what I've read, but his
psychological profile suggests no barriers that would prevent him from adequately
carrying out his duties.

Counselor Mary Martin, Star Fleet Academy

VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Asri has a keen interest in music; he has an aptitude for it, and enjoys learning
various instruments.  He also enjoys painting and sculpting.

Asri is extremely athletic, though he prefers mostly aerobic, non-team activities
such as tennis.

IX. NRPG Character Information

The best image that I can use to illustrate what Asri might look like would be the
makeup and costumes used in Cirque du Soleil's Las Vegas show "Mystère."  Here's
one image, but note that these costumes are much more elaborate than Asri looks.


I've left his background and a lot of details about his species intentionally vague
so that I can flesh it out, piece by piece, over time.  Thoughts are welcome, though
any radical suggestions about his home world I'd prefer to have final say on.

LT Lyrica Shae, Protocol Officer

Lieutenant Lyrica Shae, DS13
I. Personal Data
Full Name: 		Lyrica Shae
Surname: 		Shae
Given Name: 		Lyrica
Current Rank: 		Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet: 	PRO, DS13, GOLD
Species: 		Homo Sapiens (Betazed)
Gender: 		Female
Age:			39 Terran Standard Years
DOB: 			05-01-2379
POB: 			Romazhed, Betazed
Parents: 		Barek Shae, (Ph.d, Betazed Institute of Cultural 
                	1/2 Betaziod, 1/2 Terran (Native American 
			Eliria Shae - StarFleet Dipliomatic Corps.
                		StarFleet Attaché to Betazed.
Siblings:		Danae Shae (53)	Medical Doctor Tallus IV
			Kia Shae (51) Archeologist (whereabouts unknown)
			Ranan Shae (48) Chemical Engineer, Lyran Home World
			Tavon Shae (44) Doctor, Veterinary Medicine, Terra
			Mira Shae (42) Entertainment Specialist 
				(Actress/waitress), Risa
			Eliane Shae (39) Child Development Specialist, Betazed

Physical Description:
Ht: 		5'5" 
Wt: 		150  
Eyes: 		Brown 
Hair: 		Brown 
Skin: 		Light Brown Identifying
Marks: 		Tattoo of a hawk on Left Shoulder
Blood Type: 	Az-
Religion: 	Eclectic
Citizenship:	UFP
Languages: 	Gaelic, Lakota, Spanish SF English, Bajoran, 
			Chinese, Hebrew.

II. Educational Background
A. Academic Institutions Attended:
      -- Private Tutors on Betazed
      -- University Of Betazed
        (Bachelors of Arts - Socioanthropology)
          	Minor -  Comparative Theology
		Thesis - "Belief Systems of the Scientific mind."
        (Masters Degree - Socioanthropology )
	(Doctorate of Socioanthropolgy
		Dissertation - "Symbiosis of Faith and Science "

***Published Author; "Impact of Faith on Telepathic/Telepathy on Faith"
Copyright SOL Publishing Co. 2408 .All rights Reserved.

B. Service Schools Attended:
	-- Star Fleet Officer's Cadidate School

C. Qualifications
	-- Qual:  Ship Counselor

D. Star Fleet Academy Record:

	Did not attend Star Fleet Academy

III. Biographical Notes:

A. Chronology:
0-17 		Betazed, grew up with parents and sisters
18-23  		BA/MA University of Betazed
23-25 		Travel, working on Ph.d
26-28 		Completed Ph.d
29-32 		Officer Training Course.
32-Present	Active duty in Star Fleet.

B. Background info
The youngest of seven daughters, Lyrica has pursued her career studying
various species and their interactions with religions, traveling
extensively to this end. She joined Starfleet to travel more readily.

C: Personality Summary:

She is Philosophical, somewhat non- committal, as she always tries to see
all sides of an issue. She may appear too understanding at times due to her
diplomatic tendencies. Very aware of gender differences, despite species...
it always seems to come to the same issues.
Very feminine energy, in abundance.

" To whom it may concern,
I write this letter to recommend and affirm the abilities of Dr. Lyrica
In the years she has spent in StarFleet Academy, I would have to say she is
the epitome of what the Officer Training Course was founded for. She is a
consummate scientist, and a well read counselor. I found her views on
certain issues refreshing, if not exasperating. But to her credit, she never
came to an argument unprepared.
But all in all, one of the finest minds I've encountered.
I can say unreservedly, that she will make a fine addition to any crew she
assigned to. Her strength lies in her diplomacy and nurturing quality which
both seem to stem from her telepathic ability. In fact, the only quirk on
her record, is her particular habit of wearing religious iconal
jewelry...normally not an issue with StarFleet Regulations governing the
religious expression of officers and crew... however, Dr. Shae seemed to
wear as  DIFFERENT religious icon every week or so.
Beyond that, she is a fine officer and an excellent counselor. I wish her
luck and Gods Speed.

Captain Richard Anthony M.D. Ph.d
StarFleet Medical Corps - Psychiatric Division

D. Promotion History

110520 - Graduated ALB Rank of Ensign; Assigned to DS13 COU
110918 - Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
111215 - Second Battle of the Belt
111230 - Promoted to Lieutenant
130224 - Kalen Donalson born
140312 - Married LT Eric Donalson
140609 - DS13 Explosion
140701 - Assigned to Gorn Ambassador as Liason
141115 - Assigned USS SERAPIS as Protocol Officer
171201 - Transferred to DEEP SPACE 13 as Protocol Officer


Not a conventional officer, but then again, few officers that come through
the OTC are, her desire to help and heal are at times overwhelming... nearly
as intense as her desire for discovery.

has spent years in between her MA & ph.D traveling to different religious
locales, including Tibet, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ireland, Peru on Terra,
and on Bajor.

VI. Recreational Activities

Reading fantasy literature, horseback riding, and vintage movies of 
numerous cultures.

----------------End Bio chip----------------------------------------------

Chief Engineering Officer

This billet is currently vacant.

LTJG David Henderson, Chief Science Officer

NAME:   David Joshua Henderson
RANK:   Ensign
RACE:   Human (1/2 German, 1/2 Australian)
BIRTHPLACE: Broken Hill, Australia, Earth
FAMILY: Father: Roger Henderson, cattle breeder, deceased
        Mother: Elizabeth Henderson, teacher, deceased
        No siblings

AGE:    23
HEIGHT: 6'0"            WEIGHT: 60 Kgs
HAIR:   Blond           EYES:   Blue

        Monash University
        Starfleet Academy
        * Graduated 160707
                MAJOR:  Advanced Biology (Specized in Zoology and Immunology)
                MINOR:  Medicine

SD 160707    Graduated Starfleet Academy
SD 161118    Assigned Chief Science Officer, USS SERAPIS
SD 170901    Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade
SD 171201    Assigned Chief Science Officer, DEEP SPACE 13

AMBITIONS:      1) To hold the position of CsciO
                2) To attain the rank of Captain
                3) To command a starship (but don't we all!)
                3) To lecture in Science at Starfleet Academy

Cadet Henderson is a bright, intuitive student who has a thirst 
for knowledge and is continually striving to satisfy that 
thirst.  He appears to be coping with the tragic death of his 
parents when he was younger and there is no repurcussions on 
his ability to interact with others or cope with any 
situation.  He has a notably strong ability to empathise with 
others, although this is a character trait rather than some 
psionic ability.  His nature and empathy for others ensures 
Cadet Henderson is typically of good spirits and positive 
psychological outlook.

David is a cheerful, fun-loving person who tries his best to 
get along with everyone.  He is self reliant, due to the loss 
of his family at a young age and the lack of much family 
support after their passing.  He is, at times, too serious in 
his undertakings, wanting to do the best he can and sometimes 
pushing himself too hard.  His scientific background has 
developed a high degree of flexibility in his persona, aiding 
his ability to get along with others and deal with most 
situations.  His only problem is his notoreity of adding a joke 
into situations to lighten the mood a little.  On occassion, 
this hasn't always been suitable!

Chief Medical Officer

This billet is currently vacant.


This billet is currently vacant.

LTM Charles Howden, Marine Company Commander

This biofile is currently unavailable.

2LT Kevin Stone, Marine Platoon Commander

This biofile is currently unavailable.

LCDR Serl Montoya, Diplomatic Services Liaison

Name: Serl Montoya
Rank: LCDR (0-4)
Species: Derian
Gender: Male
Age: 30
Date of Birth: 671212
Place of Birth: Tamarark, Deria

Family Details:
Mother: Visula Montoya, born 590302, soothsayer. 
Father: Ramon Montoya, born 621012, mining engineer.

He is one of fraternal triplets.
Sister, Serena Montoya, born 671212, priestess.
Sister, Saraha Montoya, born 671212, sculptress

Spouse: None
Children: None

Physical Description
Hair: Light blue, worn very short
Eyes: Quite purple
Weight and height: 6'1' tall, 205 lbs.
Skin: Light blue tint
No distinguishing marks

Other details:
Religion: Worships Sandar, the local divine being on his planet. Sandar
is said to be a god of magic. He is shown as a pan-like being, handsome
with skill at music and magic. Statues to Sandar abound on the planet
and groves are sacred to him. A high priestess governs religious matters

and she is served by various lower level priestesses, all females.
Services are always conducted at midnight or dawn and involve dancing,
music and the sacrifice of a non-living item of value in sacred flame
on special occasions. In the past the sacrifice was a living being,
usually male, but such barbaric practices have long gone out of style.
Some females have a special talent to tell the future on a limited basis

and these are also part of the religious structure - they are called
soothsayers and practice their craft in the temples. Males are now
allowed to participate in the religion and can hold minor offices. Many
males choose to live life as monks and have formed monestaries
throughout the planet where they teach mental disciplines and combat
skills. The monks are well respected and are considered defenders of the

Citizen: United Federation of Planets
Languages spoke: Spanish, Terran Standard, Derian, Romulan. Can read

920505-993108 - Early education by Federation tutors.
990109-030306 - Derian Monestary - a religious academy teaching
religion, mental skills and survival skills.
030809-071505 - Star Fleet Academy, majoring in communication, minor in

Star Fleet Academy Information
Graduated with honors
class rank: 5/200
Athletics: Equestrian sports
Activities: Mystery Book Club and Drama Club.

Service Record:
071606-090409 - Ensign. Served with the Federation Embassy on the
	Romulan home world. Work included everything from running errands to
	decoding messages and keeping track of Romulan politics.
091009-110407 - assistant OSFI liaison on USS Barlow, which was on an
	investigative mission to visit colony worlds on the outer fringes of the
	Federation. Rank: Lt JG
110407 - 120801 - Promoted to LT, assistant OSFI liaison on SB Delta.
120801 - 130601 - transferred to USS AURORA as OSFI liaison.
130601 - 160101 - transferred to USS LEVIATHAN as OSFI liaison.
160101 - 171201 - CLASSIFIED
171201 - Present - Promoted to LCDR; assigned to DEEP SPACE 13 as OSFI Liaison.

Self defense, intelligence skills including decoding and information
procurement. Somewhat skilled in the use of the
Zalt, the sharp-bladed Darian weapon of choice. Is also a pretty good

Likes: Challenges, change and adventure. Enjoys dancing and music.

Dislikes: Anything or anyone who gets in the way of his career,
answering questions, spiders.

Serl is normally quiet and friendly, although people who talk to him
find they tend to talk more than he does. He likes to listen to people
and he tends to remember what they say for long lengths of time. Serl
has a slight touch of his people's magic skills and it is somewhat
unreliable. He sometimes has a feeling something isn't right or someone
isn't telling the truth or someone isn't feeling very well. It varies
depending on the day and the people he is around. It is far from
spectacular but his family finds it exciting that a male can do even
that much. He does have a quick temper, which is also a trait of his

Planet information:
Deria is an odd world of mists and some say, magic. Women hold the power

on the planet. Almost all important posts are filled by women, although
men with talent are recognized and honored as such. The women have
Betazoid-style mental skills, but the men rarely do. However, once in
awhile, men do have these skills. Serl does. This is attributed to his
being a triplet.

The males of the planet concentrate on being warriors. If not at war,
they fight in challenge contests in which killing is quite common. They
are usually strong and physically fit. When too old or too injured to
fight, they train more warriors.

They have recently joined the Federation.

Personal history:
Serl is the son of a Derian mother and a Terran father. His father was a
mining engineer on Deria's moon when he met his future wife.


Cadet Montoya has the most startling eyes I've ever seen. When you can
get him to respond in class, he always knows his answers. He is studious
and well liked, always getting top grades.
LT CDR Myra Orpheus, instructor, codes

Ensign Montoya was of great benefit in cracking a tough Romulan code
while working in the embassy. He is greatly missed, although he simply
could not pose as a Romulan with that hair of his.
Ambassador Nathan Powell, Romulus

----------------End bio file-----------------------------------------

Linkri Saresh, Gorn Hegemony Ambassador

Ambassador Linkri Saresh, Gorn Hegemony
Linkri Saresh
Age 26 Terran Standard Years

Gorn Ambassador to the Federation   
Linkri was the Communications officer assigned to the Gorn Embassy at 
DS13 after the conflict in the Tyberiian Asteroid Belt. She later was 
'raised' to the position of Ambassador as the current Ambassador 
retired from service.

She is from a noble family and has a extrodinary talent for languages. 
Smaller than the average Gorn, she is a mere 5'9". Still heavier and 
stronger than most Terrans or other humanoid races.

Linkri has an extraordinary grasp of several Federation languages and 
it is her goal to bridge the century long gap between the two 

This task has been complicated by the militant government known as the 
Gorn Hegemony. Unlike their Confederate neighbors, they believe that 
war is the only solution to the conflicts and disputes.

There is a fragile peace between them, after a major defeat at Tyberiian. 
They have formed a loose governing body comprised of both Hegemony and 
Confederate leaders.  As such, the Embassay was reformed, in a hope to 
prevent any other blood shed.

---------------End bio file------------------------------------------

Ayako Kimura, Federation Ambassador

This biofile is currently unavailable.


This billet is currently vacant.


  • 2.4- Scott Lusby: Minor updates to biofile (SD 190523)
  • 2.3.1- Ryan Eanes: Addition of FCO bio (SD 190207)
  • 2.3- Scott Lusby: Addition of new FCO (SD 190202)
  • 2.2- Scott Lusby: Reorganizing of billets (SD 181127)
  • 2.1- Scott Lusby: Major editing- addition of new CO and XO; removal of MCoC (SD 180923)
  • 2.0- Scott Lusby: Addition of CO, SCI and ENG bios (SD 180703)
  • 1.1- Scott Lusby: Addition of new CMO and COU (SD 180630)
  • 1.0- Scott Lusby: Initial compilation after transfer to Wiki (SD 180524)