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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: The Harvest</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 10-19-1996</h4>
SD: 81019.0100<br>
Command and Control Center,<br>
Central Command, Arlichu District<br>
Ryuli Confederacy<br>
The Commander-in-Chief stormed from his office, his eyes locked on
the electronic board that convered the entire north wall. "I want to know
what the hell is going on and I want to NOW!" He screamed out in
frustration and with the creeping realization that it was something very
All eyes in the large room glued themselves to the glow of their
monitors save for one pair. Colonel Utimba climbed up the three stairs to
the command level and faced his general. He gestured to the north-east
quadrant on the early warning board. "They entered into orbit
approximately 4 minutes and thirty-two seconds ago."
"How many?" The general asked as his eyes scanned the readouts
around the room. All armed forces were on high alert, interceptors were
in the air and all their nuclear forces had been put on a thirty minute
"12 small and one large, the small ones could hold 10 of our
carriers and the large one could easily hold the 12 small ones."
The general turned, shock clearly on his face. "The Republic?"
It was obvious that their terrestial enemy could not be responsible so
Utimba took the question as it was meant. "Like us they are on high
alert, missiles on line, nucs in the air and boomers going deep."
The general swore and lifted the receiver from the desk. "Get me
the First Minister.
Cut to orbit scene:
Hovering protectively over its offspring the primary watched as
it's progeny slid away in a space borne ballet they had performed many
times before. Soon they had postioned themselves in orbit, an equal
distance from each other. With a single 'click' from the mother ship all
fired as one.
Flag Bridge, TRS BRILLIANT<br>
Ifixci Ocean<br>
Admiral Coheis leaned back into her high backed chair and
savored the smell emanating from her steaming mug of hilati. It was
about the only thing she was enjoying this cold rainy morning. Whoever
the genius back at fleet was who ordered an unscheduled training op in the
middle of the winter storm season was going to get a foot up his backside
when the fleet put into port in 3 weeks. Full alert indeed! World
tension was the calmest it'd been in over 15 years and even those crazy
Ryuli's wouldn't lauch a sneak attack through this muck.
She raised her viewscope to her eyes and looked through the
bridge's main windshield, its wipers carelessly flinging sleet from the
glass in all directions. On the deck the last of the all-weather
interceptors had been launched. To the east, the missile cruiser STALWART
bobbed up and down on the rough scenes. "I'll have someone's head for
this." She fumed to herself.
"Sir?" A officer within earshot asked.
"Mind your station commander." She answered curtly before taking
a sip from her mug.
"Aye sir."
Coheis turned back to stare out the window at the STALWART, her
attention caught by the wild flashing of one of it signal lamps. Thirty
years ago when she had graduated from the Naval Academy she had been
assigned as a communications officer so, although a little rusty, she had
little problem deciphering the flashes. It was obviously not an
offically communique and she wondered idely what her own ships
lamper would report to his superior when pressed for what the STALWART had
sent. Probably something along the lines of 'all's well.' After all
thats what she used to tell her superior when she had been the one
standing out in the cold and the rain busily complaining to her comrades
on the other ships. She smiled at the memory.
"Admiral!" Captain Kiloc shouted out as he bounded up the stairs
from the control center. Coheis didn't like the tone and her eyes flashed
to the radar displays. Strangely they were blank. "All satellite
communications have been cut, we've lost our eyes!"
Damn! "Signal the fleet to flank and come about to port, heading
due north." The order was punctured by a blazing light to port followed
almost instaneously by a deafening blast. All heads turned. The STALWART
was gone.
The Admiral jumped from her chair. "Order all ships weapons
free!" It was the last thing she ever said.
<nowiki>***** ***** ***** *****</nowiki>
They came by the thousands. Large, black, square drop ships each
carrying a hundred warriors. They simply fell from the sky, an easy
target for the defenders guns. But even the precision fire could not stop
them all. They couldn't even stop enough.
Around the planet the drop ships landed and the warriors emerged.
They marched outward destroying everything in their path, soldier and
civilian, the strong and the weak. The defenders fought bravely but
inevitably they were overwhelmed.
Government House<br>
Ryuli Confederacy<br>
The First Minister sat at his desk the explosions from the
compound wringing in his ears. Six hours! It was all over in six hours.
How could that be? Gun fire erupted down the hall. They were coming.
Soon it was in his outer office and he stood, steadying himself for the
inevitable. He would surrender to save his people.
The door burst open and his four security officers drew their
weapons and were vapourised immediately. The aliens strode in and the
minister tried to keep his face impassive at the sight of them. The
largest of the group approached him and in some indecipherable language
spoke. His voice crackled in reply and before he could finish the
sentence the alien leader struck out at him knocking him to the floor.
The leader turned to its soldiers and 'clicked' some orders before
heading back down the hallway from which it arrived. The soldiers moved
on the First Minister and as his agonizing screams rang out they
began to feed.
Now aren't they a pleasant bunch...
Don't worry they're no where near us or where we may end up...but
there are always other missions!
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
