ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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“Well sir I imagine you’ve already gone over the two possibilities.” She had little doubt as to the answer. The ensign still appeared to be channeling all his efforts into not wetting himself.
“Well sir I imagine you’ve already gone over the two possibilities.” She had little doubt as to the answer. The ensign still appeared to be channeling all his efforts into not wetting himself.
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It was Hillroy’s turn to chuckle. “As the ensign says.”
It was Hillroy’s turn to chuckle. “As the ensign says.”

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==COMORIGINS: No More Papers, No More Books... ==
==COMORIGINS: No More Papers, No More Books... ==

Revision as of 17:48, 17 June 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+


by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.115

Scene: Fleet Base, Aldeberan


“Well sir I imagine you’ve already gone over the two possibilities.” She had little doubt as to the answer. The ensign still appeared to be channeling all his efforts into not wetting himself.

Surprisingly Rivers answered immediately. “Well the way I see it we can either wait here for HOOD to pick us up. Or we could see if we can requisition a shuttle craft and a pilot and rendezvous with her ourselves. I guess the other possibility is to hitch a ride on any Starfleet ship heading that way but I don’t expect there will be any.” She chuckled at Hillroy’s look of surprise. “Look chief, the Academy instructors made it perfectly clear to us that if we want to learn our jobs and become real officers the most important first step was to find a CPO whose wing we could nest under. I have every intention of doing that because I know how painfully inexperienced I am. But I’m not an idiot either.”

It was Hillroy’s turn to chuckle. “As the ensign says.”


“Now then.” Rivers began as he broke into a matching chuckle. “Where do we go?”

The chief gave a brief glance heavenward before gesturing down the corridor. “Follow the crowds sir and ye shall find what you seek.”

As the two HOOD officers set out into the crowd Rivers turned to Hillroy. “So how long have you been chief?”

“Coming up on 20 years now. Still a long way to go though.”

“Been aboard ships the whole time?”

“I have sir. Been on the HOOD since she was commissioned, before that ten years on KIROV. Started off on FEYNMAN.”

Rivers whistled. “Those are some good ships to have served on chief!”

“That they were.”

“Excuse me ensign.” A new voice joined the conversation.

Rivers turned to address the voice and came to attention as his eyes noticed the lieutenant commander braid on the red sleeve. “Ensign Rivers sir.”

“At ease ensign. I’m Lieutenant Commander Rick Payne, BuPers said you might be heading this way, I’m glad I tracked you down.”

“Yes sir.” Rivers answered not knowing who this commander was or why he’d be someone looking for a lowly ensign.

“I’ve been assigned to HOOD so I’ll be taking command of the detail you have with you. I gather you’re trying to get back to your ship.”

“We are sir, the chief and I,” Rivers gestured to Hillroy, “were on our way to see if we could either find passage on a ship or a place to put up til HOOD came to pick us up.”

“Well I believe I can help with that. My old ship is still in orbit and Commander Hutcheson has offered to provide ferry service. How soon can you and your team be ready to go?”

“The rest of the crew is back on the flightdeck, all we need to do is pick them up and we are ready to go.”

“Outstanding.” Payne said as he turned and began to walk towards the flightdeck with Rivers and Hillroy in tow.

“Um Commander, if you don’t mind me asking sir, what are you being assigned to HOOD as?”

“Don’t mind at all ensign. For my sins I have been assigned as HOOD’s new chief of security. I believe you are in my department.”

“Yes sir, I am sir.”



I figure the best way to get a new SEC is to post a NPC one…altho’ that cunning plan hasn’t got us a new HELM yet.



CAPT Jack Steele



COMORIGINS: No More Papers, No More Books...

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.115

Scene: Admiral Mitchell Corrigan’s Office, Starfleet Academy

Mitch did his best not to smile as the young cadet pleaded his case as if he had discovered some new theory all on his own. When the youngster began to repeat himself he decided it was time to tread in. “Cadet, let me stop you there. The objective of this paper is to present your conclusions, which you did, and which I happen to agree with more importantly you were to present well thought out, reasoned and cited arguments that support your conclusions, which you did not.” He held up a hand to forestall any further debate. “Look cadet, you and I both know you sped through this and in doing so did a half assed job. It was a particularly tough topic to delve in to but I know you have the intelligence to tackle it. Unfortunately,” He tossed the datachip back to the young student, “you’ did a piss poor job and thought you’d just sail on by. Not going to happen. I know ancient history is not as exciting as your other courses but I can assure you that it is in fact one of the most important courses you can take. For example the Battle of Jutland can be,” Mitch chose not to notice the look of anguish flash across the cadet’s face as he began to launch into one of his long winded lectures, fortunately, for the cadet at least, the lecture came to an abrupt halt as the door chime went. “See who that is will you cadet?” Corrigan walked over to his credenza to pour himself a coffee as he prepared to pepper the cadet with questions about Admiral Jellico’s strategy. He turned back towards the door, the carafe still in mid pour, at the sharp intake of breath form the cadet who had suddenly gone ridged.

“At ease cadet.” Came the voice of Admiral James Komack as he walked into the office. “Get you at a bad time admiral?”

“Of course not sir. You just saved Mr. Roberts a diatribe on the Battle of Jutland.”

“I wish I had time to hear it.” Komack replied.

“That will be all for now cadet.” Corrigan nodded.

“Yes sir!”

“Were we ever that young Mitch?”

“Rumour has it I was. But I can’t remember that far back. Coffee?”

“No thanks, I’m actually in a hurry and have orders for you. It was easier to drop by as I was in the neighbourhood rather then summoning you to the inner sanctum.”

Mitch nodded gesturing for the admiral to sit down. His mind was already churning over the possibilities of Komack’s unannounced visit and all outcomes pointed to bad news. “You could have commed.”

“Could have.” Komack agreed. “Better this way.”

Crap! Mitch thought. Definitly bad news. For the past three years he had been assigned to Starfleet Operations reporting directly to Komack as his troubleshooter. If there was something dicey going on in the Federation Komack would send Corrigan in. The rest of the time he maintained a light course load at the Academy trying to remind new officers that many of the answers for the future were buried in the past. In all that time Komack had never paid him a visit.

“I need you out at Starbase 6, ASAP.”

Corrigan leaned back in his chair. He’d reviewed all the intel reports this morning on his way in. He couldn’t remember there being anything of note going on out there. Certainly nothing that required his attention. Perhaps it would be a quick trip. That would be convenient as mid-terms were on the horizon. “I can be on my way in two hours. Gives me some time to grade papers on the way out.”

“You won’t be needing to grade those papers Mitch, you won’t be coming back. At least not anytime soon. I’m assigning you there.”

“Assigning me to where?”

“Starbase 6.” Komack confirmed. “You’ll be the new Fleet Commander.”

Mitch blinked in surprise. “Jim what the hell are you talking about?” He leaned forward. “That’s Joe Carstairs post, he crowed about getting all those new starships for months. He’s ok isn’t he?”

“He’s fine he just decided to accept promotion to BuPers.”

“BuPers!” Corrigan exclaimed leaning back in his chair again. No one accepted promotion to BuPers, not willingly anyway, it was like getting assigned to purgatory. He was dying to ask how that had come about but he knew Komack wouldn’t tell him. “That’s a big jump admiral, do I have time to think about it?”

“No. It’s not a question admiral. It’s an order and you leave in two hours.”

“Oh God, you’re not sticking me with Vicky are you?” Mitch deflected.

This time Komack almost smiled. “Yes, I do believe Admiral Palmer is stationed there.”

“Damn. You’ve told her that I’m her boss?” He and the ice queen had a long history best described as combustive.

“That’s what the orders say.” Komack confirmed. “Look Mitch I have places to be so can we skip the whole tough decision part of this discussion and get to the part where you say yes sir, thank you sir and I leave.”

Mitch chuckled and rose from his seat. “Yes sir. Thank you sir.”

“Try not to screw it up.” Komack said before he rose and headed for the door. “Maybe next time you can tell me about Jutland.”


Just a quick one to RP Corrigan on his way out.

As I have already told ORIGINS COs/XOs as happy as I am to see Scott taking on the thankless job of CSFO I really hate to see him leave COMORIGINS. He’s leaving very big shoes for me to fill but I will certainly try. Luckily we have a lot of talented people and some excellent command crews to help make me look good!  ;-)

Vice Admiral Mitch Corrigan

COMORIGINS, Starbase 6



by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.116

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Acting helmsman Baker sat at his console drumming his fingers. He had spent the better part of the shift trying to come up with ways to distinguish himself. So far he had failed miserable. It was hard to stand out when nothing of any great importance was happening. HOOD had kept up with the ruse that they were carrying out a standard search pattern looking for their cloaked quarry while remaining close enough to the ship that they could pounce on it at a moments notice. The navigator had set up the search pattern and his helm console was dutifully, and automatically, following the proscribed course.

Conversation on the bridge was at a minimum. Even when Lieutenant Zade had made her strange announcement about imposters on board conversation had remained virtually nonexistence. All that meant was that his Plan B of injecting lofty and well thought out arguments into any discussions that erupted amongst the normally talkative bridge crew was impossible to carry out. So much for demonstrating his brilliance.

It was the automatic red alert that snapped his, and everyone else’s, attention up to the viewscreen.

“Reading several explosions in the vicinity of the cloaked vessel.”

“Its not cloaked anymore.” Someone added unnecessarily.

On the screen TSS HOOD faded back into existence as it bucked from whatever turmoil was raging in side her.

“Shields to full.” Zade ordered. “Helm take us in.”


Anybody out there?

Andy Catterick

CAPT Jack Steele




by Dave Kiel

SD: SD 2261.116

USS Hood: Bridge

"Target their weapon systems and fire!"

Cedria shouted and sprinted to the sensor station. "Hemux, get to transporter room one. I will send you the best sensor data we can get. Find our people and beam them back here."

The gulf between the two ships erupted quickly with beam fire. The TSS Hoods fire was sporadic and badly targeted. USS Hoods fire was well targeted and fully powered. Of the two ships only the Federation Crusier had shields. Cedria finished relaying the sensor sweep and was shocked by the pattern of power disruptions she saw.

Their shield grid had burned itself out, spectacularly. The Captain they were holding in their brig had even fewer friends than she had estimated. The USS Hoods shields flashed as incoming fire battered against the shimmering barrier. The main hull of TSS hood erupted with flame as the paser batteries erupted one after the next until no further fire came from her.

"Target their impulse engines and fire." Cedria said and the Helm smiled deviously swinging the Federation ship around to hit them full on. The TSS ship shuddered as the impulse drives shattered under the assault from multiple batteries.

"Hold fire." Cedria walked over to stand next to the Captains chair and looked at the screen still showing the shimmering blue overlay of the enhanced sensors on the ship burning before them. "We still have people aboard that ship."

NRPG: One here.

Respectfully submitted;

David Kiel

Lt Cedria Zade,



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Finally Some Action!

by Andy Catterick

SD: SD 2261.116

USS Hood: Bridge

"Target their weapon systems and fire!" Cedria shouted.

Acting Helmsman Hal Baker let out a whoop of joy as he savagely jabbed at the fire control system. It was the first time he had ever fired the ships main weapons in anything other then target practice and he enjoyed every second of it. The procedure was the same as it always had been but this time the ship shuddered as it sent forth the deadly fire. The bridge reverberated with the sound of the awesome discharge and most spectacularly he could see the damage that HOOD’s main weapons, that he himself, had inflicted on the enemy vessel. As far as Baker was concerned there was no better moment then this.

"Order the torpedoes, order the torpedoes!" He prayed silently as he pictured them ripping the enemy cruiser apart. Enemy cruiser! He was taking apart a CONSITUTION class heavy cruiser. How many people could say that?

The order for phasers came again and this time it was while he was taking HOOD into a steep bank for an optimal spread of the forward batteries. Just like the Book said to. This was it; this was his chance! He jabbed the fire button again as he peered into the targeting computer. Another devastating hit.

Finally who ever was in command of TSS HOOD pulled themselves together enough to return fire. Hal held onto his console, his euphoria begin to fade as he watched the return phaser fire streak towards….with little effect. Another whoop of joy.

Zade gave the fire order again. "Target their impulse engines and fire."

With a predatory grin Hal swung HOOD about to allow both fore and aft port phaser batteries to fire. A full broadshide smashed through TSS HOOD’s impulse drive.

And then it was all over. “Hold fire.” Came the order. Hal wanted to object still in the heat of the moment. Fortunately Cedria’s cooler head prevailed. "We still have people aboard that ship."


Just getting in the HELM’s POV…man, I think we need to get this slot filled. This guy has issues!



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Making Another Deal

by Andy Catterick

SD: SD 2261.117

Scene: Brig, USS HOOD

BlackJack Steele fell to the deck as the first volley of fire struck USS HOOD. He had a grin on his face by the time the second barrage shook the great ship. As the ship shuddered he jumped up to his feet.

“Gene I told you they would come. It’s all over.”

“Get back from the shield.” Gene ordered as he took the phaser off his belt and pointed it at Steele.

Steele actually laughed in response. “Gene, we’ve been waging war our entire history. Our civilization is based on, steeping in it. We’re taught to be soldiers before we’re taught to walk. It’s in our blood. There is no way your Starfleet can stand before us.”

“I thought you’d switched sides. Asked for asylum no less.” Gene countered.

“Gene, if you’re going to be a good officer you have to learn to adapt. You look at what you’re presented with and you make sure it works for you. If I have to stay in this universe I’m going to do what ever it takes to succeed. But when my crew crack open the hull of this ship to get me back you can be damn sure that’s where I’m going. My first act will be to execute your captain and his senior officers. My second act will be to reward those of your crew who willingly join my crew.” Steele leaned closer to the forcefield. “You’ll be surprised how many will join us. Some out of self interest, some out of fear, but they will join us. Finally I will have my engineer teams rip this ship apart and take what we need to improve our own. Then I will begin my ascendancy as Sovereign of this domain. I told you before I needed you Gene, I still do. All you have to do is lower the forcefield and release these wrist restraints.”

“I thought your crew was coming. They can do it when they get here.”

“They can, and they will. But if you are to join me I need to know you’re loyal to me. Willingly loyal. If you wait until my men are pointing a phaser at you it isn’t quite the same. You can still join me at that point Gene, I really do need you. But you do it then and you’ll stay at your current rank and you’ll not be trusted. Join me now and you’re instantly a commander and first officer. It’s that easy. All you need to do is lower the shield.”


Poor BlackJack he doesn’t realize his ship is getting pounded…



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Eavesdropping

by Harry Iha

SD: 2261.118

SCENE: Bridge

MD: ?


And then it was all over. "Hold fire." Came the order. Hal wanted to object still in the heat of the moment. Fortunately Cedria’s cooler head prevailed. "We still have people aboard that ship."

<end snip>

"Ensign, hail that ship," ordered LT Zade.

Already anticipating the command, ENS Yoshi Tamura made a final adjustment to the antenna and terminated the comm circuit. "Hailing frequencies open, Ma'am."

While Zade bantered with the alternate universe's acting captain, Tamura kept a close watch on his panel. The other HOOD's antenna assembly had been destroyed during one of the battles, and he had to keep the directional signal aimed at the crippled ship in order to keep the communications line open.

In addition to keeping the circuit open, Tamura monitored the carrier signal and conversation. Hiding signals in the carrier wave was not an easy trick, but one with the potential to cripple HOOD. The computer automatically guarded against such potential threats, but the young ensign did not fully trust it, so he manually monitored the signal as well. Fortunately, neither the computer nor the human discovered any sign of duplicity coming from TSS HOOD.

When the other HOOD suddenly closed the connection, Tamura left the channels open in case the other ship wanted to reestablish communications. "Signal terminated at the other end, Captain," he reported automatically.

"Very well," acknowledged Zade, with just a hint of annoyance at being cut off.

That is when Tamura noticed some strange signals coming from TSS HOOD. He quickly reconfigured the antenna to optimize the gain at the new frequencies and was rewarded by weak, but clear signals. It took just under 10 seconds for him to identify the signals.

"Shit!" he blurted. "Captain!"

"What is it?"

"I'm picking up internal comms from the other ship. The 1MC and other circuits are piping an abandon ship order. Sounds like they activated the self destruct circuit." Tamura pushed the Feinberger deeper into his ear and subconsciously frowned in concentration. "Confirmed, Ma'am. Detonation in nine minutes, 30 seconds."


All: Sorry for my long silence. Call me "Short attention span." Also, I have moved, which explains much of my short attention. Please note my new e-mail address below. I will likely eventually phase out the accesscom address.

Andy: cc'ing you as well in case this one does not get posted either. Hopefully coming from a new address will solve that problem. Thanks.

Respectfully Submitted,

ENS Yoshi Tamura

Communications Department Head


Harry I. Iha


[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Battle Aftermath / Knives an Assassins Best Friend

by Steve Apple

Previously on the HOOD:

The USS HOOD was sent on a secret mission to find out about a rogue starship (TSS HOOD) which turned out to be her twin from an evil parallel universe bent on wanton destruction and mayhem, oh yeah and to steal our Sham Wows. The senior officers Steele, Merrick, Gar, and Corbett along with a couple of expendable redshirts beam down to a mining facility and find their counterparts. They uncover the parallel universes plot to destroy them and generally behave badly while in federation space. Not wanting to let Kirk and company have all the glory in Starfleet textbooks the senior staff led by coffee aficionado Steele take their place and beam aboard the TSS HOOD for the good of us all.

Meanwhile aboard the USS HOOD Cedria Zade and ARr’Rhiana Hemux figure out how to make a mean cosmopolitan and track the cloaked evil TSS HOOD. As you can imagine a battle ensues, but since it was early in our story nothing really happened.

Back on the TSS evil Hemux ate some bugs and blackmailed Steele. Corbett was distressed at being married and Merrick tried to hit on his counterparts wife, mostly because his was dead and he wasn’t into necrophilia even though Mother said he had a psychosexual problem. Everyone came together and sang Kumbaya and hatched a plan for escape.

Finally in the back chapters there was another battle and this time the TSS HOOD went from a Cadillac to a Hugo in 3 easy phaser barrages. Unfortunately as always happens some parasite got pissed off and started an auto destruct sequence. Well that or he was timing the Dominos pizza delivery guy.

And that’s what you missed.

The Following takes place between 7 minutes and 29 seconds and 3 minutes and 59 seconds…

SD: 2261.118

TSS Hood: Corridor R-Deck Section C7

The ship was listing to the left its metal groaning under the strain and fatigue it had suffered in battle with its multiverse twin. The sirens and flashing of emergency lights only served to punctuate the computer’s cold metallic voice.

[Auto-destruct in 7 minutes 29 seconds.]

The corridor was empty except for the three of them. Two standing and one face down.

“You will be even easier to kill, than she was.”

“Why don’t we test your theory, you pathetic excuse for an ex-monarch.” He shouted as he stepped across her unmoving body.

Zade looked at the doctor and laughed. He would not waste his rage on such an inferior as this human. The doctor was soft; he drank too much and hid most of the time behind the psychotic Steele. Well if it was a lesson he wanted then it would be the last he ever got. Taking two knives from his belt he dropped one on the floor and kicked it across the deck to the doctor.

Corbett saw the glistening sheen of the poison that coated the 7 inch blade as it slid across the deck, stopped by the toe of his left boot. Keeping his eyes glued to Zade’s he crouched and picked up the knife. “Now throw down the photon pistol and fight me like a man.”

A smirk passed across Zade’s face at the doctor’s comment. “I am not a man, but I need no pistol to fight a soft undisciplined human such as you.” Throwing the pistol behind him he gripped his knife in the first form assassin’s pose that he had learned so long ago.

[Auto-destruct in 6 minutes 59 seconds.]

Corbett let out a deep breath, but maintained his crouched position. His eyes kept Zade in check as he mentally judged the Ma-ai, or distance between him and his opponent. “Your move,” he said.

Zade covered the distance between them in less than the blink of an eye, his knife plunging toward Corbett’s chest.

Corbett pushed himself upright from the balls of his feet, his knife moving upward blocking Zade’s thrust causing the Trill’s blade to slide harmlessly to one side. Turning his body to the side out of Zade’s line of attack he counterattacked with an overhead diagonal cut.

Zade threw himself backward and Corbett’s blade missed him by only millimeters. The doctor has training he thought and that surprised him. By all rights he should have killed the human by now. Smiling he stepped back and assumed the third form assassin’s pose. Maybe the doctor would provide him sport after all. “Your training is not superior enough to hold me off forever doctor. Eventually I will push my poisoned blade deep into your belly and laugh while your liver and spleen explode.”

Corbett’s breathing was very rhythmic and even as he assumed the tachi-iai position. Zade rushed him with a forward downward cut. Pivoting to the right Corbett could feel the burning of the poison on his skin. Zade had slashed through his uniform tunic, but thankfully had not broken the skin underneath. In a counterattack he sliced out in a diagonal rising cut aiming for Zade’s left armpit.

Zade blocked the blow and moved back out of Corbett’s range. He was more wary of the doctor now and would not let himself get careless. Slowly they circled each other. “This toying with you is fun; however, I could make this easy on you and end it quickly.”

[Auto-destruct in 4 minutes 59 seconds.]

“You heard the lady I have 4 minutes and 59 seconds.” Corbett adjusted his stance sliding a little to the left forcing Zade to move his position as well. Just a few more feet, Corbett thought to himself.

The movements between them were slow and to a non-practitioner of the martial arts almost imperceptible. Corbett had him almost where he wanted him.

“I am the most superior fighter on this ship and will make your death as painful as possible.” Zade said his voice arrogant and condescending.

“You think too much of yourself Zade. While I admit eventually you will kill me there is one who is better than you.” Corbett said forcing Zade to move the last foot or so he needed.

“Pah, there is no one better than me.” Zade shouted in prideful boast.

“Except me.” Cedria Quall shouted as she grabbed Zade’s ankle from where she lay and pulled him off his feet.

Immediately she scrambled and wrapped her legs around his and her knife pressed against his throat, the poison burning his skin.

“Cedria no we need him alive to stop the autodestruct.” Corbett shouted at her before she slit her enemy’s throat.

“You were dead; I shot you with the photon pistol.” Zade screamed.

“It passed cleanly between the doctor and me. You better get eyes checked old man that is of course if you live. Now shut down the auto destruct.”

“Peasant, unworthy pariah.” Zade spat at her.

[Auto-destruct in 4 minutes 29 seconds.]

“Cedria.” Corbett implored.

“Go,” She shouted at the doctor. “Preflight the shuttle, just in case I can’t make him do what I want.”

“I won’t leave without you.”

“Don’t be stupid. A lot of people are counting on that shuttle being ready.” She snapped back at him. “Beside this is between Trills and not for outsiders to see.”

Corbett nodded reluctantly and moved over to the comm. unit. “Alia grab Mother and Saxman and meet me at the shuttle in 2 minutes.”

Turning he watched her pull the blade tighter into Zade’s throat. “Go,” She mouthed at him.

Flipping open his communicator he said. “Jack it’s now or never. Sean and Gar have to move the Tholian device to the shuttle now or it’ll be too late.”

[We’re on our way now] Steel said.

“I’ll be there in one minute to preflight the shuttle, Corbett out.”

[Auto-destruct in 3 minutes 59 seconds.]

<<NRPG>> Hope this somewhat makes up for my silence. Brian/ Sean you know I love ya, but the necrophilia/psychosexual thing was too hard to pass up. Dave I didn’t want to completely steal your thunder in case you wanted to have Cedria kill Zade herself. Harry enjoyed your post and glad you’re with us.


Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD