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Kristen & Scott Gant<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br><br><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: A Firm Maybe</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 12-11-1996</h4>
SD: 81211.0930<br>
MD: 7.1500<br>
Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
"Is this a threat, Captain?"
"No, sir. I am just stating that I do not think that I could send in a
recommendation to the Federation Council for a planet which deliberately
harbors such a device, which if unintentionally allowed to fall into enemy
hands could be perverted into a most devestating weapon. In the hands of
the Reavers, this Orb could be more dangerous to the galaxy than either
the Borg or the Dominion ever were. And, if those two factions, not to
mention the Romulans, the Cardassians, the Klingons, Tholians, or a long
list of other interstellar villains ever got wind of this, there would be
no stopping them. So, sir. Again, I avail upon your wisdom as the most
benevolant ruler of Issah to consider our request and our reasoning in
this matter."
The First Minister remained quiet for a few moments, deep in
thought, before answering. "I would very much like to return it to you
Captain. But it is not my decision, it is the decision of the Issahi
"The people you lead, the ones you speak for." Zane replied.
"Captain do you know what would happen to me if I returned this to
you right now. The people would throw me out of office. They might even
condemn me as a traitor." He stood from his seat and moved towards one of
the rooms windows to look down on his world. "We have just won a
tremendous victory both physically and spiritually. My commanders and I
know how your technology made it possible. Without your help we would
certainly have been defeated. But all the people will see was brave
Issahi warriors overrunning an enemy base while a Federation warship
watched in relative safety. We died and you did nothing."
Krazich raised a claw to forestall Jerran's angry rebuke. "It is
all perception true, but that is politics and if I am to remain in power
it is a game I must play. And if you want an ally then your only hope is
that I remain in power."
"I understand what you are saying First Minister but do you
understand what is at stake? Refusing us the Tear could hold up debate in
the Federation Council for months. If you are to survive you need our
help now."
"That is true but you are in the same position. If you do not
help us then you will not survive either. It may take some time but the
Reavers will come for you. We must make a stand here or else fall divided.
Tell that to your council." Krazich smiled at the Captain, knowing he had
won this round. "But I am afraid I must leave you now. The heroes of the
battle must be welcomed home."
Zane and Jerran stood. "Lieutenant return to you post. Once the
First Council has beamed down break orbit and head for EPSILON warp 8."
"Aye sir." Jerran turned to Krazich. "Peace and long life sir."
"And to you Lieutenant. Thank you for everything you have done."
Scene: Transporter Room<br>
"Don't worry captain, your Bajorans will soon have their tear and
its secrets will remain with me. Its power will not be abused."
"Energize." As Zane watched Krazich faded into nothingness and a
chill ran up his spine. He did not believe him.
And so comes the end of an interesting mission. Thanks to all of you for
your usual great writing and ideas as well as your patience with my
periodic posting (I hope I win the lottery tonight).
For now we're on our way home so we'll have a couple of days to interact
and unwind as well as allowing our characters to meet the new CNS as well
as reflect on this past mission.
Can you please forward along any mission ideas and briefing scenarios so
Mike and I can get the ball rolling on our next adventure.
Kevin: We come up with missions by having the crew submit ideas to me. I
add comments and ideas and then forward it along to Mike Dawe (CINCSILVER)
who then formulates a mission based on our suggestions, whats going on in
the fleet and his own ideas.
Also, we have a tradition on the FEYNMAN to hold our pre-mission
briefing on the holodeck in some exotic locale. So far, venues have
included, the Great Pyramid, Ancient Rome and an underwater cavern. So if
you have an idea please submit it as well....this is a first come first
served thing.
I think all of you have let me know your availabilty over the
holidays and only one of you will be away for any great length of time so
we should have no problems with a standard mission
Any questions/problems/dilemmas let me know.
-Captain Zane, Commanding Officer, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
