Serenity Mission 1 Timeline

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Current Mission Timeline: Mission 1- "The Signal"
Version 1.1 (Created SD 320728)


Mission Timeline: "The Signal"

*NOTE: timeline is listed from earliest to latest post.

-373	Andrew F.	Karatova ponders ODESSA's future 	"Days of Future Past"
			  after a rough rescue mission.

-193	Lusby		April and LEVIATHAN investigate		"Into the Void"
			  the destruction of some frieghters
			  and their escort...and receive
			  an ominous signal...and a threat.

-172	Murphy		April and LEVIATHAN get some unusual	"Orders on the Edge"
			  orders from the Admiral ch'Vostok.

-141	Murphy		April and LEVIATHAN get some even	"Lawn Darts"
			  stranger orders directly from
			  the Chief of Starfleet Operations.

-140	Murphy		Donald Wheeler gets an unwlecome 	"History Lessons"
			  message from a mysterious being.

-104	Lusby		Cayle Veld gets new orders to take	"One Piece Neutralized?"
			  command of the task force at
			  Starbase SERENITY.

-101	Lusby		Veld begins her job in earnest by	"Cleaning House"
			  jettisoning the station's CO.

-70     Murphy          Marine Brass have a secret meeting      "Foreshadowing"
                          about the irregularity of recent
                          Marine assignments.

-51	Murphy		Richard Sharpe begins his		"Inspector General's Office"
			  ultra-secret investigation.		  (ENDEAVOUR MD 6.2221)

-22     Murphy          Starbase SERENITY gets a new air        "Watch Dogs on the Porch"

-10	Andrew F./	Sorrenta Tabriz is sent- obstensibly	"Conjuring Jen"
	  Forsyth	  by Veld- to recruit Jen to help
			  with "The Signal."

1.0844	Lusby		Hanson Bennett reports to Veld for	"The New Boss"
			  duty as station CO.