ORIGINS: USS Hood December 2009

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Game's Afoot

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.363

Setting: Small Hotel room, New Detroit, Arcturus

<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Suggestions?">>

Gar shook his head. "They won't be able to intercept before the ship makes orbit. If it is our Romulan he should be down on the planet a full 30 minutes before the Klingons arrive."

"That's our window then. Alright now all we have to do is figure out how to make sure we're in the right place at the right time. Any suggestions?"

<<end snip>>

Gar shrugged. "That part seems easy enough- we meet him at the spaceport and get off planet before the Klingons arrive."

Steele shot him an angry look. "Of COURSE we grab him and leave- but how do we get to him? Can we be sure, given how many others seem to be motivated at procuring Doctor Sahen's services, that we WILL be the only ones waiting? I don't think we should depend on that."

"A wise thought," Avae Zh'sharav nodded.

"We go covert," John DeSimms said.

Gar glanced over at the Security chief. "I am assuming you mean more covert than we are currently."

Avae shot back at Gar. "With all due respect, you're not exactly covert right now."

Before Gar could reply, Steele intervened. "John's right- we need a bit more subtlety here...and I think I have an idea."

The Captain glanced at DeSimms. "Do you think you could scare up some suitable spaceport worker uniforms- preferably baggage handlers or other support staff- something that could get us behind closed doors at the spaceport, as well as any ID's we might need, in the next couple of hours?"

John nodded. "I think I can swing that," he said, turning and walking out the door of the room without another word.

Steele looked at Gar and Avae. "We'll need to link up with Merrick and his team once they arrive, and make arrangement for everyone to leave, as it doesn't look like they'll have time to arrange their own departures." He met the Am-Tal agent's stare. "We could use your expertise in helping get off-planet with as little fanfare as possible."

The blue-hued woman looked from Gar, and back to the Captain. "All right, Captain; I have some contacts I can use that I trust," she said. "I'll meet back with you in 3 hours."

With that, the graceful-yet-lethal Andorian woman left the room.

"Nice figure," Steele quipped.

"I hadn't noticed," Gar retorted. Then, after a brief silence, he looked at Steele. "So, what do WE do for the next couple of hours?"

The Captain powered up his own minicamp. "We try to find out exactly who Doctor Sahen is; knowing who he is and what his importance is might help us avoid a free-for-all at the spaceport."


A short one to give us something to do.

Daniel- I sent you on a little errand for some suitable gear. How you get it and what you get is up to you. Just don't break too many laws- or bones- along the way. ;)

Andy- I hope this was OK. I originally wanted to pair Gar and Avae off...but I think this works out better. It lets me play Avae a little and still work with you on finding out who Sahen really is.


Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Tangled Webs

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.363

MD: About 20 minutes after leaving the Small Hotel Room in my post entitled "The Game's Afoot"

Setting: Offices of Albright Ore Processing, New Detroit, Arcturus

Avae Zh'sharav walked through the doors of the 20th-floor office with barely a sound; however, the aged Andorian behind the desk knew she was there nonetheless.

"Well?" he asked without looking up as she approached the desk.

"They bought our story- I think," she said, stopping a meter or so away. "The Captain- Jack Steele- doesn't sound completely convinced, but I don't think he'll be a problem."

"Hmmph," the older Andorian grunted.

After a moment, the man finally looked up. "I am assuming that since you're still here you have more information for me?" he asked, his antennae pitching forward.

Avae took another step closer to the desk, now standing nearly on top of it. "Gar is with them."

The pale-skinned Andorian behind the desk met her stare now. "Here?" he paused, tossing the tablet in his hands down onto his desk more vigorously than normal. "Why didn't I know about this?"

Avae shrugged. "Probably because Starfleet didn't want ANYONE to know of their presence here. They may be sloppy at times, but they are not incompetent."

The man leaned forward, and pitched out of the chair. "He could present a problem," he muttered.

Zh'sharav followed the older man. "No more so than the others," she said. Then, she moved the topic away from Gar. "They're planning on grabbing Sahen at the spaceport; they're going in disguised as workers there. They asked me to find them a quick and quiet way off-planet."

"How fortuitous," he quipped. "Still..." He allowed his words to trail off.

Avae waited until her control sorted things through.

"Do what you need to do- get them off-planet safely," he said. "Use whatever resources you need."

She nodded. "And then?"

Tolan Th'artak spun and met his gaze. "And then you finish this."

"And if they interfere- if GAR interferes?"

Th'artak said nothing for a moment. Then, his words clipped, he said, "Eliminate anyone who gets in the way- ANYONE."

MD: Same Setting: Small Hotel Room

"Hey- I found something," Gar said as the Captain stepped away from the window.

"Already? I had thought this would be harder."

The Andorian nodded. "It would be if we were looking for official information- military records, classified research, that sort of thing. But I tried something different: I just searched for any media relating to him."

Steele chuckled. "And I imagine you found a lot."

Gar nodded again. "Yes- apparently Dr. Sahen is quite the pioneer in genetics; his work has been causing quite a stir in and around Romulus."

Steele began reading over Gar's shoulders: dozens upon dozens of biographies and feature fluff bled together, until something caught his eye.

"Let's see this one," he said, pointing.

Gar pulled up the work, and they read.

Gar inhaled deeply as he read. Steele, ever the more eloquent, simply said, "Oh shit."

Clearly, as they both finished, they had some understanding of the ramifications of Doctor Sahen's work, though they would both feel better when Doctor Corbett arrived to confirm their suspicions.

The two officers glanced at one another. "The man is clearly a monster, but I don't understand how the Am-Tal fit into all this," Gar stated, shaking his head.

"I was about to ask you the same question," the Captain replied.


Just adding some fuel to the fire...heh heh heh...

Respectfully Submitted,

- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



Avae Zh'Sharav

Am-Tal Operative


Tolek Th'artak

Am-Tal Control Officer


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green memories

by David Martens

SD: 2260.364

Setting: Orion Trader Closing in on Arcturus

AR'rRhiana was tensed, the whole fligt she had been anxious and nervous. The smell aboard the Orion slavetrader made her sick, she could smell the sweat, the tears the blood. Hell, she could even hear the walls vibrate from screams and begging shouts from the slaves that had been transported with this ship. It made her sick. She was pale, slightly sweating and her teeth where clasped together.

But untill now it had been fine and she had been able to handle herself. Suddenly a tall, broad-shouldered, mid-aged man walked in. "We are almost at Arcturus, we drop you of and leave then." Then he narrowed his eyes as he took a deep breath of air "Someone smells llike a slave here." he grunted, his eyes going from one to another, fixating finally on Hemux.

Hemux had grasped for air as the guy made his rude comment and now her hands where clasped aounrd the armsof the chair, her eyes wide open, her breath fast.

The Orion stepped up to her "Definitely, you have served as a slave, I see one , I smell one." He smiled as he leant clser to her "I taste one..." He said as he licked his lips. With all the force in her 95 year old body, all her experience she had gained in StarFleet, the slavecamps and her martial arts training, she leashed out to the Orion slavetrader. She slammed her head in the middle of his face, enjoying the sound of his noose breaking, crushing under he thick skull; she hit him hard with her two fists in his stomach, stomping the air out his lungs; grabbed his arm and tossed him over her shoulders with a fury no one expected from the woman and when he came down hard, she jumped on his back ; opened her moiuth as wide as no one ever had imagined and snapped her teeth in his neck.

Only at that moment Corbett and Merrick where able to pull her off the Orion and even then it took them a lot of force to hold her back.

Corbett slapped her face rather hard and barked to her "Snap out of it Hemux, you got him and good, leave it now."

All looked to the Orion laying on the deck, a pool of blood getting slowly bigger where he laid down. Then Alia walked up to him and kneeled to check in on him...


Ok, I just came home today after a family visit for the Christmas holidays and I noticed a teaser in my mailbox... So Scott, here is number one for you!

Brian, Steve, I let it up to you two to decide what's the status of the Orion and what happens now...


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux




by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.364

MD: A couple of hours after the actions in the post "Tangled Webs" Setting: Offices of Albright Ore Processing, New Detroit, Arcturus

Avae Zh'sharav looked at the well-dressed man on her portacomp's screen. "I'll need those ID's within the hour, Mac," she said.

"I know, I know, I know," the well-dressed man grumbled. Six- four humans, all male, one Denobulan female, and one Andorian male." He paused, then added, his tone suggestive, "You know the Andorian?"

Avae did her best to look disgusted. "Why- because I am Andorian? Does that mean I know ALL Andorians?"

Mac shook his head. "No, but if he's here on Arcturus, I'm sure you DO know him."

"Just have the ID's ready- and make sure you do it quietly, or you'll lose more than your payment for the job," she spat, and abruptly closed the channel. Mac was good at what he did and trustworthy- as trustworthy as anyone was in this business, anyway...but sometimes he had a big mouth.

Her conscience chastised her for the way she treated Mac; she knew damn well it wasn't Mac that had upset her.

It was Mac's innocent reference to Gar, for she DID know Gar.


Neither had spoken since Gar left Andoria for Starfleet. There was nothing to say: Gar had decided to turn his back on his home, his heritage. The destruction of Vulcan almost three years ago now had not only left a vacuum in the halls of power within the Federation, but also within Starfleet. Many Andorians had chosen to help fill that void...

And had consequently taken many of Andoria's finest sons and daughters in the process.

Avae had no problem with the Federation; she truly did believe in its ideals. But there were plenty of problems at home...and the Federation was supposed to serve ANDORIA, support her planet, her people, not the other way around.

It didn't help that it was the destruction of Vulcan that was the catalyst for all this. Vulcan, their ancient enemy, now gone...and weakening Andoria as it gave way.

She would never forgive Gar for choosing Starfleet over Andoria.

    • For choosing Starfleet over Andoria, or over YOU?** her conscience goaded.

Part of her wanted to lash out at such a ridiculous notion...but then that would simply be a denial. She knew, deep down, that part of her reaction was precisely because Gar had chosen another path, a path that lead him away from her.

Avae shook her head. They had been- SHE had been- young, and she simply assumed that his destiny and hers were intertwined. It was a rude awakening when she found out otherwise, indeed.

But he was here, now...perhaps fate had taken a more circuitous route than she had imagined...

Avae shook her head again, trying to push such thoughts from her mind. She had a job to do, and she couldn't let anyone get in the way of her dealing with Doctor Sahen before he unleashed his horror upon the galaxy.

However, she also knew that she could not kill Gar. So what would she do if he got in the way?

She only saw one answer- she had to avoid the possibility of him interfering before it ever came to that.


Answering David's post...and doing a little CD and adding more intrigue to our mess here. :)

Respectfully Submitted,

- Scott Lusby

Avae Zh'sharav

Am-Tal Operative


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Don't Order Me!

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2260.364

Scene: Rec Deck, USS HOOD

Lieutenant Commander Spanner stalked the large recreation deck of HOOD in a foul mood. All around him his work crews pretended to be diligently working on a repair or recalibrating a console. Anything to avoid the eye and the wrath of their fuming commanding officer. He didn't know what he was madder at, being trapped on the rec deck or being outsmarted by that spineless idiot Compass. Outsmarted? He snorted at the thought. Compass wasn't smart enough to outsmart anyone. The only reason he and his teams had manoeuvred out of engineering was his complacency. He knew he had cowered Compass and he assumed that would be the end of it. But he'd forgotten about that troublemaking Academy poster wannabe Steering. She was smart enough to trigger this and it was undoubtedly her string pulling that had caused Compass to remember he was an officer.

Actually he thought as he stared out the observation window at the Starbase off in the distance, what he was most incensed at was the way he looked in front of his team. He pretended to ignore the looks they were giving him. Just as he decided against hearing the chuckles and whispers as he walked by. It had taken months to whip this group of lazy incompetents into shape and this episode was sure to put a dent into the efficiency they had attained.

"Sir!" One of his techs shouted across the expansive deck. "We've got a response."

"It's about frakkin time!" He growled as he strode purposefully across the deck "what is the meaing of this?" He demanded without preamble as arrived at the comm terminal.

[I though the announcement was clear.] Commander Compass answered. [I wanted to do a full test of the intruder suppression procedures. It was best to do it now, with so few people aboard, and I made sure it would not impact on any of your work parties.]

"Well it damn well did Compass! My whole team was down there and we have at least 12 hours or work to complete. I demand you remove the gas and allow us entry into Main Engineering. Immediately."

[I'm afraid I'm a little confused. I scrutinized the work orders you gave me when you gave abaord, cross referenced with those you filed at the Starbase and those filed by Commander Gar. Not only were you not scheduled to be in Main Engineering when the gas was released you were not scheduled to be there at all.]

"I told you this morning that it was my intention to spend the rest of the time allotted in Mian Engineering getting this ships systems back to the defaults recommended by Starfleet Engineering.]

[And I told you that all modifications had already been approved by Starfleet Engineering and that further alteration was subject to approval of the Chief Engineer or that captain. And in their absense, myself. I am certain not only did I not give such approval I ordered you not make any changes.]

"Ordered? You don't give orders to me."

Compass broke in before the engineer's tirade could get a full wind behind it. [I just did. Now then, I have been careful to keep all your filed work areas clear and will be happy to utilize the transporters to move your crews where needed. Failing that you can contact the base and have your teams beamed off this ship. Compass out.]


Scott: Great idea. I look forward to reading all the posts.

Some more fluff posts as I want to see what you guys all do with the mission!

I hope to get another post out tomorrow...but probably won't. Its a busy few days for me.



CAPT Jack Steele

Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Shuttleport

by Daniel Belin

Scene: Galor Shuttleport, Lower Levels

DeSimms strafed through the massive jumble of pipes and generators. The sterile area, lit by fluorescent lights and colored a shade of white was the high-tech part of the shuttleport that controlled landing pad systems and communications. DeSimms was looking for the access hatch to the more rusted, badly lit 'underside' of the port that contained most of the systems as well as barracks for the employees of the company that ran the shuttleport. He found the hatch unlocked near a large pipe, and opened it pointing his Disruptor Carbine down the chute.

He climbed down the short ladder and landed near a generator in a messy, rusting room. Shadows of a fans blades rotating hit the generator, and suddenly a figure interrupted that shadow. A low-level supervisor walked by in a plastic jumpsuit. As the man came around the corner where DeSimms was hiding, DeSimms jumped out at him, smothering him with his mass. The man sputtered and protested for a few seconds, and then was still. DeSimms put a piece of tape over the supervisor's mouth and said, "Take me to the security chief now!"

The supervisor led him down several passages, and DeSimms had to hide several times as workers walked by. He saw a set of security men walk by with some prostitutes who were loitering in the Shuttleport lobby. Another time, DeSimms saw a large hairy creature being pulled down the halls by several security men. Eventually they came to a sliding door secured with a keypad. DeSimms pushed the carbine into the supervisor's neck, and the supervisor typed the code. As the door slid open, DeSimms pushed the supervisor to the side and was met with a fat green man behind an ornate desk. DeSimms yelled, "Hands where I can see them!"

The Orion complied, and put his hands into the air. He looked at DeSimms and calmly asked, "What do you want?"

"Simple. Uniforms and full access to the Shuttleport," DeSimms gestured to a console near the supervisors desk, "Can that be done from this console?"

"I can put you into the system, but I need your biometric data," said the Orion, moving over to the console with his hands still in the air. DeSimms responded to this by pulling out several containers of DNA from each member of the team. The Orion took it from DeSimms and plugged it into the computer, after a few chirps and beeps the computer spat out seven cards with ALL ACCESS written in several languages.

The Orion walked over to a slit in the wall, but DeSimms raised his gun. The Orion responded, "You want your uniforms, right?"


The Orion gestured to the slot and said, "Well this is a replicator. I can get your uniforms from here, you know. This IS the 23rd Century."

"OK then," said DeSimms, who leveled his carbine at the level of the Orion's head, "I need nine uniforms-"

"Eight? But you only needed seven entries into the system!"

"Do what I say or your head will be crispier than toast," DeSimms barked, "I want five engineering jumpsuits, two security jumpsuits, and a flight operations uniform. Now!"

As the Orion occupied himself with the replication, DeSimms covertly slid his finger across the disruptor's control panel, lowering the power level a few notches down. The Orion turned with several uniforms over his shoulder and quipped, "Done yet?"

"Almost," said DeSimms, who pointed the disruptor at the Orion's chest and depressed the trigger twice. Two balls of energy sunk into his chest and he collapsed. DeSimms turned and fired a shot into the supervisor as well. He drew the hood over his head, concealing his humanity from all observers.

The last anyone at the shuttleport of the being in the hooded robe was him loading two man-sized pieces of baggage onto a hoverbike.


Daniel Belin

Lt. John DeSimms

Direct Action Operative (Temporary Position)



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Thinking Like Merrick

by Steve Apple

SD: 2260.363

Setting: Orion Slave Ship - Passenger Module

<< Snip From Dave’s Post “Green memories”

The Orion stepped up to her “Definitely, you have served as a slave, I see one, smell one.”He smiled as he leaned closer to her “taste one...” He said as he licked his lips. With all the force in her 95 year old body, all the experience she had gained in Star Fleet, the slave camps and her martial arts training, she lashed out at the Orion slave trader. She slammed her head in the middle of his face, enjoying the sound of his nose breaking, crushing under her thick skull; she hit him hard with her two fists in his stomach, stomping the air out his lungs; grabbed his arm and tossed him over her shoulders with a fury no one expected from the woman and when he came down hard, she jumped on his back; opened her mouth as wide as no one ever had imagined and snapped her teeth in his neck.

Only at that moment Corbett and Merrick where able to pull her off the Orion and even then it took them a lot of force to hold her back.

Corbett slapped her face rather hard and barked at her “Snap out of it Hemux, you got him and good, leave it be.”

All looked to the Orion laying on the deck, a pool of blood getting slowly bigger where he laid. Then Alia walked up to him and kneeled to check in on him...”

>> End Snip

“Stile he’s not breathing and I don’t feel his pulse.” Alia yelled.

Corbett let go of ARr'Rhiana and rushed to the Orion and immediately ran his scanner over the man. It didn’t take him long to realize there was nothing he could do. Corbett shook his head to Alia and stood putting his scanner back into the med kit.

“I don’t think he’ll be harassing slaves anymore.” Corbett said pushing his hat to the back of his head.

“He was a good overseer and you have deprived me of his last remaining years of tenure.” A gruff voiced Orion said stepping into the passenger compartment; he had been attracted by the noise of the fight.

Corbett turned to face the Orion. The man was at least a head taller and almost twice as broad as him, but the anger in his face made the man step back a bit.

“Your man attacked her.” Merrick screamed back at the man as he let go of the Denobulan and started toward the Orion.

Corbett pushed his hand back signaling Merrick to stop. “Just what is it you are proposing?” Corbett asked.

The Orion smiled. “She cost me an overseer, so I demand compensation.”

“Go on.” Corbett growled.

“To replace him is expensive.” The Slave owner said. “I’ll take your slave women as payment for him.”

“And if I refuse?” Corbett asked.

“Then not only will you never make it to Arcturus, but I’ll kill you right here.” The Orion said with a mirthless smile.

“Stile, you can’t even be entertaining that deal.” Merrick said coming up to stand next to him.

“As I do not own the 2 women in question completely myself,” Corbett said nodding toward Merrick. “I’ll need a moment to convince my co-owner.

“We have 30 minutes until planet fall. I’ll give you 1 minute to convince him.

Corbett turned and grabbed Merrick, “Start nodding your head in agreement.”

Merrick took the cue and let Corbett drag them both over to the Denobulan.

ARr'Rhiana’s eyes were glassy and Corbett could tell she was in a mild form of psychogenic shock. “We won’t give you up I promise.” He said as he pressed the hypo into her leg.

Merrick caught her as she fell and helped her to the deck. “You better know what you’re doing.” He whispered.

Corbett faced the Orion. “She’ll be out for at least an hour. I’d shackle her now while you have the chance.”

“You son of a bitch.” Alia screamed at him. “I’m not your property you can’t trade me.”

“On the contrary darlin, Fat Mickey gave you to me so I can dispose of you any way I wish.”

Alia lunged at Corbett while the Orion slave owner screamed with laughter.

“Grab his weapon.” Corbett said through clenched teeth as he tried to keep Alia’s arms, legs, and teeth from landing.

Pushing her hard he watched her hit the Orion slave owner squarely in the chest and scramble for the weapon at his side. The Orion was caught off guard, but only for a moment. Grabbing Alia’s arm he twisted her back to him and was reaching for the weapon she had pulled.

The loud thunderclap was deafening in the small cabin. As if in slow motion they watched as the slave owner’s eyes widened and he fell to the deck the back of his head missing.

Corbett’s Colt pistol had a small whiff of powder residue coming from the barrel.

“Alia the disrupter.” Merrick said as he reached to catch the thrown weapon. “How many men are on this ship?”

“Usually around fifteen,” she said. “There’s five command crew and the rest are used to make sure the slaves stay in line.”

“What kind of fire power do they have?” Corbett asked.

“Only the command crew carries disruptors. The overseers use stun rods, so as not to irreparably damage the merchandise” She said with disdain.

“I take it you’re thinking what I am?” Merrick asked.

“Let’s see,” Corbett said sarcastically. “You want to storm the command module and take over the ship.”

“You’re brighter than you look doctor.” Merrick said smiling.

“Obviously not bright enough if I’m thinking about the same things as you.” Corbett shot back. “We’ve got maybe thirty more seconds before someone comes to investigate that gunshot.”

“Then we better get moving.” Merrick said.

“Alia take this.” Corbett said handing her his pistol and a hypo. “As soon as we’re gone use the hypo on ARr'Rhiana. Then barricade the door and don’t move until you hear from either Sean or I.”


“No arguments just do it for god sake.” Corbett said interrupting her.

Alia nodded as the two Star Fleet officers left.



My sincere apologies to all for not posting, but I have been swamped at work and just got home from a grueling teaching assignment. Doctors are worse than grade schoolers when it comes to being in a classroom. I am off for the next couple of days and hope this will be the first in a series of posts.

Andy – Scott intimated to it earlier, but I wanted to reiterate that you have singlehandedly kept things moving these last couple of weeks. I’m not on the command staff, but you have truly exemplified what it means to be a commanding officer. As a Captain I think we’re all damn glad to have you.

Brian and Dave I hope I have kept with the spirit of your characters. Dave, ARr'Rhiana may have been quiet for this one post, but I think we’ll be seeing just what that Denobulan powerhouse can really do in the next few posts.

Scott glad your back on your feet and feeling better. I believe that this is post 200.


Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD

Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Confession is Good For the Soul

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.364

MD: At the same time as my post entitled "Conundrum"

Setting: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus

Gar and Steele traded uncomfortable glances as they sorted out what they had learned about Dr. Sahen.

"Why would we be escorting this guy back to the Federation?" Gar asked.

Steele shook his head in disbelief for what felt like the umpteenth time in the last two hours. "I don't know- you'd have thought we would have learned out lessons in the Eugenics Wars."

Gar's antennae twitched. "Eugenics Wars?"

Steele shot Gar a raised eyebrow. "Not part of your Academy reading, Gar?"

Th'elenth shrugged. "Who knows? My head was spinning with warp theory and warp geometry at the time."

The HOOD's captain pulled a chair closer to Gar. "Well, let me give you a brief history refresher then." He paused for a moment, looking at the picture of Doctor Sahen on his portacomp, and then continued. "The Eugenics Wars were fought on Earth, and were in many experts' eyes the precursor to World War III. They were fought between genetically-engineered 'supermen' and the rest of the Earth. Eventually, the superhuman despots were overthrown, but it plunged Earth into a World War as humanity scrambled to fill the vacuum of power."


Steele nodded. "Yes- genetically enhanced to be 'better' than normal humans. You know- stronger, smarter, hardier. However, the developers forgot to take into account some natural developments in the human psyche that went along with superior ability."

Gar nodded in understanding. "Of course- superior ambition and arrogance."

Steele grinned thinly. "You understand humans better than you think," he said.

"We're not really all that different in those regards," Gar said. He paused, then added, "Andorian science toyed with this at one time too. However, there was too much opposition to the program; most seemed to feel that the gods had intended for Andorians to be as they were, and that to alter that unnecessarily was an abomination against nature."

Both froze as Gar said this. "An abomination," Gar hissed.

Steele met his stare. "I think I know why the Am-Tal is here," he said.

"She's going to kill Doctor Sahen to keep him from creating more 'supermen,'" he said. Then, he added, "And she'll kill anyone who stands in her way."

Steele was lost in thought. "Our problem is bigger than that, Gar," he murmured as he began to think about the choices ahead of them.

"Moreso than you think," Gar said softly, and Steele turned around at the change in his tone.

"What do you mean?"

Gar sighed heavily. "I know Avae," he said. I mean I KNOW her."


Here's one for Daniel's post that clarifies a little what Doctor Sahen does for a living.

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer




by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.364

MD: Shortly after the events of "Conundrum" and "Confession is Good For the Soul"

Setting: Small Hotel, New Detroit, Arcturus

Gar Th'elenth closed the door behind him and strode down the dingy hallway. He needed to think things through, and for that he needed to be alone.

There were several things he could not wrap his head around in this mess- for one, why would the Federation want to offer a guy like Sahen asylum, given its own horrific experiences with genetic engineering in the past, if they didn't want to MAKE use of his talents? Could they REALLY be looking to reopen that Pandora's box under the arrogant assumption that they "know better" now?

"Apparently Augments aren't the only ones whose arrogance gets in the way," he muttered as he pressed a button on the elevator.

But those thoughts, at this moment, were taking a back seat to those concerning one Avae Zh'sharav.

He was stunned when she walked into their hotel room earlier that day- something he tried his best to hide from the Captain and DeSimms, though he didn't know if he'd been entirely successful at that. And she was as beautiful as he remembered...

He was not surprised that she was Am-Tal, however: her connection with the culture of home ran deeper than in him.

And so, as he stepped from the elevator and into what passed for a lobby, he understood why the Am-Tal- and Avae in particular was here: they were doing what someone, somewhere SHOULD have done sooner: put a phaser blast between his eyes and be done with it. Though he wasn't quite as fervent a believer as Avae had been, he didn't like the idea of 'Augments.' It was unnatural, and that was the end of it for him.

"Gar," a familiar voice said from behind a pillar.

He did not need to turn around to know who it was.

"Avae," he said, trying to keep his tone even and controlled.

She stepped from behind the pillar, and crossed the distance between them slowly. "It has been a long time," she said, her voice almost a whisper.

Gar breathed deeply as she stepped inside his personal space. "I know what you plan to do, Avae," he said.

Zh'sharav stopped. "Then you know who- what- Sahen is?'

"I do- and so does Captain Steele," Gar affirmed.

Now, the Am-Tal agent stepped so close to Gar that light could hardly squeeze between them. She looked him straight in the eye. "Then help me rid the galaxy of his kind," she said, wrapping her arms around him and drawing him in tightly.

Gar said nothing; his arms, limp for a moment, slowly found their way around her lithe form and, eventually, enveloped her.

He closed his eyes, and breathed her in deeply.

"I have missed you," he said softly.


...and that's for Steve's post. More CD...and giving Gar a moral dilemma to deal with as well as a little emotional tension. I think Steele's got one now too, as to whether we should follow our orders or not.

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



Avae Zh'sharav Am-Tal Operative



by Daniel Belin

Scene: Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus

The captain raised an eyebrow when he walked in on two semiconscious shuttleport workers. He turned to John and was about to ask a question, but John read his face and explained, "We needed inside intelligence if we want to pick up this Doctor Sahen. These two were both obvious choices, considering their knowledge and clearance. And...well, the fact we can use them as shields if Mr. Fat Orion here double-crossed us."

In response, the Captain threw a piece of paper onto DeSimms' desk. It was a page published by Dr. Sahen in the Scientific Romulan journal, DeSimms read it and raised an eyebrow, and the Captain looked at him and asked, "Well? Doesn't it shock you?"

"No. Not at all. What surprises me is Andor's involvement. The Am-Tal should know that Intel is gonna probably kill him anyways after they get what they want."

DeSimms got a glint in his eye and put on his robe. He was walking out of the room when the Captain inquired, "Where are you going?"

"For a walk. Be back in an hour, Captain."

The Captain was about to comment, but DeSimms had already left the room. The Captain frowned and proceeded to look intently at the two shuttleport employees. By the time Gar asked whether he should try to stop John or follow him, DeSimms was long gone. The Captain simply said to Gar, "Let him be. Anyways, you have to answer for where you were for the last half hour."

"Well, Sir..."

Scene: Street near Hotel and Norm's Weapons Shop

DeSimms had scanned the area with a 'borrowed' Land Warrior eyepiece. No cameras. Not a peep. Under his hood, he was unidentifiable just like he wanted to be. He remembered this as how it used to be, sitting on a bench concealed until the target walked by. Him springing up, taking them to a dark room where Intel would interrogate them for hours. And to consider, Starfleet and the Federation still deny using torture. As DeSimms grinned under his Hood, he saw a blue figure walk in front of him.

He got up and shadowed Avae for a block until they reached the entrance to Norm's concealed shop. DeSimms barreled into her knocking her through the door into the shop. Norm stood waiting with a pistol. DeSimms put her in a full nelson and brought her to a large, empty storage closet where he secured her to a chair. She looked at the two of them, but could not identify them because of the bad light.

Suddenly, a bright light switched on. One man was a human, with a bushy beard. One of his eyes was gouged out, and his other eye had a shifty look about it. The other humanoid started slowly taking off his hood, revealing finally his bald head. Avae gasped, "DeSimms?"

"Yes, thats right. You really thought they would send in just a normal Starfleet team. No, they had a choice. Send in Starfleet Intel, and do things the messy way. OR send a standard team, with ME."

"Your opinion of yourself is rather lofty, Mr. DeSimms."

Norm interjected, "He has the right to have a 'lofty' opinion of himself. Four years in Starfleet Special Forces, one year in Starfleet Recon Teams. He knows a lot about this kind of thing. Some would consider him"

DeSimms then said, "So now you are going to tell us what you are really doing here. Or more specifically, why Andor is involved."

"Why would you care? And how do you even expect me to divulge these answers?"

"Simple. What Norm is holding is not a simple phaser pistol. Yes, it has the normal stun and kill settings, but it also has a special setting that is designed to cause the most intense pain possible. It will make every muscle in your body contract at once," DeSimms gestured to Norm, "I also have a tricorder. I can set it to detect lies. So it's simple, you don't tell us the truth or don't talk, the pain starts."

"No. Starfleet is not this barbaric."

DeSimms gestured to Norm, and Norm depressed the trigger. Avae screamed in mortal agony as the pain set in, and DeSimms signaled Norm to cut it off. When Norm complied and the pain disappeared, Avae was a bit more talkative, "DeSimms, Gar said you know about Sahen."

"Yes, we know about the augments-"

"Augments? Is this the scope of your so called knowledge? No, it goes much deeper than that. Sahen used to be head of Reaserch and Development for a Romulan Military laboratory. He used to make terrible diseases, nanotechnological bugs that could bring down an entire global computer net. The pinnacle of his work was a virus so potent that one thermos of it could infect an entire continent. Turn the infected into something out of one of your twentieth century horror films!"

Norm interjected, "Whats it got to do with Andor?"

Avae shook her head and said, "I won't tell you. It is a secret of Andoria!"

"Now you listen to me, lady. You tell me, or I tell my friend to keep shooting that device at you until you tell us or pass out!"

"Fine. During the Galactic Wars of this century, a Am-Tal operative infiltrated Dr. Sahen's lab. He told us the horrors within, and only a few months later he was executed and a probe filled with one of these viruses was launched at the core worlds. It looked as if Romulus was taking revenge on Andor for infiltrating one of its labs. We destroyed the missile in flight and disgraced the Romulan Guard."

"And Sahen?"

"He was shunned and demoted to doing low level engineering work on the project that you are aware of. We assume that he is trying to exact revenge on Andor for his disgrace."

"Thats not a stretch," quipped Norm. He began speculating and said to the Andorian, "So you are here to make sure that Dr. Sahen cannot attack Andor."


"One final question," said DeSimms, "Who and where is your controller? We know you have one."

"I think you will learn in time," said Avae.

"Put it aside for now," said Norm, "You should probably go to the Captain before he starts asking questions."

"Fine," said DeSimms. He turned to Avae, "Gar has been acting strangely since he saw you. Any explanation?"

"We used to be involved with each other. You know, romantically. We broke apart when he went to Starfleet but I know that he is interested in me."

"Is it mutual?" asked DeSimms.

"I am not sure," said Avae, "We talked about an hour ago."

"Jesus, John, you have to deal with her boyfriend?" asked Norm, "Looks like you are going to need some backup."

"Well, we need all the help we can get," said John, "And if I have do deal with Gar, it is good to know that I have a half-competent sniper by my side."

"Lets get a movin'!" exclaimed Norm, who was already in the process of carefully releasing Avae. DeSimms nodded in agreement, as of course, he couldn't wait to tell Gar he had tortured and interrogated his girlfriend.

NRPG- Just adding a half competent sniper to the entourage.

Scott- I can hear the tumbleweeds and cheap movie set being brought in for Gar and DeSimms little showdown.

-- A post brought to you by,

Daniel Belin

playing as

John DeSimms




Norm Sheckleton

Retired Sniper

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Fly in the Ointment

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.365 MD: Immediately after Daniel's "Truth" Setting: Streets of New Detroit, Arcturus

Avae Zh'sharav winced as she moved quickly down the sidewalk, careful not to appear rushed and therefore draw attention to her, but at the same time trying to put as much distance between herself and John DeSimms.

Quickly, she turned a corner, then another, and finally made her way down an alleyway more within her "comfort zone" inside new Detroit. Once there, she brought a small communicator up to her mouth.

[[[Did they buy it?]]] a gruff voice asked.

"I think DeSimms did- I couldn't tell," she said, her tones hushed. "He had a little muscle with him and a hand-held tricorder; I had to feed him SOME truth."

There was a pause. [[[Are you all right?]]]

"Nothing I can't handle," she exaggerated.

Another pause. [[[And Gar?]]]

She thought back to their conversation. "He's torn," she said. "Perhaps what I told DeSimms will give him the push he needs."

Yet another pause. [[[You do understand what you must do if he DOES interfere, right?]]]

Avae closed her eyes, though she wasn't sure if it was from the lingering pain of DeSimms' brutal torture or at the thought of killing Gar. "I understand," she said.

Suddenly, the line cut off; she placed the small communicator back into a pocket and, panning her gaze around the alleyway, scurried off to visit a man named Mac about some documents necessary for interplanetary travel.


Just a short one replying to Daniel's post- Avae's not THAT easy. ;)

Respectfully Submitted,

-- Scott Lusby

Avae Zh'sharav

Am-Tal Operative


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Taking the Green Machine

by Steve Apple

SD: 2260.363

<<Snip From “Thinking Like Merrick”

“I take it you’re thinking what I am?” Merrick asked.

“Let’s see,” Corbett said sarcastically. “You want to storm the command module and take over the ship.”

“You’re brighter than you look doctor.” Merrick said smiling.

“Obviously not bright enough if I’m thinking about the same things as you.” Corbett shot back. “We’ve got maybe thirty more seconds before someone comes to investigate that gunshot.”

“Then we better get moving.” Merrick said.

“Alia take this.” Corbett said handing her his pistol and a hypo. “As soon as we’re gone use the hypo on ARr'Rhiana. Then barricade the door and don’t move until you hear from either Sean or I.”


“No arguments just do it for god sake.” Corbett said interrupting her.

Alia nodded as the two Star Fleet officers left.

>>END Snip

Setting: Orion Slave Ship – Just Outside The Command Module

Merrick and Corbett made their way to the command module without incident. “So tell me how are you going to fight the remaining Orion’s in there without a weapon?” Merrick asked.

“Good point. I’ll tell you what, you rush in and start shooting and I’ll stay here where it’s safe.” Corbett answered smiling.

“That’s a good plan. Now in order for it to be a really great plan I’d modify it to where you rush in and start shooting and I stay here where it’s safe.” Merrick quipped.

“No I think I like mine better.” Corbett said pushing his hat to the back of his head. “But I’m willing to compromise.”

“Make it quick.”

“Shoot that control panel over there and when one of the crew comes out I’ll get his weapon.” Corbett said nodding to the control panel on the right side of the bridge door.

“As soon as you get the weapon drop to the ground and aim toward the right side of the bridge, I’ll lay down fire to left. If we’re lucky this won’t turn into a prolonged firefight.”

“Always the optimist eh Sean.”

“Yeah that’s me, now get ready.”

Corbett crouched behind the left bulkhead ready to strike. Merrick aimed his disrupter at the control panel and fired the weapon. In an instant the panel blew up in a crackle of sparks and the smell of burned ozone.

A moment later the door opened and an Orion officer came through the door leading with his weapon. Corbett didn’t have time to waste. Springing from his crouch he grabbed for the weapon with his left hand and punched the Orion in the groin with his right. Both Corbett and Merrick winced as the Orion fell to the ground grabbing himself.

“Damn Stile.” Merrick moaned as he watched the doctor punch the downed Orion knocking him unconscious and roll through the door and begin firing to the right side of the bridge.

Merrick wasted no time and lay down his own fire hitting the two pilots before they could get a shot off at him.

The smoke from the fight was still thick in the air as Merrick surveyed the small bridge compartment. Three Orion’s lay dead and a fourth unconscious just outside.

“I hate having to kill.” Merrick said as he pulled one of the pilots from his chair.

“The Orion’s don’t believe in a stun setting on their disrupters.” Corbett answered unsolicited.

“So I’ve seen.” Merrick said. “I’ll take the craft out of the approach pattern and find a more suitable place to land. I estimate we’ll be planet side in 26 minutes. You want to get ARr'Rhiana and Alia.”

“No.” Corbett yelled as he dropped the unconscious Orion. “Don’t alter the approach.”

“What, why?”

“We need this ship; if you alter the approach it could alert the syndicate on the planet that something is wrong.”

“Ships alter approach patterns all the time.” Merrick said.

“Sean the syndicate is very disciplined and very secretive. Do you know what their alternate approach patterns are?”

“I see your point. So what do we do let this ship take us right to one of their landing sites.”

“No I think there will be a major accident aboard this ship and all hands will be lost.”

“Go on.”

“If they think the ship was destroyed in a plausible accident we could maneuver the escape pods anywhere planet side without attracting attention.”

“You don’t think they will have sensors tracking for that. Come on Stile.”

“If you explode the ship in the upper atmosphere and launch the pods at the exact moment of the explosion it will act as a sensor mask allowing the pods to land undetected.” ARr'Rhiana said from the open bridge door.

“Nice of you to join us,” Corbett said. “However, I thought I left instructions for the two of you to stay put.”

“Stile you may be extremely cute, but this misogynistic attitude of yours is starting to get on my last nerve. Now here take your weapon” ARr'Rhiana said holding out his pistol.

Corbett walked over to her and reached for the pistol when the Denobulan lashed out and knocked him to the deck.

“That’s for using the hypo on me. I don’t need you to protect me” She said angrily.

Both Merrick and Alia broke out in a short fit of laughter as Corbett sat up and began rubbing his jaw.

“You misunderstood darlin. The hypo was for the Orion’s protection not yours.” Corbett answered pushing his hat to the back of his head.

“Yet you blew his head off.” She quipped.

“Well harsh times call for harsh measures. Now if you would be so kind.” He said extending his hand trying to look indignant.

“So we understand each other?” She asked as she hoisted him to a standing position.

“Indeed madam.” Corbett answered.

“We’ve got 20 minutes until this ship hits the upper atmosphere.” Merrick said looking toward Corbett. “So if you’ve got a plan now’s the time to share it.”



Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Introspection

by Scott Lusby

SD: 2260.365 MD: About 25 minutes after Steve's post "Taking the Green machine" Setting: Small Hotel Room, New Detroit, Arcturus

Gar sat on the edge of the bed, fidgeting as he continued to scan for any sign of their shipmates' arrival. It had NOT been a comfortable half-hour, trying to explain to the Captain about Avae.

He shook his head gently, reproaching himself. He'd been tempted- oh, how he had been tempted to join Avae. He even tried to justify it to himself: Sahen was undeniably evil, and the Federation had no business messing with things about which it ought to know better.

It was an easy argument; it was probably one that would win him a few friends too. Most notably, Avae.

Gar knew, deep down, THAT was the real temptation: to be in her world again. Avae had been the one thing he had regretted leaving on Andoria, and now she was here! Within his grasp! If only he could...

If only he could forget his duty, betray his captain, his shipmates, his brothers-in-arms.

"Stop beating yourself up, Gar," Steele said. "While I don't share the obvious distraction of a former lover being the catalyst here, I do understand the desire to let her have Sahen."

Gar glanced up from the portacomp. "But we are not a jury, captain- we cannot issue sentence against that man unilaterally, no matter how bad his crimes may be," he said. "If I'm not willing to stand by those principles, I do not belong in a Starfleet uniform."

Steele said nothing, nodding slowly. "The fact that you realize that says more than you realize, Gar," the Captain offered.

"Small comfort," the Andorian replied. "I know my duties, and I will carry them out- even if it means escorting a pig like Sahen to safety," he said. He paused for a second, then added, "It's just hard knowing I will have to leave her a SECOND time- and that we may have to kill her to do it."

Steele held his hands up. "Slow down, Gar- let's not get ahead of ourse--"

Suddenly, the portacomp chirped with the arrival of some new information.

"Captain, something is coming across the emergency channels- seems an Orion slave ship has exploded in the upper atmosphere."

Steele walked over, leaning over Gar's shoulder. "That tune sounds familiar," he muttered.

"In the key of Stile," Gar agreed. "I'm having trouble piercing the interference caused by the explosion on this thing, but it looks like the largest pieces of debris are coming down in this area," he said, pointing to an area about 20 kilometers southwest of New Detroit.

"All right then- let's get ready. Go find DeSimms and have him rendezvous with our friends," Steele said.

"Let's finish this and go home."


Setting up a JP between Daniel and me.

Respectfully Submitted,

- Scott Lusby

/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth

Chief Engineer



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: We made it...

by David Martens

SD: 2260.365

MD: Entering Arcturus atmosphere

Scene: EscapePod 13

<Snip from Scot>

Suddenly, the portacomp chirped with the arrival of some new information.

"Captain, something is coming across the emergency channels- seems an Orion slave ship has exploded in the upper atmosphere."

Steele walked over, leaning over Gar's shoulder. "That tune sounds familiar," he muttered.

"In the key of Stile," Gar agreed. "I'm having trouble piercing the interference caused by the explosion on this thing, but it looks like the largest pieces of debris are coming down in this area," he said, pointing to an area about 20 kilometers southwest of New Detroit.

"All right then- let's get ready. Go find DeSimms and have him rendezvous with our friends," Steele said.

"Let's finish this and go home."

<End of Snip>

ARr'Rhiana rubbed the back of her head where she had bumped against the ceiling of the escapepod at the launch. The explosion of the Orion slave ship hadn't exactly gone as planned. Initially everything was going as calculated, a small explosion blowing up the engines spreading enough debris to cover up for the launch of the escapepods.

But then things went wrong, Hemux had calculated the exact time they needed to be far enough from the remains of the ship to be safe, but somewhere on the ship there must have been a hidden load of weapons or explosives or something that went KA_BOOOM much sooner and with more force then expected.

The shockwave had hit the pods hard and made them shake like they where going to fall apart. But now it seemed they where going down as she had foreseen., she only hoped the other s where also fine and they would be able to meet up with the rest of the team soon.

The surface was coming up to her with great speed, but she had to wait till the last possible moment to engage the emergency - engines to land safely. If she activated them to soon, the radar and planetary sensor - grids would pick them up and before they would get out of the pods, their would be armed forces to find out what was going on.

She was counting down 3 - 2 - 1 ... And engaged the engines, with a rough and abrupt bump she snapped tight in her saftybelts as the pod was slowed down, more... more ... but not enough as she thought as suddenly things became dark and the pod smacked to the surface. I slid on a hundred or so metres, destroying a barn, a small garage and a fence and then it went silent. Well, at least besides the ticking sound fo the pod cooling down and a fire that started from the heat of the engines.

Minutes later Hemux stumbled out the pod and dropped to the floor, coughing and blinking her eyes to get the dizzy feeling away. She stood up and wiped a bit of blood from her cheek where she had got a scar. Things started to go blur as she noticed someone armed approaching her. And just before she collapsed into unconsciousness she heard a familiar voice shouting to her, I have her, it's Hemux... "Steele??" she groaned and then she closed her eyes and hit the floor...


Well, I squeezed one more out before midnight (at least here in Belgium...) So add this one to your reply - list scot!

Happy 2010 everyone!


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Silent Remorse

by Andy Catterick


Scene: Unknown Freighter

Two final discharges of his weapon and it was over. He looked about the cramped bridge of the merchant vessel and took in his handiwork. As a member of Romulan Intelligence he knew he shouldn’t even have given the crew a second thought. Their deaths were an action that was required and necessary. There was no time and certainly no need to feel anything as extravagant as remorse. Yet he did. He looked briefly at each individual and wondered what there name had been. Had he had just killed someone’s father, certainly a son. And as he took a better look a daughter as well. It had to be done he knew. But he also knew that he hadn’t done it for the good of the mission, the glory of the empire or even in the name of the Praetor. He had murdered these people solely in the name of self preservation and it provided yet another opportunity to curse the traitor Sachen again.

Ideally he would have spared the majority of the crew. There really was no need to kill them and they could certainly have been helpful with the operation of the ship. But time had been of the essence. The ship was already going in the wrong direction and it was imperative he get underway immediately. Having to subdue the crew and then cajole and threaten them into assisting him would have taken too long. So he had opted for the simple plan and killed them all. The fact that his superiors would likely commend him for his ruthlessness was small comfort.

But he had no time to listen to his guilt. Reaching out he pulled the helmsman down from his console. He quickly input the new course and when the lumbering vessel managed to turn itself around he redlined the drive.

Sitting down in the pilots chair he pulled up the navigation console. Based on the current speed he should reach Arcturus on time.

He did his best not to look at the carnage behind him.



CAPT Jack Steele

Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703