
USS Feynman MAY 1996: Difference between revisions

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Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Prelude to a Crisis</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 5-15-1996</h4>
I think we have inadvertently put the horse before the cart in
that we can't very well have a mission briefing before we have a
mission;) To get around this I did something I really hate doing....I
changed a bit of Ted's post. Instead of Dr. Glin'kharr being escorted to
the briefing I had him escorted to meet with Zane first and pass along
hand delivered (and therefore secure) mission orders from the Admiral.
Ted: I hope you don't mind. As the crew can attest to this is not
something that I do lightly.
"Captain, sensors show a shuttle approaching...its just coming
out of d-warp."
"On screen." Zane sat forward in his seat, curious. Only a
day out of ALPHA it was a little out of the ordinary for a D-warp shuttle
to arrive unannounced. "Zoom in on its markings."
Instantly the shuttle's aft-port quarter filled the center of the
screen. "Hmmm....all the way from EPSILON. Commander were you expecting
any new personnel who couldn't wait for us to return?"
"No sir. It seems we have a mystery of sorts." the first
officer replied.
"Captain the shuttle pilot requests permission to land and has
relayed the request of the passenger to see you immediately."
Zane raised an eyebrow. "Grant permission and have someone
escort the passenger to my ready-room." He rose from his chair.
"Commander you have the bridge."
As the doors parted Zane was surprised to see his first
Kar'llian. "Lieutenant junior grade Glin'kharr reported as ordered."
"Ordered by whom?"
"Admiral Nicholas, sir." He held out a datachip before Zane had
a chance to reply. "These are your orders from the Admiral sir."
Zane accepted the chip and examined it for a few seconds
wondering if he really wanted to know what message it contained. His
instincts told him he didn't.
"I take it you will be joining us?"
"Yes sir. Admiral Nicholas assigned me as a mission specialist."
"Sciences or medical?" He had of course noticed the blue uniform
when the FEYNMAN's newest officer arrived.
"Medical, exobiology specifically."
"Very well." He rose. "My exec, Commander Maril has the
bridge. Report to him and he'll assign you quarters and take your bio to
enter into the ship's manifest." He extended a hand. "Welcome aboard."
As Dr. Glin'kharr headed for the bridge Zane returned to his seat
and inserted the datachip into his desktop terminal. After the
appropriate codes were given and accepted the familiar Federation emblem
was replaced by the unsmiling face of CINCSILVER. Over the next few
minutes the Admiral provided a brief overview of the crisis and gave the
FEYNMAN its orders. His video was followed by a rather lengthy section
of text most of it dealing with medical research that was beyond him.
"May the gods protect us."
Placing his face in his hands he though for a few moments. "Zane
to shuttlebay."
[Shuttlebay. Roberts here.]
"Mr. Roberts secure the D-warp it will be remaining with us and
tell the pilot he has just been drafted. He can report to Lt. Jerran
during BETA shift. Zane out."
Pulling the chip out of the terminal he rose and headed for the
bridge. As he entered the bridge he noticed Maril look up at him, his
curiosity clearly evident but his professionalism not allowing him to ask
the question directly. "Seems we have a new specialist." He let the
implied question hang.
"Seems so." Zane replied. "Mr. Jerran, how long to Epsilon
Indi at maximum warp?"
The FCO entered a few commands into his board. "47.5 hours sir."
"Computer initiate Communications Protocol 1, authorization Zane,
Sierra 8946 Echo 8253-A-72125."
<Acknowledged. Communications Protocol 1 is now in effect.>
The bridge officers traded shocked glances. CP-1 was a complete
and total blackout of all communication emissions from the FEYNMAN. No
messages of any kind could be sent without the joint authorization of the
captain and FO. AS far as the rest of the universe was concerned the
FEYNMAN no longer existed.
"Mr. Jerran set a course for Epsilon Indi, maximum warp."
"Maximum warp, aye."
Zane turned to Maril and handed him the chip. "Commander I'd
like you to review the information on this and then schedule a meeting of
the senior staff for 1300."
Maril accepted the chip and headed for the ready-room without a
word. The concern plainly evident on his face.
The captain turned back to the FCO. "Lieutenant if I remember
correctly your up on the rotation for creating the holobriefing site. If
you can get it done on time your excused from the rest of your shift."
Well this brings us up to where everyone started to arrive on the
holodeck. I'll post the beginning of the briefing either tonight or
first thing in the morning. Until that time Zane, Maril and Glin'kharr
are the only ones who know what the mission is and they aren't talking. <EG>
Please note the mission clock has been reset.
Lysle: Did I understand your NRPG to say that Tok did not return from
shore-leave. If this is true what is the reason you would like to use.
Changed his mind about Straun's offer?
Ted: Bio/rosters on the way!
-CMDR Zane, Commanding, USS FEYNMAN<br>
-LT.CMDR Nigel Brock, Instructor, Holodeck 18<br>
-LT.CMDR Tarsa Rogers, Executive Officer, USS GAUSS<br>
