Hanson Bennett

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FULL NAME:	                       Hanson Bennett
SURNAME:		               Bennett
GIVEN NAME:	                       Hanson
CURRENT RANK:    	               Commander (O-5)
CURRENT BILLET:   	               Commanding Officer, STARBASE HORIZON
SPECIES (EXTRACTION):	               Human (Terran)
GENDER/SEX:     	               Male
AGE:			               51 Terran Standard Years
DOB:			               November 17, 2380
POB:			               Utopia Planitia, Mars
PARENTS:		               Father- CAPT Bennett, Hans, UFPSFN, 76 TSY
			               Mother-  CDR Nystrom, Anka, UFPSFN (Retired), 74 TSY
SIBLINGS:		               Bennett, Elke, 48 TSY
SPOUSE:			               None
CHILDREN:		               None

HEIGHT:     		              5'11"
WEIGHT:     		              173 lbs.
HAIR:	    		              Blond
EYES:	    	    	              Blue
SKIN TONE:		              Light/Pale
BLODD TYPE:		              O-
VISION:			              effectively 20/20 with regular treatments of Retinax
RELIGION:		              No affiliation
CITIZENSHIP:		              Martian, United Federation of Planets
LANGUAGES:		              Terran Standard (native speaker), Gorn (basic knowledge), Norwegian (basic knowledge), Swedish (proficient)

Academic Institutions Attended:
   -- Star Fleet Academy
         (Bachelor of Science, Military Science)
Service Schools Attended:
   -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School
   -- Qual:  Tactical Officer
   -- Qual:  Navigation/Astrogation Officer
   -- Qual:  Shipboard Operations & Command
   -- Qual:  Junior/Senior Officer Bridge Tests
Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors:                             None 
Final Cadre Rank:                   Cadet Ensign
Academic Major:                     Military Science
Professional Major:                 Star Fleet Security Procedures
Class Rank:                         107/250
Reprimands:                         0
Commendations:                      0
Athletics:                          Springball
Activities:                         None

Chronology (tabular form):
0-18:     	Lived with parents At Utopia Planitia Shipyards, Mars.
18:       	Nominated and accepted into Star Fleet Academy.
18-22:    	Attended Star Fleet Academy.
23-Present:	Active duty in Star Fleet.

Background Summary:
Hanson Bennett is of Terran Scandinavian decent, his father being Swedish and his mother being Norwegian.  Both of his parents served in Star Fleet, the bulk of their careers spent in the Engineering Corps on Utopia Planitia; both Hanson and his sister, Elke, were born in the Shipyards' medical facilities.

His childhood was both uneventful and stable, his parents providing a steady environment in which to grow.  As an adolescent, his hobbies included ice hockey and springball.

It wasn't until after his graduation from Star Fleet Academy that Hanson's star really began to shine; in fact, it would be several years after graduation.  His story really begins while serving on the USS LEVIATHAN, under Captain Denton Vargas, during the Tybiiran Encounters. In First Tybiiran, he was LEVIATHAN's Acting TAC; he acquitted himself well in a situation for which he was inadequately prepared.  This earned him a promotion and a transfer across TACRON-91 to the newly-recovered USS LOR'VELA.  It was there that he experienced Second
Tybiiran, and it was here that he once again showed his coolness under fire and his ability to lead in combat.  These performances lead to a transfer to Star Fleet Academy as an Instructor of Advanced Security Measures for his shore rotation.  He has spent the majority of his career in GOLD Fleet’s AO, further distinguishing himself during the Battle of Jarmas.

He is an excellent pilot; he was once considered the LEVIATHAN's official shuttlecraft pilot.  He is also a certified Junior and Senior Bridge Officer as well as holding qualifications as a Tactical, Operations and Navigation/Astrogation Officer.

Personality Summary:
Hanson is a bit "off," as others have said.  He doesn't quite march to the same beat as everyone else; as a result, he has had a reputation for  "eccentric" behavior in the past.  However, despite this, he is a likeable person and is friendly almost to a fault- there have been some who have commented that his overt friendliness may be the very source of his eccentricity.

Hanson is single, and in his younger days, unfortunately for the female population of wherever he is stationed or visiting, he well aware of this fact and seeks to change this condition at every opportunity.  He has mellowed some as he has aged...but he is still single, and he will not turn down an opportunity if he sees one..

Once an emergency arises, however, he is all business- "cool as the underside of a pillow" adequately describes his demeanor during a battle.

Promotion History:
Star Date (24)020521:  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
Star Date (24)090215: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Star Date (24)120830: Promoted to rank of Lieutenant (O-3)
Star Date (24)220930: Promoted to Lieutentant Commander (O-4)
Star Date (24)320701: Promoted to Commander (O-5)

Service History:
Star Date (23)980528:  Accepted into Star Fleet Academy, San Francisco, Terra
Star Date (24)020521:  Graduated Star Fleet Academy
                       	  Major: Romulan Culture/History		
                       	  Minor: Negotiation/Diplomacy
Star Date (24)020531:  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1); Assigned NAV, USS REGENT NCC-4711-B
Star Date (24)070401:  Tour of duty on USS REGENT ends; returned to SB BETA for reassignment
Star Date (24)070515:  Assigned NAV, USS HUDSON NCC-23140
Star Date (24)090101:  Tour of duty on USS HUDSON ends; assigned Space Warfare Officer School for training.
Star Date (24)090215:  Graduated Space Warfare Officer School; promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2)
Star Date (24)090330:  Assigned TAC/SEC, USS RIGA NCC 31809 
Star Date (24)110515:  Tour of duty on USS RIGA ends; reassigned as TAC/SEC, USS LEVIATHAN NCC-25002
Star Date (24)110805:  Reassigned aOPS, USS LOR'VELA NCC-69400
Star Date (24)120717:  Tour of duty on USS LOR'VELA ends; returned to SB ALPHA for reassignment
Star Date (24)120830:  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3); assigned as Instructor, Star Fleet Academy
Star Date (24)150325:  Shore rotation ends; reassigned OPS, USS SERAPIS NCC-59025
Star Date (24)180530:  Reassigned XO, USS SHANGRI-LA NCC-48812
Star Date (24)220930:  Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Star Date (24)220320:  Reassigned XO, USS IO mcc-62002
Star Date (24)270630:  Reassigned CO, USS TICONDEROGA NCC-67005
Star Date (24)320701:  Promoted to Commander (O-5); reassigned CO, STARBASE HORIZON

(Note:  Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.)

Medals and Commendations
(24)120201.0000:  Bronze Star - For critical role played in the recovery of USS	LOR'VELA during operations against the Gorn Hegemony.
(24)120201.0000:  Wounded Lion- For sustaining injury during the recovery of the USS LOR'VELA.
(24)120201.0000:  Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon
(24)120201.0000:  Combat Action Ribbon
(24)120201.0000:  GOLD Fleet Service Ribbon
(24)120201.0000:  Gorn Sector Service Ribbon
(24)120201.0000:  Beta Quadrant Service Ribbon
(24)120720.0000:  Bronze Star- For actions which resulted in the recovery and ultimate rescue of USS RAMSES during operations against Gorn Hegemony forces in the Tybiiran Complex.
(24)120720.0000:  2nd Tybiiran Campaign Ribbon
(24)120720.0000:  Combat Action Ribbon

(I’ll update this list later)

A "late bloomer" in terms of advancement.  Outstanding pilot; excellent security officer.  Handles pressure situations with cool demeanor.  Excellent marksman with hand weapons; not terribly skilled in hand-to-hand combat.  Fair hockey
player, but a better springball player.

"Lieutenant Hanson Bennett will be missed on LEVIATHAN; his handling of a difficult situation during the (first) Tybiiran Campaign was impressive.  However, the undermanned LOR'VELA needs him now- he'll be a valuable member of her chain of command.  Commander Talnor is lucky to have him."

-Captain Denton "Buck" Vargas

Hanson's off-duty interests seem to involve either attempting to attract a girlfriend or running springball tournaments in the holodecks.  Will also throw darts on occasion, but does not usually find anyone willing to tangle with him more than once, as his marksmanship with a phaser finds its roots in his dart-throwing abilities.

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