ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+


by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.188

Scene: Unknown

“Ooompff.” Jack grunted as a blue and red tidal wave knocked him out of the path of the phaser discharge. He didn’t have time to thank Gar because as they both hit the ground they were forced to roll out of the way as HOOD’s security chief continued to fire his phaser. “Rick!” Steele shouted as he rolled back into his cell knowing that he was placing himself into a dead end. He hoped it would only be figurative.

Commander Gar had been able to roll in the opposite direction and as Rick Payne stumbled forward one hand in front of his face as if it to block out something while he continued to fire his weapon at the captain with the other. He didn’t seem to notice the prone body of the Andorian engineer his face intently searching out Steele. Eventually he strode by Gar who lashed out with his legs and brought the security officer down. Jack had been waiting and immediately leaped into the fray.

The struggle was brief and was broken up when Rick seemed to return to his senses. “Captain?”

Jack and Gar traded a look before turning back to examine Payne. “Did you want to perhaps explain yourself commander?” Jack asked breaking the bewildered silence.

“I’m not quite sure captain. I was in my cage and then my phaser suddenly started to work. I took down the forcefield and I stepped out into the corridor. Except it wasn’t the corridor. It was some frozen wasteland. I was walking through a blizzard and then I could suddenly see this large animal charging towards me. I started firing my phaser and a few seconds later I returned here.”

Jack loosened his grip and then returned to his feet. “You never left. The animal you thought you were shooting at was me.”

“You sir?”

“Some sort of mind control.” Gar reasoned. “Does your phaser still work commander?”

Rick powered down the setting and carefully aimed at the floor. It fired. Jack and then Gar tried theirs with the same result.

A sense of impending disaster began to descend on Jack as he began walking down the corridor towards the cell that Zade and Stile were in. He was relieved to see the forcefield was deactivated while at the same time concerned at the implications. As the three HOOD officers strode into the cell they found the doctor and navigator standing and staring at each other.

“Dr. Corbett?” Jack asked not expecting and answer.

Gar picked up Stile’s medical tricorder and quickly ran it over both of them. “Lifesigns are stable, brian function elevated as are their stress levels.”

Jack reached out to grab the doctor’s shoulder. As he did the scene changed.

“Welcome to the Alamo sar.” Stile said after a brief pause. He nodded to Gar and Payne. “I wonder if you are all real or a further figament of my imagination.”

“Real enough.” Jack answered as he took in his new surroundings. “The Alamo? Texas?” He grimaced as Stile nodded. “I hate westerns.”


Ugh that was terrible.

Too bad we don’t have nameless Red Shirt who can get killed to ‘prove’ this is real.

Well lets see we’ve gone from ‘The Corbomite Maneuver’ to ‘The Menagerie’ to ‘Spectre of the Gun’. I wonder how many more episodes we can cover here. I guess you could even make a case we briefly covered ‘All our Yesterdays’



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Tremble

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Crew Quarters, Talosian Ship

The younger Talosian continued to wonder at the real goals of his superiors. They had far crossed the line of simple observation. Their manuplations of the lower sapients bordered on sadistic: violent without obvious purpose. Unless there were a purpose here beyond his understanding. And what were they really doing with the ships they had already hauled back to Talos? Observing their crews too?

He no longer believed them. They wanted *something* from these lower beings and it bothered him greatly that he could not divine what. Then the troubled solitude of his mind was shattered.

[They are coming!] the overlord Talosian minds warned. A mental image of the USS HOOD dropping out of warp accompanied the alert.

So, that Neo Federation ship was returning. And what was this? His mind couldn't touch it. The ship was a ball of noise that hurt to even examine. He shot to his feet, now greatly concerned for his own physical existance. Right or wrong, they could not let that ship find them. Their barge had no weapons. There had never been the need for any. How short sighted their leaders had been. He had to find a way to help.

Resolutely the Talosian left his compartment for the ship's bridge.

NRPG: POV for the bad guys. It is July 10th and we have ONE post aside from this one on the board. Come on guys!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Crap Their Pants

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Sean gritted his teeth as another wave of nausea threatened to knock him off his feet. The damned theta radiation was already playing havoc with him. Or was it the mild concusion that Tamura had given him?

"Tamura, we getting anything on comms?"

"Quiet as a herd of dead crickets sir."

"Cute," Sean smirked. "Hemux. What do you see?"

"Picking up a plasma trail. The RUTLEDGE has been moved, probably at sublight, along bearing 341 mark 23."

"In the solar ecliptic?"

"More or less. My best guess is that they are somewhere about the asteroid belt in the inner system."

"Right. Easy to see where we have to go then."

"Very easy sir. I got the RUTLEDGE now and it's bugging a rock. Here's something else. A single ship. Unarmed.

Sean smiled predatorially. "Tamura, open all channels to those ships." Tamura looked a bit confused at the unusual request but complied. "All channels open sir."

Sean stood up and walked towards the view. "Whoever you are you mother frakers, we're coming to kick your asses."

Close frequencies.

On the Talosian vessel, several crewmen who received that message lost control of their bowel functions.

NRPG: POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have TWO posts aside from this one on the board. Come on guys! Postlet Postlet Postlet!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Get Their Asses Kicked

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

"Shields are going up on the RUTLEDGE," Hemux reported.

Sean resolutely ordered, "Tactical, torch the engines on that unarmed ship. Fire when ready. Tamura, use the prefix codes to secure the RUTLEDGE."

Within seconds, the USS HOOD opened up on the Talosian. The aft hull of the naked barge almost instantly melted into grade A slag beneath a brilliant barage of phaser blasts. Waves of explosive decompressions knocked the ship off axis and sent the it slowly spinning away from the nearby asteroid.

At the same time the RUTLEDGE stood down, obeying the digital commands of the HOOD's communications officer.

All too easy, Sean thought. Way too easy in fact. He would be royally pissed if this turned out to be another hallucination.

"Hemux, are any of our people over there?" The scientist did not answer. "Hemux," Sean repeated. He looked back to the science station to see why Hemux was so quiet.

"Oh frak," he cursed.

NRPG: Another POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have THREE posts aside from this one on the board. Come on guys! I'm giving her all she's got!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Die

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Sean jumped out of his chair and rushed to the prone form of Hemux. He turned the Denobulan on her side. Blood oozed out of her nose. "Medics to the Bridge!" he called. "Hemux, you still awake? I don't want to have to hit you again."

Hemux responded by drunkenly swinging an arm that lightly cuffed his jaw. "Nawt necessawy," she slurred. "I hate theta waves."

"You and me both," Sean smiled. Hemux's head lolled in his arms. "Hey, don't do that. You scare me."

"So be nice and turn off the theta."

"So much for 2 hours time huh?"

"Miscalculanation. Scrambling my's doing that yeah."

"Or maybe it is another mental attack."

"Sure, whateva," she said drowsily.

Presently the medics arrived and gave Hemux a stimulant. Like switching on a light, Hemux brightened back to coherence.

"Well that helped," Sean said, impressed, as Hemux shakily crawled back to her consol.

"Ok," Hemux said, "Okay, I'm checking the alien ship and RUTLEDGE." She frowned. "Sir, there are no life signs. But," and Hemux put a hand to her mouth in shock. "My heavens, sir, there are lots of bodies."

NRPG: Another POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have FIVE posts including this one on the board. Come on guys! This crap is just too easy to write. There really isn't an excuse for us to have sooooo few posts this far into the month. Hell, even the CONNIE is beating us up!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Newer Reality

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.191

Scene: Cell, Unknown


A sense of impending disaster began to descend on Jack as he began walking down the corridor towards the cell that Zade and Stile were in. He was relieved to see the forcefield was deactivated while at the same time concerned at the implications. As the three HOOD officers strode into the cell they found


…Zade and Stile .

Stile and Zade quickly relayed the experience they had shared and listened as Payne relayed his adventure.

“Mind control.” Steele said in conclusion.

“It would seem.” Corbett agreed. “But to what end?”

“The First Federation’s initial encounter with Starfleet involved testing the ship and her crew.” Gar offered.

“True but it was a case of subterfuge, guile and bluff there was no hint of mind control during or after.”

Jack groaned. “I hate this kind of crap. Its almost bad as time travel.”

‘So potentially this could have nothing to do with the First Federation?” Rick asked. “And the emergency with RUTLEDGE might have all been a fabrication.”

“At this point we really have no way of knowing.” Zade agreed.

“Everything is suspect. Including all of us.” Gar added.

“Well as far as I am concerned I’m real and so are all of you. Except maybe Stile, I’ve always question his reality.”

“I question it everyday.”

“I suggest we stop playing along with our jailors and see what that brings us.”

Suddenly the scene changed.

“That might not work.


Just cleaning up my slip up and getting it back on track.



CAPT Jack Steele



USS HOOD: Cutting the hardware

by David Martins

SD 2261.191


<Snip from Brian>

"Ok," Hemux said, "Okay, I'm checking the alien ship and RUTLEDGE." She frowned. "Sir, there are no life signs. But," and Hemux put a hand to her mouth in shock. "My heavens, sir, there are lots of bodies."

<End of Snip>

Hemux shivered as she read the numbers out, "There is just no one alive, Sir" she said with a tremble in her voice. "Every single crewmember is dead. We're picking up the correct number of bodies that are indicated by the internal sensors of the RUTLEDGE. It seems they are matching up with the crewmanifest."

Arr'Rhiana's face was pale as she tought of the indications of such a masacre. If this was caused by the unknown aliens on the ship, then this meant no less then an act of war.

"I am comparing the crewmanifest with the last indication of each crewmember logged in the RUTLEDGE ships log." Suddenly she frowned "There is something wrong, these lists do not match..." Frantic she tapped her keyboard and scanned the RUTLEDGE again. This time she did a more throughout scan, counting each body for known physical parameters, length, weight, race and so on.

"HERE ! I have it!" She turned to Merrick "Something or someone is jamming with our sensors the numbers of bodies are exact those of the last crewmanifest of the RUTLEDGE, but we beamed our away-team on the ship! So there should have been more bodies."

"Sean shrugged his shoulders "So maybe the away team is not on the RUTLEDGE? Or maybe some crewmembers have leftthe ship in a lifepod or so?"

Hemux gave him a smile "No Sir, According to the list with names, the members of the HOOD are on board. So that is impossible, how can crewmembers f the HOOD be on the crewmanifest for the RUTLEDGE? No, it's again something playing with us."

Sean looked troubled "So the tetha-waves are not helping?"

"They do, I think this is something with our sensors or the RUTLEDGE computersystem. I suggest sending in a new away team, or at east a shuttlecraft to get closer readings."


Just making it a bit harder... And adding a post to the numbers ofcourse.


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux CSciO , Sovereignty Fleet USS HOOD NCC 1703


USS HOOD: Meeting Our Host

by Steve Apple

SD: 2261.193

Scene: Cell, Unknown

<<SNIP from Andy’s Post “A Newer Reality”

Suddenly the scene changed.

“That might not work.” Steele moaned.


“Son of a bitch.” Corbett yelled as the harsh arctic wind and pounding snow hit them. “You had to go and piss them off didn’t you Jack. Tell me what you were thinking.”

“I was thinking I’d rather be stuck on Rura Penthe than be in the midst of this mind control bullshit.”

“Great a Klingon Penal Planet, so why am I the only one with you.”

“I always like you to share my misery Stile, it keeps you humble.”

“Humble isn’t the word I’d use about now, my nuts are making a bee line to my throat in this cold.”

“I’d say we got less than a minute maybe two before the Klingons send out their dogs to get us.” Jack said smiling at the doctor’s misery.

“I’d say we have about that long before hypothermia sets in.” Corbett could hear the sounds of barking and growling getting closer. “Wasn’t Rura Penthe destroyed by Nero?” Corbett asked trying to keep his hat on his head.

“Yep along with 47 Klingon Warbirds.” Steele answered.

“You’re brighter than Sean gives you credit for.” Corbett smiled as well. “You can’t put us on a planet that doesn’t exist anymore.”

“No you can’t, I’d say right about now they figured out we’re not buying into this illusion.”

The world seemed to shimmer for a moment and the arctic weather disappeared into an empty grey room with a lone being sitting in the center.

Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and said nothing. Instead he inspected the being sitting on a cube which jutted up from the floor. His maybe her head was about one and a half times larger than a human’s with a ridge fold that ran down its center posteriorly. He, she was wearing a grey robe which matched the color of the room.

Pulling out his scanner he stepped forward, but hesitated when he felt the Captains hand on his arm.

“No jokes about what its head looks like ok.” Steele said with a stern look.

Corbett smiled. “Never crossed my mind sar.”

The beeps from the scan confirmed the beings readings. “He’s flesh and blood not quite humanoid though.”

“Quite right Doctor Corbett, I am indeed flesh and blood and I think you’ll find I am not too dissimilar than you physically; however, mentally.”

“Yeah yeah I know a bunch of dry grass.” Corbett said stepping back from the being.

“Who am I, Captain Steele.” The Talosian said eliciting an uncomfortable frown from Steele. “I am Golack of Talos IV as you would know it from your star charts.”

“So what is…”

“So what is it I want from you?” Golack interrupted. “I have a proposition.”

<<<NRPG>>> Just a short post to make things move along, hopefully.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Propositions

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.195

Scene: Cell, Unknown

<<SNIP from Steve’s Post “Meeting our Host”

“Who am I, Captain Steele.” The Talosian said eliciting an uncomfortable frown from Steele. “I am Golack of Talos IV as you would know it from your star charts.”

“So what is…”

“So what is it I want from you?” Golack interrupted. “I have a proposition.”


Jack tried to call up an image of Talos IV and just where on the star charts it might be. He couldn’t place it but had the feeling he had seen the name before, that and something about the SS COLUMBIA. But at this point there was no useful information his memory would unlock that would give him an edge in the here and now.

“Propositions are much easier to consider when one of the parties isn’t kidnapped and locked away.”

“And treated like a laboratory rat!” Stile added.

“I don’t think you should be the one to talk about concerns over laboratory rats.” Golack smiled patiently at Corbett. “Sar.”

He turned back to Jack. “Captain I understand that you feel you and those like you are part of some noble and advanced race. Clinically it is quite customary for beings to hold such a belief. But you and your crew have already begun to suspect that you are in fact laboratory test subjects. The fact that you don’t want to admit that or voice it is predictable and also quite amusing. But even in your primitive civilization facts are still facts. You must accept them.”

“Why have you imprisoned us? What is it you are after?” Jack demanded.

“We are a curious race and we have long explored the physical realm but it has grown tiring. The greater pursuit is to explore the mind. To that end we collect representatives from each species and subject them to a variety of stimuli to gage reaction. I don’t expect you to fully comprehend the nuances of what we seek and I see no reason to employ my time trying to instruct you. There is much work to be done. More races to examine.”

“Whatever opinion you hold of us we are sentient, free beings and you have no right…” Jack suddenly groaned in pain and fell to his needs.

“Negative thoughts will be punished.” Galock said. “Correct thoughts will be rewarded just as quickly.”

As suddenly as the pain came it was washed away with a general feeling or euphoria. It slowly ebbed away and Jack returned to his feet. “What is your proposition?” He finally asked. Knowing he would never submit to whatever this Talosian had in mind but not knowing how he could withstand them.

“The time we have scheduled for your races is coming to a close and we are 23% behind in our studies. It seems that you humans in particular have erratic but stubborn and at times impenetrable minds. You do not readily aceppt what you are shown and you question the surroundins and your environment. It does not fit established parameters.”

“How disappointing for you.” The doctor mocked and was rewarded with his own example of the pain the Talosian could inflict.

“You will find my patience is not limitless. I will complete my test on time.” He turned to Jack once more. “If you and your crew cooperate the tests will be conducted with increased efficiency and we will allow you to go on your way.”

“And if we don’t?” Jack asked. Suddenly he was standing on the bridge of the RUTLEDGE surrounded by the dead bodies of the bridge officers.

“The tests will be conducted captain.” Galock continued when Jack found his surroundings had returned. “If you and your crew try to fight them we will have to utilize more of our power. It will be very detrimental, but then it will provide fascinating results.”


Wasn’t this supposed to be a nice, easy, no violence, first contact type mission?

Now what?

(I think we’re making the Talosians more ‘evil’ then they actually were…must be an offshoot)



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Some Answers?

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.200

Scene: Unknown

<<<From Andy’s post ‘Proposition’s’>>>

“You will find my patience is not limitless. I will complete my test on time.” He turned to Jack once more. “If you and your crew cooperate the tests will be conducted with increased efficiency and we will allow you to go on your way.”

“And if we don’t?” Jack asked. Suddenly he was standing on the bridge of the RUTLEDGE surrounded by the dead bodies of the bridge officers.

“The tests will be conducted captain.” Galock continued when Jack found his surroundings had returned. “If you and your crew try to fight them we will have to utilize more of our power. It will be very detrimental, but then it will provide fascinating results.”


Jack seethed with rage as he stared at the monster before him. Suddenly the impulse that he had been trying to hold at bay overcame him and he leapt forward. His only wish to knock the smug look off the alien face. Centimeters from his goal he smashed into a forcefield and bounced back on to the floor.

Galock looked momentarily shocked and then peered down as Stile bent over Jack and then helped him to his feet. “I see you have provided an answer after all. That too was a test.” He turned to leave but then looked back. “You of course failed.”

When he was sure Galock was gone Stile turned back to Jack. “Well that proved to be interesting.”

“What that I lost control of myself and tried to kill that bastard?”

“Partly.” Stile mused as he considered Jack. “What image did he show you?”

“So it was just an image?” Jack asked hopefully. “I never actually left.” Corbett shook his head. “I was on the RUTLEDGE. They were all dead. I assume he wanted me to believe they had been involved with what ever his experiments are, or fought him.”

The doctor nodded. “I can understand your response. But the interesting thing is Galock was not only prepared for it he didn’t expect it.”

“He had the forcefield in place.” Jack countered.

“Sure but that might have been an overall contingency. When you leaped at him he had no idea it was coming. He was completely and totally surprised. Perhaps they aren’t the masters of the mind they portray themselves to be.”

Jack rubbed his chin and considered. “We can’t underestimate them, we’ve seen what they can do and honestly I don’t know how to fight the ability to make us see and feel whatever they want. But you’re right, he had no idea I was coming.”

“What were you thinking when you charged him.”

“Nothing. It was pure hate. I wanted him dead. That’s all I saw.”

Stile nodded. His own line of experiment coming to the conclusion he had suspected. “Strong emotion. They can’t read strong, primitive emotions.”


Ugh, that plot is held together with a lot of glue.

I don’t want to rewrite the Cage and it looks like we’re heading that way. So unless someone protests I’m thinking we start heading this towards some sort of conclusion. Not sure exactly what that could be. We all walk around pissed and they let us go as untestable? The ‘good’ Talosians show up and take the ‘evil’ ones into custody (Keep thinking of the ending to Squire of Gothos), Balok and the FESARIUS coming screaming in and go DAHAK on their asses. I don’t know…I hope one of you do!



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Caught in the Act

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.206

Scene: Unknown

<<From Andy’s post ‘Some Answers’>>

Jack rubbed his chin and considered. “We can’t underestimate them, we’ve seen what they can do and honestly I don’t know how to fight the ability to make us see and feel whatever they want. But you’re right, he had no idea I was coming.”

“What were you thinking when you charged him.”

“Nothing. It was pure hate. I wanted him dead. That’s all I saw.”

Stile nodded. His own line of experiment coming to the conclusion he had suspected. “Strong emotion. They can’t read strong, primitive emotions.”


Laur leaned forward and opened his eyes having ‘watched’ the interaction between Galock and the specimens followed by the not to surprising revelation that these beings had discovered the way to block the Talosian mind. He gave a mental sigh wondering if Galock had even realized. Probably not. He would have understood what had happened but not the significance of it. Predictably he would dismiss the possibility that these beings, so far beneath him, would be able to make the leap.

That led to a far more important factor. The great experiment with this race, at least at this time, was over. Not only had the Talosian’s revealed themselves which should have negated the experiment right there and then. But Galock had unwittingly given the speciman’s a tool they could use to, at minimum, disrupt the test. No doubt Galock would deny the impact of both these factors. But the tenets of the testing were quite clear and just as inviolate. The test was over. The problem was Galock did not understand that nor would he accept it.

Laur sighed again. He was unsure how to proceed. Part of the reason, a large part, he admitted coldly, why he had been assigned to this team was because he was secretly a representative of the Keeper. His mentor had long suspected that Galock and his followers had done the unthinkable and begun to get emotionally attached to their subjects and were utilizing the experiments for their own ends. It was his job to catch them in the act and report back to the Keeper. He knew he should be dispassionate about the results but he found he looked forward to seeing Galock face the Keeper’s justice

With a smile he leaned back in his chair and reached out with his mind.


Laying the ground work for the end…



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Under their Skin

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.207

Scene: Unknown

“I think we’ve been forgotten.” Stile said breaking the silence. “Definitely forgotten.”

“I think you may be right.” Jack finally replied pulling himself out of his thoughts. He’d been trying to find a way to use their revelation on strong emotions to escape but hadn’t really come up with a workable plan. He was about to admit his lack of progress when the doctor’s arm suddenly flashed out and plunged a hypo into Jack’s neck.

“Ow! What the frak?” Steele demanded as he watched the doctor flip the hypo and jabb himself.

“Wait for it.” Corbett replied calmly.

“Wait for what?” Jack demanded wanting to throttle the doctor.

“How you feeling?”

“Like you better start giving me some frakkin answers. Now!” Jack replied menacingly.

“We can’t keep up these strong negative emotions by ourselves. This.” He raised the hypo, “should help.”

“Well you might have given me some warning!”

“You know you’re supposed to be the captain.” Stile groused. “Aren’t you supposed to be coming up with the good ideas to get us out of here?”

Jack yanked his communicator off his belt and flipped it open. “Steele to HOOD. Steele to HOOD. Frak! So much for that plan.”

Corbett sighed. “Hold on their sar. Maybe the communicator is working but no one on the ship ‘know’s you are calling cause our buddies are using their minds on them.”

Jack paused for a second as he considered that idea along with perhaps smacking the smug look off the doctor’s face. And what was the deal with the stupid cowboy hat? “Computer tie in.”

<Working.> Came back the metallic reply.

“Computer give me access to main computer banks.”

<Authorization required.>

“Steele ALPHA-two-two-seven-OMEGA-OMEGA- one. Compute.”

<Working. Authorization code accepted. New code required before ALPHA priority access will be accepted on subsequent occasion.> Jack nodded impatiently at the voice of the computer. His communication signal could have been compromised so once the code was spoken and accepted it would be rendered useless for future use. When he returned back aboard HOOD he would have to input a new ALPHA code after first verifying himself with yet another code level password.

He tossed the communicator to Stile. “Ok smart guy. What can the computer have released into the air on HOOD to piss everyone off and clear their minds?”



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Gas Solves Your Problems

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.208

MD End phase

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Hemux suggested sending over an away team via shuttle or transporter to look for their people. Well given the unreliable state of their minds, Merrick wasn't too sure how to make that work. It would mean leaving the semi-protective field of theta waves which were quickly making the crew only slightly more competent than fleet admirals.

"There has to be a way to beat these bastards without going over there," he said to Hemux. "We have maybe half an hour before we have to turn tail or risk being incapacitated and captured."

While Hemux and Sean traded ideas, no one noticed the COMM officer staring blankly at his control board. If they had, they might have realized that the Captain was trying to call in at that very moment. Then, just as Sean and Hemux seemed about to start banging their skulls on the bulkheads in frustration, the ship passed gas.

Sean didn't notice anything at first. He was too busy dealing with the anger building at the base of his brain matter: an anger which Stile's neuroactive gas helped magnify. Then Sean found himself grinding his teeth in at intensified level of irritation. He actually growled in frustration at the situation and their inability to solve it. He fought the urge to lash out at Hemux as she floated the riduculous idea of shoving a theta emitter on a cargo shuttle. Well it would work of course, but it would take a few minutes to move the emitter.

"For frak's sake Hemux!" he snapped, "Why don't we just beam the whole fraking mess of bodies over here?"

Hemux looked as if she wanted to deck him, but contained herself. "Because then we wouldn't be able to do a thorough recon of the alien craft!"

"We only have minutes left before we're completely useless," he retorted. "We don't have time for a recon."

"Then why don't we do both?"

"Then why didn't you suggest that in first place you ... you ..." he stammered, almost calling her an undeserved epitaph. "Damn it, just start beaming up people and get the recon shuttle ready. Lord knows you'll probably crash it into a hanger door on the way out the way we're thinking."

Sean went back to the command chair and pounded a few buttons before getting the intercom. "Security teams to cargo bays 3, 4 and 5. Wear breather masks. Stand by to receive possible prisoners from the alien ship. I want you to seal the bays and guard the doors. Life Support, seal off ventilation those bays and get an anestazine gas into them. I want our guests to out like lights when we look them over. Transporter room, start beaming up anything that looks like it belongs in the Federation, then start picking up anything that doesn't. Bridge out."

NRPG: Setting up the end game.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Irritating the Crew

by Steve Apple

SD: 2261.208

Scene: Unknown Cell

<<Snip From Andy’s Post “Getting Under their Skin”

“Steele ALPHA-two-two-seven-OMEGA-OMEGA- one. Compute.”

<Working. Authorization code accepted. New code required before ALPHA priority access will be accepted on subsequent occasion.> Jack nodded impatiently at the voice of the computer. His communication signal could have been compromised so once the code was spoken and accepted it would be rendered useless for future use. When he returned back aboard HOOD he would have to input a new ALPHA code after first verifying himself with yet another code level password.

He tossed the communicator to Stile. “Ok smart guy. What can the computer have released into the air on HOOD to piss everyone off and clear their minds?”

End Snip>>

Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and thought about it for a moment. “How long you want it to last.”

“You can do that turn it on and off like a switch?”

“Well not exactly that quick, but yeah I can cause the whole ship to go into a rage, well all the humans and some of the other races that is. Problem is angry people don’t think straight, someone might do something stupid.”

“I think it’s a chance we have to take doctor. If we can initiate rage in our people for say a 30 second to 1 minute burst it may allow them to push these Talosian bastards out of their thoughts.

“We haven’t experimented on how quickly they recover from our primitive emotive thoughts Jack. It could be immediate. It might be better to cycle it, cause the crew to experience rage then back off. We could then try the communicator and let them know what we are doing. If I can get to ARr’Rhiana she can cycle it as need be.”

“I can’t think of anything better right now. Which brings me back to my original question, so smart ass how are you going to accomplish this amazing feet of rage induction. Tell are your women about each other.”

“That would cause rending and tearing as well as wailing. Oh and let us not to forget that it might be a detriment to my immediate health. Listen and learn sar.”

Jack smiled and waved his hand in a go ahead and impress me kind of way.

“Computer.” Corbett said.

<Working> came the metallic voice.

“Override code authorization Corbett ALPHA-seven-nine-seven-GAMMA-Tau- four. Compute.”

<Authorization accepted.>

“Computer on my mark initiate an ELF wave at 11.3 Hz. Start burst for 1 minute then initiate second burst at 450 MHz Cycle through 2 times.


“Ok so what is all that supposed to do?” Jack asked.

“The first frequency 11.3 Hz will stimulate the ventromedial hypothalamus to release vasopressin which will elicit rage. The second burst at 450 MHz will stimulate the release of oxytocin which will have a calming effect.”

“Sometimes you know things that scare me Stile.”

“That’s why I drink sar it keeps the demons at bay.” Corbett said with a smile and then into the communicator. “Initiate ELF waves now.”


Corbett adjusted a setting on the communicator and handed it back to his captain. “Try the ship in about 30 seconds. If a really pissed off operator answers well then you know it worked.”

“If you frak this up I’m taking away your hat privileges.” Steele said taking the communicator

“Yankee,” Corbett hissed as an insult.

Respectfully Submitted

Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Anger Mismanagement

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2261.208

Setting: Cell, Unknown Place

"I'm going to frakking kill someone," Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth growled as he paced like a caged ani...well, a caged Andorian. "I'm going to do it slowly, and I'm going to enjoy doing it."

Rick Payne glanced in his direction. "Calm down, Gar," he said, dismissing the Andorian's grousing with a wave of his hand.

Gar froze, and his eyes narrowed to slits as he eyed the HOOD's Security Chief. "You keep telling me to calm down, and I will gladly take my frustrations out on you, MISTER Payne."

Gar continued pacing, trying to hold onto the anger he was feeling. It shouldn't have been hard; he was in a cage, after all, and like most sentient being resisted captivity. However, he couldn't: his conscience was too busy reminding him his frustration was fruitless to stay angry.

Suddenly, his surroundings changed...and for a brief moment, he almost wished he was back in his cage.

He was back on Arcturus- that small hotel, where--

"Gar," a beautiful, lithe Andorian woman called to him softly from across the room.

"Avae," he said, his tone almost a whisper as they met one another. "How are you here?"

"I am here for you," she said softly, her hand reaching out to brush the side of his head.

Gar closed his eyes. A part deep within him, that corner reserved for only the most private thoughts and memories, regretted not taking Avae up on her offer. It would have been so easy- kill the monster Doctor Sahen, be done with his kind...and find a life with Avae, one he had denied himself all those years ago.

But something wasn't tracking...Avae made her decisions about the two of them as well...and after the way that mission had ended...

"You couldn't possibly be here- you WOULDN'T possibly be here," Gar said, raising and drawing back his fist, anger now welling up again as he recognized the subtle, seductive manipulations at work.

Then, just as suddenly, he caught himself, and lowered his hand. He stepped back from Avae, turning and looking up. "It won't work!" he shouted. "I won't play along!"

Instantly, pain enveloped him, a pain unlike that he had ever felt.

[[[Refusal to cooperate will be punished,]]] he heard a voice echo inside of his head. [[[Cooperation will as quickly be rewarded.]]]

And then, in another blink, he was back in his cell.

Cedria Zade was standing right across from him. "Who is Avae, and why are you standing so close to me?"


Sorry for the long silence. This is god-awful, but I thought I needed to do something before Merrick beams every living being back to HOOD.

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer


Task Force 6


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, But Your I

by Harry Iha

SD: 2261.209

SCENE: Bridge

After suddenly being transported away from a pleasant rugby game in San Francisco and receiving an uncomfortable grilling by the XO, Tamura and all the bridge officers returned to their stations. Mind control? It seemed unreal to the young officer. But then again, until 20 minutes ago he would have sworn on any number of affidavits that he was on leave on Earth. It was all very confusing.

There was talk about a theta field, and how it was protecting them from the thought control process...and how it was scrambling their brains. Biology was never Tamura's strong point, and he had a growing headache to contend with.

One thing for sure, there was definite tension between the XO and LT ARr'Rhiana. Although they kept it short of outright insults, even a geek with zero social skills like Tamura noticed it.

His headache was getting worse.

A comm signal from a Star Fleet communicator hailed the ship, but Tamura's mind was beyond effective processing, courtesy of the theta field. The comm officer stared blankly at the panel while he tried to remember what all the dials and gauges meant. Fortunately, the computer recognized the incoming hail and automatically terminated a connection. While Tamura stared, the computer took the captain and CMO's orders and began executing them.

The barbs between Merrick and ARr'Rhiana grew heated and louder, pulling Tamura out of his stupor. The two were practically shouting at each other. "Shut up!" roared Tamura. "Damn, I can't think with you two bitching at each other."

The XO's attention shifted to the comm officer. "You shut your mouth, Mister, before I come over there and shut it for you."

Tamura pulled the Feinberger from his ear, slammed it on his console, and jumped to his feet. Merrick responded in kind. "You and what army, you..." Tamura racked his brain for the worst insult he could find. " User!"

"End user?" LCDR Merrick had had many insults hurled his way throughout his career, but that was a new one. He paused a moment to consider its implications. That pause was long enough for his temper to subside and for him to regain his composure. Were he and Tamura just about to have a brawl on the bridge? "What the frak?"

Appalled by his behavior, Tamura stepped back. "I'm terribly sorry, Commander. I don't know what just came over me." Tamura dove back into his chair. He still had a headache, but the little episode cleared his head enough for him to function again. "Commander, we have a transmission from the captain. He's accessed the computer using his ALPHA code."

The XO stepped up to the comm console and looked over Tamura's shoulder. "What's he doing?"

The feedback from the XO was helping his thought processes and focus; too bad it was not helping with the headache. "I can't tell, Sir. Just that he's given the computer instructions which are executing now."

"What if the captain's under mind control and they're tricking him into taking control of the ship?" asked ARr'Rhiana, joining Merrick behind Tamura.

"Just like my rugby game," confirmed Tamura. "I had no idea I was flying the ship. Should I close the channel?" Tamura's hand reached over to the switch that would break the circuit with the captain's communicator.

"Can we talk to him?"

Tamura shook his head. "Not until he disengages the computer."

Merrick made a snap decision. "If the captain's under mind control, we're already too late. We've got to hope that he's holding up okay and trying to help us. Leave the channel open."

"Aye aye, Sir."

With their fate resting squarely in the captain's hands, the XO took another moment to ponder Tamura's unusual insult. "End user?" he asked again.

Tamura shrugged. "That was the worst thing I could think of at the time."

"I don't get it."

About a minute had passed since the two men had just about come to blows.

The comm officer laughed at his own strange humor. "There are two types of beings in this universe, Commander: techs...and end users."

Instead of laughing, the XO's face grew dark with rage. "Why you insubordinate piece of...."


No, it's not bipolar disease. It's Corbett's alternating tones.

Brian: Here's Sean's chance for payback.

All: Sorry, not much in the way of plot advancement.

Respectfully Submitted, ENS Yoshi Tamura Communications Department Head USS HOOD NCC-1703 Harry I. Iha hiha_asr@...