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===[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Mother's Trust"==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.307
MD 5.1620
Scene: Sickbay, CMO’s Office
<<Snip from Lena’s Post: Mother’s Orders
Kiska softly sighed; she hoped the away team was all right. She shook herself realizing she was wasting time just standing there. They would all be told in due time. She decided she better get busy and finish performing her duties. She was just about to head back to the decontamination chambers when suddenly Lt. Dawson called her to the doctor's office.
Kiska left the med-cart to the side and headed into the office where both Lt. Dawson and Lt. Commander Grey where waiting for her. It appeared she was about to find out what was going on down on the surface with the away team after all.
End Snip>>
Lt. Commander Grey sat behind the CMO’s desk looking into the vid-screen when she heard her newest nurse enter the office. Looking up she gestured for Kiska to take a seat.
“Is the decon chamber set up and ready Lieutenant.” Grey asked in a very businesslike manner.”
“Ye yes ma’am” She stammered. Something was going on and Kiska wanted to know what, but was afraid to ask the head nurse. It wasn’t her place to demand answers.
“That’s good.” Grey said nodding. “Now I want you to coordinate with both the Science and Engineering departments to set up an EMP field down there that is capable of dampening any electro-magnetic signals the landing party may be giving out.
“Ma’am? Kiska asked.
“I don’t believe I stammered Lieutenant.” Grey said her eyes piercing into the young woman.
“No ma’am.” Kiska said a bit taken aback by Mother’s harsh attitude.  “It’s just that…” She started then paused. “Ma’am a concentrated burst of an EMP at that short distance could affect the electro-magnetic field of the human body. It could result in brain damage and cardiac failure.”
Mother coolly appraised her nurse and opened her mouth in what seemed like a reprimand “Very good Saxman, I like it when my nurses think and don’t just follow orders blindly.” She said
Mother paused in thought for a moment; she needed to tell her nurse what was really going on. If the young woman was going to make this work she would need to understand what she was dealing with. She knew she couldn’t leave it up to Lt. Hemux, the Denobulan was closed mouthed and probably wouldn’t tell her nurse much. Saxman was new and untried, but she needed to start building trust with her at some point and now was as good a time as any
“Lieutenant what I’m about to tell you is privileged information, not for the entire crew, is that clear.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kiska said crisply her excitement almost overwhelming her.
“About an hour ago the Captain beamed down to the surface of the planet with a tricorder that was programmed to give a short EMP blast at close range.” Mother said. “It seems the Cowboy and the Cop got themselves taken over by an alien life form and our Chief Science officer deduced that this was the best way to get them back.  The result was that the alien entities fled and our people are back to normal. Well in the case of the Cowboy at least back to himself.”
Kiska couldn’t help but chuckle, then realizing she had she immediately stopped and stood up straighter.
Mother ignored the chuckle and continued. “We need to replicate that in the decon chamber; however, you bring up a very valid point about the harmful effects of an EMP blast at that range. We don’t know if those 2 just got lucky and a second blast might injure, or even kill them. Also I’m not sure what it will do to an Andorian.  Why don’t you run a check through the medical database for any information on the subject and then transfer it to Lt. Hemux. The 2 of you will need to create a work around if you find anything deleterious.”
“Yes ma’am.” Kiska said trying to hide her excitement.
Mother gave a slight smile and then turned back to the vid-screen. “Dismissed.”
Kiska turned and left the office smiling from ear to ear. 
OK Lena, Mother has put her trust in you, she’s tough, but loveable.
Respectfully Submitted,
(NPC) Lieutenant Commander Rachael Grey, RN, MSN
Chief Nurse, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
SD: 2260.311
MD: 5.1700
Scene: Pyramid
            Gene lay on the cold stone floor face down and contemplated his imminent death.  He had overcome his fears and even overcome the dreaded Red Shirt Curse, or at least he had thought he had.  But then the mission slid even further into disaster as the First Officer had ordered them to follow the dead archeologists deeper into the pyramid.  Gene had trusted that the FO knew what he was doing.  He had prayed he had known anyways.  He was an officer after all and weren’t they supposed to be smarter then everyone else?  But then they had come to this room and it looked like maybe the FO had made a small mistake.  At least the doctor and DeSimms had obviously thought as they had made a run for it.  Leaving me behind, Gene reminded himself for at least the 100th time.  At that point things became fuzzy.  One moment he had been standing torn between his desire to run for it and his duty to remain and the next he was lying on the floor unable to move any muscle in his body.  It appeared that Merrick was in the same situation as he was and both stared at each other, neither being able to move or even speak. 
            He wondered if it would be painful. He hoped it would be quick.  He wished that he could have faced it on his feet, had a chance to fight back.
Suddenly he saw a reason for hope.  Commander Gar sat up.  He watched as the Andoriann slowly looked around the room as if to take in his surroundings.  Slowly but steadily the engineer rose to his feet and then turned to look down at Merrick and Gene.
C’mon, Gene thought, C’Mon get us out of here.  He watched as Gar bent down to pick up a knife.  Were they tied up he wondered.  He could see anything on Merrick and he didn’t feel any bindings on himself.  What was Gar doing with the knife.  The answer came quickly as he suddenly plunged it into Merrick’s leg.  He could immediately see the pain in the first officer’s eyes along with the realization that this was how it was going to end.  Killed by the aliens using Gar as their tool.
"But why?"
[They are trying to escape.]  A voice suddenly said.  But it wasn’t something he heard Gene quickly realized.
[I have taken possession of your body.  Just as your companions no longer have control of themselves.]
"Why are you doing this?"  Gene demanded.
[They are trying to escape.  They need you to transport them to your craft.  As long as one or two get aboard they will be able to take your ship and free the rest.]
"Who are you?"
[We used to be called the Bretlin.  Thousands of years ago our life force was stripped from our bodies and imprisoned here for all eternity.]
"The you are criminals."
[This is a prison.] The voice confirmed.  [But not all of us are criminals.  I and a others were wrongly convicted.  It is we few who will try to help you.  You must flee and ensure no one else can ever come to this world.  If the others are allowed to escape they will spread evil throughout the galaxy.]
Gene took this all in as he saw the being that controlled Gar leave the knife in the first officer’s leg.  "Why didn't he stab the other one?"
[Your captain is coming he will see the wounded human and transport him to your ship.  He is host to many of us.  Once aboard they will take possession of your crew and the escape will be complete.]
"How can we stop them?"
[I have taken possession of you.  The others think I am with them.  I am not.  When the time is right I will release your body and you must act.]
But will I do?
Just a recap and some momentum (I hope)
CAPT Jack Steele


Revision as of 16:14, 22 November 2009

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+

[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mutiny Afoot

by Andy Catterick

MD: 2260.305

Scene: Science Lab 1, USS HOOD

“Ok, what’ve you got.” The captain asked without preamble as he strode into Science Lab One.

Hemux who had been intently staring at her monitor almost jumped out of her skin at Steele’s sudden arrival. “I think I have made a breakthrough captain.” She said as her customary smile broke across her face.


“I ran several scans of the two shuttle pilots and found some very strange readings. They were very weak and if I hadn’t been looking for something out of the ordinary I probably wouldn’t have noticed. That being said the only reason they really jumped out at me was because I had reviewed the information you had forwarded from Admiral Carstairs.” Hemux rose from her seat and pointed at the wall monitor which to Steele at least looked like a random jumble of multicoloured lines. “In fact if you look at the Y7 reading on Subject One here you’ll see that..”

“Lieutenant I’m sorry I’m sure it is very interesting and I am just as sure I won’t have the first notion as to what you are talking about. We’re running out of time.”

“Yes sir, sorry sir.” She frowned. Jack had never seen her frown before and he knew he’d have to come back and apologize. “Here you go.” She handed him a tricorder.

“Whats this?” He asked as he looked down at the tricorder wondering if he was supposed to understand what it was doing.

“I’ve modified this device to emit a signal that should dampen the electro-magnetic signals that were affecting the pilots and by extension those on the planet.”

“For how long?”

“As long as the power supply lasts.”

“What kind of range?”

“At least a few meters, perhaps as many as a dozen. It will depend on the strength of the aliens.”

Steele stared at the tricorder for a few seconds and then looked back up at Hemux. “Let me get this straight. In less then an hour you developed this device where Hutchinson, who has been working on for several years could not.”

“I had the advantage of having his work to build on as well as having some live test subjects. Additionally I think it is evident from Dr. Hutchinson’s work he was trying to contain these aliens, or some sort of energy creature like them. I was intent on blocking them out. It was much simpler especially with the HOOD’s computer power. And as you said, we don’t have a lot of time. Or options.”

“Is it going to work?” Steele asked.

“Yes.” The science officer replied with a calm certainty.

Two minutes later Steele materialized at the entrance of the pyramid almost getting knocked down by a running DeSimms and Corbett.

“Status report.” Steele ordered.

“We have to get the ship sir. Immediately.” DeSimms said with a blank stare.

“Yes sar, there is no time to explain. We must have the ship lower the shields and beam us up.”

“Where are Commander Merrick and the rest of the team?”

“I relieved Commander Merrick after he sided with the life forms in the pyramid.”

“You relieved him?” Steele asked as he opened up the tricorder. “Lieutenant you don’t have the authority to do that. Starfleet regs leave that to myself and the doctor.”

“He appeared to be under the influence of the life force.” Stile confirmed. “We should get to the ship quickly captain. They are coming and you are not strong enough to withstand them. They will consume you.”

“I see.”

“We should go to the ship now captain. Order them to drop shields and beam us up.”

“Very well.” Steele said as he powered up the tricorder. For a second nothing happened and Jack thought all was lost. But then both Stile and DeSimms went rigid and let out a blood curdling scream. They dropped to the ground and Jack watched in horrified fascination as yellow vapour emerged from their mouths, it paused for a second until he turned the power up on the tricorder and then sped back into the pyramid.

“Where are we?” Stile said as he struggled to his feet.

“And what happened?” DeSimms added.

“From what I gather you mutinied and abandoned your comrades in the face of danger.”

“We did what?” DeSimms demanded.

“Can’t say I remember doing that Sar.” Corbett agreed.

“Whats the last thing you do remember?”

“We were all in the antechamber and Commander Merrick was trying to make contact with the aliens.”

“You saw the aliens?”

“They are using the dead archeologists as hosts.”

“Like they did with us.” DeSimms growled.

“Not to sound like I’m complaining but having been under the influence as it were why am I not dead like the misfortunate archeologists? And just to press my luck how did you drive out the evil spirits?”

“You can thank Lieutenant Hemux for the cure.” Jack said as he raised the tricorder. “He created a dampening field. As for the other answers.” He gestured to the pyramid. “They’re in there with our comrades. Let’s go.”

“Sar, if you like I could carry that nifty device for you.” Stile drawled.


Dan/Steve: It would have been fun writing a post arresting you both for mutiny…but this was easier. And I look forward to your characters explaining it all to a pissed Sean and Gar. I imagine it will start off with…”You see it was like this, there were these aliens…” <G>

And once again great work all! I believe October has been our best month. I hope you are enjoying the story as much as I am!



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Waking Up to a Bad Nightmare

by Brian V. Mansur

SD: 2260.305

MD: 5.1640

Scene: Pyramid Object, Valorum IV

"Ugh," Merrick said as he roused himself from the cold floor. "I have the worst headache." Then he looked up and was pretty sure he was about to die.

Half of the landing party was flat on the ground unconscious or worse. The other half ...

Not five feet from him, Gar was using a K-bar sized knife to dissect the twitching body of one of the security team redshirts. At first he wasn't sure what for. Then the andorian started stuffing handfuls of human meat into his mouth. Beyond him, a few other presumably "inhabited" crewmen were feasting in like fashion on their fellows.

Like a frightened kid, Merrick scrambled back to the nearest wall and took in the horror of this "dining hall." There were scores of half-consumed corpses strewn everywhere. It looked like half of the archeology team had been served up in there.

He couldn't see Corbett and DeSimms.

Then Merrick realized that he was completely unarmed, without a communicator, and that there was, in fact, no obvious exit to the room.

"Oh dear God," he gasped.

Slowly, Gar looked back at him. He uttered through a mouthful of somebody's innards, "Don't expect God to help you now." And then Gar jack-knifed his blade straight into the Merrick's thigh.

NPRG: Your punishment for your sins Scott is ... demon possession and cannibalism. Unfortunately, Merrick is next on the menu. So you tell me? Nightmare or Star Trek hell? Presumably, Merrick is the only one unpossessed because of the drug. Why he woke up so quickly from it ... we'll presume a failed attempt at possession jump started him. That's my third confirmed redshirt by the way.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



=[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Mother's Trust"

by Steve Apple

SD: 2260.307

MD 5.1620

Scene: Sickbay, CMO’s Office

<<Snip from Lena’s Post: Mother’s Orders

Kiska softly sighed; she hoped the away team was all right. She shook herself realizing she was wasting time just standing there. They would all be told in due time. She decided she better get busy and finish performing her duties. She was just about to head back to the decontamination chambers when suddenly Lt. Dawson called her to the doctor's office.

Kiska left the med-cart to the side and headed into the office where both Lt. Dawson and Lt. Commander Grey where waiting for her. It appeared she was about to find out what was going on down on the surface with the away team after all.

End Snip>>

Lt. Commander Grey sat behind the CMO’s desk looking into the vid-screen when she heard her newest nurse enter the office. Looking up she gestured for Kiska to take a seat.

“Is the decon chamber set up and ready Lieutenant.” Grey asked in a very businesslike manner.”

“Ye yes ma’am” She stammered. Something was going on and Kiska wanted to know what, but was afraid to ask the head nurse. It wasn’t her place to demand answers.

“That’s good.” Grey said nodding. “Now I want you to coordinate with both the Science and Engineering departments to set up an EMP field down there that is capable of dampening any electro-magnetic signals the landing party may be giving out.

“Ma’am? Kiska asked.

“I don’t believe I stammered Lieutenant.” Grey said her eyes piercing into the young woman.

“No ma’am.” Kiska said a bit taken aback by Mother’s harsh attitude. “It’s just that…” She started then paused. “Ma’am a concentrated burst of an EMP at that short distance could affect the electro-magnetic field of the human body. It could result in brain damage and cardiac failure.”

Mother coolly appraised her nurse and opened her mouth in what seemed like a reprimand “Very good Saxman, I like it when my nurses think and don’t just follow orders blindly.” She said

Mother paused in thought for a moment; she needed to tell her nurse what was really going on. If the young woman was going to make this work she would need to understand what she was dealing with. She knew she couldn’t leave it up to Lt. Hemux, the Denobulan was closed mouthed and probably wouldn’t tell her nurse much. Saxman was new and untried, but she needed to start building trust with her at some point and now was as good a time as any

“Lieutenant what I’m about to tell you is privileged information, not for the entire crew, is that clear.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kiska said crisply her excitement almost overwhelming her.

“About an hour ago the Captain beamed down to the surface of the planet with a tricorder that was programmed to give a short EMP blast at close range.” Mother said. “It seems the Cowboy and the Cop got themselves taken over by an alien life form and our Chief Science officer deduced that this was the best way to get them back. The result was that the alien entities fled and our people are back to normal. Well in the case of the Cowboy at least back to himself.”

Kiska couldn’t help but chuckle, then realizing she had she immediately stopped and stood up straighter.

Mother ignored the chuckle and continued. “We need to replicate that in the decon chamber; however, you bring up a very valid point about the harmful effects of an EMP blast at that range. We don’t know if those 2 just got lucky and a second blast might injure, or even kill them. Also I’m not sure what it will do to an Andorian. Why don’t you run a check through the medical database for any information on the subject and then transfer it to Lt. Hemux. The 2 of you will need to create a work around if you find anything deleterious.”

“Yes ma’am.” Kiska said trying to hide her excitement.

Mother gave a slight smile and then turned back to the vid-screen. “Dismissed.”

Kiska turned and left the office smiling from ear to ear.


OK Lena, Mother has put her trust in you, she’s tough, but loveable.

Respectfully Submitted,

(NPC) Lieutenant Commander Rachael Grey, RN, MSN

Chief Nurse, USS HOOD NCC 1703



Steve Apple

Stile Corbett, MD


SD: 2260.311

MD: 5.1700

Scene: Pyramid

           Gene lay on the cold stone floor face down and contemplated his imminent death.  He had overcome his fears and even overcome the dreaded Red Shirt Curse, or at least he had thought he had.  But then the mission slid even further into disaster as the First Officer had ordered them to follow the dead archeologists deeper into the pyramid.  Gene had trusted that the FO knew what he was doing.  He had prayed he had known anyways.  He was an officer after all and weren’t they supposed to be smarter then everyone else?  But then they had come to this room and it looked like maybe the FO had made a small mistake.  At least the doctor and DeSimms had obviously thought as they had made a run for it.  Leaving me behind, Gene reminded himself for at least the 100th time.  At that point things became fuzzy.  One moment he had been standing torn between his desire to run for it and his duty to remain and the next he was lying on the floor unable to move any muscle in his body.   It appeared that Merrick was in the same situation as he was and both stared at each other, neither being able to move or even speak.  

           He wondered if it would be painful. He hoped it would be quick.  He wished that he could have faced it on his feet, had a chance to fight back.

Suddenly he saw a reason for hope. Commander Gar sat up. He watched as the Andoriann slowly looked around the room as if to take in his surroundings. Slowly but steadily the engineer rose to his feet and then turned to look down at Merrick and Gene.

C’mon, Gene thought, C’Mon get us out of here. He watched as Gar bent down to pick up a knife. Were they tied up he wondered. He could see anything on Merrick and he didn’t feel any bindings on himself. What was Gar doing with the knife. The answer came quickly as he suddenly plunged it into Merrick’s leg. He could immediately see the pain in the first officer’s eyes along with the realization that this was how it was going to end. Killed by the aliens using Gar as their tool.

"But why?"

[They are trying to escape.] A voice suddenly said. But it wasn’t something he heard Gene quickly realized.

[I have taken possession of your body. Just as your companions no longer have control of themselves.]

"Why are you doing this?" Gene demanded.

[They are trying to escape. They need you to transport them to your craft. As long as one or two get aboard they will be able to take your ship and free the rest.]

"Who are you?"

[We used to be called the Bretlin. Thousands of years ago our life force was stripped from our bodies and imprisoned here for all eternity.]

"The you are criminals."

[This is a prison.] The voice confirmed. [But not all of us are criminals. I and a others were wrongly convicted. It is we few who will try to help you. You must flee and ensure no one else can ever come to this world. If the others are allowed to escape they will spread evil throughout the galaxy.]

Gene took this all in as he saw the being that controlled Gar leave the knife in the first officer’s leg. "Why didn't he stab the other one?"

[Your captain is coming he will see the wounded human and transport him to your ship. He is host to many of us. Once aboard they will take possession of your crew and the escape will be complete.]

"How can we stop them?"

[I have taken possession of you. The others think I am with them. I am not. When the time is right I will release your body and you must act.]

But will I do?


Just a recap and some momentum (I hope)



CAPT Jack Steele