USS Feynman AUG 1996

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August 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: Going Native

by Joseph Baker 8-1-1996

SD: 80801.0432 (GMT)
MD: 6.?
Scene: Pirate Base, just outside of the cargo bay

Maril was the first of the group of FEYNMAN "pirates" to barrel out of the cargo bay, taking on his pirate Captain persona and shouting orders to his crew, many of which were in the form of Tamarian orders which even the resourceful LT Jerran had trouble placing. He just nodded and followed his "skipper" out of the hold.

The FCO had decided to take on the persona of a half Romulan pirate who had just recently come accross the neutral zone after the situation was becoming a little too hot for his line of work. Luckily, his little adventure with a real Romulan pirate while the FEYNMAN had visited Earth left him with quite a bit of source material to base his own dramatis personae on.

While in the company of the legendary Captain tr'Khnialmnae, Jerran had learned that Rihannsu pirates tended to be somewhat extravagant in their manner, yet they had a subtle wit that was as sharp as the swords they tended to wear at their sides, and they wielded both with equal skill.

Jerran had decided to forgo the saber for practicality's sake, but his clothes, though still somewhat scraggly, were alittle bit better than most of the crew. He had also decided to remove his usual ear decoration, deciding to emerse himself more into the part of the Rihannsu pirate than a Bajoran raider. All in all, because of his intense military history thus far, the latter would have been much more difficult to pull off.

A group of pirates walked by the FEYNMAN crew, sneering at them as they passed. Maril snarled equally well, and then turned back to his crew to bark some more orders, feigning the unloading of a phantom ship. One of the passing pirates, though, was not amused by Maril's return growl, and when the commander turned back around, he had a large, scaly Gorn staring down at him with dark red, gleeming, faceted eyes.

The Gorn clicked something in the back of its mouth angrily and said, "You got a problem, Tamarian?" He emphasized his anger by grabbing Maril by the collar and lifting him up off the ground. "Cause I'm sure I can fix whatever ails you."

Maril didn't reply, he just simply snarled again and slammed his arms against the bottom of the Gorn's powerful wrists, causing the green pirate to drop the Commander, who immediately rebounded back up with a fist to the scaly chin. The Gorn flew back against a set of crates. He was just about to reach for a large laser pistol from his belt, but Jerran already had both the Bajoran phaser pistols out that he had tucked into a set of shoulder holsters under his jacket and pointed right at the Gorn's large head.

The "Romulan" smirked and said, "I can fix what ails him, too, with just a flick of my fingers."

Maril walked casually over to stand beside Jerran and said, "You'd better listen to Scout, Mister. Now, tell me where the person who's in charge of this joint is before I let him pull those triggers and send your face into Shareeka's realm by the sea of fire!"

The Gorn trembled slightly as he said, "Three levels up, in the Peg Leg Cantina."

Everyone else in the place had sense gone about their own business as Maril nodded to the Gorn and said, "See, that wasn't too hard. Now, let's go pay our respects to the dockmaster here."

Jerran was the last to fall in with the group as they walked away from the fallen Gorn, twirling his phasers arrogantly before shoving them back into the shoulder holsters.

He caught up with the Commander and the rest of the group in a farely deserted corridor on the way to the nearest lift and said, "Scout, Commander?"

"I was thinking of the Terran Boy Scouts, Lieutenant. They were supposed to have always been prepared, and with your show with those two phasers there, I thought the name fit," Maril said with a smitk as they neared the lift. "By the way, how many of those do you have on you?"

"Two Bajoran phasers and a pair of type I hand phasers, sir, in addition to various knives here and there."

"I rest my case, Scout." Maril said as the group entered the lift.

*       *           *
* Joseph Baker                                                             *
* University of South Florida                                              *
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu            * Of the Chief parts of the           *
* meillunsiateve                     * Ruling Passion only this            *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en:        * Can be truly said:                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein qiuu,                * Hate has a reason for everything    *
* rh'e hweithnaef                    * But love is unreasonable            *
* mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu          * --Rihannsu Proverb                  *

USS FEYNMAN: Jones and Drake Have Arrived!

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-1-1996

MD: 6.?
SCENE: Transporter 2, after meeting, before beam down.

After being briefed, all the 'Infiltration Team' members were dismissed to don their respective pirate-like costumes and report to Transporter 2 in 1/2 hour. On his way down to T.R.#2, J.C.'s lift stopped to let Mr. Tamarov in. As the lift resumed, both security men looked over each others pirate-garbs, and failed to contain their respective laughter.

"Belay that, Mr. Tamarov. Your getup is just as strange as mine.", J.C. tried to somber-up, but burst another partially-controlled laugh.

"Sorry, Sir. What does yours represent?" Alex looked at J.C. in the black military boots, dark brown pants, light brown shirt unbuttoned, faded hat, and strange weapons on a belt.

"This is one of my favorite literary characters from the 20th century. He was called Indiana Jones. His profession was Archeology, but he was quite a daring adventurer" J.C. adjusted his hat slightly, "These are from my personal collection," Alex opened his mouth to say something, but J.C. anticipated what he was going to say "and yes, I registered them with the Armory per regulations", gesturing to the two weapons on his belt.

"This whip is actually a Ferengi Neural whip, and this," he drew his sidearm with impressive speed, "is an authentic, working Colt .45 revolver six-shooter, complete with two "speed-loaders" replacement ammunition. Don't worry, I still have my pal with me." J.C. patted his Starfleet type I Phaser underneath his belt.

"What about your costume, Mr. Tamarov?" asked J.C. Tamarov, dressed also in black military boots, we sported black baggy trousers, a dark blue shirt, a black cape.

"Well, Sir. I couldn't decide, so this is a cross between a 18th century sailor and merchantman on Earth. Just call me Drake." With that, the lift stopped, doors opened, and J.C. gave Alex a slight nudge "After you, Mr. Drake. Off to the transporter room...."


> SD: 80801.0432 (GMT)
> MD: 6.?
> Scene: Pirate Base, just outside of the cargo bay
> The "Romulan" smirked and said, "I can fix what ails him, too, with just a
> flick of my fingers."
> Maril walked casually over to stand beside Jerran and said, "You'd better
> listen to Scout, Mister. Now, tell me where the person who's in charge
> of this joint is before I let him pull those triggers and send your face
> into Shareeka's realm by the sea of fire!"
> The Gorn trembled slightly as he said, "THree levels up, in the Peg Leg Cantina."
> Everyone else in the place had sense gone about their own business as
> Maril nodded to the Gorn and said, "See, that wasn't too hard. Now, let's
> go pay our respects to the dockmaster here."

Mr. "Drake" Tamarov and J.C. "Jones" holstered their own weapons. Seeing Mr. Jerran's weapons, J.C. made a note to post the Starfleet regulation concerning all non-issue weapons aboard the starship, just as a reminder to the crew.

On their way, J.C. came up to their commander, whispering quietly, "Sir, I advise extreme caution. Keep a hand very close to your sidearm Sir. After what just happened, who knows what we may encounter." As if to emphasize Allard's point, as they approached the Peg Leg, out came two Romulans, definitely not in uniform. At first, they took no notice of the FEYNMAN 'pirates' and kept walking, until they caught sight of Lt. Jerran...

"I see what you mean, Ensign. We shall not be as Menzi at Sunderen Island", Maril. "Uh, yes Sir." replied J.C., still unaccustomed to the Tamarian's strange speech. ....

Ens. J.C. Allard
Mike Dailey

********** *N R P G * **********

Well, not much, but it let's you know how adorable Alex and I look in our get-ups <EVBG> (Hmmm. FEYNMAN costume party?????) Jerran, watch those Romulans. They're DEFIANTLY not military..... All still on the ship, good luck!

CUL8R Mike/J.C.

USS FEYNMAN: Making a Housecall

by Andrew Catterick 8-1-1996

SD: 80801.1500
MD: 6.930
Scene: Bridge, USS TYPHOON

The bridge crew of the STORM class cruiser sat silently at their stations. With chronic understaffing all aboard worked double shifts, daily. None complained, although many wanted to, they knew that their only chance of ever getting back into the main fleets was to be seen as the excellent officers and NCOs they all believed themselves to be. But a double shift, seven days a week, quickly took its toll on a body. And as the TYPHOON plowed through the gravitational eddies and streams it remained blissfully unaware of its approaching cousin.

Captain Rimmer sat slumped in his command chair fighting to keep his eyelids open. He was one hour into his third shift in just over 22 hours and that coupled with the boredom and the gentle rocking of the ship as the stabilizers fought against the raging storm around them was conspiring against him.

Actually, it was Lt.Cmdr Gorliss' bridge shift but as usual Rimmer had relieved him half way through it. Part of the reason was with so little to do on the ship the Captain opted for the 'excitment' of being on the bridge, even if it meant staring at the same swirling storm for hours. But more to the point, Rimmer didn't trust his exec. The man was obviously waiting for a chance, any chance, to take command or at the very least take the glory. But soon it wouldn't matter anymore. The FEYNMAN was close, he could feel it. And as soon as he found her...

He chuckled softly as he stretched his arms over his head. *Tremaine and those two other fools too scared to come inside.* From the beginning, Rimmer had argued that they should have followed the FEYNMAN into the sack. Why chance it slipping by them on its return to EPSILON? But that coward Tremaine had counseled patience reminding them that Starfleet had determined large ships could become easy targets for the sporadic plasma charges that frequented the 'sack. And his two lapdogs, their heads bobbing up and down like the like the puppets they were had agreed.

Settling back into his chair he turned his gaze towards the viewscreen. His mind still drifting between stray thoughts, it did not begin to analyze the dull white patch that his eyes lazily followed. Several moments passed before the ship itself recognized the danger for what it was and dutifully alerted its masters.

"Sir! The helmsman shouted out as the collision alarms on his board started to ring out.

Rimmer's brain and eyes finally merged and realized what the growing white image on the viewscreen was..the underbelly of a Starfleet destroyer. "Hard to port! Sound collision! Fire all weapons!"

Scene:Bridge, USS FEYNMAN

"Captain, sensors are picking up a disturbance coming through the storm almost directly below us. Range 10000m and!"

"Helm, adjust course out of its path. What kind of disturbance lieutenant?" Zane rose from his chair and moved to stand in between the OPS and helm stations.

"The storm is really giving the sensors a hard time." Krsya replied as she tried to coax the DELPHI to be a little more helpful. "Just give me a second....there."

"Sir!" T'meg at the TAC/SEC station shouted out. "Identify a STORM Class cruiser directly below us and on a collision course!"

"Hard to starboard!"

"Going to full impulse and turning to starboard." T'jon replied from the helm, in the background Lt. Jenn could be heard sounding the collision warning.

"We're clear. She's behind us but facing the wrong way. They launched quite a volley at us just before we turned. It was lucky they missed." Jenn reported.

"Hail them." Zane ordered

"No response." The Vulcan NCO cooly replied


"She's coming around. Phasers only, her shields at 67%" T'meg added.

"Return fire. Target weapons and shields. She can't go to warp in this soup so she's not going anywhere." Zane stumbled to his command chair as the part of the TYPHOON's second volly grazed along the primary hull.

"Shields at 87%. Firing." T'meg's calm voice rang out. The sound of the phasers pulsing through the ship and then lancing out at their attacker made the hairs on the back of Zane's neck tingle, he longed to be at the firing controls rather than sitting as a virtual spectator. "Hit. Target shields down to 42%, forward torpedo tubes are offline."

The ship shook as the FEYNMAN received another hit, this time on the secondary hull, aft.

"Aft shields down to 38%. Minor damage to shuttle bay, damage control teams have been dispatched."

"Coming to new course 135 mark 28."


Scene:Bridge, USS TYPHOON

The bridge of the TYPHOON was not the calm and efficient environment of its counterpart. As Commander Gorliss emerged from the rear lift he was met with the sight of utter chaos at the center of which was Captain Arnold J. Rimmer. Rimmer had lost control and was now shouting out conflicting orders to the bridge crew who were ignoring him. Trying to get his bearing and take command of the situation Gorliss rushed over to the tactical station. It was too late. On the forward viewer the FEYNMAN banked up from the swirling gases putting itself right into the TYPHOON's path. "Hold on!"

Scene:Bridge, USS FEYNMAN

"Hit. Target shields are down, weapons offline. Target is coming to a stop. We are being hailed."

"On screen."

[We Surrender! Hold your fire! I repeat, hold your fire!]

"Identify yourself."

[I am Lieutenant Commander Gorliss, executive officer...I have relieved the Captain and assumed command.] His nearly calm voice contrasted with the fear in his eyes.

[....traitor! You'll pay for this, I swear you'll pay!] Screamed a voice off screen.

[As soon as I realized what he was doing....I never wanted this to happen. We we're going after pirates...]

Zane motioned for the audio to be cut off. "Is it a trick?"

"Unlikely." Jenn replied. "They have heavy damage only some of which was caused by us, their running a skeleton crew, just under 200 and have moderate casualties. If its a trick it'll be a desperate one."

"Audio on." Zane ordered. "You've offered surrender and I accept. There are no terms. You will facilitate the movement of your crew. All injured will be conducted to sickbay and the surrounding triage areas. The rest of your crew will be moved to the main shuttle bay. Boarding parties will arrive momentarily to take command of your vessel. I am holding you personally responsible for the safety for both crews. Any tricks will be dealt with severely. FEYNMAN out."

Zane turned to the tactical station. "All boarding parties to their designated transporter rooms."

"Aye sir."

"Lt. Jenn you will lead the boarding."

"Sir?" The OPS officer seemed completely surprised

"Once their crew is safely secured away, seal the bulkheads around the shuttlebay and the medical decks, no point in letting them have any second thoughts. From there your priority is to get that ship up and running. I'm sure it will prove to be invaluable."

"Yes sir...on my way."

<<<NRPG>>> Besides the obvious security contingent, the boarding parties will consist of representatives from all parts of the ship but mostly medical and engineering.

Kristin its up to you as to who to take in terms of PCs but I'd guess you have about 100 NPCs. Have fun!

Hey, the Away Team can't have all the fun!

Andy-->Wondering what type of damage Kristin can do with a cruiser under her command<EG>

-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commander Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason, INDIGO
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE


by Melanie Pocknall 8-1-1996

NRPG: Some slight backposts today.
SD: 80801.2305
MD: 5.1500
Conference room

The news conference had been going on for some minutes before a reporter asked, "How can you guarantee the safety of the civilians on board if these intruders can easily get past the ship's defenses?"

"We guarantee it if the civilians stay in their quarters when there is an intruder alert."

"But how did they get on the ship in the first place?" asked the same man.

"They weakened our shields and transported aboard."

"So what you're saying is, that if they try the same trick again, they could get aboard and this time, kill everyone on board?"

"It is a possibility but not likely."

MD: 6.0200
Mission Briefing (partway through).

Lt Meleah stood up and faced the senior staff. "I have surveyed the area and I believe that there is a way in. The transporter will leave traceable readings if not properly masked. Therefore, due to the high amount of neutrino readings emanating from the surface, if we send out a stream of neutrons when the team transports, the signal should be disguised."

"Won't the beam be too concentrated?" asked J.C.

"The amount of neutrons needed will not be large enough for the pirates to detect any difference," replied Meleah.

"What about the subspace fields?" asked Zane.

"They can be bypassed by simulating the strong winds, which will blow one of the reactors into another, effectively short-circuiting the whole lot. The wind seems strongest to the port of the Feynman, and analysis on the reactors on that side seem to have been repaired the most recently."

"Sounds good," Zane commented. 'Where will the away team land?"

"There are several cargo bays off to one side of the base. I have scanned them, and very few life-forms go near that area. That is presumably where they hide their 'goods'. The one furthest away from the complex has been chosen as the transport sight."

"And have you chosen the science officer to accompany the away team?"

"I have chosen Ens. Rau Marak."

Scene: Transporter room 2

Ens. Rau entered, dressed rather scruffily and still retaining his ear-ring. He was of a rather imposing height, over six feet tall, and had the temper to match but he always needed to be provoked first. His 'name' was to be simply Dorian, the name of a rather obscure hero in Bajoran history. And as Rau excelled in a number of Bajoran martial arts, not to mention he was a great actor, he was the logical choice for the away team. He took his place with the others on the transporter platform and waited to be beamed down.


Place: USS TYPHOON's bridge

Looking over the Typhoon's computers, Meleah had to rewire some of the connections that had got severed or burnt during the brief fight. The first thing they needed to access was the logs of the ship, then anything else that was possible. WO1 Koullan was working next to her, trying to access the computer core but not having much luck.

After about fifteen minutes, Meleah broke through the computer's defense and noticed something interesting in the logs. "Lt," she said to Krysa who was across the other side of the bridge, "it appears that the Captain has been planning his revenge on the Feynman. His last log, dated two days ago, recounts his disapproval at a decision which meant that they didn't follow us. It does not say where or when it was to have followed the Feynman."

Krysa leaned over and read part of the file for herself. "I think the Cmdr would be interested in this. Link the computer to the Feynman and send the logs over."

"Yes, sir. Lt Meleah to Chief T'Kal, prepare to make a link between computers."

[Aye, sir] came the reply.


Forgot all about the press statements so I had to put one in. Also, I probably won't be on again until Monday so I made this post quite long to cover everything that had happened in the last couple of days.

Krysa - we've got the ship to ourselves (if you don't count Koreth in engineering). What fun we can have!! Poor Andy, left on the ship with only the doctor to keep him company.

Having great fun on the Typhoon,
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN

Melanie Pocknall.

USS FEYNMAN: Catching Up

by Donna Hurley 8-2-1996

MD: 6.something

Ensign Lee quickly figured out that appropriate clothing for the pirates/raiders was basically anything with some sort of weaponry, usually visible and reported that finding at the meeting.

Scene: Lee Anna's quarters

Having decided to take on the character of a former Bajoran Raider who had found employment with a pirate Captain to be more profitable, Anna decided to find an appropriate costume for the part.

As Anna read through the ship's information about Bajoran Raider ships, she learned that there was one fashion that was prevalent among Bajoran Raiders, an old earth fashion, Jeans.

To go with the blue jeans, Anna picked out a black tee-shirt, Bajoran shoes and a belt which she could attach a phaser to. Anna changed into the costume quickly. Before adding the phaser to the belt; she made some modifications to it, to make it look like a Bajoran phaser, instead of a standard issue Star Fleet phaser.

Looking over the effect of the outfit in a mirror, Lee Anna realized that a Bajoran raider probably wouldn't wear their hair in a regulation style then she undid the braid she was wearing and combed her hair out. Then realizing that the half hour given to get into costume was almost up, she hurried off to the transporter room.

Scene: Pirate base, approaching "the Peg Leg"

> On their way, J.C. came up to their commander, whispering quietly,
> "Sir, I advise extreme caution. Keep a hand very close to your sidearm Sir.
> After what just happened, who knows what we may encounter." As if to
> emphasize Allard's point, as they approached the Peg Leg, out came two Romulans,
> definitely not in uniform.

> At first, they took no notice of the FEYNMAN 'pirates' and kept walking, until
> they caught sight of Lt. Jerran...
> > "I see what you mean, Ensign. We shall not be as Menzi at Sunderen Island", Maril.

> Uh, yes Sir." replied J.C., still unaccustomed to the Tamarian's strange speech...

Ensign Lee put her hand on her phaser as a precaution when she noticed the rather hostile look that the two Romulans had...


Sorry that this is post is so short but I have come across a real life problem, and this was all I had time for.

Donna Hurley

USS FEYNMAN: Trouble Discovered, Trouble in Waiting

by Andrew Catterick 8-5-1996

SD: 80805.1100
Scene: Bridge, USS PHOENIX.

"I think we've found something sir." The OPS officer announced, somewhat relieved. With the FEYNMAN's entrance into the 'sack the four GREY Fleet ships had taken up a standard search/surveillance pattern around the nebula. They had programmed identical courses into their navigational computers and then had spread out at equal distance. Through this method they were able to maintain the widest surveillance net possible while still staying close enough so that when the FEYNMAN did emerge they would be close enough to strike. Unfortunately, the energy and gravity wells within the sack effectively blocked communications. To partially solve this problem, each ship would drop a modified logbuoy every three hours to be retrieved, and added to, by the next ship to pass. It was a crude method to relay information but it worked.

But the link had been weakened almost six hours ago when the logbouy from the USS TYPHOON was not in its assigned location. Three hours later the next buoy was missing. This presented the small taskforce with two options. They could dedicate at least one ship to break orbit and search for the TYPHOON. Or, they could assume the TYPHOON had broke ranks on its own and for now, not worry about it. The second option seemed to be the most viable choice but it did mean they had spread the net a little thin. It was now possible for the FEYNMAN to escape from the sack unseen. It wouldn't get far before one of the three ships spotted it but it would make pursuit all the more harder. It was imperative that the FEYNMAN be captured away from the watchful eyes of Starfleet.

"What did you find Lieutenant?" Tremaine asked.

"Sensors are showing an ion trail heading directly into the sack."

"Is it the TYPHOON'S?" He asked, knowing it was. He cursed Rimmer under his breath.

"Unable to ascertain. The TYPHOON's engine mixtures are unstable at best. The result is they don't have a specific engine signature in the normal sense. It will take some time to analyze these readings. But...yes, I'd say it was the TYPHOON."

"Very well. Ensign Kryton prepare a buoy with the new information and launch when ready."

"Aye sir."

Scene: Brig, USS FEYNMAN

Zane nodded a greeting to the security officer as he entered the brig. To his left, the would be invaders were now sleeping prisoners. "Any problems?"

"None sir." The young guard replied while his companion continued entering information into his desktop. "A little grumbling earlier but they've all been sleeping pretty peacefully since."

"Which one is in charge?"

"The one in the cell by himself. The chief thought it would be a good idea to keep him away from the others...seems to be the only one with any brains at all."

"Turn off the shield."

"Aye sir."

Zane entered the relatively roomy cubical and woke the pirate with a light thump on his back. The pirate made no reaction with the exception of opening one eye and staring up at Zane. "Who are you?"

"The Captain."

The pirate slowly dragged himself into a sitting position. "I've already told your goons everything I'm going to say so your wasting your time."

"Hungry?" Zane asked with a slight smile.

"Yeah." he answered cautiously.

The Captain jerked a thumb towards the door. "Lets go." As the two left the brig he shouted over his shoulder. "We'll be in 10-Forward if you need me."


Just laying some ground work for a possible future...

Andy-->Quiet Day

-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Trouble Discovered, Trouble in Waiting (Cont.)

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-5-1996

> The pirate slowly dragged himself into a sitting position. "I've
> already told your goons everything I'm going to say so your wasting your time."
> "Hungry?" Zane asked with a slight smile.
> "Yeah." he answered cautiously.
> The Captain jerked a thumb towards the door. "Lets go." As the
> two left the brig he shouted over his shoulder. "We'll be in 10-Forward
> if you need me."

As the Captain started to lead the prisoner out of detention, PO-1 Jerry Jonas dropped his mouth open for a few seconds. He caught himself, turned to Cadet Hensley sitting beside him for the shift, "Cadet, stay here. Don't leave." He reached into small arms locker under the desk for his sidearm.

"Aye, Sir.", Hensley said to Jonas. Zane had stopped at the door, and turned to Jonas.

"Sir, as Senior Security NCO on duty in Ens. Allard's absence, I have a responsibility for your protection. I cannot let you with the prisoner, unarmed or without an escort." Suddenly remembering his place, and lack of rank, Jonas came to strict attention. "Sir, with all due respect, those are departmental standing orders. Both Mr. Allard AND MR. Maril would have me before Mast if I were to neglect this, especially after their recent, uh pirate mishaps." He was trying to be sudtle in refering to Allard getting stunned and Maril getting whapped on the head. Jerry gulped slightly, and Cadet Hensley was intensely examining the ceiling....

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO FLEET

********** *N R P G * **********

  • SOMEBODY * has to watch your back, Andy..... <G>


USS FEYNMAN: Clearing Out the Garbage

by Kristen Gant 8-6-1996

Stardate: 80806.1310
MD: 6.0600??

Krysa paced the bridge of the TYPHOON. Things seemed to be going very well, which had her on edge.

"Lt.," she said to Krysa who was across the other side of the bridge, "it appears that the Captain has been planning his revenge on the Feynman. His last log, dated two days ago, recounts his disapproval at a decision which meant that they didn't follow us. It does not say where or when it was to have followed the Feynman."

Krysa leaned over and read part of the file for herself. She had her own thoughts on what Rimmer had been upset about. She couldn't help remembering the coincidence of the Grey fleet being so close to the ring in their last mission. Tremaine had let them go that time conceding their victory, but if she was right about the dissension between the Grey fleet ships, letting them go could have been the think Rimmer was upset about. "I think the Cmdr would be interested in this. Link the computer to the Feynman and send the logs over."

"Yes, sir. Lt. Meleah to Chief T'Kal, prepare to make a link between computers."

[Aye, sir] came the reply.

She went back to pacing .. for once understanding some of what the commander went through as he waited for things to happen.

She hit her comm pin, "Lt. Koreth, how are things going down there?"

<About the same, sir. It'll still be a few hours before the warp core is back on line.>

Krysa could hear the hint of a chuckle in his voice. And she grinned sheepishly, "Okay, just checking. Jenn out."

She saw Cartwright, who was working on some wiring under her station suppress a chuckle as well, and groaned, knowing that the young woman would probably take great pleasure in informing Terri of her state.

Krysa sighed and turned to Lt. Meleah, who seemed to take note, but showed no expression. She stepped up to the computer to watch the android work. She was amazing as her fingers flew like lightening across the control panel.

<Ens. Couprie to Lt. Jenn>

"Jenn here."

<All prisoners have been transported to the FEYNMAN>

"Excellent, thank you Ensign." Krysa smiled. That was one less headache she had to deal with. Now that the ship was secure, they could concentrate their efforts on repairing the ship.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: I know it's very short and not to exciting, but I'm still getting caught up from my HD catastrophe (which isn't my fault, BTW) I finally got through all the Feynman stuff this morning. Many thanks to Andy who put up with my requests to find posts :}

I keep hoping to get completely caught up with everything… but you guys keep sending me posts!! (I'm in heaven, I love pulling out my hair :}


USS FEYNMAN: Let's Make a Deal

by Andrew Catterick 8-6-1996

SD: 80806.0900
MD: 6.0610
Scene: Brig

> "Sir, as Senior Security Officer in Ens. Allard's absence, I have a responsibility for your protection. I
> cannot let you with the prisoner, unarmed or without an escort." Suddenly remembering his place, and lack of
> rank, Jonas came to strict attention. "Sir, with all due respect, those are departmental standing orders.
> Both Mr. Allard AND MR. Maril would have me before Mast if I were to neglect this, especially after their
> recent, uh pirate mishaps." He was trying to be sudtle in refering to Allard getting stunned and Maril
> getting whapped on the head. Jerry gulped slightly, and Cadet Hensley was intensely examining the ceiling.

Zane smiled and wondered if he had been this annoying when he was a green recruit out of the Academy. It was, after all, quite ironic. At the time he was completely sure that with out the protection of him and his staff the Captain was prime target for every threat, every crazy with a gun in, well, in the universe. And to make it worse, the Captain seemed to resent the security presence that was maintained.

Zane had never understood that until he had taken command himself. Now he was the one to be protected and it felt like he was being coddled. When he was the CSO he was sure that the Captain was not capable of protecting himself adequately. Why should he be? There must have been so much going on in his head, so many worries. But as CSO on the other hand, that was his prime focus, his reason for being. Of course now he knew he was perfectly capable of keeping himself safe but the security staff.....

"One guard, and I don't even want to know he is there."

"Yes sir." PO1 Jonas replied much relieved.

Zane gestured for the pirate leader, Mason to continue down the deck way as they resumed their conversation.

"It is good for your men to fear me Captain, but don't worry I'm not so foolish to attack you on your own ship. I know I'm beaten."

Zane ignored the fact that that was exactly what he had planned just a few hours ago "Oh I'm not worried. I allowed the guard for protection of my sanity not my being."

"Your sanity?" He asked puzzled.

"If I didn't allow it my first officer and security officer would nag me forever."

"Your men hold your protection very highly.." It was more than a statement but less than a question.

"Sometimes too much." Zane added ruefully. "Isn't it the same for you?"

"The only way my second will gain command is through my death...under any circumstances." Mason replied grimly.


With ALPHA shift less than an hour away 10-Forward was bustling with activity as FEYNMAN staff stopped in for breakfast or a quick chat with friends before their shift began. With the transfer of so many staff to the TYPHOON the FEYNMAN crew had had their normal 8 hour shifts increased to 12. Zane quickly scanned the room to gauge any reaction. He was not surprised to find that they all seemed to be their normal cheerful selves and that the increased workload had been met as a challenge. Of course if the situation persisted their reaction time would slowly begin to wear down but by then he would rearrange the schedule. Perhaps a four shift day would alleviate the problem but he would be much happier when they were all back together. He scowled at the problem. Having only been first officer for a relatively short period of time he had never fully mastered staff scheduling as Maril had quickly done.

Wading through the FEYNMAN crew, heading for his normal morning table, he happily returned the 'good mornings' and other greetings his crew offered. Over at the bar, Bat noticed him and his companion and merely raised an eyebrow. Zane grinned in response and gave Bat a quick hand gesture.

As the two men sat down at the table Bat arrived with two heaping platters of food. "I assumed you wanted two orders of the usual and weren't just flashing me the peace sign." Bat said as he placed the platters in front of his two customers.

"Bat Durensten meet Mason." Both men stared at each other, sizing the other up, before grasping hands and mumbling a greeting. It was clear Bat didn't approve of a pirate in his bar and Mason bristled at the obvious look of contempt. "If you need anything else...get it." With that he was gone.

Mason watched Bat go and then turned to Zane. "He doesn't like me very much."

"He was CSO on the older USS REPULSE, while he was away on leave they were listed 'Missing, presumed destroyed.' There last know whereabouts was a sector of space known for its pirate activity."

Mason sat forward "Where?"

"Far from here...and not your concern."

"What is my concern Captain? Why have you brought me here?"


> * SOMEBODY * has to watch your back, Andy..... <G> > Glad its you and not some of our more accident prone staff ;)


-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Let's Make a Deal (Cont.)

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-6-1996

> SD:80806.0900
> MD:6.0610
> Scene:Brig
> Zane had never understood that until he had taken command himself. Now he was
> the one to be protected and it felt like he was being coddled. When he was CSO
> he was sure that the captain was not capable of protecting himself adequately.
> Why should he be? There must have been so much going on in > his head, so many
> worries. But as CSO on the other hand, that was his prime focus, his reason for
> being. Of course now he knew he was perfectly capable of keeping himself safe
> but the security staff...
> "One guard, and I don't even want to know he is there."
> "Yes sir." PO1 Jerry Jonas replied much relieved.

As the doors to Security snapped shut, Jerry thought for a moment... *the Cadet could stand the watch alone,* "Cadet Hensley, I'm going to leave you TEMPORARILY alone. You think you're up to it", asked PO1 Jonas. The Cadets' eyes widened...

"Yes Sir, uh, I mean Aye aye, Sir!" A big smile came over his face, but the Cadet erased it after his brief outburst, and sat back down behind the Watch Officers console. Jerry though, *To think I used to be just like him... hell, in a way I guess I still am a little bit.*

"Jonas to Krogriy and Khan," Jerry considered them two of the best he had, with what was left of the Department, with over 1/3 on the Away Team with Ens. Allard, and almost another 1/3 on the Typhoon with LT. Jenn. Krogriy was a crack shot, and while Khan was new to the FEYNMAN, he had been in the 'Fleet for almost 7 years.

"Krogriy here, Sir." followed moments later, "Khan here, Sir."

"I want you two posted outside 10-foreward in 3 minutes. The Captain has taken the pirate Captain on a little 'tour'. You're to blend into the wall, if you know what I mean. I will be inside with them, but keeping my distance as well. You two are my shadow. Wherever I follow Captain Zane and the Scum-Captain, you two will NOT be far behind. Discrete, Gentlemen... Understood." Jerry's first mini-command was NOT going to be his last.

Echoing "Aye aye, Sir" came over the comm. Jerry looked once more to Cadet Hensley, nodded approval, the left to catch up to his charges....

Mike Dailey


by Jason Bostjancic 8-7-1996

SD: 80807
MD: 6.0600??
Scene: USS TYPHOON (Engineering)

Tarrant was almost terrified at the running condition of the Typhoon when he entered. Sure, the GREY fleet didn't exactly have the resources to run a ship in tip top condition.... but this had been ridiculous.

The warp core eps power conduits were crossed almost directly with the shield generators. It was amazing that one of the FEYNMAN's shots hadn't overloaded the shield system and thus blown the reactor. However, it did cause other pieces of havoc which had the partial Klingon and his team running pell-mel.

Tarrant took a moment to think of his ACEO Jeran who was vaporized in only an instant. He deserved better.

  • Bleep bloop*

The CEO tapped his comm badge "Koreth."

<Yes, um Lieutenant. How are the repairs.>

It was probably the fourth time Krysa had called down to check on the repairs.

"Very near Lieutenant. But, should you interrupt me again without major provocation I may just find a problem with the bridge relays and have to run this boat from down here."

Tarrant laughed inwardly.

<Yes, Mr. Koreth... I understand. Jenn out>


Whew... I HATE MY SERVER!!!!

with that said, I am back for the week. Then my re-move to Gainesville and my first order of business will be to get access up there... so it may be touch and go.

Krysa... > Now be nice, or Tarrant WILL transfer command. He wants to have that power someday too you know <G>.


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: She's Back!

by Kristen Gant 8-7-1996

Stardate: 80807.1115
MD: 6.0630

Krysa had passed the buoy information on the Captain. It certainly was not good news and it worried her. So far they had found nothing to indicate what had happened to the missing 20 buoy's. They could have been dropped long ago. Or even just before they found the Feynman. There might be a red line leading straight for them right now. Without thinking she hit her comm pin. "Jenn to Koreth,"

<Koreth here,> came the irritated reply.

"Yes, um Lieutenant. How are the repairs."

It was probably the fourth time Krysa had called down to check on the repairs. She knew she shouldn't have, but she found the temptation to great.

<Very near Lieutenant. But, should you interrupt me again without major provocation I may just find a problem with the bridge relays and have to run this boat from down here.>

Tarrant laughed inwardly.

"Yes, Mr. Koreth..." Krysa sighed, "Do you need any help"

< No!!> roared the Klingon

"Very well, I understand. Jenn out"

She stopped in front of Ops, "How are the scanners?"

"Almost got 'em up, sir," said Patti. "I think they should be working .."

Krysa didn't hear her final words as a feeling of nausea overcame her and her head began to pound. Putting her hand over her temples as a last resort to stop the onslaught of pain that assaulted her, she felt the bridge under her feet begin to move, as she slipped to her knees.

".. right about .. now." Patti pulled her head out from under the panel to see if things were working. The sight of the Ops Officer on laying on the floor caught her off guard, "Krysa?"

The others on the bridge turned to see Patti kneeling over her, "Are you alright?"

Krysa nodded, "Yes. It's just a bit of a headache."

"A bit of a headache!" said Patti.

"It's going away now .. I'll be fine." Krysa looked up at the skeptical woman in front of her. She stood, "Honest, I'll go see Dr. Glin'kharr once we get back to the ship. Slowly everyone turned back to their stations, and Krysa sat in the Captain's chair, trying to will the pounding to stop.

USS PHOENIX: Captain's Quarters

"Are you alright, Dee?" asked Tremaine hovering over the form of the woman.

"Get away!" she spat at him. Shaking her head she rose and looked at him, the pain of the headache still in her eyes. "Where is that hypo.." She searched the room with one hand still on her head. Finding what she was looking for, she put it to her arm.

"Should this be happening?" he asked, looking at the face he had become accustomed to seeing. A face that didn't belong to her.

She looked at him in contempt, "Of course, it shouldn't be happening! I'd have never agreed to do this if I'd known there'd be these god-awful headaches."

"Someone had to do it. You were the best choice. I still think you are the best choice, despite your mistakes the last time."

"Don't talk to me about mistakes, Tremaine. You an your amateur crew can't seem to do anything right. You've let the FEYNMAN slip through your fingers twice now."

"It won't happen again," he said tightly.

"You better not! Otherwise you'll never make it into that fleet. I'm beginning to see why you aren't know," she provoked him.

He narrowed his eyes at her, "We will prove ourselves if I have to blow up all of 'em to do it!" He looked into her mocking eyes. "Sometimes I don't know why I rescued you off that damned ring!"

She smirked, "Maybe it's because of this face .. her face." She grinned smugly, moving closer to him, "But then again maybe not .."

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay now really, who thought we'd never see her again. Well at least this time I gave her a name.

Did I make it clear enough for the new people that this is someone who for reason's unknown has stolen Lt. Jenn's face :}


USS FEYNMAN: The Past and the Future

by Andrew Catterick 8-8-1996

SD: 80808.1100
MD: 6.0645
Scene: 10-Forward

"Let's cut to the chase Captain. What do you want?"

"Information." Zane replied casually between bites.

Mason's eyes narrowed. "What kind of information?"

"Everything you can tell me about that pirate base and the pirate and privateer operations throughout the sack including links to the Xanthandi."

Mason laughed. "Is that all?"

"No, after you've told me everything you know I'll return you to the base and you will send periodic, coded reports to EPSILON keeping us apprised of the situation."

"Listen, just because I lead a bunch of incompetent buffoons does not mean I am one myself. Do you know what the life expectancy of a spy in these parts is? How the hell am I supposed to send 'periodic' reports to SILVER command?" He asked sarcastically.

"That's not my concern but will be yours." Zane replied pleasantly after thanking the server for the refill of his coffee.

"Even if I give you the information you want why would I continue to do so after I'm safe on the outpost?"

"Let me lay it all out for you. Two years ago you were a peaceful farmer on the planet Tanzia. One evening after a rather long stay at the local pub you stumbled through the door of your house to find your wife sprawled across the floor, brutally murdered...."

Mason let out a short gasp. "I didn't do it..."

"You called the local constabulary and were subsequently arrested for the murder of your wife."

"I didn't do it."

"It was common knowledge that you had a terrible temper, especially if you'd been drinking and that your wife was rumoured to be having an affair. In short you were in a bad marriage, you were drunk, covered in your wife's blood who had been slashed to death two hours after you left the pub.

Arrested for murder you were put on trial and quickly found guilty, the sentence execution by hanging. Three days before the sentence was carried out you escaped."

"Why do you tell me this? A history lesson won't make me spy on anyone."

"14 months after your disappearance your brother was found hanging in his barn. His suicide note confessed to the fact that he had been the one having the affair with your wife. She had ended it and unable to except it he killed her. Filled with remorse he had decided to confess but apparently couldn't live with the loss of her, or you."

Mason sat in stunned silence a jumble of emotions. He had finally been proved innocent, his wife had refused his brother, had she wanted to save their crumbling marriage? He had known the affair was with his brother but had been two much of a coward to confront him. If he had....he shook off the thought. "I can go home." He said quietly, more to himself than to Zane.

"Yes and no." the captain replied.

"What do you mean." Mason asked cautiously.

"The Tanzian authorities have dropped all charges against you so yes you are free to return as far as they are concerned. However, there is the little matter of you being a pirate."

"Pirate is a bit of an overstatement Captain. I've killed no one, I haven't even injured anyone."

"But you have stolen cargo." Zane reminded him.

"In the six months I've been here I've boarded 3 ships, no more."

"Actually its five. And it has been noted that you aren't nearly as blood thirsty as some of your brethren. Which is why I can't make this offer."

"Which is?"

"Tell me what I want to know and agree to send periodic information and the charges against you can be lessened and you'll be able to return to your home, a free man."


"I don't know. Its not for me to decide. Once SILVER Intel decides you are no longer useful. It could be 6 months or six years but I'd imagine sooner than later. As I'm sure your aware the coalsack has become a prime interest for SILVER fleet. I'd guess that the information you can pass along will soon be obsolete. Agreed?"

Mason thought for a moment, still overcome with the revelations of minutes ago. He could go home. "Agreed."

Zane gestured for the security officer in the corner.

"Yes sir."

"Escort Mr. Mason to some guest quarters he is to be confined there until further notice."

"Aye sir."

"You'll find a computer terminal in the room you can start to record everything you have seen and heard on that base, fact and fiction."

"Yes captain"


Well that gets us some information on the pirate base. Don't know what though;)

Away Team: How's your info gathering coming...I see Jerran has a new friend.

TYPHOON: Having fun on your own cruiser?


-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: The Future Hurts!

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-9-1996

SD: 80809.2300
MD: 06.?
Scene: 10-FWD

> Zane gestured for the security officer in the corner.
> "Yes sir."
> "Escort Mr. Mason to some guest quarters he is to be confined
> there until further notice."
> "Aye sir."
> "You'll find a computer terminal in the room you can start to
> record everything you have seen and heard on that base, fact and fiction."
> "Yes Captain"

PO1 Jerry Jonas nudged Mason towards the 10-foreward doors. Once outside, he gestured to the officers waiting 'in the shadows' outside. "Krogriy, Khan, flank him. We're taking him to 'guest quarters', Captain's orders. Move it, dirt bag." The group started towards the lift, Jerry gave Mason a a push. The lift deposited them on deck 13. They exited and approached the empty visitors cabin. Jonas nodded to Khan, who went in. He then turned to Krogiry.

"Mr. Krogiry, here hand me your rifle. Good, now stand guard here. No one is to enter without my orders."

"Aye Sir," said Krogiry, standing beside the door. Jerry turned, shoved Mason inside, who almost lost his balance, but regained. "What the hell is up with your two. I'm a 'special guest' of your Captains." Khan circled around behind Mason.

"OK Mason. You get special treatment. Here." Jerry brought the end of his rifle up to the side of Mason's head, slumping him to the floor as the rifle broke in two. "Special treatment, just like you gave Ens. Jared and some of my other friends!" Jerry's boot found the side of Mason's gut now, and twice more. Khan spoke up, somewhat unsure."

"Sir, don't you think that's enough. I mean..." Khan.

"Never mind. Let's go." They walked toward the door, Mr. Khan stepping over the moaning form of Mason. The doors opened to a wide-eyed Mr. Krogiry. PO1 Jerry Jonas stopped,

"Mr. Krogiry, here's your Phaser rifle. It broke as Mr. Mason attempted to escape and became combative with MR. Khan and myself. Take the Phaser back to the armory, then return to your normal duty. Dismissed."

"I, uh... Aye aye, Sir." Krogiry moved slowly down the corridor towards the lift. "Khan, you, too. I'll call Dr. Glin' Kharr, then make out our report for the log. You log your report, too. Then I'll turn them into Mr. Allard and the Captain..."

Mike Dailey
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji, MD - CMO - USS CONSTITUTION - INDIGO FLEET

********** *N R P G * ********** dum dum. <Dragnet theme here... but I forget how it goes> <GRIN>

Cheers! Mike

USS FEYNMAN: Discipline & Discovery

by Andrew Catterick 8-11-1996

SD: 80811.1300
MD: 6.0745
Scene: Ready-room

"...his jaw is set now and should be fully healed in 8 hours but there will most likely be residual pain for another 24 hours. All in all he has taken the incident rather lightly. I imagine in his line of work he is used to such barbarism." The door chime rang out punctunating Glin'Kharr's comments.

"In." Zane ordered. Immediately the doors parted with their trademark pneumatic swish, revelaing the nervously errect form of PO/1 Jerry T. Jonas. "Thank you Doctor."

With a slight nod, Dr. Glin'kharr turned and exited the room a slight scowl directed at the petty officer.

"Do you want to explain this morning's incident Mr. Jonas?"

"Sir. Mr. Mason slipped, sir."

"And his fall was broken by the butt of one of your troopers rifles?" Zane replied quietly.

"Sir. No sir. Mr. Mason hit his head on the deckway railing."

"I see. And what was it that caused him to slip Mr. Jonas? A particularily treacherous part of carpet, perhaps an errant gust of wind." Jonas could not mistake the Captain's anger and wisely remained silent. "I imagine you have heard Mr. Mason's side of the story."

"Sir. The petty officer has been informed of Mr. Mason's statements."

"Thats quite a divergence in stories. Can you explain that Mr. Jonas."

"Sir. A blow to the head can often effect memory."

"I agree, but it does leave a bit of mystery. A mystery which I do not have the time to solve. Either way an individual came to harm in your charge. You and your two escorts are on report. But let me make it perfectly clear that if Mr. Mason's story is indeed true it better not happen again. Such acts will not be tolerated on this ship. If I even get a hint that you have been abusing your authority either now or in the future you will be serving in the GREY fleet so fast a D-warp won't be able to catch you. Is that clear?"

"Sir! Yes sir!"

"Next. When I left the brig with Mr. Mason did I or did I not give you a direct order that there would be only one guard needed to oversee Mr. Mason's movements."

"Sir. You did sir."

"I did. And yet there were three..." He raised a hand to stall Jonas' reply. "I know two were positioned outside of 10-Forward but I am not going to argue with you over trivialities. For disobeying a direct order you will have a formal reprimand place upon your permanent record. Any further disciplinary actions will be at the discretion of the CSO. Dismissed."

Zane turned to his desk terminal and activate the mailer.

FROM: Commander Zane
TO : Ensign Allard
cc : Lieutenant Commander Maril
Lieutenant Jenn
All security personnel
RE : Security patrol operations
SD : 80811

Be advised,

As of this stardate security personnel conducting internal
patrols, escorting prisoners or any other action in their normal routine
will, when it is deemed necessary to be armed, carry a Type II Personal
Phaser. Phaser rifles are not to be used during normal security
operations unless otherwise instructed by a senior officer.


The memo sent, he stood and headed for the replicator his stomach reminding him of his hyper-metabolism. Halfway there the door chimed out again. "In."

"Captain." Chief Larocque greeted Zane.

"Hey Rock. I'm having a snack, want something?"

"No I just had breakfast." He replied entering the room. "But I seem to remember you sitting yourself in front of a rather large platter of Bat's Breakfast BBQ."

The Captain smiled and patted his stomach. "Gotta keep the energy levels up."

Larocque rolled his eyes.

"So what's up for this morning?" Zane asked his aide.

"The usual reports to read and sign." He handed a PADD over to Zane. "How's Mason?"

"Fine. You heard?" Zane asked not at all surprised.

"I think the dishwasher's third mate is the only one who hasn't." Larocque replied grinning. "News travels fast."

"He slipped." Zane told him, the tone in his voice portraying just how seriously he took that excuse.

"Uh-huh. Just like the Cardassian."

"Exactly." 'The Cardassian' was brought aboard the FEYNMAN in a lifepod during their first mission. While being transported to the brig the overzealous security personnel beat the Cardassian into a coma. When then CSO, Ensign Zane had found out he had been furious but not half as much as Captain West.

Larocque, his aide then, gave him the same advice. "There a good bunch just a little hyper it being their first cruise and all. They'll settle down."

"The voice of wisdom?"

"Nah, just experience."

[Captain to the bridge.] came over the intercomm, interrupting their conversation.

Raising an eyebrow Zane set his plate aside and headed for the bridge, Larocque in tow. "Report." He ordered.

The officer at the science station turned to face him. "Sensor's have picked up an energy field heading in the general direction of the pirate base. I can't get a definite reading but it appears to be a tractor beam, perhaps more than one."

"Open a channel to the TYPHOON."

Lt. Jenn, sitting in the captain's chair of the TYPHOON flickered on to the screen. Zane noted she seemed a little pale, probably just fatigue it had been a long day. "Have your sensors picked up the energy field?"

[Just a few moments ago.] Jenn replied.

"We think its a tractor beam."

Jenn looked off screen. [Lt. Meleah confirms. Pirates bringing some booty home?]

"It would seem so. How operational are you?"

[As operational as Lt. Koreth can get us. Planning a visit?]

Zane smiled and nodded. "We'll come in from port you from starboard."

[Understood. TYPHOON out]

The screen returning to the normal swirl of the sack, Zane paused before issuing orders to get underway. Something was definietly wrong with Krysa.


J.C.: Looks like your NPC is in it deep ;)

Max/Ted: ????

Jason: Don't know if your getting this but my sympathies re: your server. I hope you find stable access soon its just not the same without our scowling engineer

Away Team: Lots going on there....have to find the operational plans (sounds like the DeathStar), Jerran has a new friend, the pirates are expecting you to help them board the FEYNMAN (How you going to find us?) and now Allard has run-off after some officers.

TYPOON/FEYNMAN: Who's tractor beams and what are they towing?

Ted: As the only other PC on the ship with me feel free to volunteer for a bridge station while we're understaffed.

And of course we have the GREY fleet waiting for us outside with an old 'friend'

....some interesting times ahead!


-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Unassigned
-CMDR Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-CMDR Nigel Straun, TACFLEET Liason Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-CMDR Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: The Bread-Crumbs Lead To...

by Jason Bostjancic 8-11-1996

Scene: Engineering

<Lt. Koreth.. I need warp engines now>

The gruff voice of Tarrant Koreth responded back, in some bit of satisfaction, "You're at 90%, and that's the best we can do out here."

<Understood, Krysa out>

Scene: Bridge

The warp engines hummed to life and the previously defunct TYPHOON began moving. Krysa gave the orders to put them on a course entering the starboard side of the pirates has Zane asked.

"Can you get me anything on what they are tractoring Lt. ?" asked Jenn

A momentary pause was followed by Meleah's calm voice, "No sir. The nature of this part of space is causing too much interference."

It didn't matter, they would be there in a few seconds anyway. Krysa rose from her chair and began pacing again.

"Sir, aproaching the coordinates."

"Drop to 1/2 impulse, and give me visual on that beam's target."

The screen flickered to show the large beam of light stopping at some object.


Again the flicker, and the gasp of the bridge crew. One of the CEO's technicians which was still working on the bridge summed it up. "Holy Mary mother of God." His mouth was completely open.

The slowly moving object being brought into the Pirate's domain was none other than a Husnock Ship. The massive structure looked like a cross between a WWII destroyer and 23rd century technology.

Lt. Jenn was momentarily taken back.

"Um, scan that ship."

Moments passed by. "Could only get a partial scan sir. but it appears that the ship does have power, enough for shields. Approximately 50 lifeforms within it. "

"It is quite possible that the pirates are unsure on how to fully operate the Husnock ship at this time. They were quite an advanced race when they were all destroyed. But we can be sure that they haven't figured out the propulsion systems just yet or else they wouldn't be pulling it in." Meleah looked like she could have continued, but decided against it.

For the first time in a few minutes the bridge crew noticed the hailing call. Krysa asked for it to be put through.

<Feynman to Typhoon. Is there a problem?>

"No sir, we had some communications difficulties."

IT was a lie that Krysa would not have normaly used. Although Zane couldn't prove it, he suspected the truth.

<Since you've repaired it, we need to decide what to do about this 'situation'>


Hows that for the Pirates getting some firepower <G>

For those who don't know. The Husnock people were destroyed all over the universe when Kevin Uxbridge killed them with a thought in anger. The ships remained, very powerful and completely without crews. Thus they basically float as ghost ships.

Now this could be interesting. *if* they have 100% shields, then forget about getting through them. But they probably don't <G>


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"

USS FEYNMAN: Splitting Us Up Even Further

by Kristen Gant 8-12-1996

Stardate: 80812.2053
Scene: Bridge USS TYPHOON
MD: 6:0820

<Since you've repaired it, we need to decide what to do about this 'situation'>

Krysa nodded, trying to think through the dull pounding that remained. "Well, sir, Lt. Meleah thinks that it's likely the pirates do not have full operation of the Husnock ship. Now that the TYPHOON is completely within our control and Lt. Koreth has proven his skill in getting it running as well as he has in such a short time, we could probably prevent the pirates from getting the Husnock vessel to the pirate base."

<Any suggestions?>

Krysa thought for a moment, trying to get through the fog, "I .."

<Krysa, are you alright.>

"Of course, sir," she said a little too quickly, "Just trying to think."

Thankfully Lt. Meleah interrupted, "Sir, I have discovered where the tractor beam is originating from. It comes from a site about 100 meters away from the pirate base, from what our sensors determine as a large building."

"Any life forms?"

"Difficult to tell. However, according to the sensors, the building appears to be abandoned. This reading may not be accurate though."

"Well, Commander, what do you think? Shall we try and knock out the tractor beam?"

Zane smiled, <Yes, thanks to Lt. Meleah, I think we have a plan. I'll keep the Feynman within contact of the Husnock ship. You take the TYPHOON and get some one down in that building to see what they can do.>

"Yes, sir," said Krysa. She turned to Ens. Cartwright. "Set course for the source of that tractor beam." Turning to Lt. Meleah, she continued, "Lt. Meleah, you and Mr. Koreth will beam down with a security detail to take out the tractor beam."

MD: 1.0830

"We are within transporter range," reported Ens. Cartwright.

Krysa turned to Lt. Meleah, "Be careful."

She nodded and headed down the turbo lift. Krysa waited for what seemed like forever for their call, <Away team ready to beam down.>

"Go ahead," Krysa said. She found herself waiting again to find out what was going on. She wasn't sure she liked the waiting that came with command. She was grateful that her headache seemed to be subsiding. Or was it that she was getting used to it? Either way she found herself focusing a little better.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay, hope this is no problem for anyone. :} Melanie and Jason, have fun and don't lose too many red shirts :}

Joseph, come find us :}

Ted, hmmm, I like the Evil Krysa experimenting with drugs .. could be fun! Hmmm, was she trying to take out our doctor down on the ring :} :}


USS FEYNMAN: Pirate Booty

by Melanie Pocknall 8-13-1996

SD: 80813.0316
MD: 6.0818

>"It is quite possible that the pirates are unsure on how
>to fully operate the Husnock ship at this time. They
>were quite an advanced race when they were all
>destroyed. But we can be sure that they haven't figured
>out the propulsion systems just yet or else they wouldn't
>be pulling it in." Meleah looked like she could have
>continued, but decided against it.
>For the first time in a few minutes the bridge crew noticed
>the hailing call. Krysa asked for it to be put through.
><Feynman to Typhoon. Is there a problem?>
>"No sir, we had some communications difficulties."
>IT was a lie that Krysa would not have normally used.
>Although Zane couldn't prove it, he suspected the truth.
><Since you've repaired it, we need to decide what to do
>about this 'situation'>

While they were talking, Meleah was busily scanning for more information, and ended up feeling as though she should be back on the Feynman where at least they had the Delphi array. It was difficult to determine but she found that the shields were operating at 75%, and judging by the way it was moving, the engines were off-line. Still at 75%, the shields would deflect any boarding parties or bombardment.

"Sir," Meleah said to Krysa during a break in her conversation with Zane, "I have discovered where the tractor beam is originating from. It comes from a site about 100 metres away from the pirate base, from what our sensors determine as a large building."

"Any life forms?"

"Difficult to tell. However, according to the sensors, the building appears to be abandoned. This reading may not be accurate though."


Sorry this is so short but I hope this fits in. Which series was that episode from anyway? (Not that I'll get to see it for another couple of months anyway).

Sincerely yours,
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet, TFE


USS FEYNMAN: The Abandoned Building

by Jason Bostjancic 8-13-1996

SD: 80813
MD: 6.0825
Scene: Transporter room 2.

"Away team ready to beam down."

<Go ahead.> replied Krysa.

Tarrant stood on the transporter pad and prepared for company as did the security team. Phasers drawn and ready.

"I've found a clear spot for beamdown. It's on the first level of that bulding. No other lifeforms." announced the transporter chief looking up from the panel.

Lt. Meleah gave a slight nod, "Energize"

The rain of blue light descended and enveloped the away team. Seconds later they materialized in the bulding. The room was about 10 by 15 meters with a somewhat high celing. Old and burnt out equipment littered the ground near the walls... a old X-52 series replicator took up a bulk of the area. It had seen better days.

Sighting no threat, Tarrant put away his weapon and activated his Advanced-PADD. He started scanning in true LaForge style. Lt. Meleah appeared to do the same.

"No lifeforms detected." announced the Science Officer.

Tarrant nodded, "But I am picking up over 50 small energy sources on the next two levels up... they're moving."

Lt. Meleah picked them up too, after a few seconds she had the answer "I believe that they are artificial life forms."

"They automated the building, " mused Tarrant, "If they manned this area then their prizes could fall into greedy hands, and this place would attract attention. But when the beam isn't in use..."

A whirling sound outside the door broke the thought. The away team scrambled and found something to hide behind.

The door opened revealing one of the robots. It hovered into the room causing the whirling sound to get louder. Two mechanial claws held some type of scrap metal in its arms as it floated to a corner of the room. Carefully, it dropped its posession and then turned to leave. Tarrant decided to attempt a scan.

The partial klingon heald his breath as the information trickled in. The robot didn't seem affected and left. At least they didn't have optics.


Just a start down here


Lieutenant Cmdr. Tirrin Vorak - OPS/2O - USS SERAPIS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"


by Andrew Catterick 8-14-1996

SD: 80814.1200
MD: 6.0900
Scene: Ready-room
"Captain's log, supplemental....

The discovery of the Husnock ship could not have come at a worse time. The FEYNMAN is already stretched much more thinly than I would like and I am unsure as to how to proceed with its arrival into the fray. Lieutenants Koreth and Meleah have taken an away team to the tractor beam sight in hopes of shutting down the beam so I have until that time to make a decision. Essentially there are four options. One, letting it drift away deeper into the nebula. Two, we tow the ship back to EPSILON. Three, we board the ship and pilot it back to EPSILON. Four, we destroy it.

The first option is the easiest and most convenient and also the one I am least inclined to choose. Even with the DELPHI array it is unlikely that we would be able to track it once the gravitational fluxes and eddies took hold. I'm sure Mr. Koreth could work a little of his magic and attach some sort of beacon we could home in on but the potential that someone else could monitor the signal, notably the Xanthandi, makes this option a less than attractive choice. And of course while we may not be able to relocate it in the short time we will remain here it is entirely likely that eventually one of the Nebula's inhabitants will. The thought of a Husnock ship leading a Xanthandi assault is not a pleasant one.

The second option seems the most straight forward but also has its problems. Which ever ship was slated as tug would become a sitting duck as we waited to retrieve Commander Maril's team. Of course either the FEYNMAN or the TYPHOON could take the vessel in tow and return to EPSILON while the other remains on station until the away team is retrieved. The problem with this however is our neighbours outside. It is inevitable that we will have some sort of confrontation with Tremaine and for this reason I do not want to split up our little fleet. Of course once he sets eyes on the Husnock ship I'm sure the pirate bases would be long forgotten. For the PHOENIX to arrive at EPSILON, the Husnock ship in tow and a suitably heroic story of how he 'saved' the ship from the evil clutches of the pirate hordes....well I don't think that even the Admiral could counter the swell of public support that would certainly greet him. Tremaine as a Captain in the regular fleet is not something I even want to consider.

Option three leads to most of the same problems as the second with the added dilemma of where to find the crew. It is one thing to pilot a strange vessel to a known destination but to engage in combat as well? Still a ship as powerful as the Husnock vessel would be quite an advantage to have when facing Tremaine's taskforce. Perhaps it may be advantageous to transfer all personnel from the TYPHOON to the Husnock ship and then scuttle the TYPHOON. I'll have to give this option some more thought. I wish I had Onta here, I could use his advice.

And finally option four...destruction. I have to admit it is this option I am most inclined to decide on. It would restore an already bad but much more workable status quo. And even with the power of the Husnock vessel its strangeness would leave me more comfortable leading FEYNMAN and TYPHOON into any battle with the GREY's than FEYNMAN and an unknown commodity. I suspect that Lieutenants Jerran and Koreth would feel otherwise. And, even though other Husnock ships have been discovered in the past I imagine SFENG and Fleet in general would love to get their hands on this. I can think of 3 branches off the top of my head that would start a jihad over who would get to examine the logs first. If the information in those logs is anything like the other two ships we found it would be virtually priceless. Still our mission was to find out as much information about the pirate/Xanthandi activity in the coalsack as possible and return to EPSILON with it ASAP. Countless lives could depend on it not to mention the operation of the new outpost. So, until I hear any better ideas destruction seems to be the best bet.

I'm glad I still have time to decide.

End log."


Just thinking about what to do with the Husnock and decided hey! a log entry. I have no decision as to what to with this ship so let me know what you all think either in NRPG or RP musings.

BTW, I hate calling it the Husnock ship over and over again....anyone got a good Husnock name?

Melanie: Doing some admin stuff and noticed I still don't have your bio can you forward it along.


Andy-->Professional nag

-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET

USS FEYNMAN: Inside the Abandoned Building

by Melanie Pocknall 8-15-1996

SD: 80815
MD: 6.0835
Scene: Inside the building

> The door opened revealing one of the robots. It hovered
> into the room causing the whirling sound to get louder.
> Two mechanial claws held some type of scrap metal in its arms
> as it floated to a corner of the room. Carefully, it dropped
> its posession and then turned to leave. Tarrant decided to
> attempt a scan.
> The partial klingon heald his breath as the information
> trickled in. The robot didn't seem affected and left. At least
> they didn't have optics.

"They appear to pre-programmed as to their duties," commented Meleah. "If this is so, then the odds of them noticing us are slightly less than normal. And with no optics, the chances are even less."

"But they may be able to record sounds," added Tarrant. "Have you discovered which level the beam is on?"

"Scanning." Meleah frowned then did some quick modifications to her scanner's range. "The energy sources on the second level make it difficult to detect anything above that. I am reading a faint emission of some kind, which appears to be originating on the fourth level."

Tarrant thought about this for a moment. That meant that they would have to go up past the robots unless there was another way up. "Lt," he said to Meleah, "take two men and search that end of the building for another way up," indicating the southern end of the building. "My team will search the other end."

Meleah nodded, and pointing to two of the security officers, headed towards the other end of the building. Ideally, they needed a secret passage way up to the fourth level, otherwise, if they had to take the lift, one of the robots or even a pirate may find them. Therefore, they had to be safe. And if they remained on the first floor too much longer, the chances that they would be found were getting greater,

Along the back wall, the team came across what looked to be a pipe large enough to hold several people at once. There was a hole about a metre off the ground. One of the security officers scanned the hole carefully, then cautiously leaned through the hole. He looked upwards but couldn't see very much in the dark. He then looked downwards and immediately wished he hadn't.

He withdrew so quickly that even Meleah knew something was wrong. "Mr. Lukas?"

Lukas couldn't speak. He just pointed towards the bottom of the shaft. Meleah looked. Lying at the bottom of the shaft was a crumpled form which had probably been human some days ago. Much of the head had been burnt away, and the person seemed to have fallen from a great height resulting in multiple broken bones. The corpse was wearing what looked to be pirate gear, so Meleah assumed that he/she/it had been trying to get to the stolen goods but had been stopped. A stun trap, at close range, could produce massive burning, and Meleah surmised that somewhere in that pipe, there was a stun trap. If there wasn't one before the fourth level, they would be right. However, there was no way of knowing, and Meleah did not want to risk anyone in trying to find out.

One of the hundreds of thoughts that she had in the following second suggested an idea to her. If they could find a long piece of rubber, a person would be able to find the first stun trap without being injured as the rubber, if held above the head, would insulate them from the shock. However, the fall may kill a human. But if the stun traps were rigged to an alarm system, their cover would be blown.

Meleah came to a decision. "Mr. Tomoko, find Lt. Koreth and his team and bring them here." She couldn't use the comm badges to communicate so she had to use old fashioned means. "Tell him we have found a possible way up."

"Yes, sir," said the PO as he quickly and quietly walked off.


Andy, I'm positive I've sent Meleah's bio to you before. But I'll sent it again within the next few days (I hope!).

Jason - if you've got a better idea, go for it. If not, you've got my suggestion.

Sincerely yours,
Lt. Meleah, CSciO, USS FEYNMAN, Silver Fleet.


USS FEYNMAN: On the Run!

by Michael "Mike" Dailey 8-16-1996

SD: 80816
MD: 6.2330 [ALMOST 7.00!!!]

J.C. launched himself over the balcony railing, where LtCdr. Maril, Ens. Lee, and the others were, watching the events in the shattered and decrepit building across the street. He landed quite harder than he had thought, though only hurting his pride. Looking up to CPO Alex Tamarov, he quietly motioned for his aide to join him. Alex paused a moment, unsure of jumping down the distance of four meters. J.C. waved him on again, growing impatient, worried that Commander Maril or someone else would notice them. Alex finally gathered his nerve and jumped, nearly landing on top of Justin. J.C. whispered, "Come on, we've got to see what those other 'fleet officers we saw talking to those Nausicans are up to. If they're part of the Grey Fleet, maybe we can learn a little information from them." They began crawling slowly away from the building they were lodged as guests of the Orion Pirate Queen.

Alex whispered in return, "Mr. Allard, I think Commander Maril is going to be very upset with us.", J.C. waved him silent, "If we do this right, Maril will be happily quoting Tamarian metaphors for the next week. One thing I learned from my academy squad leader; what Senior Officers don't know won't hurt you!" They both broke a smile, and then J.C. motioned for silence, and started them moving across and down the street to the shattered one-story building.

It was about 2300 hrs., the street was all but deserted, not that this was a busy neighborhood anyway. In addition to the steamy and muggy 88 deg. F temperature which was cool compared to the daily sauna, they had to contend with alosmt no natural light, as the planet had no satellites. They crossed the street and approached the building, the front of which had two old-style ground cars that had found their final resting place. Beside the cars was a rather large pile of what appeared to be half junk, half garbage with the garbage half giving off a distinct odor that could turn and humaniods' stomach inside-out! They stopped behind it, and J.C. turned to Alex. He looked down at the ground, and rubbed his hand lightly over the warm, damp soil. Scooping up a handful, J.C. rubbed some onto his forehead and cheeks, motioning for Alex to do likewise. Alex grabbed a handful, and started to say something, but J.C. covered his mouth, and whispered in his ear, "TAC hand signals, just like night maneuvers at the academy". J.C. dug inside his pocket, removing his comm badge. If captured, they could explain the Phaser's as stolen, but comm badges were another matter, and if they went off an the wrong moment... Alex did the same, and they buried them and put an old liquor bottle on top of the spot as a marker.

J.C. peered around the junk pile to the building, but couldn't see inside, being at the wrong angle to look inside the front window. He motioned for Alex to follow. He pointed to the building, then made a circle motion, meaning to go around the side and back. They started cautiously, the bolted for the side row of windows about 2.5 meters high and 4 meters wide. They nearly crashed into the wall, and Alex sliding as if stealing 3rd base. J.C. uprighted himself, and kneeled, making a cup with his hands and gesturing to Alex to be boosted up, since he was lighter by a few kg.

Alex carefully put one foot into his commander's hand, and tried to grab onto the window ledge for support. The windows were closed and flush with the outside wall, probably for some antique cooling system to operate inside the condemned building. Alex peered inside, and seen the group of two Starfleet officers in red, and three Nausicans... only for a few seconds. The Nausican barked something into a communicator and a transporter enveloped all five. Alex hopped down, and kneeled beside J.C.,"Two officers in command. I didn't recognize them and couldn't make out their ranks, but I did see quite a few pips. Nothing on the Nausicans though. They must have beamed to their ship", Alex whispered, looking around to make sure they were alone.

J.C. glanced up towards the sky, "Alex, I sure hope Captain Zane or someone on the FEYNMAN detects that ship." Gesturing to the back, J.C. whispered turned to face Alex, "let's see if we can get inside from the rear." J.C. slowly rose. Alex started to, then stopped and sat back down, his face turning bright white. J.C. kneeled down to inquire, but was stopped short by a loud unfamiliar voice.

"H'ta fvau! Lloannen'galae th'ann." One weapon was trained on the side of each of their heads, from behind them came another deeper, cold sounding voice, "Vah-udt? Au'e rekkhai ,Erei'riov!." Alex opened his hand to allow his Phaser to drop to the warm black soil slowly with a thud. J.C. did the same...

Mike Dailey

******** * NRPG * ******** Hmmmm.... poor guys. Everyone one the FEYNMAN and TYPHOON are having a real party, and we feel left out <GGGG>! Hey! Where is everybody????
