USS Feynman MAR 1996: Difference between revisions

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Chief Security Officer<br>
Chief Security Officer<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Where is My Mind Today?</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 3-22-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80322.1919<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
MD: 1.1130<br>
Krysa sat at Ops watching the scanners. Not much was happening now. They
were still 16 hours from Furjen. Her mind began to wander. This was highly
unusual in the normally focused Ops Officer.
Her mind kept going back to her family. She had not heard from her parents
at all while they were at Epsilon, which was highly unusual. On top of that
she hadn't heard from Jeri since just before she joined the crew of the
Feynman. Krysa wondered how things were going. Last she had talked to her,
Jeri was seriously thinking about leaving school. Krysa had, of course tried
to talk her out of it. Jeri, true to her nature finally said she would think
about it before she did anything, but Krysa hadn't been sure that she wasn't
just saying that to appease her.
"Just talk to father, before you do anything , Jeri," she had begged.
"Krysa, you know what he'll say. Why should I even bother?"
"Because I asked you to. I just don't want you making a big mistake."
"I'm not sure it is a mistake," Jeri had told her.
"Maybe not, but you'd better be very sure before you just up and throw it
all away."
Jeri had sighed and rolled her eyes, "Alright, Krysa, I promise I won't do
anything rash."
"Good. Oops... Jeri I gotta go. I've got a D-Warp Shuttle to catch. I'll
talk to you later."
Krysa's thoughts were interrupted by WO Ein, who had come to replace her.
She had Beta shift Officer of the Day, so had a few hours off before she
needed to be back on the Bridge.
"Your mind not on your job today, Lt.?" asked Ein.
"You just surprised me, that's all." Krysa said tightly. She and Ein still
did not seem to be getting along. For some reason, Krysa felt some
resentment from him, though she couldn't figure out what it was she had done
to make her feel it. Oh well, she didn't have time to deal with that now. It
would have to wait till another time. She quickly ran down the things that
had been happening during her short shift, (which hadn't been much) and left
him to his duty.
She nodded to Commander Maril telling him she would see him in a few hours,
then headed to her quarters to try and get refocused before she had to take
over the bridge.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: I don't think Ein is much longer for this world:)<br>
Kristen and Scott Gant<br><br>
