USS Feynman APR 1996: Difference between revisions

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Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Welcoming Dr. Tok</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 4-26-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80426.1231<br>
Scene: Reception<br>
MD: 7. 2300<br>
Krysa saw Dr. Tok walk in. She headed over to the Bolian. “Dr. Tok,
you’ve missed most of the reception.”
“I had to deliver a baby,” he told her grinning.
“Yes, I heard. How is Commander Maril’s sister?” asked Krysa. She hadn’t
had a chance to talk to the Commander, but Mrs. Grall was making sure
everyone was aware of his good fortune.
“Mother and child are doing well. You’ll be interested to know that she
had a girl. They named her name is Krysel Tuelchi, in honor of your
birthday.” Tok told her with a smile.
Krysa’s eyes sparkled, “Really. That is exciting. I am really honored.”
Just then Krysa’s father walked up behind her. “Honored for what, my
Dr. Tok, smiled at the Ambassador, “Krysa just had a baby named after
her. Only born a little over an hour ago.”
“A baby! See Krysa, I knew there were good things in store for you and
Kavan. This is certainly a sign,” said the Ambassador with a hint of a
Tok looked confused, “Who’s Kavan?”
“Dr. Tok has only just arrived, father.” Krysa said, quickly, still
uncomfortable with her newfound role, “He missed your reception because
he was delivering the baby,” she turned to introduce the doctor to her
father, “Doctor, this is my father, Ambassador Quarn Jenn.” Krysa said
quickly. “Dr. Tok is our CMO on the FEYNMAN.”
Her father shook the Bolian’s hand. “Pleased to meet you, Dr. Tok. I’m
sorry you missed Dinner. It was splendid! But Krysa I’m surprised you
haven’t introduced your fiancé to all your friends,” he scanned the room
quickly for the young man. Spotting Kavan, the Ambassador was able to
catch his eye, and motion him over.
Tok looked at Krysa in surprise. She shrugged slightly, as Kavan joined
their group. “Kavan,” said Ambassador Jenn, “ I’d like you to meet the
CMO here on the FEYNMAN, Dr. Tok. Doctor, this is my future son-in-law,
Kavan. He has some very interesting news for you. Excuse me please,
won’t you, I see someone else I must speak to.” With that the Ambassador
turned and left.
Kavan smiled at the doctor, “News? What news, doctor?”
Tok looked a bit confused, “Well, I suppose he was referring to the fact
that I just delivered a baby tonight, and it was named after Krysa
because they will share a birthday.”
Kavan laughed and turned to Krysa, “Let me guess, he thinks it’s a good
Krysa nodded, and began to laugh as well, “Yes.”
The both turned back to the doctor and Kavan held out his hand. “I am
pleased to meet you, doctor. I’m Kavan Grall.”
The Bolian shook the man’s hand, “Well, you are a surprise, Kavan. I
didn’t even know Krysa was engaged.”
Throwing a teasing glance at Krysa, he said, “No, I imagine she didn’t
tell anyone.”
“Congratulations to the both of you.” He looked at Krysa with a frown,
“Krysa, you aren’t leaving us are you?” Tok asked.
Krysa looked at Kavan, “Well, no, I guess not.”
Kavan smiled, “There’s no reason for her to. As long as I’m allowed to
‘tag-a-long’. You see Dr. Tok, I would follow her anywhere.” Krysa
blushed. “I’ve already been dragged from Betazed to Starbase Epsilon,
and now I understand we are on our way to Earth.”
“Yes, we have been granted shore leave for a week. Just perfect for a
honeymoon, wouldn’t you say,” said Dr. Tok smiling.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Lsyle, well, you made it :)<br>
