ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2009

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

USS HOOD: After the Drill.

by David Martens

SD: 2260.179
MD: 1.1627

Scene: USS HOOD, Science department

ARr'Rhiana sat behind her desk, several PADD's stacked around her, one in her hand. She was checking in on the reports from her crew during the drill. Althought most of them did rather well, there was a lot she was not so pleased about it and that was why she had called up for a meeting with her staff.

One by one they dropped in: Soffers, an average looking human male was the first. He was her administrative aide. Moments later D'FaQ'k joined them. He was a tall strong build Vulcan. One of the few who had decide to keep with StarFleet after the destruction of their homeworld. He was the divisions head, he decided wich of her teams got what assignment and who got what work. He was also a keen mind and swift scientist. The lack of emotions made it rather difficult to work with him at moments, but most of the time they could work out fine. Finally Martin and Sari showed up. Martin was her personal assistant and Sari was, well she had no specific task but had turned out to be a woman with the special talent to make everyone feel comfortable and notice problems very fast. Hemux had decided to make her the spokesman and counsellor for her team.

ARr'Rhiana nodded to them all and placed her hands on her desk, leaning in on them. "Miss Sari, gentlemen, let me start by saying that I am pleased that during the drill you all gave your best and performed rather satisfactorially."

She gave them a moment to think about it and D'FaQ'K raised an eyebrow "I assume that satisfactory is not excellent. So this means there are lackings in our performance?"

Hemux grinned and gave him a big smile, which wasn't so hard for a Denobulan and nodded "Indeed, it turned out several of our team have physical problems. Physical meaning of not enough endurance, not enough strength to perform as needed for a Starfleet officer and a lacking in reflexes. There where also several including you mister Soffers, who seemed to forgotten their proper first aide lessons, the use of the hyposyringe and how to lay a simple bandage."

ARr'Rhiana looked from one to the other "Some of you also have shown the lack of following orders during this drill. I know it's sometimes hard to be sure who is in command, but remember during combat you are not a scientist but a soldier for Star Fleet, then the military takes over."

She turned to Sari "You value your life more then our equipment and the experiments that are going on, but in case of emergency, a experiment can turn out just that bit more dangerous then it is under controlled circumstances. Sari, your team was busy with a experiment with plasma in a concealed forcefield. You rushed away at the initial alert without shutting that experiment down. If this had happened during a real incident it was very well possible that the forcefield had dropped and the plasma would have burned through several decks. There are procedures to follow, even under red alert!"

"Now, here are some of my remarks and recommendations...."

The next two hours they spend together going over their performance and tried to work out new rules, new training-exercises and new drills for their team. At the end Soffers asked to talk to her in private.

"What can I do for you, mister Soffers?"

He layed a PADD on her desk "These are the reports from StarFleet, they contain the latest reports from INTEL on what they know about the Klingon progress in their ship designs and tactical advances. I wanted you to have a look at them first. I know you had worked in Engineering also, I think we need to work out on our shields, weapons and engines. Also I have the last new developments in sensors, maybe we can talk with the enigineers and see if we can adjust our sensors and get just that litle bit more out them then we have now."

He sighed "and finally here are all reports you have asked on every of our team, their reports during the drill, their personal view on the situation, their specialities and so on."

Hemux nodded "Thank you, you know you did a good job during the drill. It is just that since Nero had shown up, Star Fleet has turned more to the military side then to their sceintiic and exploration task. It's just temporary, Soffers. In a few years things will ease down."

He grinned "I know, Ijust hope it's sooner then later, I don't like this drills and waving with weapons and so on. Anyway, I am looking forwards to get out again, space is a good place to find new things!"

Hemux looked as Soffers walked out, Space was indeed a beautiful place and full of new miracles to discover, but she never would forget it was also a dangerous place filled with hostility, a place humans and Denobulans or nay fragile organic being did not belong.


Sorry for the long silence, school and real life had been consuming all my time and then I had to replace my computer as well. Anyway, I should be more posting again.


David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: After Action

by Andy Catterick, Scott Lusby, and Brian V. Mansur

SD 2260.185

MD: 1.1630

Scene: Captain's Day Cabin, B-Deck, USS HOOD

"Captain's log mission date 1.1630.

With the drill concluded I am about to meet with my first and second officer to discuss the results. All in all I have to say I'm generally pleased with the results, my death notwithstanding. The HOOD forces were eventually able to get the upper hand on the invading Klingons and reassert control of the ship. Additionally, the HOOD managed to destroy one of the Klingon cruisers and certainly would have finished off the other if it had not withdrawn.

Having said that there are a number of areas we need to work on if we are to be ready for the possibility or a real boarding. The attacking forces were able to access much more of the ship then they should have been able to and certainly it took longer to dislodge them than I would have predicted prior to the drill commencing. To be fair we didn't behave like a Klingon boarding party would have. Their goal would have been either to take over the ship or destroy it.

When I set the missions for the Gold team I purposefully decided to ignore obvious avenues to that end and instead focused on hit and run tactics designed more to disable secondary systems with the occasional critical system thrown in to keep the confusion going. Commendation to Ensign Cory Campbell who managed to keep control of Auxiliary Control for over two hours after I gave my life to ensure he got in. Of course, a commendation must also go to my Chief Engineer who was able to cut Aux Control out of the circuit 10 minutes after we took it. I look forward to hearing how he was able to accomplish this as I was certain I had locked engineering out. It's a good thing he's on my side.

"End log."

The door tone chimed. "Gentlemen come in," Steele said as the door retracted to reveal Commanders Merrick and Gar. Steele turned to face Yeoman Greene. "I think that about covers it."

"Yes sir." She smiled warmly. "If you need anything else sir, just buzz." On her way out, she gave a polite nod to Sean and Gar. "Sirs."

Lips pursed, Merrick forced his eyes off the cute yeoman in order to follow Steele's gaze. He was almost disappointed and a little impressed when it stayed squarely on the newcomers. Merrick decided to keep his mouth shut about how the yeoman's pleasantries had appeared just a moment ago.

After the door closed, Steele began. "Obviously I want to discuss the results of today's drill as well as our upcoming mission, but this evening is an informal one. Yeoman Greene has set a dinner buffet so help yourselves and pull up a chair."

Merrick and Gar loaded their plates up with cheeses, melon balls, and sliced roast beef. Steele, meanwhile, pulled out a couple of tablets. "Here you go. Read the news with your diner. Response times, casualties, and departmental evaluations for the day."

Merrick picked his up and glanced through it. "Pathetic pathetic pathetic," he growled and spun the pad round on the desk.

Steele laughed. "You won didn't you?"

"We should have lost after the way we fell over each other." He leaned back and chomped on a cheese slice. "Well, things did work out better once Gar and DeSimms had a good talking to the DAMCON guys."

"They'll wait for security from now on," Gar declared with all certainty. Merrick snickered as he imagined the nightmares that the Andorian and the Medal of Honor recipient must have inspired in the redshirts.

"The pee spots on the carpet give testament do they?" Steele asked. "So Gar, just how did you ever get AUXCON isolated?"

Gar and Merrick exchanged looks. "Can't tell you, sir." Gar said.

"Top Secret," Merrick put in.

"Would have to kill you if we did," Gar added.

Steele leveled a measuring glare and demanded, "You have five seconds before I space you both for mutiny."

"Been nice knowing you Gar," Merrick said mournfully.

Steele quietly counted down toward zero.

"Keystroke recording," Gar reluctantly muttered.

"Traitor," Merrick hissed.

"Ensign Campbell apparently forgot certain aspects of his own security program's updates." Gar rolled his eyes and flexed his antennae. "I was able to bypass his bypasses."

"That man is a rather brilliant idiot," Steele marveled. "And here I was going to give him a commendation for taking AUXCON. Well, maybe I still will. It was a rather remarkable job he did."

All of the sudden, Merrick became serious again. "Isn't there any way to get him off the ship. Without committing a political solecism I mean?"

"Would have been done already if it could be, Sean."

"Had to ask."

"I know. He may just save our butts again someday. He stays. At least for now."

Merrick looked at Steele for a few seconds clearly having an internal conflict about whether or not to speak up. For his part Gar was busy trying to look like he was examining which morsel on his plate was the next to be devoured. But his antennae clearly indicated that he knew what Merrick was thinking.

"Look guys, the reason this is informal is because we need to be come completely comfortable with each other. We need to trust each other implicitly. So out with it."

"The crew are calling Cory the captain's pet," Merrick said.

"Great." Steele sighed. "Well there's not much I can do about that." Then he brightened. "Actually there is. As first officer, I herby appoint you as his big brother and best friend. It's your job to make him into a model officer."

Merrick growled, "Since we're being all informal here let me point out that you're a real prince." Beside him Gar did his best not to laugh. "A real prince."

"It comes naturally," Steele glowed. "Behave Gar. I'm making you the Second Officer."

Gar looked up abruptly. "Captain," he said, his tone even, his pace deliberate, "you ARE aware that I haven't been Chief Engineer for more than a couple of months yet..."

Steele nodded. "I know all of that, Gar. And I also know how quickly you pulled a department together that had seen 3 bosses in a matter of a week."

Gar glanced at Merrick, his predecessor as the head of Engineering. "With all do respect, they're good men down there- they know their jobs, Captain."

Jack jumped in again. "And you didn't let them fall off, did you? No- these drill results notwithstanding, you've done well with them. And, not for nothing, but you have more experience than any of the other candidates."

Gar opened his mouth once again, but cut himself short. He knew, really, that the Captain was right: there WAS no one else, really, that matched his experience, and that continuing to protest would sound as if he lacked confidence in himself or his abilities. Gar was many things, yes...but he was not one to be inappropriately modest, that was certain.

So, instead, he pursed his lips tightly for a moment. "Well, I can't say that I wouldn't like more time to get used to running a department this large before taking this on," he said, his antennae pushing forward, "but I understand the situation, Captain. You'll have my best effort."

Steele nodded. "I know I will," he said. "That's why I gave you the job."

Now, Jack leaned back in his chair again, and continued his earlier discussion. "Seriously though, yes we are stuck with Cory, but it's our job to give everyone a chance and the support they need. He's a screw up but not in a malicious way, and he is brilliant and motivated just not always in the same direction as the rest of us." He paused to reach over to the table and grabbed a few more sandwiches. "Now, this mission. Are we ready?"

Gar, perhaps filled with a bit of newly-felt pride, chimed in first. "Depends on what we come across," he said. "Are we ready for Klingons? No. We need to drill more until the DAMCON teams stop attacking boarders and the Security teams react quicker to orders to repel boarders. And Engineering needs more work on making repairs under combat conditions- with the boarders, we didn't get a chance work on that as much as I would like. But I'd say Dr. Corbett is ready for any kind of mass casualty situation that may arise--"

"As long as he doesn't think every defense is the Alamo revisited," Merrick chimed in with a smirk.


Hi all: Just a reminder I (Andy) will be away til Thursday. At that point I'll get the mission going. SO in the meantime feel fre to conduct smaller drills' have your characters interact etc. Dan G you can post yourself on ship whenever is good.

Respectfully Submitted,
CAPT Jack Steele

-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'eleneth
Chief Engineer

Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Sour Grapes and Fears of Scattered Atoms

by Steve Apple

SD 2260.185

MD: 1.1630

Scene: CMO's Quarters, USS HOOD

Corbett had just finished reading the reports from his staff on the Mass Casualty Drill when the door chime to his quarters sounded. Pushing the enter button he sat back in his chair and put his feet up on the desk.

"Welcome back from the dead Cowboy." His head nurse said as she walked through the door and sat down. "I see you have your black hat on, still in mourning I take it."

"One must grieve for the appropriate amount of time Mother, mostly for appearance sake mind you." He said pulling out a bottle of tequila and 2 glasses.

"Thanks," she said accepting one of the glasses. "So how did we fare."

"The Captain seems to be very pleased with the teams overall medical performance as am I."

"But." She said.

"It's nothing." He said looking away.

"Come on Cowboy, you can tell me."

Corbett looked around the room trying not to face his Chief Nurse. "If you must know one of the umpires and I had a little disagreement."

"So that's why you're confined to quarters until tomorrow."

"Yes I've been placed in isolation to think about my bad behavior." He said frowning.

"So what was the problem?" She asked.

"The umpire was being totally unreasonable mind you."

"Uh huh," She said. "Over what."

"The insufferable lout denied my third kill. He said that using a neural paralyzer on an enemy was against the rules."

"And you did what?" She asked trying to keep from laughing.

"I told him that it was totally within the realm of possibility that giving a neural paralyzer could be considered lethal and at the very least incapacitating."

"So you just told him that?" She asked leaving the question hanging.

"Well no, I sort of injected him. I had to prove my point you see." Corbett said taking a long sip from his glass.

It took the Chief Nurse a few minutes to stop laughing. "I take it the umpire didn't find it funny."

"No he did not. In fact the rogue threatened to file charges against me."

"That sounds serious." She said.

"Fortunately the Captain found it rather amusing and sent me to my room to think about what I had done."

"So what's the bottom line?"

"I was forced to give the blaggard half a box of my finest Cuban cigars and two bottles of tequila as hush money." Corbett said incensed.

The Chief Nurse took a few moments to compose herself after the second fit of laughter faded. "So I take it you want me to handle the department debrief."

"If you would be so kind," Corbett said smiling. "Let the department know I am exceedingly pleased that the average response rate was two minutes and twenty three seconds by the trauma teams. "

"That's the best response rate I've seen on any ship." Mother replied.

"It better well have been. I also want to complement Dr. Kavlin on the good job he did getting patients through emergency surgery and into the sickbay ICU."

"I'm sure he'll appreciate that. Anything else?"

"No not really. " He said looking at the frown on her face. "Other than I put a commendation in for you and your nurses on the exemplary way you handled triage and got the patients with minor injuries back to duty."

Corbett watched the smile grow on her face. "The nurses will really appreciate that." She said.

"Both you and they deserve it for all the effort you put forth into helping the crew."

"Thanks Cowboy it's nice to be appreciated." Mother said.

"My pleasure ma'am." He said taking his hat off and putting it over his heart in salute.

"Merrick to Corbett." Came the voice over Corbett's desktop comm..

"Corbett here, to what do I owe the pleasure sar." He said as he handed Mother the reports on her way out.

"Thought you might be getting cabin fever Doc. How'd you like to take a little trip with DeSimms and me down to Outpost 8."

"I shall be there with bells on sar. What time would you like to gather at the shuttle bay?" Corbett asked.

There was a long pause before Commander Merrick answered. "We're not taking a shuttle doctor we're transporting down, is there a problem with that."

Corbett downed the rest of his glass of tequila before answering. "No sar, no problem whatsoever."

"Good I'll see you in the transporter room in thirty minutes. Merrick out."

Corbett poured himself another glass and downed it before the shaking in his hands caused the white liquid to spill. Standing he went to his sleeping area and traded his black hat for the white one.

"You can do this." he said to himself as he smoothed the brim of his hat with his thumb and forefinger before heading out the door.

Scene: Transporter Room, USS HOOD

Corbett entered through the doors to the Transporter Room on what felt like shaky legs and saw that Merrick and DeSimms where already there talking with the transporter chief.

"Are you OK Doc?" Merrick asked noticing how pale Corbett was.

"I am right as rain sar; however I must confess I am not a fan of this contraption." Corbett said, gesturing toward the transporter, his voice tinged with anxiety and maybe a bit of paranoia. "I don't believe God intended man to have his atoms scrambled into a million pieces."

"This is the safest form of travel, nothing to be scared of here Doc." The Transporter Chief said.

"Sar I make it a point never to trust a device that uses buffers based on a principle that's main title is uncertainty. It's just bad juju." Corbett replied.

"Are you sure you are up to this." Merrick said a bit concerned.

"I am a Texan sar. I am always up to the challenge." Corbett said as he stepped onto the pad and began humming.

"Energize." Merrick said shaking his head and chuckling.

Respectfully Submitted,

Steve Apple
Dr. Stile Corbett









