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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Experience With the THING</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-14-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80214.1549 (OOXXOO) Happy Valentine's Day!!<br>
MD: 1. 1015<br>
Ens. Blayne Chesterton was sitting in the Counselor's Office, quite happy
with the turn of events. With Krysa being transferred up, she had control of
the counseling office. The post wasn't secure by any means. Starfleet was
well known for changing staff at a moments notice. But she had her fingers
crossed. Perhaps her transfer orders and the orders for a new counselor
would come across the Admiral's desk at the same time.
<Ens. Chesterton to the Shuttle Bay><br>
Blayne jumped at the call. "On my way." Her first chance to prove that she
could be useful. She quickly exited the office telling Crewman Cassey she
would be back later.
Upon arriving in the Shuttle bay she found Lt. Jenn already there ahead of
her. She was a little disappointed that she wouldn't be doing this on her own.
"Blayne, I'm glad you are here. I have to get ready for a banquet soon, so
I'm not going to be able to help you with this one. Do you think you can
handle the counseling end of this investigation?"
Blayne smiled, "Of course, Lt. You can count on me."
"Good. Please just ask if any problems come up that you need help with
okay." With that Jenn turned and left Blayne to her first assignment.
Lt.(j.g) Charles walked up to her. "Ens. Chesterton. We are sure that this
is a murder investigation, so I'm not sure what you can do, but Lt. Jenn
insisted that you be included."
He went on to fill her in on what events had happened.
Scene: Corridor<br>
Krysa headed toward the turbolift. As she walked down the corridor, the
empiness and the silence began to get to her. It had never bothered her
before. She couldn't understand why it did now.
She stopped to listen. There had to be something. Some noise coming from
something. It dawned on her that she didn't even hear the normal empathic
noise she usually did when surrounded by so many living beings on a
starship. It was like there was a hole on the telepathic level. She wondered
if something was wrong. Was she losing the abilities that she had left?
She hurried to the turbolift. "Sickbay," she muttered not liking the
emptiness she was feeling. The turbolift stopped, and she rushed out almost
tripping over a young ensign, on her way out.
"Excuse me," she mumbled. The young man smiled and nodded. He moved to make
room for her to pass, when Krysa felt the familiar rush of human feelings.
She grabbed the ensigns hand, "Wait!"
"Are you alright, Sir?" He asked.
Krysa hugged the poor ensign, who she was sure thought she had gone mad. But
she didn't care. She could still feel them, she hadn't lost it. Then she
sobered slightly wondering what had happened down on the other level.
As if suddenly remembering the man she was hugging, she let him go
embarrassed. "I'm so sorry, ensign. I'm just so glad to feel you!" Regaining
her composure she continued her trek to Sickbay. She thought perhaps she
should still get this checked out. She definately never wanted to experience
that again.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: My thought here is that whatever this thing is it lives on fear, so it
creates an empathic hollow of a sort around it. Krysa, not having full use
of telepathic abilities can't sense it, just the empathic hollow. Okay, I
know there is a bit of a stretch making a distinction between telepathic and
empathic abilities, but I thought it would make things interesting<EG>
(AKA - Dr. Janna Swansen, CMO, USS Bismarck, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Lt. Krysa Jenn, Ops/2O, USS Feynman, ASR)<br>
(AKA - Ens. Ainese Kev, CSciO, USS Magellan, WW)<br>
(AKA - Bree, Broken Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Darlea & Makayla, Dragon Lands, WW)<br>
(AKA - Dr. Darla Shane, CMO, Starbase 109, UFPI)<br>
