
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
Revision as of 08:51, 18 May 2010 by Curson (talk | contribs)

Federico "curson" Colnago
curson.dax [at] email [dot] it


Ensign Seelee Reon
Ensing (0-1)
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
USS Yamato, NCC-1705-E
Task Force Epsilon, Silver Fleet

Ensign Elor Xarth
Ensign (0-1)
Chief Science Oficer
USS Amberjack, NCC-23219
Task Force Epsilon, Silver Fleet

Lieutenant Commander Claus Terkim
Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Chief Medical Officer
USS Persephone, NCC-25013-A
Battlecruiser Squadron 21, Blue Fleet

Commander Elieth
Commander (0-5)
Executive Officer
USS Circe, NCC-27000
Krima Expeditionary Force, Gold Fleet

Lieutenant Shonnas th'Zarath
Lieutenant (O-3)
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Valhalla, NCC-18000
Krima Expeditionary Force, Gold Fleet