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<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL APRIL 1996 POSTS: TBD</font>
<font style="font-size: large; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">TOTAL APRIL 1996 POSTS: 71</font>
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Max: <BEG>!
Max: <BEG>!


-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Reception and Naming</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 4-26-1996</h4>
SD 80426.0230 (GMT)<br>
MD 7.2145<br>
Lounge adjacent to Officer's Dining Room<br>
Maril struggled to keep up with the pace of the fast dance. Although Maril
had danced before, Mrs. Grall was definitely a better dancer and was keeping
him moving. He certainly didn't have time to think about anything except
keeping up with Mrs. Grall.
Suddenly, the music changed and the tempo slowed. Although Mrs. Grall was
still dancing much better than Maril, he did get a chance to catch his breath.
"I didn't expect you to ask me to dance, Mr. Maril," the Betazoid woman
"Well, I suppose it is sort of like Ciapo leading Fedri down the wrong
trail," Maril smiled back. Mrs. Grall seemed confused by the metaphor.
"Never mind. It is just a metaphor. You may be hearing many of them in the
near future, as almost my entire immediate family is aboard."
"Really? I'm sure I would like to meet them," Mrs. Grall replied.
"Perhaps you will," Maril sighed.
"Is anything wrong, Mr. Maril? You seem rather uptight."
" sister is in labor right now, and...."
"I understand, Mr. Maril. I know it can be terribly worrisome waiting...."
The music switched once again. This time, to a more medium tempo.
[Sickbay to Commander Maril. The baby has...arrived.]
"Understood. I will be there soon. Maril out." To his dance partner, he
said, "I am sorry, Mrs. Grall. I must leave. My sister just-"
"I heard. There is no need for an explanation."
"Good." Maril looked around. Finally, he smiled. He pointed to Commander
Zane. "I'm sure, however, that our Captain would like to continue in my place."
They had reached Zane. "Wouldn't you, sir?" Maril grinned.
"Well...I'm...not sure. I never really learned how to dance," Maril could
tell Zane would say anything to get out.
As Maril walked out of the room, he could hear Mrs. Grall say, "Nonsense.
Anyone can dance. Commander Maril just...."
MD 7.2215<br>
Lt. Commander Maril entered the room to see his sister cradling the newborn
baby. She looked rather cute.
"Congratulations, sir! You're an uncle!" Dr. Tok noticed Maril.
"So, Doctor, did everything go smoothly?"
"Well, we had to use the fetal transporter, sir, and at first the baby wasn't
breathing, but we were able to revive her."
"Good job, Doctor," Maril smiled. Walking over to his sister, he said, "May
I watch the new river flow?"
"Ambado to Iperi," Mikel said as she handed the new baby girl over to Onta.
He smiled. It had been a long time since he had seen a newborn baby.
"Iperi back," he said as he handed her back. "What should the new river bee
"Hmmm...I am Digabo. Asfero, can you guide us?" Mikel said. Asfero just
shrugged, a gesture common to all species.
Maril smiled. "I am not Digabo. If Sibak allows it, we call this river the
same as another whose river started this day, though many sun-circles ago."
", must meet the sea with an inflexible letter...."
"Krysel!" Mikel called out.
"Name rivaling Dorai," Maril smiled.
This baby, the baby that all this fuss was made over, just lay in her
mother's arms and smiled....
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
And so, Krysel Tuelchi is born (Maril's sister is named Mikel Tuelchi). The
little bit about the "inflexible letter" was just because, for some reason (I
forget why), all the males' names in Maril's family end in vowels, while all
the females' names end in consonants. Just FYI. :)
Andy: Now your character has to dance with Mrs. Grall! <evil laugh> :)
Kristen: Glad that I named the baby after Jenn? :) It actually made sense,
though. ;)
Lysle: I moved the time of the delivery up, so that everything worked out OK. :)
All: Where is everybody? If you're not going to be at the reception, you could
at least be somewhere. ;)
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Welcoming Dr. Tok</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 4-26-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80426.1231<br>
Scene: Reception<br>
MD: 7. 2300<br>
Krysa saw Dr. Tok walk in. She headed over to the Bolian. “Dr. Tok,
you’ve missed most of the reception.”
“I had to deliver a baby,” he told her grinning.
“Yes, I heard. How is Commander Maril’s sister?” asked Krysa. She hadn’t
had a chance to talk to the Commander, but Mrs. Grall was making sure
everyone was aware of his good fortune.
“Mother and child are doing well. You’ll be interested to know that she
had a girl. They named her name is Krysel Tuelchi, in honor of your
birthday.” Tok told her with a smile.
Krysa’s eyes sparkled, “Really. That is exciting. I am really honored.”
Just then Krysa’s father walked up behind her. “Honored for what, my
Dr. Tok, smiled at the Ambassador, “Krysa just had a baby named after
her. Only born a little over an hour ago.”
“A baby! See Krysa, I knew there were good things in store for you and
Kavan. This is certainly a sign,” said the Ambassador with a hint of a
Tok looked confused, “Who’s Kavan?”
“Dr. Tok has only just arrived, father.” Krysa said, quickly, still
uncomfortable with her newfound role, “He missed your reception because
he was delivering the baby,” she turned to introduce the doctor to her
father, “Doctor, this is my father, Ambassador Quarn Jenn.” Krysa said
quickly. “Dr. Tok is our CMO on the FEYNMAN.”
Her father shook the Bolian’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Tok. I’m
sorry you missed Dinner. It was splendid! But Krysa I’m surprised you
haven’t introduced your fiancé to all your friends,” he scanned the room
quickly for the young man. Spotting Kavan, the Ambassador was able to
catch his eye, and motion him over.
Tok looked at Krysa in surprise. She shrugged slightly, as Kavan joined
their group. “Kavan,” said Ambassador Jenn, “ I’d like you to meet the
CMO here on the FEYNMAN, Dr. Tok. Doctor, this is my future son-in-law,
Kavan. He has some very interesting news for you. Excuse me please,
won’t you, I see someone else I must speak to.” With that the Ambassador
turned and left.
Kavan smiled at the doctor, “News? What news, doctor?”
Tok looked a bit confused, “Well, I suppose he was referring to the fact
that I just delivered a baby tonight, and it was named after Krysa
because they will share a birthday.”
Kavan laughed and turned to Krysa, “Let me guess, he thinks it’s a good
Krysa nodded, and began to laugh as well, “Yes.”
The both turned back to the doctor and Kavan held out his hand. “I am
pleased to meet you, doctor. I’m Kavan Grall.”
The Bolian shook the man’s hand, “Well, you are a surprise, Kavan. I
didn’t even know Krysa was engaged.”
Throwing a teasing glance at Krysa, he said, “No, I imagine she didn’t
tell anyone.”
“Congratulations to the both of you.” He looked at Krysa with a frown,
“Krysa, you aren’t leaving us are you?” Tok asked.
Krysa looked at Kavan, “Well, no, I guess not.”
Kavan smiled, “There’s no reason for her to. As long as I’m allowed to
‘tag-a-long’. You see Dr. Tok, I would follow her anywhere.” Krysa
blushed. “I’ve already been dragged from Betazed to Starbase Epsilon,
and now I understand we are on our way to Earth.”
“Yes, we have been granted shore leave for a week. Just perfect for a
honeymoon, wouldn’t you say,” said Dr. Tok smiling.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Lsyle, well, you made it :)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: What's Wrong, You Can Tell Me</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 4-26-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80426.1504<br>
Scene: Reception<br>
MD: 7.2330<br>
Krysa allowed Tarrent his excuse. She motioned to the handsome man
standing just off to the side of her. Tarrent hadn’t noticed him before,
“Kavan, I’d like you to meet our Chief Engineer, Lt. Koreth. Tarrent,
this is Kavan Grall, my ... well, we’re...”
Kavan chuckled at her and turned to the Lt., “Don’t mind Krysa. I’m not
sure she’s gotten used to me yet. I’m her fiancé.”
Tarrent’s eyes widened slightly as he looked from Krysa to Kavan. “I’m
pleased to meet you. Though a bit surprised.”
Kavan laughed. He was incredibly good natured about the whole thing.
Krysa had yet to figure him out completely. So far all of her fellow
officers seemed to like him. She was finding it hard to understand why
she still had her own doubts.
As the evening wore on, officers began to trickle out, calling it a
night. Ens. Krazny had asked to meet with the two before the reached
Earth. Kavan readily agreed, and Krysa simply nodded, going along with
“I’d like to turn in as well, Krysa. Do you want me to walk you to your
quarters?” asked Kavan.
“No, thank you. I want to help Bat clean up a bit. You go on. I’ll see
you in the morning for breakfast with my parents.” Kavan nodded and
headed out. Krysa looked and noticed Commander Zane sitting by one of
the windows. She walked over and sat down next to him.
“Thank you for the reception, sir,” she said.
“You are welcome, Krysa, we were glad to do it.” The Commander told
“You know if you don’t mind me asking, you seem ... distracted tonight.
Is there a problem you’d like to talk about?” she asked concerned.
“You sound like a Counselor...”
Krysa laughed, “I suppose, it’s a habit I guess. Something a Counselor
never loses. But really, I would like to know what you’re thinking.”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Yeah, Tarrent made it!! :)<br>
Charles... I will write a post with Krysa and Kavan coming to see you
probably tomorrow (that would be around 9am EST :) If you would like to
start it before then feel free.
Andy, just thought I’d follow up on the depressed commander :) Yes,
Krysa still has the heart of a counselor <EG> And no she’s not trying to
take Krazny’s job, she happy with the one she’s got, thank you:)
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: What's Wrong, You Can Tell Me (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 4-26-1996</h4>
SD: 80426.2230<br>
> Scene: Reception<br>
> MD: 7.2330<br>
> Thank you for the reception, sir, she said.<br>
> You are welcome, Krysa, we were glad to do it. The Commander told her.<br>
> You know if you dont mind me asking, you seem ... distracted tonight. <br>
> Is there a problem youd like to talk about? she asked concerned.<br>
"You sound like a counselor.." Zanecursed himself silently. It was
Krysa's evening and he had not meant to put a damper on it in any way.
Yes, he was depressed but he shouldn't be showing it.
> Krysa laughed, I suppose, its a habit I guess. Something a counselor never<br>
> loses. But really, I would like to know what youre thinking.<br>
He looked up at her and smiled. He couldn't say anything so
instead lied. "I appreciate the concern but really I'm fine."
Krysa wasn't convinced, and said so.
He shrugged in mock surrender. "Well maybe I might be a little
weary lately. Can we just leave it there?"
Krysa thought better of it but decided she'd let it go....for now.
"I'm glad your both here I've got a great idea!" Bat exclaimed
as he approached.
Zane put his head in his hands. "Bat with another idea, now I
am depressed.
Krysa laughed. "What's your idea Bat?"
"We..." He pointed at Zane and then himself. "...throw a
bachelor party for Kavan! What d'ya think?"
"Well I don't know, I'd have to ask Kavan."
"Well what are you doing standing here? Go and ask him! There's
plans to be made!"
"I think it will hold til morning Bat. Earth is still 5 days away."
Bat ignored him. "Yes sir it'll be great. First we'll have to
come up with a really good holoprogram....he's not allergic to anything
is he?"
"I don't think I want to hear any of this so I'm heading off to
bed to leave you two to your planning. Good night and thanks again."
They both watched her go in silence and once the doors closed Bat
turned to Zane. "Now what's your problem?"
Scene: Sickbay<br>
Zane looked down at the FEYNMAN's newest arrival, Krysal who was
sleeping contently in sickbay's makeshift nursery. One of the nurses
came over and stood beside Zane. "Cute little guy isn't he?"
"Your about the 20th person to come in here in the last 90
minutes. It seems he's quite a celebrity."
Zane nodded not surprised. A new birth was definitly not an
everyday occurrence on the FEYNMAN. A birth, a wedding and now maybe a
bachelor party. It was certainly turning out to be quite a week.
Just a short one...
Kristin: What do you think, would Kavan be interested in a Bachelor
Party or should we put a leash on Bat before he gets rolling. <G>
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A Party??</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 4-27-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80427.1312<br>
Scene: Kavan’s quarters<br>
MD: 8. 0800<br>
Krysa rang the chime on Kavan’s door. She heard him call ‘come in’ as
the door slid open. She entered, but didn’t see him right away.
“Just a minute, I’ll be right out came his call from the bedroom.”
Krysa took a seat on the couch to wait for him. She didn’t have to wait
long, as he came out almost as soon as she had sat down. His short, wavy
hair was wet and freshly combed. “I apologize, Krysa. I got a late start
this morning.”
“That’s alright, I don’t think my father will mind if we’re late. I
think as far as he’s concerned you can do no wrong.” she said chuckling.
“Well, your dad’s not such a bad guy. A little stuffy perhaps,” Kavan
sat down next to her and took her hand. “Besides it’s thanks to him, I
have you.”
Krysa blushed. She found that she rather liked Kavan’s sweet remarks.
She was beginning to warm up to this marriage idea after all. At least
Kavan was a good man, and he seemed to genuinely care for her. She
smiled, “I do have a request for you.”
“Anything, you have only to ask.”
“Well, it’s not my request exactly... it’s Bat’s. You met Bat last
night, didn’t you?”
“Oh yes, the bartender,” laughed Kavan, “Quite a character.”
Krysa laughed, “Yes, he is. He would like to throw you a bachelor
“A what?”
“A bachelor party. It’s an Earth tradition to hold a party for the groom
just prior to the wedding. ‘One last chance to party with the guys
before you get tied down’.”
“And Bat would be throwing this party?” Krysa nodded and Kavan smiled,
“I think it sounds like an excellent idea. So you wouldn’t be there?”
“I think that’s the general idea.” said Krysa raising an eyebrow at him.
“You needn’t look so happy about that.”
Kavan stood and pulled her up. Grinning, he said, “You can tell Bat that
I would be honored to have a ‘Bachelor Party’.”
“I’m sure he’ll be glad to here that,” together they headed out to meet
the Ambassador for breakfast.
Scene: CNS Office<br>
MD: 8.1000<br>
Krysa and Kavan entered Ens. Krazny’s office. Krazny motioned them over
to the couch, “Come in, have a seat.”
“Thank you, Ens. Krazny,” said Krysa. She and Kavan sat down and looked
at the counselor.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Sorry, I can’t write more Charles... My DH (dear husband) is up
early an wants to get out of the house on this beautiful Saturday. Go
ahead and start the session though :)
