USS Feynman OCT 1996: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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MD:1.2000 (after the briefing and after FEYNMAN has set sail)<br>
MD:1.2000 (after the briefing and after FEYNMAN has set sail)<br>

"Have a seat lieutenant." Zane offered as the ready-room doors
"Have a seat Lieutenant." Zane offered as the ready-room doors
swished closed behind the CSO. The FEYNMAN had left EPSILON hours before
swished closed behind the CSO. The FEYNMAN had left EPSILON hours before
and was now hurtling towards the floating debris that was once a proud
and was now hurtling towards the floating debris that was once a proud
Line 217: Line 217:
'Ensign.' Zane took the chair facing the two officers.
'Ensign.' Zane took the chair facing the two officers.

"Mr. Jerran let me come right to the point. When Commander Maril,
"Mr. Allard let me come right to the point. When Commander Maril,
Lieutenant Jenn and I were discussing promotions we decided that there were
Lieutenant Jenn and I were discussing promotions we decided that there were
many reasons to promote you and as many reasons not too. I know your
many reasons to promote you and as many reasons not too. I know your

Revision as of 20:02, 26 January 2024

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October 1996 Posts
FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



Posts By Each Year

USS FEYNMAN: Maril Finally Arrives

by Max Felsher 10-1-1996

SD 81001.0240

Ensign Lee is the only one not somewhat apprehensive. After all, the last few times, he had had to climb a mountain on Vulcan, stay close to some Merfolk so he could breathe, and countless other things. He didn't doubt that this simulation was equally unique. He wasn't disappointed....

Holodeck 3

Maril found himself in a strange room with water in the middle. As he surveyed the room, he saw a bust of himself. It looked rather good. Stepping over to it, he noticed a stall, apparently for changing.

He walked into it, finding a piece of clothing. How it was supposed to be worn, however, was a mystery. Then he noticed an image of himself wearing the "toga(?)". After undressing, he tried several ways to put it on, none of which worked. Finally, he got it right, although it still looked very silly.

Maril stepped back out of the stall, but, to his surprise, he found himself in a large circular roofless theater, like those of ancient Rome. In fact, this probably was Roman--the Coliseum if he remembered his Earth history correctly. And this was where gladiatorial combats took place. Gladiatorial combats? Maril swallowed. He hadn't expected to have to fight.

As he shifted back to reality and out of his thoughts, Maril heard a sound--jeers and boos.

"RIDE OR DIE, barbarian!" a familiar voice cried. Since Maril didn't feel like dying, he looked to see what he might ride, but only found a wooden platform with wheels on the sides attached to some horses. He could see some more elaborate devices--they looked like eskolias--at the other end of the track. Perhaps the Romans didn't want another eskolia destroyed. <NRPG:The eskolia is the Tamarian version of the chariot.> The jeers were getting louder.

"Ride, barbarian!" the call came again. So, Maril did the only thing he could do. He stepped onto the piece of wood...

And the horses took off. It was all he could do to hold onto the reins as the horses sped towards the opposite end.

If this had continued the way it was, Maril might have been fine. However, as the horses kept running, the reins in Maril's hands began to tear. Soon they would totally rip apart and Maril would probably lose control and go crashing into the sides of the track(hopefully, the holodeck safeties were online.)

So, Maril did something he had never done before. He gathered all of his strength into one leap from the wood to one of the horses.

However, he found that he had barely caught onto the horse's flanks. Painfully, he pulled himself onto its back, and just lay there for about thirty seconds catching his breath.

Suddenly, the horse stopped and a guard led him into the main structure of the Coliseum.

After a moment or so, Maril reached a large buffet room where one could see the field of combat. Many of the senior officers, also in togas, had already come to the room and were sampling the food or watching the gladiators.

"So, you've arrived, sir," Jerran called out.

"Yes, I have, though I think it was only because of Ilabi's eyesight. Who is yet to come?"

"Let's see: Lieutenant Glin'kharr and Ensign Lee are the only ones left."

"Who was that person who said, 'RIDE OR DIE, barbarian!'? The voice sounded familiar."

"Oh, you don't know," Koreth smiled. "That was the great emperor Bat." A guard outside the room made a meancing gesture towards Koreth. "Excuse me, his High Exaltedness, Emperor Bat the First, Conqueror of the World." The soldier relaxed and Maril smiled. He strode over to see who the next "competitor" would be.

The sun has met the sea,
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,
First Officer, USS Feynman,
aka Max Felsher

NRPG: You know, I think we actually did once have mission briefings in the Observation Lounge, way back when. You young ones have it too easy. I used to pilot shuttlecrafts 10000 light-years--in blinding plasma storms! And none of these new-fangled D-warp shuttles either! <BG>

USS FEYNMAN: Holomeeting

by Jason Bostjancic 10-2-1996

SD: 81002
MD: 1.1500
Scene: Roman Senate Chamber, Holodeck 3

> "A dilithium sword." Ensign Lee said. "Thats a very powerful symbol."
> "I agree." Koreth replied. "It may not bode well."
> "Perhaps, but the fact that they presented it to the Admiral may
>be a good sign. Many races in their infancy often presented weapons to
>other nations as a show of good faith. This may be the equivalent."
>Meleah replied
> Koreth didn't seem convinced. From here a lively discussion ensued.

"The presentation of such a weapon indicates that in some way they hold combat or warefare in high regard... such is only learned by dealing with war." Tarrant paused for a moment then continued, "Even if the 'emissary' and the Issahi pose no threat to the Federation, their enemies will."

"From the perspective of the SERAPIS I'd say *someone* sure does." announced Jerran, his voice a little more foreboding than usual.

"Captain, Do we know the location of Mr. Ross? He could fill in some of the blanks."

<Andy - Your answer?>

....... Later: Departmental Report

"My engineering staff is almost back up to full strength... however, I have yet to find a replacement for the beta ACEO. The damage we received in the last mission was quite minimal, and repair crews from Epsilon will be done within the hour."

Zane leaned back in his chair, "Lieutenant, I want to be able to get to the debris site as soon as possible.. less someone should decide to take what doesn't belong to them.... What's our best speed to the location?"

Tarrant did a few quick calculations in his head, "We *should* be able to sustain Warp 9.7 for most of the three days, with a constant watch... but when we start to get close to that debris field we'll have to drop to 9.0 for the Delphi to be effective."

Meleah piped in, "As we approach I suggest an exponential drop in speed as we near the center of the debris."

Tarrant nodded.


I'll leave some of the debris stuff to others... figured that we needed a reply for all of Andy's hard work <G>


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus


by Jason Bostjancic 10-2-1996

SD: 81002

A lone Lieutenant (jg) carrying an engineering kit and a plasma welder entered transporter room 18c on EPSILON. Hs plain brown hair and dark eyes left nothing to attract attention, nor did the face (which if one actually thought about it, would have found it odd just because of the lack of distinguishing features.)

The transporter chief was bored out of his mind, and only snapped to a shell of attention when the Lieutenant walked in.

"Where to Sir?" His voice couldn't hide the fact that he really didn't care.

"The Feynman, Cargo Bay 1," after a second thought he added, "repairs are taking longer than we thought."

The chief gave a half smile, turned to the computer and began the transport. As the Lieutenant shimmered into the blue screen of nothingness, he noted that the readings didn't report the presence of any of the mechanical devices, plasma torch or engineering kit.

"Hmmf, repairs are needed here too..." said the Chief quite cynicaly to nobody in particular, then returned to his PADD containing the latest 'Women of Risa' mag.

Scene: The 'Lieutenant' beamed aboard and immediately spun arround... The cargo bay was lacking people, just as 'he' had hoped. Reaching into the engineering kit, he pulled out a small titanium colored box and attached it to a belt. A single flash of green light radiated from it, but only for a moment, then the dampening field took effect.

' You've already lost ... Your computer cannot see me... your telepaths cannot read me... now to hide... heh... hide and seek, hide and seek, come on FEYYYN-MANN Hide and seek...'


Commander Tirrin Vorak - XO - USS CAESAR AUGUSTUS
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN

Potest esse nur unus

USS FEYNMAN: Briefing And...

by Andrew Catterick 10-3-1996

SD: 81003.1600
MD: 1.1500
Scene: Roman Senate Chamber, Holodeck 3

> "The presentation of such a weapon indicates that in some way they hold
> combat or warefare in high regard... such is only learned by dealing with
> war." Tarrant paused for a moment then continued, "Even if the 'emissary'
> and the Issahi pose no threat to the Federation, their enemies will."
> "From the perspective of the SERAPIS I'd say *someone* sure does."
> announced Jerran, his voice a little more forboding than usual.
> "Captain, Do we know the location of Mr. Ross? He could fill in
> some of the blanks."
"I'm afraid not." Zane replied, "Mr. Ross met with the Admiral for a few hours and then got right back on his ship and warped out. Two corvettes provided an escort to the border. They monitored the Issahi ship's direction which is how we know where their home system is. Assuming there was no trickery involved."

"The sea of Ajarno is murky." Maril added.

"At times you can be a master of understatement." Zane replied with a grin.

Scene: Ready-Room
MD:1.2000 (after the briefing and after FEYNMAN has set sail)

"Have a seat Lieutenant." Zane offered as the ready-room doors swished closed behind the CSO. The FEYNMAN had left EPSILON hours before and was now hurtling towards the floating debris that was once a proud ship and a fine crew.

Allard gave a polite nod to both the Captain and first officer. "Thank-you sir." he replied with a smile as he sat on the couch next to Commander Maril. 'Lieutenant' certainly sounded alot better than 'Ensign.' Zane took the chair facing the two officers.

"Mr. Allard let me come right to the point. When Commander Maril, Lieutenant Jenn and I were discussing promotions we decided that there were many reasons to promote you and as many reasons not too. I know your performance in this past mission has been discussed in depth with Commander Maril and I see no reason to belabour it. At this point we could either center on the negative or the positive. It was unanimously decided that we look to the positive."

"You have an excellent Academy record, lets face it, you wouldn't be here if you didn't. Hundred's of ensigns graduate from the Academy every year but only a handfull are immediately assigned as a department head. The fact that you were says alot about your abilities and I am inclined to argee with Fleet on this regardless of some of your rash decisions in this past mission. As a result we promoted you, not only in recognition of the work you have done but as an affirmation, if you will, of our faith in you to become an excellent officer and an invaluable asset to the FEYNMAN and to Starfleet."

"But let me be clear on this," Zane leaned forward before continuing, "you screw up again and not only will your head be on the block so might mine. It is entirely my perogative to promote my staff as I see fit. However, if anymore reprimand's appear on your record in the near future Fleet will be all over me as to why I promoted an obvious 'trouble-case.' As I said, there are lots of Ensigns out there all vying for your job. If you can't handle it I am duty-bound to replace you with someone who will and if Fleet feels that I can not adequately handle my own staff it is entirely feasible that the command structure of this vessel may change just as quickly. That is not going to happen. We think you have the makings of an excellent officer Mr. Allard but I will only stick my neck out so far. You have used up your one and only strike. Is that clear?"


This in no way signals the end of the meeting but as I mentioned earlier I will be away from Thursday afternoon until Saturday night...please continue with the briefing and your characters take on things.

Max/Mike Dailey: I decided to include this part as I didn't want to leave it hanging any further...please add your character's reactions etc to the conversation.

Looking forward to lots of reading when I get back!


-Commander Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET