ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+


by Brian V. Mansur

SD: 2261.031

Scene: Officer's Lounge, USS HOOD

"Oh for crying out loud Stile, I'm fine," Sean insisted.

"I tell you sar that a man who would stoop to relying on a red shirt to do his job ..."

"Hey watch it," Gar shot.

"A security red shirt," Stile corrected, "Is a man who is nothing short of broken. There's something diagnosable on you and I intend to find out what."

"Oh no doc. I know how you work. I'm not getting naked anymore. I don't need massage therapy from a sweet brunette nurse whose name starts with a K. I don't want any snake oil, voodoo dolls, or cat scans. I am perfectly fine. Gar please put that fork away, you're making me nervous."

"You are a sick man," Gar said.

NRPG: Just a quickie.

Repectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick




by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.031

Scene: Shuttledeck

“Permission to leave ship’s company and disembark.” Lieutenant Commander Mark Compass said as he stood next to the open shuttle craft door. Inside the young ensign who had piloted the shuttle over from the KIDD did his best to pretend that the fact that the Romulan who was sitting quietly behind him was such an everyday occurrence that he barely noticed him. For his part the Romulan scientist tried hard to portray an individual who traveled on Starfleet vessels all the time. But it was becoming increasingly hard to contain his excitement over his new life. He’d been disappointed with the reception from the officers of the HOOD. To be fair he was sure the space port battle with his ex-countrymen could not have helped. But he was still surprised that he had not been treated more warmly. Of course they were military and not likely to understand how important he was. Well the ever smiling science officer seemed to have a grasp of who was in her midst.

Back outside the shuttle Captain Steele was responding to the request. “Permission granted commander.” He extended a hand. “I’m not suppose to tell you but the admiral has approved your transfer to DAUNTLESS as her first officer.”

Mark beamed. “That’s good news sir. I’d hate to think I’d wasted the last two days going over all her mission logs and personnel records for no reason.” He took a last look around HOOD’s cavernous shuttle bay. “Its been an honour captain.”

“You’ll be missed Mark. Best of luck.”

Five minutes later Jack was back in the center seat coffee in hand.

“KIDD reports Commander Compass and guest are safely aboard.”

“My regards to KIDD’s captain.” Jack said before addressing he new NAV officer. “Set course for the Celes system.”

“Course laid in sir.” Lieutenant Zade replied.

“Alright Lieutenant Steering ahead warp factor five.”


Just a quick one. Working on a JP with Steve which will hopefully out tonight.

And for the life of me I don’t know why I wrote the transfer on a shuttle and not the transporter.



CAPT Jack Steele

Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703