ORIGINS: USS Pegasus Unit Concept and Background

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U.S.S. Pegasus NCC-056Unit Concept and Background5
Updated SD 2262.036

In the Beginning

In 2258, Starfleet Operations working in cooperation with Starfleet Intelligence began a crash course to install a Covert Operative inside Klingon Military Forces located in the Arcanis system, deep within the Klingon Frontier following events that a armada of 47 Klingon ships were destroyed by a rogue Romulan craft. Concern for this buildup echoed behind closed doors in both the halls of Starfleet Command and the closed doors offices of the Federation Council. For this mission to be carried out it was determined that a small maneuverable starship, a Ptolmy-class vessel would have the ability to get in and out without being seen. The vessel chosen was the USS Pegasus, under the command of Captain Elizabeth Summer. Thus begin intensive training, the mission was kept under wraps with only high level Federation Officials having any knowledge whatsoever.


Four years after forty-seven Klingon Warships possibly of the D-7 Variety were destroyed by a rogue Romulan Vessel, Starfleet decided to retrieve their Broken Arrow,an agent whom they had lost contact with. Captain Summer, the only one who would have direct knowledge of the intelligence operative was assigned the retrieval operation.However, during the retrieval something went horribly wrong. It was discovered that the intelligence operative that was undercover on Arcanis had defected to the Klingon Military. PEGASUS was walking into an ambush unknown to them.

Left for Dead

Several Unconfirmed reports have circulated around that the USS Pegasus was not in fact destroyed as it was originally reported by the Klingons to the Federation, in fact the vessel was seen on several occasions to have scouted out ahead to locate key military production facilities and to track down the agent responsible for the ambush at Arcanis that left PEGASUS for dead as well as high number of fatalities including that of Captain Summer. The PEGASUS is under the Command of her Executive Officer, Commander Steven E. Stone. Starfleet decides to upgrade the status of PEGASUS from KIA to MIA and many Federation outposts along the Neutral Zone are alerted to assist PEGASUS should she be able to cross the border to safety.

In Addition Starfleet Intelligence hopes that the PEGASUS crew would pick up where the traitor had left off when he defected to Klingon Military, while at the same time, track him down, arrest him and lastly return home safely.