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Charles Jencks<br>
Charles Jencks<br>
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN, CNS<br>
Ens Krazny Oktyabr, USS FEYNMAN, CNS<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Time to Relax..</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 4-14-1996</h4>
SD: 80414.1000<br>
Scene: Visitors Compound, Furjen<br>
MD: 5.0800<br>
"Captain's log Stardate 80414.0800...
...I am happy to record that as of 0700, this day, the Planet
Furjen, upon due consideration of the planetary government in conjunction
with Commissioner Corino Thessa, representative of the United Federation
of Planets has been accepted as the newest member in the Federation."
Zane hit pause on the recorder as he reached over for his
coffee. It was a cool morning and he watched the steam rise from the
contents of the black mug. Inhaling the aroma he smiled. This was by
far the best coffee had ever had. The smile grew as he relished in the
fact the President had promised to make a substantial supply of it
available for transport to the FEYNMAN once it returned from Manark V.
There'd be enough for six months and now that Furjen was a Federation
member it would be relatively easy to acquire. He made a mental note to
talk to his friend who ran the cafe on EPSILON to add this to his
specialty brew list.
After a few more sips he placed the mug on the table beside him
and let his head sink into the cushion. Closing his he thought about how
much nicer it was to plan out his quest for the perfect cup of coffee
rather than trying to determine what was driving an enigmatic
commissioner or why a Federation ally would try to divert their runabout.
<nowiki>*Maybe when I retire I'll open a little coffee shop out on the frontier.
Somewhere where it is scarce and they can appreciate it.*</nowiki>
He opened his eyes and frowned as he heard he click of boots
coming down the hall. So much for his quiet morning to reflect. Picking
the PADD up of his lap he placed it on the table next to the coffee. The
log could wait.
"Good morning captain." Jenn smiled.
"Good morning Krysa, Bat. Commissioner wasn't it my
understanding that the Furjen authorities had confined you to a holding
area until the FEYNMAN returns?" Zane asked clearly not happy to see the
Commissioner. He had done the right thing but that still did not excuse
the abuses of power leading up to that point. The Commissioner had
broken the law and would have to pay the penalty.
"To be honest captain I don't know how I was allowed to go free.
Bat arrived this morning and told me I was under his 'protective' custody."
Zane looked over at a smiling Bat, he should have known better.
"It just takes a little charm. You know, smile here, compliment there."
"I see. What do you have planned?"
"Well we decided we should spend Cori's last few hours of freedom
taking in the local culture"
"Very well, just remember that I am holding you personally
responsible for the Commissioner. The second the FEYNMAN returns I want
him beamed aboard and confined to his quarters. Is that clear?" He
didn't dare ask how Bat, a civilian, had managed to get custody of the
Commissioner. It was probably something better left untouched.
"Crystal sir." Bat replied. With his trade mark half-salute he
turned and the two older men left across the compound.
"So what's are FCO up to this fine morning?"
Jenn laughed. "He burst in the cadet's room at 0500 and berated
them for sleeping. Somehow he talked the government into allowing him
access to one of their airbases and the use of several training craft.
Right now he's putting them through their paces and they're probably
hoping his engine falls out."
"Well I guess that leaves just us. Well your the expert on the
Furjen tourist scene, would you care to indulge your Captain in a little
Well it looks like things are wrapping up....I've left enough time for
those of you on the FEYNMAN to continue/finish any threads on Manark V
before you head on over and pick us up for the return trip to EPSILON.
Congrats to the BrOT participants!
Max: Stern but fair.;)
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
