
ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==COMORIGINS: No More Papers, No More Books... ==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.115
Scene: Admiral Mitchell Corrigan’s Office, Starfleet Academy
Mitch did his best not to smile as the young cadet pleaded his case as if he had discovered some new theory all on his own.  When the youngster began to repeat himself he decided it was time to tread in.  “Cadet, let me stop you there.  The objective of this paper is to present your conclusions, which you did, and which I happen to agree with more importantly you were to present well thought out, reasoned and cited arguments that support your conclusions, which you did not.”  He held up a hand to forestall any further debate.  “Look cadet, you and I both know you sped through this and in doing so did a half assed job.  It was a particularly tough topic to delve in to but I know you have the intelligence to tackle it.  Unfortunately,” He tossed the datachip back to the young student, “you’ did a piss poor job and thought you’d just sail on by.  Not going to happen.  I know ancient history is not as exciting as your other courses but I can assure you that it is in fact one of the most important courses you can take.  For example the Battle of Jutland can be,”  Mitch chose not to notice the look of anguish flash across the cadet’s face as he began to launch into one of his long winded lectures, fortunately, for the cadet at least,  the lecture came to an abrupt halt as the door chime went.  “See who that is will you cadet?”  Corrigan walked over to his credenza to pour himself a coffee as he prepared to pepper the cadet with questions about Admiral Jellico’s strategy.  He turned back towards the door, the carafe still in mid pour, at the sharp intake of breath form the cadet who had suddenly gone ridged. 
“At ease cadet.”  Came the voice of Admiral James Komack as he walked into the office.  “Get you at a bad time admiral?”
“Of course not sir.  You just saved Mr. Roberts a diatribe on the Battle of Jutland.”
“I wish I had time to hear it.”  Komack replied.
“That will be all for now cadet.”  Corrigan nodded.
“Yes sir!” 
“Were we ever that young Mitch?”
“Rumour has it I was. But I can’t remember that far back.  Coffee?”
“No thanks, I’m actually in a hurry and have orders for you.  It was easier to drop by as I was in the neighbourhood rather then summoning you to the inner sanctum.”
Mitch nodded gesturing for the admiral to sit down.  His mind was already churning over the possibilities of Komack’s unannounced visit and all outcomes pointed to bad news.  “You could have commed.”
“Could have.”  Komack agreed.  “Better this way.”
Crap! Mitch thought.  Definitly bad news.  For the past three years he had been assigned to Starfleet Operations reporting directly to Komack as his troubleshooter.  If there was something dicey going on in the Federation Komack would send Corrigan in.  The rest of the time he maintained a light course load at the Academy trying to remind new officers that many of the answers for the future were buried in the past.  In all that time Komack had never paid him a visit.
“I need you out at Starbase 6, ASAP.”
Corrigan leaned back in his chair.  He’d reviewed all the intel reports this morning on his way in.  He couldn’t remember there being anything of note going on out there.  Certainly nothing that required his attention.  Perhaps it would be a quick trip.  That would be convenient as mid-terms were on the horizon.  “I can be on my way in two hours.  Gives me some time to grade papers on the way out.”
“You won’t be needing to grade those papers Mitch, you won’t be coming back.  At least not anytime soon.  I’m assigning you there.”
“Assigning me to where?”
“Starbase 6.”  Komack confirmed.  “You’ll be the new Fleet Commander.”
Mitch blinked in surprise.  “Jim what the hell are you talking about?”  He leaned forward.  “That’s Joe Carstairs post, he crowed about getting all those new starships for months.  He’s ok isn’t he?”
“He’s fine he just decided to accept promotion to BuPers.”
“BuPers!”  Corrigan exclaimed leaning back in his chair again.  No one accepted promotion to BuPers, not willingly anyway, it was like getting assigned to purgatory.  He was dying to ask how that had come about but he knew Komack wouldn’t tell him.  “That’s a big jump admiral, do I have time to think about it?”
“No.  It’s not a question admiral.  It’s an order and you leave in two hours.”
“Oh God, you’re not sticking me with Vicky are you?”  Mitch deflected.
This time Komack almost smiled.  “Yes, I do believe Admiral Palmer is stationed there.”
“Damn.  You’ve told her that I’m her boss?”  He and the ice queen had a long history best described as combustive.
“That’s what the orders say.”  Komack confirmed.  “Look Mitch I have places to be so can we skip the whole tough decision part of this discussion and get to the part where you say yes sir, thank you sir and I leave.”
Mitch chuckled and rose from his seat.  “Yes sir.  Thank you sir.”
“Try not to screw it up.”  Komack said before he rose and headed for the door.  “Maybe next time you can tell me about Jutland.”
Just a quick one to RP Corrigan on his way out.
As I have already told ORIGINS COs/XOs as happy as I am to see Scott taking on the thankless job of CSFO I really hate to see him leave COMORIGINS.  He’s leaving very big shoes for me to fill but I will certainly try.  Luckily we have a lot of talented people and some excellent command crews to help make me look good!  ;-)
Vice Admiral Mitch Corrigan
COMORIGINS, Starbase 6

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Battle==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Battle==