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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Vengence On Her Mind</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 10-18-1996</h4>
Stardate: 81018.0221<br>
Shuttle Port on Cait<br>
"Ma'am, the shuttle will be leaving for Dexertos III in 10 minutes,"
said the young man.
The green-skinned woman stood gracefully, turning to face him. "Thank
you, sir." He accent was thick and, and her voice deep, "My family
will be most appreciative that you were able to get this shuttle for
me on such short notice."
"Of course, Lady Elise. I'm only sorry that we did not know earlier
that you were coming so that we could have had less confusion for
you." The man was bending over backwards to impress the woman, "I
wish I had a more comfortable shuttle for you. But it would be quite
a wait .."
"That's quite alright," she said quickly, smiling kindly at him,
"It's my fault. Please do not blame yourselves."
"You are too kind. Please do tell your father that we will be more
then willing to shuttle you around anytime you need."
"I will." She stood and headed toward the shuttle. The man grabbed
her bags and followed her quickly. The woman maintained her calm
exterior but inside she was bubbling with laughter. Things were going
much better then expected despite the FEYNMAN Captain's attempt to
thwart her at every turn. First being escorted off the starship and
then immediately off the base! She had been infuriated and it had
almost ruined everything. Luckily she was able to get the shuttle to
take her to Cait where she quickly found what she needed to finish
her ensemble and her disguise, which included a slight facial
prosthesis and skin dyeing.
She'd also been able to get in touch with her contact on EPSILON, who
told her things were all ready for her to head to Dexertos III. The
Dexertosian Premiere's only daughter was on a holiday, and had become
a prime target for her associates. There would be no foul ups this
time. There was no way they would find out she wasn't whom she
appeared to be. This time the original had been eliminated. Not to
mention, this time she was not working with an unstable man with a
vendetta against Starfleet. If she played her cards right, Starfleet
wouldn't be anywhere near this time.
She took her seat on the commercial shuttle headed toward her next
job on Dexertos III. The Dexertosians had only been admitted to the
Federation for a little less then a year. The green-skinned humanoids
were known for their pleasant and friendly nature, as well as for
their planet's rich deposits of several very useful minerals. Her
associates were very interested in getting an inside seat to the
planetary government.
As the shuttle approached the planet, the woman was distracted by the
sight of a Starfleet Vessel docked at the small starbase orbiting
Dexertos III. "What's a Starfleet Vessel doing here?"
The pilot smiled at her, "It's because of you ma'am. Seems your
father became concerned by you absence and sent your picture to
Starfleet to find you. You showed up on Cait just in time. I do
believe your father was .."
She interrupted him, "He sent my picture to Starfleet?"
"Yes, just in case the worst .." the man continued to drone on but
the woman's mind was whirling. There was no way .. She would just
have to play it cool and hope things were well in hand. She wasn't
willing to accept that fact that she had two failed jobs in a row!
"Could you contact my father. I would like to speak to him."
"Of course, Lady Elise." The pilot said quickly. "Shuttle Holiday to
Dexertos III. Lady Elise would like to speak to the Premiere."
<Hold please, Shuttle Holiday.>
Soon a the Planetary logo on the screen was replaced by and
white-haired, green-skinned man. <Elise, Elise are you there?>
"I'm here, Father." she said.
<Oh my girl, I've been so worried. You did not check in when you
reached Thrantid as you were supposed to.>
"I know, and I apologize. I was so caught up in the spectacular
sights. And it had been a long trip."
<Darling, there are Starfleet security here who must check you out.>
the man said frowning slightly.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
<It seems there may be a problem with someone trying to impersonate
"Me?" she asked innocently, but already her mind was whirling about
how she was going to get out of this mess. The only way they could
know was if someone on the FEYNMAN sent her picture. So much for
Starfleet's word! It was probably that doctor! He certainly hadn't
seemed very trustworthy, and now she had the proof! He would pay for
NRPG: Just for your information, actually. I thought I'd time in
Ted's little trick :} Hmm, can Glin'khar handle a woman out for
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
