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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Going on the Record (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 4-17-1996</h4>
> SD: 80417.1059<br>
> Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
> MD: 5.2000<br>
> "Cmdr. Zane, LtCmdr. Maril," she addressed them formally in opening. "As<br>
> you are no doubt aware, it is my primary duty as the Chief of Security to<br>
> ensure the safety and wellbeing of this ship and its crew. As a Starfleet<br>
> Officer, I also have certain other responsibilities, and it is those other<br>
> responsibilities that I would like to address to you both now."<br>
> "I understand that you have together made an under-the-table deal with<br>
> Manark V and have ommitted certain pieces of information from the official<br>
> Mission Report that has been already submitted to CinC-Silver."<br>
> Jade paused for a moment and noted Maril was wriggling slightly in his chair.<br>
> "I have on record sir from the communications logs, conversations that<br>
> suggest that in exchange for not mentioning the unprovoked attack on the<br>
> Nogura and also the Manarkian blackmail attempt, that Manark V would not<br>
> mention the incident that occured on the surface and in addition, allow<br>
> Commissioner Thesa to make a true decision."<br>
> "It was a diplomatic decision that had to be made," Zane pointed out.<br>
> "It means the Commissioner can step down from his task without dishonour and<br>
> also clears us from the embaressing incident that occured on Manark V."<br>
> "Captain," Jade stood her ground firmly. "Starfleet is about justice<br>
> with accountability. What yourself and Commander Maril have done is to have<br>
> perverted the flow of justice and have let the innocent go unpunished."<br>
> "Commissioner Thesa has committed certain actions and must be held<br>
> accountable for what he has done. Manark V have attacked a Starfleet vessel<br>
> and must be held accountable for what they have done. Our junior officers<br>
> that caused the incident on Manark V have acted in an insubordinate manner<br>
> and have already been held accountable for their actions."<br>
"I agree. And fortunately that will happen. Perhaps you have
not read all of the mission summary reports. Especially the section
dealing with the Commissioner's confession to the President of Furjen, his
confinment to his quarters on the planet and then on this ship.
While I have not discussed this in any '''official reports''' to the Admiral
I have communicated them to him on a secure channel. Commissioner Thessa is
to be transported to the Federation Council where he will formally confess
his crimes of this mission and those of the past. Currently, this ship has
been ordered into a 'stand-by' position until the Admiral reviews the
current situation at hand. As we already have the Commissioner on board
and are closer to Earth than most ships in the fleet, it is my guess that
we will be ordered to transport him there. At that time I'm sure there
will be a full reckoning."
> "As officers in Starfleet, we have all chosen to accept the<br>
> responsibilities that go with rank. That much, we all have in common.<br>
> However, it is my belief sir, that you have acted improperly in discharging<br>
> your duties."<br>
"Again I agree with you Ensign. However you must also except the
fact that even as a department head you are not necessarily privy to all
that is happening. What may appear clear on the surface is usually quite
clouded underneath unless all the facts are known. I do not expect any
of my officers to trust me blindly in all matters. However, as a Starfleet
officer I would hope that the trust of one's senior officers is not
completely absent. Without such trust the operation of this ship, indeed
of Starfleet, would be severely hampered.
> "Captain," Jade paused. "I respect you as the fine officer that you are<br>
> and although I have only been on this ship a short period of time, I value<br>
> the way you have made me feel welcome and for the friendship that has been<br>
> forthcoming. I have struggled over whether to bring this up for some time<br>
> now, but in the end I have been forced to the conclusion that unless I did<br>
> my duty by reporting this to Starfleet Command, that I would be as much<br>
> responsible for what has happened, as you both are."<br>
"I am happy you felt you could bring this too us and I commend
you for it. However I feel that in the future you may want to temper
your zealousness for your duty with the fact that everything is not
always as it seems and learn to trust us a bit more."
> "Please done't let this stand in the way our relationships with one<br>
> another. I sincerely hope you can see that I have only done as much as my<br>
> duty required. Sir."<br>
"It takes alot of courage for an Ensign to come an question a CO
and XO on matters such as this. There is no reason to believe that this
would affect our professional relationship in any way."
> There was an uncomfortable silence in which neither of the three officers<br>
> present spoke.<br>
> "Is there anything else you would like to add, Ensign?" Zane questioned.<br>
> "No sir."<br>
> Zane nodded. "Then dismissed."<br>
> <<NRPG>><br>
> Maril: Tit for tat for the BrOT?<br>
> Seriously though, this is how Jade feels about the above issue and I<br>
> question whether we too today would be prepared to support web of secrecy<br>
> (such as the Iran Arms deal) to protect the guilty and to let them go free.<br>
> I'm not trying to put anyone down here in this post, but simply to point out<br>
> that as RP-writers, we *are* responsible for the actions of our characters<br>
> as the BrOT also pointed out. Anyway, I'm not part of SF-JAG, but a second<br>
> edition of the BrOT and an insuing court-martial might be an interesting way<br>
> to pass the time while we're on Epsilon :)<br>
I don't know if this is a web of secrecy on par with
Iran-Contra! On Furjen the guilty parties were uncovered and are
presumably to be dealt with by the domestic authorities...this is an
internal matter. As for Manark V, well it was never really clear one
way or another who was involved with what. Yes the leader accepted a
deal over this but that could simply mean that an element of Manark V had
acted improperly and the President was happy it would not be blown into a
larger incident with the Federation. During most of this mission it
seemed that the 'guilt' parties on both worls were 'business interests'
with support from fringe political parties. As for the implication that
Zane and Maril might have broken the law by not reporting this (sweeping it
under the rug) well I'd like to think that both characters are a little
more honest than that. And come to think of it much precedent has been
set through out ST 'history' of such actions and inadmissions. For
DS9--Sisko et al. letting Garreck 'know' the Klingons were
invading Cardassia even after they were ordered not to.
ST--It seemed every other episode had Kirk disobeying someones
orders;) But I think perhaps the most related episode might be where he
begins to go mad and strays into Rom space and eventually stole
the cloaking device. Only Spock knew of this plan. If it was
communicated to the entire crew the secret might have got out. Secrecy
doesn't necessarily mean dishonesty.
I'm sure we can all think of opposite examples however but this
really isn't the point.
Not really much more to add to this than Zane has already
stated. Thessa did admit his crimes and was confined to quarters by the
President (although Bat sprung him for a few hours) I '''had''' intended to
write a post which would confine him to quarters and as Zane alluded to
Mike and I have discussed future events for the FEYNMAN, one aspect of
which did include transporting the Commissioner to Earth. I was hoping
to wait to announce this after everything was in place but unfortuantely
Andrew unintentionally jumped the gun.
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
