ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Routine Journey==
===by David Kiel===
There was blood in the water.
A tinge of it diffused in the flow of the stream. Whatever had happened was not
far from where Cedria sat, upstream, and just around that wooded curve she
figured. There had been no movement from the trees, no hint of the violence
that had clearly just occurred. The flow continued and the tinge deepened
slightly. She drew a long breath, the shadow of iron drifted up from the
swirling eddys.
Red blood and enough to kill whomever had lost it. Or, whatever. She was too
far out in the hills to expect some sort of base crime. No doubt an animal had
fallen prey to a hillcat, it was large though and close, she really should have
heard something. She rose carefully brushing her long brown hair out of her
field of vision.
She moved quietly and with fluid grace, staying upwind of the small copse and
silent as the whispered breath of a breeze floating down from the north hill
lands. A slight hint of a static whine made her piercing green eyes widen. It
would alarm whatever she stalked. A tendril of bluish light curled around her
forearm, joined by its friends as the green hills of Trill evaporated around
[Three seconds later]
The chill of the transporter beam made her spots itch. Cedria Zade blinked and
acclimated to the muted light of the shuttle. It was a long range mark seven,
definitely an overpowered choice for someone simply flying in from Trills
orbital platform. It was a simple deduction to guess who was piloting and the
confirmation followed swiftly. The cool, even voice of her classmate from the
academy echoed off the close walls of the shuttle.
"My apologies for the suddenness of the transport, Lieutenant."
"Adrazda," Cedria smiled, turning to face the young Vulcan officer. "What
brings you so far from home?"
"I was recalled, and tasked with locating you. You've been reassigned."
Cedria frowned. "Couldn't I have been reassigned after my leave?"
Lieutenant Adrazda Sailek arched her brown and looked pointedly at a sealed
command container perched alone in the co-pilots seat. Cedria whistled a short
tone of impressed discontent. "I'm not even a high enough grade to open such a
"You aren't meant to open it Cedria, it is for your new Captain. Your
instructions are to deliver it to his hands alone." The Trill woman picked up
the weighted secure tube, turning it over in her palm as she sat in the chair.
Adrazda turned the shuttle away from Trill and laid in a course. "It is implied
in those instructions that you not open it along the way."
Cedria smiled at the Vulcan's jest. "I promise to resist the lure of this
puzzlebox. Where are we headed?"
"To the Ticonderoga, where you will drop me off and pick up your belongings. I
have had them forwarded from San Francisco. You will then set a course for the
Arcturus system where you will deliver that to your new Captain."
Cedria turned and stared at the Vulcan pilot, her classmate and the only one at
the academy who could occasionally match her control of a starcraft. "Adrazda,
if it were not an illogical assumption I would think you were being purposefully
"Captain Jack Steele of the USS Hood."
Cedria gasped as the shuttle shuddered and jumped to warp, her fingers traced
the pattern of leopard spots trailing her cheek, a nervous habit shed accepted
with this new host. "Constitution class, the flagships of the Federation."
"Congratulations, Cedria." The Vulcan woman looked at her with what amounted to
warmth among her people. She had at least used her proper name, that alone was
a worthy of note. She stared down at the tube and for the first time was
tempted to peek at the contents. Orders that could not be risked to even the
most secure Federation transmissions now held in her hand. Cedria wouldn't
peek, but that was only a recent change of attitude for the Zade symbiont, some
of her predecessors would have dismantled the container already.
"You were far from any settlement." Adrazda said with what passed for concern
amongst her people.
"I'm not ready. I, I love Trill, but if it were known I was there. There would
be,.." She paused to consider the implications of what she had carefully
avoided in her latest covert visit to her homeworld. "There would have been
formal dinners. And people, and I would have had to talk to them."
[Three weeks later]
The shuttle blinked out of warp within a few kilometers of the exosphere. She
risked only a passive scan, she had been warned of a possible hostile presence.
Fortunately her array located the silvery glitter of a starship hull. She set a
course and the shuttle arched over the edge of Arcturus and glided without
incident to the Hood. She risked a moment to take in the sleek lines and the
sheer size of her new home before sending a narrow burst comm request to dock.
Permission was given silently by the opening of the rear docking port, Hood was
clearly under radio silence. She checked her passive screen for any sign of
hostile elements and slipped the craft carefully and smoothly into dock.
She landed softly and secured the craft. She secured the tube in her hip pocket
and rose from the flight chair. Striding back to the small hold she gathered
her belongings, four containers massing somewhat more than she did. Placing the
largest bag on top of the shipping container Sailek had packed for her, she
rolled her stuff towards the ramp and opened the airlock.
Cedria Zade smiled at her first breath of starship air in over a year. She was
home for the first time, once again.
I've purposely left the actual boarding of the ship begging to give me something
to do while the action continues planetside. As we are so close to a fresh
mission I decided it would make a cool hook for me to be dispatched with those
very orders, whatever they may be. The contents of the command tube are of
course the sole discretion of the addressee. Whenever he comes back to the ship
to meet his new officer.
Hello everyone, glad to be here and looking forward to the fun to come.
Respectfully Submitted,
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Final Boarding Call==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Final Boarding Call==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lifting off Now!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Lifting off Now!==