USS Feynman DEC 1996

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December 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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by Andrew Catterick 12-1-1996

Scene: Bridge

"Bring us around Mr. Jerran."

"Aye sir, coming to new course 245 mark 68."


"Most of the Reaver's defences are ground-based weapons. Seems to be a variation of a Romulan type disruptor. They also have a dozen or so small craft attacking the main Issahi fleet. Same configuration as the ship that destroyed SERAPIS but much smaller. Aproximately 15% larger than a standard Starfleet runabout. The Issahi have lost 4 ships but are beginning to overwhelm the base defences. Their troop transports are beginning their run."

"Any signal from the away team?"

"No sir." Jenn replied. "As expected the jamming from the base as well as the weapons fire are providing too much of an obstacle."

As the ship came around the small D-warp shuttle had come into view. It was slowly being pulled towards the base by a tractor beam. Zane thought of diverting to recover it but its path lay in the vicinity of some of the larger Reaver guns.

"Lt. Jenn can you scan the shuttle?" Zane asked hoping their closer proximity would allow the DELPHI to cut through the local interference.

"Yes sir, no lifeforms."

"Target a torpedo on that shuttle." the first officer ordered the TAC officer.


"Fire!" Two seconds later the shuttle was expanding into a million pieces. The discharge ran down the tractor beam and caused minor damage to the base. The captain turned to Maril. "Did the away team know about the shuttle occupants before they left?"

"Yes. If they're alive Koreth and Allard will find them." Maril replied firmly.

"Captain we're clearing the jamming field." Jerran announced.

Zane continued his conversation with Maril. "But who the hell was on that shuttle?" As if by magic the answer came.

"Commander we're receiving a subsapce signal from EPSILON marked personnel."

Maril raised an eyebrow and turned to his display. "Transfer orders. An Ensign Landers our new CNS. Transfer for Ensign Lee to Starfleet Diplomatic Corp approved, effective immediately. She is to form a small group of FEYNMAN personnel and remain behind as a Federation envoy to Issah until an ambassador arives. End message."

Both Captain and first officer turned to face the CNS. "You requested a transfer Mr. Lee?" Maril asked. All transfer requests were to go through him.

"Uh no sir, I mean yes sir. What I mean is I requested a transfer to the Diplomatic Corp before I was assigned to the FEYNMAN. When I received my orders I assumed that the request had been denied. I am as surprised as you."

"Well Mr. Lee, it seems you have a job ahead of you I'd suggest you start developing your team." He rose as she did. "Good luck, you'll be missed."


Donna, I know you wanted to write your exit but as is standard on the FEYNMAN things are moving too fast so now your character will be the diplomatic envoy to Issah untill you reactivate her (I hope you do) Good luck and I hope you get a handle on RL soon.

All:Please remove Donna from your mailing lists.

Sorry its been awhile since I posted but we're approaching the deadline at work and to call it complete and utter chaos would be an understatement. Things should settle down in a week or so but to play it safe lets call it two. But I will be avaiable daily for NRPG stuff so any questions/problems/dilemma's let me know and you'll have an answer with 24 hours or your money back.

Ok, Jason, Mike and Melanie? you've got a shuttle, a lost CNS and pilot and a possible attack against the FEYNMAN to play with ...have fun.

For us on the ship...who knows? Luckily we have the ytterbium defence as it s not foolproof lets hope they don't get too many shots.


-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Into the Lions' Den PT-2

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 12-1-1996

SD - 81201.1530
MD - 7.0845
SCENE: USS FEYNMAN - Deck 14, Cargo Transporter Room [before beam-down]

SCPO Alex Tamarov entered the large cargo transporter room, the only one onboard the FEYNMAN capable of transporting large numbers of personnel at once. The doors to the cargo deck mechanically 'clanked' shut behind him, and the ACSO saw the seven members of ALPHA security squad, each with their duralloy helmets and vests. In addition to the MARK-6 sidearm, each person carried one of the new 'modified' MARK-7 rifles that Lt. Koreth's team had augmented with a standard tricorder, wiped of any Starfleet or Federation data.

Standing by the console, LTjg. Justin Allard and CPO T'Boc were working on a defective helmet. Alex walked over to his CO,

"Good morning, Sir.", said Alex to his CO. He turned to the Vulcan NCO, "you too, Mr. T'Boc." They exchanged greetings. "Is everyone almost ready?" asked the ACSO.

"T'Boc was having trouble with his helmet's communicator", said J.C. "T'Boc, we're not going to mess around with mechanical problems. Call security and have one of the Cadets bring down another helmet from the Armory. We'll send this one to Maintenance when we return.", said J.C.

"Aye, aye Lt." said T'Boc. Grabbing the helmet, he went over to the console to request the new helmet. J.C. turned to Alex.

"You're in command while I'm gone, Alex. Keep everyone alert, patrol teams in two's as long as we stay at Yellow Alert. And if the Captain calls Red Alert, I want one team on the bridge and in Engineering for the duration. Understood?", said J.C., all serious now.

Alex nodded, "Aye, Sir. And good luck to all of you." He said, addressing the entire Alpha Squad. Various 'Thank you Sirs' echoed to the Senior security NCO. All turned to face the doors as they clanked open for Lt. Koreth and his Engineering team.

They walked in to find they were the last to arrive.

"Glad to see you finally showed up." said Allard with a bit of a grin. "Thought I might have had to command this task force all by myself." Alex directed the Engineering personnel to the nearby table with their helmets, vests, side arms, and new rifles, though Ens. Dunnon and Lt. Koreth were already 'suited-up'.

Lt. Koreth grabbed one of the rifles, "And let you play with my new toys unsupervised? I don't think so 'junior'."

J.C. smiled, and jabbed the Lt., lightly of course, with the butt of his rifle. "I wouldn't let you claim all of the fun for yourself. Anyway, someone has to keep an eye on you."

Though he had met a few Klingon Cadets during his days at the Academy, J.C. had not worked or trained with any. Once posted to the FEYNMAN, the CSO was not sure how to regard the Klingon Engineer. Over the last six months, they had mutual respect for each other, and had started to become friends.

Everyone had finished gearing up, J.C. and Koreth walked to the center of the 16-man away team. Allard cleared his throat slightly, and barked "ATTENTION ON DECK!", everyone stood at attention, but Koreth turned to regard the CSO. Only a few standard years younger than the CEO, J.C.'s order had came out a bit tame, compared to Klingon standards, of course. Koreth continued....

"You've already been briefed. You know what's expected of each one of you. But remember, we're a team. If you need help, let someone know. Everyone will move in teams of two. Our priorities are the elimination of any Starfleet or Federation data we may find, and locating the shuttle." said the CEO. He nodded to J.C. for his input.

Allard turned to the team, "Weapons check, everyone. Both side arms and rifles. Acknowledge by helmet comm, so we can test them also." After 14 confirmations, everyone was ready.

"OK, everyone", said Allard "Starfleet today is not like the horror stories of 100 years ago. Engineering and Security personnel DO NOT have targets painted on our backs." The entire away team let out a small round of laughs as J.C. tried to lower the tension a bit. "Keep yourself focused on what you're doing. No one is ever expendable." J.C. eyed Koreth briefly. He had not lost anyone under his command to combat, and did not think the CEO had either. They didn't want to start now.

"All right, everyone up. Circle formation, weapons out. If you perceive something as a threat do not hesitate to protect yourselves." He knew that the speech wasn't necessary, but gave it anyway.

<Bridge to transporter room,> It was Cmdr Maril <Beam down the landing party, and may Kazanti quench the flames of Azule.>

*** SNIP ***

Allard kept track of the bio-readings... which started bothering him quite a bit. "Hold up here."

"What is it?"

"Something strange is going on. " said the SEC officer who continued to explain, "Three times now I've picked up bio readings, of at least 6 separate creatures in each group, and each time we've gotten within 50 meters they suddenly veer off... away from our location."

"Avoiding confrontation on your own base during a raid? Some thing is not right." announced Koreth.

J.C. turned to T'Boc, the strongest Telepath onboard the FEYNMAN. "Mr. T'Boc, any impressions from you?". Through his helmet, the NCO took on a blank look, as though staring at something beyond the normal visual spectrum. Seeing the look on the Vulcan's face, Lt. Koreth said, "Mr. T'Boc, are you OK."

T'Boc snapped out of whatever had occupied his thoughts for those few seconds. "It was as your scans said, Sir. The thoughts of various, and multiple unknown life forms. Extreme force of anger and hatred, and then vanish as we near them. I am at a loss to explain, Sirs." said the Vulcan security NCO.

Mike Dailey

******** * NRPG * ********

- Jason... I back-posted a bit to add a little to the pre-beam down stuff. From there, I just went a little further. I'm not sure what you had in mind with the sticky floors, changing walls, etc. If we run into life-sized killer bee's, my team's outta here <G>. Maybe we can utilize T'Boc some more.

- Melanie... we miss you! Jump in anytime, or back-post a bit and write yourself into our group.

Cheers all!

USS FEYNMAN: Slaughter Time

by Kevin Thigpen 12-2-1996

Stardate: 81202.2300
Scene: Reaver Base
MD: 7.1000

Loren had summoned up a lot of anger as he approached the wall, the Reavers not too far behind, and he had gone through the wall. He saw the Starfleet uniforms, so he thought that there was no trouble from that corner. "They're after me!" Despite the surprise the whole group had received upon Loren coming through the wall, Allard and his officers quickly raised their rifles both towards the wall and down the corridors.

Allard's rifle was pointed at the nearest wall, but he was still surprised when his tricorder suddenly registered movement directly in front of him. He was equally surprised when a hand reached from the solid wall and grabbed his rifle.

The next thing that happened didn't surprise the security officer at all, but it did probably suprise whoever was on the end of his barrel as an energy burst shot forth.

More of the walls or doors opened up to spill the figures of Reavers out onto the away team.

[NRPG: Not going to have all the fun myself. Insert your favorite battle scenario here guys.]

While blasts echoed around him, Loren ducked for cover as he had no weapon. He saw the figure of a Reaver begin to come through a nearby wall. The rest of the away team was busy firing on other forms emerging from all around them.

As the Reaver figure began to emerge in front of him, an idea formed in Loren's mind. He began to concentrate, using his mental abilities to project certain feelings at the rapidly expanding the hopes of closing it before the Reaver could step through.

The opening grew but slowed abruptly and then snapped shut. Half of the Reaver's body lay on the 'outside' of the would be opening while the other half remained on the other side. Loren smiled to himself as he attempted to enlist the aide of the telepath who called him to make use of this newfound weapon.

Respectfully submitted,
Kevin Thigpen

[NRPG: Had to add a little bit. I just felt like I should even the odds a little... :) . You can pass through the walls now Melanie. Now could somebody spare a phaser???]

USS FEYNMAN: Additions

by Jason Bostjancic 12-2-1996

Stardate: 81202.2300
Scene: Reaver Base
MD: 7.1000

Loren had summoned up a lot of anger as he approached the wall, the Reavers not too far behind, and he had gone through the wall. He saw the Starfleet uniforms, so he thought that there was no trouble from that corner. "They're after me!"

Despite the surprise the whole group had received upon Loren coming through the wall, Allard and his officers quickly raised their rifles both towards the wall and down the corridors.

Tarrant stared at the new arrival, trying to quickly size up the newcomer. This was just too strange to be true. But his tricorder registered the haggard individual who just came through the wall as a betazoid. It would have to be enough for the time being.

Allard's rifle was pointed at the nearest wall, but he was still surprised when his tricorder suddenly registered movement directly in front of him. He was equally surprised when a hand reached from the solid wall and grabbed his rifle.

More of the walls or doors opened up to spill the figures of Reavers out onto the away team.

The CEO's mind had a second to register what the attackers looked like. Definitely insectoid - mores specifically arachnid. four 'legs' , each about twice the size of a normal humanoids, extended from the oval shaped body. A strong exoskeleton seemed to protect the body and 'head' section. The tips of the legs came to sharp points, which Tarrant noted, seemed to form a kind of puddle on the alien floor when they touched. It explained the need for the grippy floor.

It took but a moment to observe the enemy, and in the same breath the partial Klingon fired. The blast struck it's target mid-high on an attacker's body. It flew back into the wall which puddled around it. Suddenly another came through.. then another.

Tarrant tried to get a clear shot, but the corridor was too small with all the current occupants to get a good shot off. Despite that, the rest of the team fired on. J.C. was careful of his shots... but very effective. The Betazoid newcomer's face was in deep concentration as one of of the reavers became split from a closing wall.

The arachnid's were attacking using their pointed appendages. Rearing up on the two back legs, they would wrap the upper legs around a victim or attempt to pierce them.

"Here!" shouted Tarrant as he tossed the Rifle over to Loren.

A reaver approached their position, as Loren grabbed the rifle. Then suddenly it's advance was stopped by the loss of a limb. The Feynman's CEO held his Katana as yellowish fluid dripped from the blade. With quickness surprising for his size, Tarrant entered the melee.

  • NRPG*

Sorry, but I had to give our enemy a physical form. Figured they'd look something like the 'Shadows' from Babylon 5 for those who are familiar.. but with a few changes.


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: News of an Old Friend

by Kristen Gant 12-4-1996

Stardate: 81204.2348
Scene: Bridge
MD: 7.1100

Zane was sitting in the Command chair, his thoughts focused on what was going on down on that base. Since the earlier attack, things had remained quiet. But everyone was tense and prepared for the worst. As Zane contemplated, he was interrupted by the voice of Lt. Jenn.

"Captain, you have an urgent message from Starfleet Command. They are requesting a private channel." She said looking up from Ops, and toward the Captain. She couldn't help but be a little curious. Urgent messages from Starfleet Command were not the that common, particularly at the middle of a mission like this.

"Now? In the middle of our mission?" Zane frowned. He really needed to be concentrating on other things. However, Starfleet could not be put on hold. "I'll take it in my ready room."

He stood and headed off to the side of the bridge toward his ready room. Krysa watched him go, smiling as she thought perhaps she was far to nosy for her own good. At least it seemed to ease some of the tension on the bridge as many were wondering about the message as she was. Looking over at Jerran she knew he was thinking something similar, despite his almost constant mind block.

Zane took a seat and tapped his screen to open the communiqué. A tall dark-skinned man appeared on the screen. His dark hair was slightly graying and his dark eyes portrayed a seriousness that did little to set Zane's mind at ease.

<Captain Zane, I am Commodore Reese, Head of Theta VI UFP Prison Colony.>

Zane's eyes narrowed. That was the prison facility holding Dee. He wondered what could possibly be so important that they were interrupting an important mission. "What can I do for you Commodore."

<It is my understanding that you had contact with a prisoner of ours a short while ago. A prisoner known as *Dee*.> the commodore said.

Zane groaned. He'd really hoped never to hear that name again. "I'm sure her exploits with the FEYNMAN are in her file, Commodore. Other then when I escorted her off my ship, I haven't spoken directly to her. Though I did receive a recorded message from her, but that's the last contact we've had."

<Have you heard anything from her within the last 48 hours?> the Commodore asked.

"No, I have not." Zane answered not liking the sound of this. "Not since the recorded message when she first arrived at your facility, several days ago.. What's going on, Commodore?"

<She's escaped. With no clues as to how she did it. We have reason to believe she may contact you. I am hoping we can count on you to let us know if you hear anything from her?>

"Of course," nodded Zane. He couldn't believe that a Starfleet High Security prison facility couldn't keep her for longer the a couple of days. Then again, she did have friends .. he shook away the thought and continued, "Though I don't know why she would contact me."

<I'll be frank with you, Captain, we know what was in the recorded message she sent you. We figure she may still try and collect on whatever she was holding over you.> The Commodore frowned at Zane, <After all it did get her off your ship without being handed over to the authorities, despite her crimes.>

The Captain didn't like the man's innuendo, "I assure you, Commodore, at this time there is nothing she holds that will have any bearing on me," he said vehemently.

<I hope that's the case, Captain.> he said pointedly, <But none the less, if she does contact you ...>

"I will let you know, sir." Zane said finishing the older gentleman's thoughts for him.

<Very well, I will be in contact with you again, Captain. Reese out.>

Zane sat staring at the UFP logo on the screen, wondering how he was going to tell Krysa about this.

Scene: Bridge

Everyone turned to watch the Captain as he exited his ready room, each waiting for some clue as to what the message had been about. However they didn't have time to ponder the question long as a light started flashing on Krysa's console, "Captain. A small vessel has just left the Reaver Base."

"What is it?"

"Trying to get a scan on it now," she replied.

"It's the shuttlepod, sir." Said Jerran incredulously.

"Confirmed," said Jenn, as though there could have been any doubt that Jerran would recognize the shuttlepod's signature. "Sir, it's heading away from the base at it's top speed. And away from us."

They all turned to the Captain to await his next orders.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay here is a rework of my last post, along with a little something
added. Sorry I'm not more creative lately :{

Kristen & Scott Gant

USS FEYNMAN: Coming Up to Speed

by Jason Bostjancic 12-6-1996

SD: 81206
MD: 7.1030
Scene: Reaver Base

Thanks to Loren, the away team began to finally get somewhere inside the Reaver base. It was difficult at first to actually focus something as uncontrollable as anger toward an object, much less at a wall. After a few times though they seemed to get the hang of it. Unfortunately, Meleah was unable to 'open' a door, so Ens. Landers became the gentlemanly figure and did so for her.

Lt. Koreth had taken a quick look at Meleah's arm, even though she stated that, " It would be highly improbable that you could do anything to fix considering the variables Lieutenant."

A few components he recognized, but most he did not. Finally, he had to agree with Meleah's prognosis.

After traveling through a multitude of rooms which seemed to be quite bare, they came to a wall which was only part honeycombed - the rest appeared to be of known metals. Further they couldn't pass through the section. Further on they found something even more strange... a door. A real door, with strange etching's above it.

"What do you make of it Koreth?" asked Allard, keeping his team facing the open walls.

"I'm not sure. The walls are made of a Tungsten-Tritanium Alloy. According to my scans they are also suffering from fatigue evident with extreme age." Tarrant continued his scans as did the remaining engineering part of the team.

Allard looked back for a moment, "I couldn't even get a single reading from any of the other 'Reaver' walls."

Meleah had already figured the answer, "That is because these are more than likely not built by the Reavers. It seems that this base has been taken over by the Reavers who are adapting it."

"It would explain the partial honeycomb we found a few rooms back," noted Tarrant. He started looking at the symbols above the door. "I'm not familiar with these markings."

Meleah came over and took a look. The markings were not of any modern language, but appeared to have elements of the old Vulcan texts... Within a second her database had found it.

"It is what appears to be the beginning of the Romulan language. Circa. around the time of the Great Schism. This sign says 'food'."

Tarrant scanned behind the door. There were a few tables and chairs. No electronics or power readings though. "So this base was originally created during the Vulcan's Schism. And the Reavers just happened upon it after all these years."

J.C. shook his head, "Perhaps they didn't just wander into it Tarrant."

A beeping from Ens. Dunnon's tricorder brought them all back to attention. "Sirs, picking up another Reaver group. Eight in total and heading this way."

"Time to leave," said Allard, "direction?"

Meleah pointed toward the opposite wall. "That way."

............ MD: 1045

They had come upon two other groups of Reavers. Each were fewer in number than was present during the first encounter, and the team quickly subdued their foes, but not without a few casualties. The team's number was down to 7. And, unfortunately the communications block out continued.

The last battle occurred in a room which was far different than that of the previous ones. The honeycomb patterns were larger here, and the light behind each was different. Walls continued upwards about two stories.

"What do you make of it Meleah?" asked the CEO - observably frustrated at his tricorder.


Allard was also looking a bit frustrated. "We have to find that shuttle, time is running out... I suggest we continue."

"That would be unwise Lieutenant. " said Meleah matter of factly, "This is the first break we have found in the Reaver part of this base. We need to try and understand it to avoid continuing blindly from one room to the next." ..... It was actually Loren who found the answer.. by trying a hunch. He focused all his thoughts on the word 'why' and projected it.

A few of the honeycombs slid out of the wall, bearing controls. Further, a section of wall seemed to change, and an image of some type of large terminal screen appeared. Symbols flashed across it.

"What in the?..." said Dunnon who involuntarily trained his rifle on the screen. Allard quickly brought the engineer's weapon down.

Ens. Landers explained, "The Reavers seem to project an emotion to open the doors. I tried projecting the question why... not so much as a word but as a feeling of curiosity. I seems to have worked."

Tarrant scanned the screen and came up with a revelation as quickly as did Meleah, "These symbols form crude molecular patterns. Just like those we intercepted."

The science officer confirmed.

They had a way in.

............ <NRPG>

Yes, It rambles a bit. I tried to link in a few of the FEYNMAN's finds with that of the away team. More importantly I tried to bring us somewhere closer up to 'date' so the ship can actually do something.

If some one would post in the next batch something that indicates the Shuttle taking off then we'll be up to speed.

Respectfully, Jason

Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN:We're Outta Here

by Jason Bostjancic 12-7-1996

SD: 81207
MD: 7.1057

"Regardless," said J.C. "were still somewhere on the base, and only three minutes to go. I can't tell if were far enough away from the power source." said the CSO, checking his tricorder.

The lighting here was dimmed. Power direction to the older parts of the base seemed to be a lot less than was originally required.

Tarrant began scanning also. "Our tricorders are able to penetrate these walls. Adjusting for maximum distance." The effects of the Dimensional Transport were slow to wear off, and the partial kilingon had to refocus his eyes a few times.

"Which probably means were closer to the edge of the base." said J.C. He appeared to be having similar difficulties.

Meleah quickly added, "Or further within the base." It was a thought none of them relished.

"Adjusting.. we have an estimated two minutes, thirty seconds until that power overload." interrupted Dunnon. He was looking a bit strained.

"Lt. Koreth, I'm picking up something.. it appears to be a warp signature.." J.C. motioned toward a one of two doors out of the room. "This direction"

Tarrant picked it up, "Got it.. yep that's one of ours. Definitely from a shuttlepod.- Let's move."

The remaining 7 rushed to the door to find it jammed. The locking mechanism and low power actually being sent to the older sections of the base didn't help matters. However, Meleah seemed to have little trouble persuading it to open.

"Two minutes!" shouted Dunnon in between breaths as they raced towards the signature.

60meters - 40meters - 20meters.

The hallway opened up ahead of them through which came the unmistakable blue glow from a warp nacelle. The away team arrived just in enough time to see the shuttlepod exit through a forcefield into space.

All of them began looking around for a second means of exit. The room was definitely an old shuttlebay. Pieces of ancient ships lay strew about. As did a few pieces of more modern equipment - like the forcefield. One of the walls showed the beginning signs of reaver replacement.

"None of these vehicles are space worthy." Noted Lt. Meleah as she scanned about.

Tarrant had an idea - question would be how much time did they have. "Everyone! Scan for working lifepods in these ships. If you find one get in - use your rifle power packs to re-power the life-support!"

Suddenly an explosion from somewhere within rocked the base. Sending a chain reaction running slowly through. Lights flickered and the forcefield flashed.

With precious-little time remaining, the team entered the last operational escape-pods from what looked like the remains of an old Vulcan freighter. His pod was, like the others, devoid of power, but would still seal itself from the effects of space.

Then, as a power spike hit the equipment, the forcefield failed, and pulled everything within the shuttle-bay out due to the change in pressure. A second later the explosion reached the room.

Tarrant felt the force as his freighter section was blasted out of the bay. He was locked in securely against the vacuum of space - but had little oxygen.

Yanking the power supply out of his rifle, the CEO tried quickly to get it compatible with the pod. With a few 'modifications' he managed to crosswire the tricorder-pod- and power pack. As he did, the escape pod shot out from it's confines of the scrap.

All Tarrant could do now was wait for the FEYNMAN and prey that the others were successful.

"Tarrant to Feynman... "


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS BURKE
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus