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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Too Much Stuff to Write a Subject Line</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 4-21-1996</h4>
SD 80421.1600 (GMT)<br>
MD 7.0400<br>
Lt. Commander Maril's Quarters<br>
Maril woke up for the fourth time since he had gone to sleep ten hours
before. Several dreams, which were actually closer to nightmares, had
shortened the actual time he had been asleep to about seven hours.
He decided to stay awake this time. There was no use trying to sleep when
all he could think of was his family. He sat down near his window, and just
stared out into was hard for him to imagine the universe without his
Ferengi Transport _Gain Through Greed_: Bridge
"Yes...I think I see your plan, Remin," Daimon Lir said as he smiled
greedily. "We take our passengers to the other side of Vandel VI from Rori
Station. Then we demand that they give us their valuables or...."
"We crash into the surface!" Ribo, the first officer, laughed.
"Mr. Remin, set a course for Vandel VI, Warp 8," Lir ordered. All of the
bridge crew, which was entirely Ferengi, laughed and laughed.
FT _GTG_: Passenger Compartment B-9
Maril's family--his mother, Perun; his sister, Mikel; her husband, Asfero;
and Maril's brother, Bero--were gathered in the compartment. They were
discussing some rather strange occurrences.
For instance, the Ferengi had denied them access to communications equipment
and had all but sealed them off to the outside world. They had then proceeded
to explode quantities of metals found in the ship's hull outside the transport.
The four Tamarians realized this wasn't normal.
They agreed that they would need to take control of the ship. Perun, being a
starship designer, would be able to do that easily. They then agreed that they
should also turn the ship over to the authorities somewhere.
"But, to what city?" Mikel asked. Her question actually meant something like
"Where should we go?"
At that point, Perun started to "hack" into the transport's computer, while
Mikel, Asfero, and Bero argued about where to go.
Finally, Perun said, "We have breached the walls of Dibago. The telescope
sees the 'United Federation of Planets'."
"Then, we ride to Earth!" Bero suggested.
The others nodded in agreement.
"Riding to Earth, 656 times the star's speed," Perun reported. In English,
it would have been, "Course set for Earth, Warp 7.""
MD 7.1000
USS Feynman: Bridge
Maril was still feeling rather depressed, but you couldn't have figured that
out from his face. Although he didn't smile that much, he seemed to be simply
his unemotional, quiet self.
Commander Zane had told Maril to excuse Lt. Jenn's absence from the Bridge.
Something about personal matters. WO Bellad had returned to duty, so Maril had
invited him to take Ops for the shift. It would have been rather unfair to
order Garret or Ein to take ALPHA since they already had shifts.
It was rather quiet that day on the Bridge, but inside Maril's mind, it was a
wild storm....
MD 7.1400
Transporter Room 1
As the Feynman's newest CSciO, Ensign Jakkao Serra, beamed aboard, Maril
extended a hand and greeted him.
"Hello, Ensign Serra. The door has been opened. Your quarters are...Deck 5,
Section 4, Quarters 3. I suggest you get settled in, and then meet me in my
office at 1700 hours. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," the CSciO replied.
MD 7.1700
First Officer's Office
Maril, though still disturbed, was feeling better. "Come," he answered when
there was a chime at the door.
Ensign Serra walked in. "Sit," Maril suggested, and Serra did.
"Mr. Serra, the Feynman has one of the most advanced sensor arrays in
Starfleet--the DELPHI array. As Chief Science Officer of this ship, you will
be expected to provide answers when needed, considering you have such a tool to
work with. I think you know most everything else that a CSciO does, but I also
need you to provide me with an officer at the Science I station for all three
shifts. I assume you will take the ALPHA shift?"
[Bridge to Commander Maril. We have an incoming message for you from a ship
in orbit of Earth.]
"Hmmm. Patch it through to my office. Maril out." Turning to Serra, he
said, "Dismissed."
Ensign Serra was just about to walk out the door when Maril said, "One more
thing, Mr. Serra."
"Yes, sir?"
"I was the Chief Science Officer of the Feynman...the first one, in fact. If
you work hard here, it can be a dream come true. If not, that dream may become
a nightmare."
"Aye, sir," Serra said as he left.
As he put the message on his screen, tears started to come down his face. Not
tears of sadness, but tears of joy. The face that appeared on the screen was
his mother's.
"Came back from the depths of Fitabio!" Maril exclaimed..
His mother agreed to come aboard the Feynman with the other three. Maril
then transferred the link to his father's quarters.
"Maril to Zane."
[Zane here.]
"Sir, I would like to know if four members of my family could come aboard for
a visit. They are already in orbit of Earth."
[The four that were missing! Of course, Onta.]
"Thank you, sir. Maril out."
MD 7.1800
Shuttlebay 2
Maril stood, waiting for his four family members to step out of the shuttle
whichhad just landed. Finally, they did. Maril and his father embraced the four for what seemed
like an hour, although when Maril checked the chronometer, it had only been a
few minutes. There was something wrong, but Maril couldn't figure out what it was.
Finally, he realized. Before Maril could say anything, his sister answered his
question unknowingly. "Where should the river be?" she asked.
"Why would a river be needed?" Maril exclaimed. Then, he nodded. It was
obvious Mikel was going to have a baby.
"The horse fell on its way?" Mikel asked. Maril nodded again.
They were walking out of the shuttlebay when suddenly Mikel cried out in
pain. Then, she fell down and cried out again. "The source has been found!"
she yelled.
Maril grabbed Mikel and her husband. "Computer, Sickbay!" he yelled as they
into a turbolift.
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
First Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher
Well, that solves Maril's emotional problems. So, don't worry, Kristen, Maril
will be there! :)
Lysle, Andrew, Charles: Cancel the BrOT for now. :)
Lysle: I don't care if you and your character are sick, you're delivering that
baby! ;)
Bill: Welcome to the Feynman! I know most of this was probably gibberish to you.
Just know that four members of Maril's family had been missing, and Marill
thought they were dead. :( But now they're okay! :)
Jospeh: Got another shuttle to add to your list. ;)
Lt. Cmdr. Onta Maril FO USS Feynman<br>
Ens. Siqor CEO USS Tesla<br>
