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Potest esse nur unus<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Preparing For a Housecal</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 11-21-1996</h4>
SD: 81121.2200<br>
MD: 6.2240<br>
Scene: Aft Section, USS NOGURA II<br>
>"Why do we even have to tell them about it? They shouldn't have even had<br>
>the Tear in the first place! It should have been sent to Bajor! Then<br>
>maybe those Cardassian butchers wouldn't have been so quick to invade!"<br>
>"At ease, LT," Zane said calmly, with some surprise in his voice as to his<br>
>FCO's actions.<br>
>By this time, Jerran was actually half standing when he took a moment and<br>
>looked around. Just as quickly as his emotional outburst happened, his<br>
>face went back to the normal, cold poker face everyone was used to by now<br>
>as he sat back down.<br>
>"I am sorry, Captain. I'm afraid my cultural heritage is not allowing me<br>
>to distance myself from the situation at hand. It's just that I've always<br>
>been taught that the Tears were irrevocably linked to the Bajora, but it's<br>
>obvious that I was wrong."<br>
"I tend to agree." Zane answered. "However, at this point we are
not in a position to really make demands of the Issahi nor should we if we
want our fledgling relationship to grow. Of course Federation treaties
direct me to return the property of a Federation member or citizen for
that matter whenever such a item is found."
"Well the tear is certainly an item the Bajorans will want back."
Jerran replied.
"So your going to return it to the Bajorans?" Krysa asked.
"No, I'm going to ask the Issahi to do that." He put the empty
coffee mug down. "After Jerran returns it to them."
Koreth looked thoughtful. "For Jerran to return the tear would
add proof to your claims that he is not of an evil race. But I do not
think they will give the tear to the Bajorans so simply."
"They will if they want our help." Zane replied. "Obviously it is
in the Federation's best interest to help stop the Reavers now, and of
course we will give aid. But with a Council divided by clans I imagine
Krazich will appreciate how deadlocked such an assembly as the Federation
Council can be on such an issue as possibly entering into a war to save a
previously unknown race."
"And you think he'll understand that a little quid pro quo of
will 'grease the wheels' a little?" Kyrsa asked looking like she wasn't
sure if she approved of backroom dealing.
"Well I'll certainly give it my best shot...." He was interrupted
by a call from the cockpit.
<nowiki>[[Captain, incoming call from the FEYNMAN.]]</nowiki>
"Pipe it back here." Zane turned to face the screen but made sure
he left enough room for the rest to see. "Perhaps Commander Maril has
found our missing shuttle."
As the UFP logo flashed off the screen it was replaced by a rather
haggard looking first officer. He quickly related the events of finding
the shuttles trail, the battle and the possible discovery of a Reaver base
in the asteroid field.
"What are the Issahi doing?"
<nowiki>[[A large portion of their Homefleet is moving into position to
pulverize the asteroid. There has been no response from the base.]]</nowiki>
Zane cringed. While the destruction might be satisfying it
certainly wouldn't help answer any questions. "You're on the scene.
Contact the fleet commander and explain the importance of prisoner's and
intact bases. If we can turn this into a ground assault we might be able
to gain some information that will help us defeat them. But this is Issahi
space so ultimately its their call. Either way we'll be there in.." He
looked over at Koreth who mouthed the answer. "...10 minutes. Zane out."
Zane leaned over and picked up the tear, looking at it
thoughtfully. "If things are going this fast their may be no Issahi to
give this too."
Just keeping the ball rolling....
Max: Sorry to hear about your relative. Don't worry about us here take
all the time you need.
If you do get to post before you leave have the shuttle arrive
back at the FEY and then lead an away team down to take the base in
conjunction with the Issahi. (or even just an NRPG saying who you'd like
to go.) If not I'll set something up on Sat am.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
