USS Feynman APR 1996: Difference between revisions

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Charles Jencks<br>
Charles Jencks<br>
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN<br>
Ensign Krazny Oktyabr, CNS, USS FEYNMAN<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A Reception</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 4-22-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80422.1555<br>
Scene: Counselor’s Office<br>
MD: 7.1540<br>
Krysa frowned at the Counselor’s use of the word, ‘disability’, but she
supposed he was correct. To a Betazoid it was a major disability. But
she pushed the thought aside not wanting to deal with it.
“My brother thinks I’m ‘giving in’. But it is a important tradition for
us. I want to respect it. Is it really so horrible to take my father’s
choice in this matter.”
“I think only you can answer that for yourself.” answered the Counselor.
Krysa nodded, “I know... I wouldn’t let me off the hook either if I were
you.” She gave a weak laugh. “Well, I’ve kept you long enough, Ens. I’m
going to go back to my quarters. My fathers reception is tonight and
he’ll have my head if I’m late. He’s definitely one for decorum.”
“Lt., I would like to meet your fiancé, perhaps talk to the two of you
together?” said the Counselor in front of her.
“You can meet him tonight, I’m sure. As for the other... well, it will
be almost a week before we make it to Earth, perhaps between now and
then we can see you.”
“Excellent, I’ll see you tonight at the reception then.”
“Thank you... For talking to me and also for coming to the dinner
tonight. I appreciate it.” Krysa turned and headed to her quarters.
Scene: Officers Dining Hall
MD: 7:1900
Krysa had taken a lot of time choosing just the right outfit. Something
that would make her look great, even if she wasn’t feeling particularly
great. She finally settled on a blue sleeveless dress, which she was
particularly fond of. Looking in the mirror she realized how much she
missed wearing blue, which was a very good color on her. She sighed
knowing those were the trials of promotions.
She headed to the Officers Dining Hall and was of course on time to the
reception. However, her father and his entourage were still there ahead
of her. Commander Zane was, of course, already there as well, chatting
with the ever exuberant Devon Grall and his wife. She saw Kavan sitting
at a table talking with her brother, surprisingly they seemed to be
getting along quite well.
“Krysa, I’m glad to see you are joining us this evening.” said her
father walking toward her; her mother as always right behind him.
“Of course,” said Krysa smiling.
“So where have you been keeping yourself all day? Kavan says you left
him hours ago.”
“I had some duties to take care of. I wanted to make sure they were done
so I could spend as much time with you and mom as possible.” said Krysa
smiling, knowing that neither one of her parents were likely to buy her
explanation. But of course, her father not wanting to disturb decorum
did not question her.
Ever the good little diplomat, Krysa wondered around the room making
small talk and greeting the other officers as they arrived. She had
hardly said two words to Kavan since entering the dining hall as Krysa’s
father had commandeered him and was doing the job of introducing him,
himself. Though he had caught her eye several times.
She watched her father. He really looked happy in his new role as
‘father of the bride’. She couldn’t help but smile as she watched him.
While her father was normally a very somber, formal man; with Kavan he
seemed much more animated. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to
find her mother watching her father as well.
“He’s very happy, you know.” she said.
“I can see that.” Krysa said softly.
“So you wandered the ship for several hours, did you?” Krysa turned and
looked at her mother in surprise. But Baris just nodded, “I know,
Krysa... I did the same thing almost 30 years ago. I had my doubts and
fears, but you know... it was the best thing I’ve ever done. Not by any
means, the easiest... but definitely the best.” Krysa just nodded, glad
to know that her mother truly did understand her feelings.
Just then there was a gong sounded. Krysa smiled. She hadn’t heard that
sound in a while. Commander Zane, now that everyone was startled into
silence by the gong, informed them that dinner was ready. Everyone moved
to take a chair, as Bat’s staff began to serve the meal.
Dinner conversations remained light and relaxed. It was good to everyone
enjoying themselves, thought Krysa. Even she was beginning to relax. It
was just after the main course that Ambassador Jenn stood and addressed
the dinner guests.
“I would like to thank the Captain and crew of the USS FEYNMAN for
allowing us to accompany you all back to Earth. We appreciate your
hospitality and we welcome your company tonight.” He looked at Krysa and
smiled. She couldn’t help but smile back. It was so rare for her father
to smile like that.
“I would also like to make an official announcement. My wife and I,
along with Mr. and Mrs. Devon Grall, would like to announce the joining
of our children, Krysa and Kavan. You all are invited to the wedding
which will take place at the Betazed Embassy on Earth the day arrive.”
Krysa noticed that most of the crew were not surprised. She hadn’t
figured they would be. Most likely her father had told them as he was
introducing Kavan around.
“For those of you who are not Betazoid and not fully comfortable with
Betazoid joining traditions, I would like to assure you that you are
still welcome to attend.” He paused looking at the others at the table.
“Clothed quests are not seen as an offense to the bride and groom any
longer. So please, feel free to attend.”
Bat’s staff began to serve the dessert, and the Ambassador decided to
cut his speech short. “I see dessert is here, so I won’t talk any
longer. Though I would like you to join me in wishing my daughter a
happy birthday.” He sat as Bat brought out a beautifully decorated
birthday cake and sat it in front of the surprised officer.
“Thank you, Bat, it’s wonderful.” he winked at her and moved back. Krysa
turned to her father and kissed him on the cheek, “Thanks, daddy,” she
whispered. The day wasn’t turning out to be as bad as it had appeared to
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: I think I left it open enough that you all can come and interact
as you please. I also didn’t force anyone to be there, other then Zane
and Bat <G>
