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LT Shaso Nikko, Chief Science Officer USS VALHALLA NCC-18000

Player: Mark English
Name: Shaso Nikka
Rank: Lieutenant
Serial #: 9684345522461

Homeworld: Rannev IV
Race: Lau'Ranne
Gender: Female
Form: Humanoid
Heighth: 1.8 metres
Mass: 80 Kilograms
Age: 30 standard years


Eye color: Red

Skin color: Light Brown

Skin Markings: Nikka has a large tattoo of a Lau'rannian Nix on her back. The Nix 
is a bird of legend that has a story similar to that of the Phoenix. It is a 
religious symbol of rebirth and signifies her completion of the Kau'Lau'ma 'The 
binding' ritual. This is an important level of religious training in the Cau'Launi 
religion. It makes her a 5th level Cau'Launi Master. She has a deadly mastery of the 
Cau'Lau (fighting staff). She has a deadly mastery of the Cau'Dha (holoblade) and 
has the ability to obtained a level of emotional clarity that makes it very difficult 
for empaths and telepaths to read her.

Hair color: White; Her hair is shoulder length. She normally wears it pulled back in 
a jeweled clasp that has the clan symbol of Tay'Marchet on it.

Facial features: Similar to that of humans and betazoids except eyes are a little 
larger on average and mouths are a little smaller.

Nikka has overcome several birth defects through medical and technological means. 
The most notable thing about her medical condition is the biocybernetic network that 
has been integrated into her body to bolster and sometimes replace her nervous system 
that had been slowly failing her since the onset of puberty.

Biocybernetic Network:
Nikka is a mass of biocybernetic systems. These systems include the following: a 
network of synthetic fibers that is spread through out her body which augment her 
defective nervous system, a large array of nanomachines that service her synthetic 
systems and enhance immunity to disease, a biocybernetic auditory canal, and a 
positronic processor shielded at the base of her skull which serves as a coordinator 
between synthetic and organic systems. The artificial systems all work together to 
give Nikka some resemblance of a normal life because without them she would either be 
dead or confined to a life support chair.

"At her last medical exam, Nikka's natural and artificial systems seemed to be 
functioning normally. She has worked to reclaim the reflexes she lost after the 
operation and through her strict exercise regimen has increased her strength to 
athletic proportions."
- Dr. Setar, Star Fleet Academy

Family: Orphan; Zebadiah Burke was legal guardian.

Nikka is a master of Lau'Ranne Calauni, which is a type of martial art form that 
uses a staff like weapon called a Calau. She started this hobby to help her during 
rehabilitation after her neural surgery, but it has become a passion for her and 
integral part of her religious study.

Languages: Federation Standard and Hahr'Ranne, a common language on Rannev IV. She 
has also started learning the ancient tongue of Vel'Kar which is the language in 
which much of the older religious texts are written.

Brief Personal History:

Nikka was born with physical deformities that led her young mother, the daughter 
of a prominent governmental leader, to leave her at the Shasev (an orphanage for 
unwanted children). These birth defects included a left arm which appeared shriveled 
and underdeveloped, a malignant tumor on the left side of her chest (under her 
deformed arm), and a severe neurological dysfunction which didn't manifest itself 
until later in her childhood. Medical care at the shasev was mediocre at best. Her 
cancer was treated and cured, but her neurological dysfunction wasn't discovered and 
her arm wasn't deemed serious enough to spend governmental money to correct. At the 
onset of puberty, symptoms of her neurological dysfunction began to manifest, these 
symptoms included blackouts and seizures. The overworked governmental doctors were at 
a loss for diagnosing her illness and gave her only a few years to live. As her 
symptoms became worse, the young Nikka decided to control her own fate.

She ran away from the shasev and stowed away on a merchant vessel leaving the planet. 
Nikka was lucky in choosing her vessel because it was captained by a human named 
Zebadiah Burke, a shrewd business man with a soft spot in his heart for children. 
Burke's crew found Nikka before the ship even left the ground but Zebadiah took a 
liking to her spunk and arranged to become her guardian. Under his guidance, Nikka 
received excellent health care; finally, having her arm repaired and her neurological 
disease treated. While not in medical care facilities, Nikka spent the remaining part 
of her childhood and adolescence aboard Zebadiah's ship learning to cope with her 
medical problems and discovering her talents. It was there that Nikka developed an 
unquenchable love of piloting and tinkering with the ships systems. At 16 years of 
age, after a relapse of her neural disorder, Nikka underwent an experimental surgery 
that fused state of the art cybernetic technology with modern medicine in a new field 
called Biocybernetics. Although it didn't cure her disease, it arrested the damage the 
disease was causing her and allowed her to join Star Fleet academy.

In Star Fleet, Nikka adapted well aboard life on the USS Chesapeake. After a rough 
start, in which she was possessed by a malevolent multiphasic entity, Nikka easily 
slipped into the position of CEO. Her staff learned to respect her partly from her 
exceptional ability with all things technical, and partly from her highly approachable 
demenour. Her life aboard the Chesapeake was eventually changed with the arrival of 
Lau'Rannian Ambassador Tay'Marchet Reyna. She was sent by the council of masters to 
determine Nikka's standing as a Cau'Launi master. Through a series of dangerous events, 
including the betrayal of one of Master Tay'Marchet's staff, Nikka was eventually 
reassigned to planet side to as a Liaison Officer to help clear up problems in the 
Lau'Rannian government.

Nikka spent a couple of years on Rannev IV working with the Council of Masters and 
the General Assembly to root out the saboteurs. Events finally settled down and Nikka 
was reassigned to active ship duty aboard the 
USS Yorktown.

Nikka only served aboard Yorktown for a short time before she was severely injured 
when the ship was attacked and crippled during a rescue mission. She has spent a lot 
of time at starfleet medical recuperating and undergoing intense rehabilitation. 
Recently she has been released back to active duty.


Primary: Private Tutor: Tay'Calani Rek
Secondary: Star Fleet Academy
Areas of Intensive Study: Piloting and Engineering


"With her background aboard space vessels and responsible nature, Nikka is well 
adjusted for life in Star Fleet. For the most part, She is an outgoing and friendly 
person. After several discussions with her I have found that she holds a deep respect 
for her Lau'Ranne beliefs. She speaks freely of cultural traditions and beliefs but 
when I try to get her to speak of HER past on Rannev IV, she avoids answering, 
usually by speaking of her guardian Mr. Burke. She and Mr. Burke have a healthy 
parent/child relationship which has allowed her to flourish in Federation society, 
which is very different from what she has told me about Lau'Ranne society. My hope is 
that as she settles into Star Fleet she will be able to eventually talk about her own 
past with her friends and shipmates."
- Dr. Marlo Brandington, Psychologist

"When I first met Nikka, she was a sick but determined young lady. I watched her as 
she battled her illness and was impressed with her stamina, both physical and emotional. 
When she decided to go to Starfleet Academy, I was glad to help her by giving her a 
letter of recommendation to allow her to take the entrance examinations."
- CPT. Yosef Kareo

"Cadet Nikka is a marvel behind the helm of a ship. She has surprised me many times 
during battle simulations with maneuvers that proved effective and somewhat unique. I 
have noticed that she seems to be a bit more comfortable in smaller craft rather than 
larger craft, the likely result of the amount of time spent at the helm in each size 
-LT. CMDR Adam Wiley, SFA Flight Instructor.

"Cadet Nikka loves to figure out how things work. This curiosity seems to work well 
in the field of diagnostic engineering. She seems to have a knack for troubleshooting 
engineering problems although lack of experience makes developing solutions to be a 
little more difficult for her."
- LT. Wero Veriqan, SFA, Engineering Department

SD 110820
"ENS Shaso has proven her ability and willingness to act above and beyond her call of 
duty during the Holdari Crisis on Deep Space Four. Her quick actions in recovering 
her gravely injured crewmate after successful threat neutralization contributed greatly 
to his improved prognosis. This is especially noteworthy because of her experiences 
during the previous mission, after which she suffered significant psychic and 
psychological effects resulting from possession by a malevolent multiphasic entity. 
These qualities in this officer, in addition to her excellent skills in Engineering, 
her field of expertise and responsibility, commend her to promotion to Lieutenant, 
junior grade (O-2)."

-- CDR Daniel J. Brennan, CO, USS CHESAPEAKE, Green Fleet

SD 140626
"Nikka has done much maturing since coming to the embassy. She has faced many trials 
and appears to have come through them for the better. I highly recommend her 
reinstatement to active ship duty."

-- Dr. Vegan Yuric, Psychologist, Federation Embassy, Rannev IV

SD 140626

Master Nikka has in every way proven to me that she has a soul of goodness within her. 
She is still young and has much to learn, but her foundation is solid.

-- Master Tay'Marchet Reyna, 10th Level Cau'Launi Master, Rannev IV


Brief History:

Stardate: Event:
100704 Graduated from Academy
100705 Arrive on ALB for Holotraining
100821 Leaves ALB after completion of training
100823 Assigned to the USS CHESAPEAKE as CEO
100824 Arrives on the USS CHESAPEAKE
110909 Promoted to LTjg
130624 Assigned to Rannev IV as Liaison Officer
180621 Promoted to LT
180621 Reassigned as CEO to the USS YORKTOWN
190315 Severely Injured. Removed from active duty.
190412 Transferred from SB Epsilon to Starfleet Medical on Earth. 
220601 Determined to be fit for active duty.
220606 Reassigned as SCI, USS VALHALLA

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