USS Feynman MAR 1996: Difference between revisions

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[I'll meet you at air lock two in five minutes.]<br>
[I'll meet you at air lock two in five minutes.]<br>
Scene: Main throughway, EPSILON<br>
Scene: Main throughway, EPSILON<br>
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please remove Colby from your mailing lists.
please remove Colby from your mailing lists.

respectfully submitted,
respectfully submitted,<br>

Revision as of 13:54, 15 October 2023

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FEYNMAN Shoulder Patch



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by Kristen Gant 3-2-1996

Stardate: 80302.1306
Scene: Computer Center/Cesphalean Government Building.

Lt. Jenn began searching through computer files. The Cesphalean’s were not a very organized people, so she was having difficulty. She found herself in various maintenance files several times. She groaned in frustration.

“What’s taking so long?” asked Zane.

“Just a minute...” Jenn told him. She continued to search, becoming more frustrated all the time. “It’s not here... I can’t find it.”

“Look for personal files for Rrall.” suggested Edal.

“You really think he would be that stupid?” asked Krysa. Edal nodded.

Krysa backed up in her file search and started looking directly through Rrall’s files. If she thought the main computer system files were in disarray, now she knew why. Rrall’s files were in much worse condition and he was supposed to be running the place. She started laughing.

“I’ve found it. He didn’t really bother to hide it at all. It’s under a file called ‘top secret files’!” She quickly began downloading the files into her tricorder. “This should only take a couple of minutes,” she told them as they waited impatiently for her to finish.

It seemed like forever until the tricorder beeped indicating that they were finished. “Got it! Now how do we get out of here?”

Edal smiled at her as he pulled out a small communicator and tapped it. Krysa felt the transporter beam hit them. She was surprised. How were they beaming out. And if they could beam out, why hadn’t they beamed in. It would have saved them a lot of trouble.

The reappeared in a room surrounded by several Cesphalean’s with phasers pointed at them. The Cesphalean’s took their phasers and Krysa’s tricorder. A tall black Cesphalean walked up to them smiling.

“I am Rrall, and I would just like to thank you for your help in our cause,” He smirked. “You have just cinched our victory.”

“What are you talking about?” demanded Zane, throwing a glaring look at Edal.

“Now we have proof of just how evil those across the wormhole are.”

“That evidence proves that you are the evil ones,” yelled Jenn.

“Lies, all planted by you my dear.” sneered the felinoid.

“You were winning, why did you have to do this?” asked Zane.

“Because you were working too fast. Of course, the anti-isolationist base has already been cleared out. Thanks to informants like Edal. Our people are much to trusting, as it turns out, so are you. Soon your ship will be destroyed, the wormhole will be closed and you three will be imprisoned here as an example for the rest of your lives.”

“Not so fast, Rrall,” said Zane smiling. He grabbed Jenn’s tricorder from the guard who had taken it and said, “Now!”

Krysa once more felt the pull of a transporter beam as the Cesphalean guard disappeared and the bridge of the Feynman took it’s place.

“How did you do that?” asked Jenn completely surprised.

“Call it the Captain’s secret. Good job, Mr. Maril!” He said turning to the FO.

Lt. Krysa Jenn

NRPG: Okay so the ending is a little hokey and I don’t explain it. Maybe
Zane can<G> Or Maril. At any rate we are back and we have the files<BG>


USS FEYNMAN: Wandering the Ship

by Andrew Catterick 3-6-1996

SD: 80306.1100
Scene: Engineering

Zane entered engineering to find a flurry of activity. Zane was impressed at the obviously motivated team work he was witnessing. It was good to know the crew cared so much about the ship.

One of the engineering officers, noticing Zane's gaze an look of pride approached him. Nodding his head over to the bustle of activity he spoke. "Shore leave. Lieutenant Koreth isn't letting anyone go until they finish what they were working on."

"Where is Mr. Koreth?" Zane asked.

"He's up in the Jefferies Tubes checking on some calibrations."

Scene: Jeffreies Tube Junction K-387

As Zane came to an intersection in the maze of pathways he heard some muttering from around the corner, actually it sounded like the CEO was explaining to a ODN conduit, in a very colourful way, just exactly what he would do to it if he wasn't able to repair it soon.

"How's it going Tarrant?" Zane asked, unable to hide a grin.

"Fine sir. Just fine." It wasn't very convincing.


"No sir, it just seems that all the damage is confined in the hard to reach places, and some of it...well I don't understand how it was damaged in the first place."

"I see you've set shore leave rotations for your department."

Koreth pulled his head out of the open accessway and sat against the wall. "Yes sir, Commander Maril said shore-leave was available to all who wanted it, on a rotational basis."

"Oh I know, I was just wondering why you would let your engineer's head off to EPSILON when all the damage hadn't been repaired."

"all of the critical systems are back on line. The remaining problems are for the most part secondary systems. Besides it shouls only take another 16 hours or so and from what Maril has said we'll be in dock for at least 72.

"Correct, so why aren't you on EPSILON or relaxing in 10-Forward right now." Zane asked.

Koreth waved a dismissive hand. "I don't need a break sir, I want to get these repairs done as quickly as possible."

"Thats very admirable lieutenant but we don't know how long our next deployment will be so I'd like you to take some down-time."

"With all due respect sir, I'd rather remain on board and see these repairs through. I couldn't enjoy myself if I new my crew was working on these repairs without me."

"Your right lieutenant. Hand me that servo." Zane looked inside the access way.

"Sir?" Koreth was perplexed.

"The servo lieutenant, the thing to your right." Zane extended a hand.

Koreth picked up the instrument and passed to Zane. "Ah I know what a servo is sir I was just wondering what you were doing."

"Well your argument hit home. If your staying how can I do any less, so I'll give you a hand and then we can both relax. Now...if I remember...this junction connects with this pathway...." There was a brief electrical flare. "...uh maybe it was this one."

"Sir! Okay I get your point. I'll take a break if you promise not to help me."

"I want you to log-off for at least the next two shifts. You said it your self the remaining damage is minimal, your department heads can take care of it in your absence, it'll be good command experience for them."

"Two shifts! I was thinking more like having lunch and then getting back to work...." Koreth protested.

"Hmmm, maybe it was this juction that I had to connect."

Koreth raised his hands in mock defeat. "Okay, okay, deal. Just please don't help me anymore."

Scene: 10-Forward

Zane sat at the bar talking with some of the crew. Everyone seemed in high spirits and that made the afternoon even more enjoyable for Zane. A happy crew was contagious.

"So I hear our CSO had to leave."

"Yeah, unfortunately he had some sort of personal emergency he had to attend to so he requested an undetermined hardship leave." Zane replied.

Bat leaned against the bar polishing a glass. It was an unnecessary procedure as the replicators took care of such things but Bat told everyone it added to the atmosphere. That and all the other western paraphanelia he had added throughout. "Its too bad, he was a good kid. Had a good head on his shoulders."

"Well, he'll be returning to duty at some point but its doubtful whether or not he'll be reassigned to us. Too bad he was the second-best CSO this ship ever had."

Bat snorted. "I suppose you are alluding to your esteemed tenure in that position."

"Who else. I hear there writing songs about my exploits." Zane chuckled.

Bat just rolled his eyes. "Your not letting that marine puke run the security department are you?" Bat shivered at the thought.

"No, they all transferred off as soon as we docked. They got new orders to transfer to the 58th for some frontier skirmish with a new race that has been attacking some settlers."

" I guess you'll be needing a CSO until the paperpushers send you one."

"MCPO Mancuso's nominally in charge until that time." Zane replied, he could see where this was going.

"You know I was reading the regs last night....its surprising how easy it is to change your status from retired to active." Bat announced as he grabbed another perfectly polished glass began to rub it.

"Really." Zane replied, unsurprised. "Of course I know your not referring to yourself cause how could you ever leave the bar. Besides I've noticed you like being my OPS officer's unoffical assistant. She's a liitle young isn't she granpa."

Zane removed the wet towel from his face that Bat had just thrown there. "I guess I better making my getaway while I still can." Tossing the towel back at his friend he made a break for the door.

respectfully submitted,

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS


by Andrew Catterick 3-6-1996

Scene: Captain's Quarters

Zane sat back in his chair and relaxed. After such a tension filled mission it was nice to not have to worry about life and death matters and what repercussions the actions of himself and his crew might have on the Federation, and fairly recently on an entire galaxy.

Of course the paperwork that he was now faced with offered a much more frightful fate. He may die of boredom. But while perusing a replenishment report Jenn had copied to him he remembered another major item the ship was in need of. It was possible that his FCO might have already taken care of the matter but a quick check showed that he had not. That wasn't too surprising. Currently Jerran was on the holodeck under Onta's watchful eye.

"Zane to bridge."

[Bridge, Lt. Jenn.] came the quick reply.

"Lieutenant I expected you to be on EPSILON relaxing what are you doing up there?"

[I decided to run a few diagnostics and add some modifications while we were in port. Nothing major.]

"I see. Well I was just notifying the OOD that I would be off-ship for the next hour or so. As Commander Maril is currently occupied with the BrOT you have the conn. Notify me if anything comes up. Zane out."

"Zane to 10-Forward."

[Bat's Drinking Emporium and One Stop Novelty Shop, how may I help you.]

Zane laughed. "A little bored."

[A little bored!] came the exasperated response. [I was a little bored 3 hours ago. What the hell did you think you were doing letting all my customer's off the ship.]

"Sorry Bat not my fault they all have taste. I practically got run over as the crew took off in search of real food and real atmosphere."

[Harumpf! What d'ya want anyway? Even you must have something better to do than harass someone who works for a living.]

Zane laughed again. "Are you implying I don't do anything on this ship?"

[I ain't implying I'm telling. Your aide, Mike keeps me well informed on just how much he does and how little you do.] Bat was really getting warmed up.

"Anyways...I'm heading out to the base to retrieve ASIMOV want to ride shotgun?"

[I'll meet you at air lock two in five minutes.]

Scene: Main throughway, EPSILON

It was good to be amongst the bustle of the station. Zane would never trade his life aboard a starship, after all it was all he really knew. But he did enjoy 'people watching' and if EPSILON was anything it was definitely home to a vast array of lifeforms. He had yet to walk its corridors without seeing a race and never seen before. He revelled in the diversity.

"You know I think..." he was interrupted by the chirp of his commbadge.

[Jenn to Zane. Mr. Maril and Mr. Jerran are overdo from checking in on their holodeck test. I've tried calling them to no avail. I've just sent Ensign Cartwright with a security team to check it out.]

"Alright lieutenant. Keep me informed." Zane replied closing the channel.

"Hmm knowing Onta he's probably worked the poor boy so hard he caused him to keel over. Probably hiding the body right now."

Zane laughed trying to picture his FO doing just that. "I think its more likly theres a holodeck glitch. Hey, have you noticed we seemed to have picked up a gremlin or two."

'Tell me about it. That replicator spits out a drink at me one more time I'm going to rip it out of the wall."

Scene: EPSILON Flight OPS

"Now look...what's your name again...okay, look Mr. Gates its my shuttle! We sent here last week with a civilian onboard and now I'm here to retrieve. Simple."

Gates shook his head. "I'm sorry sir but you are mistaken. The shuttle in question is currently attached to the EPSILON flight wing, it doesn't say anything about being assigned to your ship."

Zane tried again. "What registry number is it?"

Gates ran a finger down his screen. "Uh...NCC 66000/E."

"Right! Now do you know what registry the FEYNMAN is?"

"Sure NCC 66000." he announced not seeing where this was going.

"Great! Two for two. Now doesn't the similarity tell you something crewman?"

"Yeah the ASIMOV *used* to be part of the FEYNMAN's complement but it isn't anymore."

"Do you want me to kill him?" Bat asked innocently.

Zane ignored him. "Okay, let's go from there. Can I see a copy of the transfer orders?"

"Nope, can't do that without proper authorization."

"And how do I get that?"

Gates handed him a PADD. "Just fill this out and have the QM process it, should take 6-8 weeks."

Zane grasped the PADD and tried a different course. He had enough run-ins with the base Quarter master and he really didn't want to have to see her again. "While *my* shuttle sits out on your flightdeck it might get stolen what sort of precautions are you taking?"

"Oh they wouldn't get to far. At the first sign of trouble the space dock doors are closed. Even at full speed the shuttle'd never make it out in time. After that its only a matter of time until the MP shuttles box it in and subdue the pilot."

Zane and Bat exchanged a glance. "I see. Well I guess we'll have to resort to the proper channels. Is it alright if we go out and take a quick look at it. You know, make sure it is in fact our lost shuttle before we get the paper work going."

"Sure." Gates smiled smugly, he enjoyed getting the better of officers. "But you can only look at the outside."

"Fair enough." Zane replied as he and Bat turned and headed for the shuttle.

When they were pout of earshot of the annoying crewman Bat spoke. "You know they've probably changed the computer lock codes on the hatch."

"I know. How long will it take you to get around them?"

"Three seconds. I brought along one of my little gadgets."

Both men smiled.
Scene: Interior, ASIMOV

<<Warning. You have left EPSILON flighdeck with out proper authorization. Please return to Flightdeck immediately.>> The recorded message droned.

Zane's hands flew across the board. "Report."

"Well he's true to his word, the doors are closing."

"MPs?" Zane asked.

"No he didn't have the guts to call them. Probably closed the doors to cover his ass. We could be lunatics who wanted to take this thing for a tour of the asteroids, maybe even join the criminal fringe."

Zane grinned. "Hey we're not that crazy. Would you do the honours?"


[FEYNMAN here. Bat is that you?" Jenn asked surprised.

"None other. Would you be so kind as to open the flightdeck doors we're returning with our shuttle and we're in a bit of a hurry."

[Understood. Doors opening. What are you up to? Does Commander Zane know about this?}

"Sure lieutenant. Where else would I be?"

As the shuttle entered the FEYNMAN's flightdeck Zane brought it down to a landing that even his hot-shot FCO would have been proud of. Silently the ship's flight doors closed behind them.


Just having a little fun. Consider this a bit of a backpost.

Joesph/Max: Love your BrOT posts.

Jason: Glad our 'friend is still with us

Kris: Feel free to leave the bridge now that Zane is back

Mike: Did you get the post I sent you a few days ago with the crew's mission suggestions?

All: Any suggestions on a suitable holodeck site for our next briefing. I'm hoping to come up with something permanent and I value your suggestions....Also, for tho of you who haven't already done so please remove Colby from your mailing lists.

respectfully submitted,

-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS