USS Feynman DEC 1996: Difference between revisions

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-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commodore Nigel Straun, Executive Officer, INDIGO FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
-Commander Horatio Sinclair, Fleet Intelligence Officer, BLUE FLEET<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Into the Lions' Den PT-2</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Michael "Mike" Dailey 12-1-1996</h4>
SD - 81201.1530<br>
MD - 7.0845<br>
SCENE: USS FEYNMAN - Deck 14, Cargo Transporter Room [before beam-down]<br>
SCPO Alex Tamarov entered the large cargo transporter room, the only
one onboard the FEYNMAN capable of transporting large numbers of
personnel at once. The doors to the cargo deck mechanically 'clanked'
shut behind him, and the ACSO saw the seven members of ALPHA security
squad, each with their duralloy helmets and vests. In addition to the
MARK-6 sidearm, each person carried one of the new 'modified' MARK-7
rifles that Lt. Koreth's team had augmented with a standard tricorder,
wiped of any Starfleet or Federation data.
Standing by the console, LTjg. Justin Allard and CPO T'Boc were
working on a defective helmet. Alex walked over to his CO,
"Good morning, Sir.", said Alex to his CO. He turned to the Vulcan NCO,
"you too, Mr. T'Boc." They exchanged greetings. "Is everyone almost
ready?" asked the ACSO.
"T'Boc was having trouble with his helmet's communicator", said J.C.
"T'Boc, we're not going to mess around with mechanical problems. Call
security and have one of the Cadets bring down another helmet from the
Armory. We'll send this one to Maintenance when we return.", said J.C.
"Aye, aye Lt." said T'Boc. Grabbing the helmet, he went over to the
console to request the new helmet. J.C. turned to Alex.
"You're in command while I'm gone, Alex. Keep everyone alert, patrol
teams in two's as long as we stay at Yellow Alert. And if the Captain
calls Red Alert, I want one team on the bridge and in Engineering for
the duration. Understood?", said J.C., all serious now.
Alex nodded, "Aye, Sir. And good luck to all of you." He said,
addressing the entire Alpha Squad. Various 'Thank you Sirs' echoed to
the Senior security NCO. All turned to face the doors as they clanked
open for Lt. Koreth and his Engineering team.
They walked in to find they were the last to arrive.
"Glad to see you finally showed up." said Allard with a bit of a grin.
"Thought I might have had to command this task force all by myself."
Alex directed the Engineering personnel to the nearby table with their
helmets, vests, side arms, and new rifles, though Ens. Dunnon and Lt.
Koreth were already 'suited-up'.
Lt. Koreth grabbed one of the rifles, "And let you play with my new toys
unsupervised? I don't think so 'junior'."
J.C. smiled, and jabbed the Lt., lightly of course, with the butt of his
rifle. "I wouldn't let you claim all of the fun for yourself. Anyway,
someone has to keep an eye on you."
Though he had met a few Klingon Cadets during his days at the Academy,
J.C. had not worked or trained with any. Once posted to the FEYNMAN, the
CSO was not sure how to regard the Klingon Engineer. Over the last six
months, they had mutual respect for each other, and had started to
become friends.
Everyone had finished gearing up, J.C. and Koreth walked to the center
of the 16-man away team. Allard cleared his throat slightly, and barked
"ATTENTION ON DECK!", everyone stood at attention, but Koreth turned to
regard the CSO. Only a few standard years younger than the CEO, J.C.'s
order had came out a bit tame, compared to Klingon standards, of course.
Koreth continued....
"You've already been briefed. You know what's expected of each one of
you. But remember, we're a team. If you need help, let someone know.
Everyone will move in teams of two. Our priorities are the elimination
of any Starfleet or Federation data we may find, and locating the
shuttle." said the CEO. He nodded to J.C. for his input.
Allard turned to the team, "Weapons check, everyone. Both side arms and
rifles. Acknowledge by helmet comm, so we can test them also." After 14
confirmations, everyone was ready.
"OK, everyone", said Allard "Starfleet today is not like the horror
stories of 100 years ago. Engineering and Security personnel DO NOT have
targets painted on our backs." The entire away team let out a small
round of laughs as J.C. tried to lower the tension a bit. "Keep yourself
focused on what you're doing. No one is ever expendable." J.C. eyed
Koreth briefly. He had not lost anyone under his command to combat, and
did not think the CEO had either. They didn't want to start now.
"All right, everyone up. Circle formation, weapons out. If you perceive
something as a threat do not hesitate to protect yourselves." He knew
that the speech wasn't necessary, but gave it anyway.
<Bridge to transporter room,> It was Cmdr Maril <Beam down the landing
party, and may Kazanti quench the flames of Azule.>
<nowiki>*** SNIP ***</nowiki>
Allard kept track of the bio-readings... which started bothering him
quite a bit. "Hold up here."
"What is it?"
"Something strange is going on. " said the SEC officer who continued to
explain, "Three times now I've picked up bio readings, of at least 6
separate creatures in each group, and each time we've gotten within
50 meters they suddenly veer off... away from our location."
"Avoiding confrontation on your own base during a raid? Some thing is
not right." announced Koreth.
J.C. turned to T'Boc, the strongest Telepath onboard the FEYNMAN. "Mr.
T'Boc, any impressions from you?". Through his helmet, the NCO took on a
blank look, as though staring at something beyond the normal visual
spectrum. Seeing the look on the Vulcan's face, Lt. Koreth said, "Mr.
T'Boc, are you OK."
T'Boc snapped out of whatever had occupied his thoughts for those few
seconds. "It was as your scans said, Sir. The thoughts of various, and
multiple unknown life forms. Extreme force of anger and hatred, and then
vanish as we near them. I am at a loss to explain, Sirs." said the
Vulcan security NCO.
Mike Dailey<br><br>
Lieutenant J.G., J.C. Allard SEC-TAC - USS FEYNMAN - SILVER FLEET<br>
Lieutenant D'doj Zzawj Ckorji MD OPS/2O - USS ELIZABETH BLACKWELL - SILVER FLEET<br>
* NRPG *
- Jason... I back-posted a bit to add a little to the pre-beam down
stuff. From there, I just went a little further. I'm not sure what you
had in mind with the sticky floors, changing walls, etc. If we run into
life-sized killer bee's, my team's outta here <G>. Maybe we can utilize
T'Boc some more.
- Melanie... we miss you! Jump in anytime, or back-post a bit and
write yourself into our group.
Cheers all!<br>
