ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Take Us In==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.116
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Acting helmsman Baker sat at his console drumming his fingers.  He had spent the better part of the shift trying to come up with ways to distinguish himself.  So far he had failed miserable.  It was hard to stand out when nothing of any great importance was happening.  HOOD had kept up with the ruse that they were carrying out a standard search pattern looking for their cloaked quarry while remaining close enough to the ship that they could pounce on it at a moments notice.  The navigator had set up the search pattern and his helm console was dutifully, and automatically, following the proscribed course. 
Conversation on the bridge was at a minimum.  Even when Lieutenant Zade had made her strange announcement about imposters on board conversation had remained virtually nonexistence.  All that meant was that his Plan B of injecting lofty and well thought out arguments into any discussions that erupted amongst the normally talkative bridge crew was impossible to carry out.  So much for demonstrating his brilliance.
It was the automatic red alert that snapped his, and everyone else’s, attention up to the viewscreen. 
“Reading several explosions in the vicinity of the cloaked vessel.”
“Its not cloaked anymore.”  Someone added unnecessarily.
On the screen TSS HOOD faded back into existence as it bucked from whatever turmoil was raging in side her.
“Shields to full.”  Zade ordered.  “Helm take us in.”
Anybody out there?
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Finally Some Action!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Finally Some Action!==