ORIGINS: Emiko Oda

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CAPT Emiko Oda- Commanding Officer, USS Kongo


I. Personal Data
Surname:  Oda
Given Name(s):  Emiko
Current Rank:  Captain  O-6
Current Billet:  Medical Leave since 2258 – Physical Therapy/Rehab
Species:  Human
Gender/Sex:  Female
Age:  41 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:  November 10, 2219
Place of Birth:  Osaka, Japan
Father - Hideo Oda, Starship Captain, Deceased at Vulcan, 
Mother - Hiromi Nagano, Ship’s Doctor, Deceased at Vulcan 
Siblings:  Etsuko Oda, Chief of Security USS Normandy, MIA at Vulcan
Spouse:  Never Married
Children:  None
Religion:  Zen Buddhist

HT:  5'1"; WT:  93.  CPT Oda has the body of a teenage gymnast

Black Hair, Dark Brown Eyes

II.  Educational Background

Star Fleet Training:

Starfleet Academy  2237
Tactical Officer Department Head Course  2241
Command School 2252

Kenjutsu (Japanese fencing), calligraphy, tea ceremony, flower arrangement

III.  Biographical Notes

A.  Chronology (tabular form):

18:	Starfleet Academy

35:     Command School

36:     Promoted Commander, Assigned XO USS Thy’lek Shran

38:     Battle of Vulcan.  With the captain KIA, CDR Oda assumed command 
        and continued the fight.  With weapons destroyed, CDR Oda retreated 
        to the rear of the formation and attempted to beam as many survivors 
        from the various ships as possible into the Shran’s cargo hold.  
        Upon taking an addition hit by Nero’s ship, Oda ordered the ship 
        completely dark and set adrift.  The ruse worked and over 900 Starfleet 
        personnel were saved.

        CDR Oda was gravely injured early in the battle and nearly lost her 
        left leg and arm.  Severe nerve, muscle and bone damage was repaired 
        with moderate success, however she had to learn to walk again and will 
        always suffer from weakness, lack of fine motor control, severe arthritis 
        and drastically reduced range of motion in those limbs.

40:    Fully healed, CDR Oda was promoted to Captain and given command of USS 
       Kongo.  Continued physical therapy to be provided by ship’s doctor.

B.  Background Summary:

Captain Oda Comes from a long and distinguished lineage in Japanese history, with 
a direct male line all the way back to the great warlord Nobunaga Oda of the 16th 
century, who himself was a lineal descendant of the famous 12” century female 
Samurai Tomoe Gozen.  In the ASR Prime timeline, Emiko Oda was the Paternal great-
grandmother of retired admiral Akiko Tomita.

Emiko is very much a person born into the wrong era, and as such she is every bit 
as much of a Samurai as a Starfleet officer.  Fortunately, the two ideologies are 
quite complimentary, with values such as honesty, loyalty and honor transcending 
time and technology.  Emiko is absolutely loyal to the chain of command in both 
directions and believes in the development of strong leaders at every level.

Then a Commander, Emiko was the executive officer on the battleship USS Thy’lek 
Shran at the battle of Vulcan.  She was awarded the Silver Star for her actions 
upon the death of the ship’s captain.  Oda took the crippled battleship out of 
the front line, with weapons and shields destroyed, and used the ship’s multiple 
transporters to rescue as many survivors of as many ships as possible, until 
another hit from Nero’s superior weapons took out her life support, transporters 
and warp drive.  Rather than continuing the fight, Commander Oda ordered all 
power cut to every single system and the ship set adrift.  The ruse worked, the 
massive battleship received two more hits, and was then completely ignored.  
Once Nero left the system, Oda set the crew to beginning repairs and with warp 
speed reestablished, set a course for the slow voyage home..  USS Thy’lek Shran 
was able to rescue over 900 Starfleet personnel and 84 Vulcans.

IV.  Skills Profile

Emiko Oda is in many ways similar to her distant ancestor Nobunaga.  She is 
ambitious, decisive and ruthless when it comes to the execution of her orders 
or even doing the “right thing”.  She is an extremely skilled tactician and wise 
leader who knows how to take advantage of the many and varied skills of her 

Emiko is also extremely skilled in many ancient Japanese cultural and martial 
arts, and is ranked at the prestigious Ichidan (1st rank) in Ikebana 
(traditional Japanese flower arrangement), a pursuit she considers more 
martial than decorative.  She is also a master swordswoman in multiple forms 
of Kenjutsu and Kendo, and highly adept in both Aikido and Karate.

V.  Recent Fitness Report

Cpt. Oda suffered extremely severe injuries at the battle of Vulcan.  She was 
essentially crushed by a collapsing bulkhead that shattered her left foot, 
knee and thigh as well as her left arm, including the shoulder, elbow and wrist 
joints.  She also suffered significant internal damage.  Recovery was slow, 
difficult and will never be full.  While her life is no longer in danger and 
her strength has returned to her relatively uninjured right side, her left arm 
and leg have a vastly reduce range of motion and are relatively weak.  She will 
always walk with an obvious limp and has pain in her reconstructed joints 
ranging from mild to severe, depending on factors such as weather, activity and 
overall health.

It is the pain that makes me reluctant to clear Captain Oda for duty, however 
she has weaned herself from pain killers completely and insists that her sense 
of duty is stronger than any discomfort she might feel.  I have observed her 
in this state for the last year as she learned again to walk, and can only say 
that her level of willpower and determination leads me to believe that despite 
her limitations, Captain Oda belongs on active duty in command of a starship.

Dr. Harold T. Molina, Starfleet Reserve Command Activation Center and School, 

VII.  Psychological Profile

Captain Oda’s level of drive borders on the fanatical.  She could easily 
accept a regimen of medications that while disqualifying her for command, 
would permit her to live in comfort and remain a productive member of 
Starfleet in an Earthbound posting.

Despite the obvious pain, Captain Oda is focused on her task and returned 
physically to the point where she has cleared medical holds and been deemed 
fit for active duty.  I can only add that her willpower and determination 
should see her through any challenges she may face and that it would be a 
shame to ground such an experienced and capable officer as Captain Oda.

Despite all of her difficulties, it is strange to me that Captain Oda shows 
none of it save a mild limp.  Her demeanor is usually relaxed and she is 
genuinely pleasant to be around.  It is also off-putting how a 41-year-old 
Starship captain with significant combat experience and what were clearly 
life-threatening injuries still manages to look more like a teenage 
schoolgirl of perhaps 17 or 18 years, most notably in her smile.

Doctor Junko Watanabe, Starfleet Reserve Command Activation Center and 
School, Counselor

VIII.  Current Recreational Interests

Due to the pain of her injuries, Emiko wakes up two hours early every single 
day and proceeds with a rigorous exercise regimen that sufficiently limbers 
her up for the coming day.  High barometric pressure causes increased 
discomfort and usually requires a second exercise session at midday, though 
such discomfort during the day can be minimized through subtle adjustments 
of the environmental settings in her quarters the previous night.

IX.  Miscellaneous Information
Captain Oda, despite her relative youth, has the calm demeanor of an elder 
statesman.  She rarely raises her voice, and tends to empower rather than 
control her subordinates.  She hides her pain and disability on first 
introductions and is able to even mask her limp for short period with high 
concentration.  Her left eye, also damaged, tracks slower than her right 
and has poor focusing ability.

End BioFile