USS Feynman JAN 1996: Difference between revisions

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B.J. Baye
B.J. Baye
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Moon Installation</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Max Felsher 1-27-1996</h4>
SD 80127.2100(GMT)<br>
ShD 3.1315<br>
Persei V-Third Moon:Installation<br>
"A virus? And we've contracted it?" Lt.<jg> Charles sounded worried.
"Yes. All of us...except for you, Commander," Maril answered.
"Well, let's contact the Feynman. Zane to Feynman," Lt. Commander Zane said, tapping his communicator.
Nothing. Again, nothing.
"Sir, the metals in this section may be obstructing our communicator signals," Ensign Fobok reported.
"We may not have to worry. Although this virus is very painful when its symptoms do start, it takes several hours for this to happen," Lt. Commander Maril said.
Zane thought about it for a moment, then said, "No. We'll go back. I don't want to have three sick senior officers on my hands during this mission. Maybe, Dr. Tok can find an antidote, and we can come back here later. Well, let's go."
"Sir, which way did we come?" Lt.<jg> Charles asked. The rest of them looked around. For the first time, they realized that each side of the room was identical.
"Well, if we stay here, we will be Mayal in the pit. We should probably pick a door and trust to Edyava," Maril suggested.
"Agreed," Zane said. "Why don't we pick...that door."
They all walked through the door that Zane had picked. Soon it became evident that they had not picked the correct door. However, the next room they went into was quite a surprise. A bright green light was emanating from the middle of the room. There were also several consoles, tricorders and other research materials.
"Sir, it appears that we are in the main research center of this installation," Ensign Fobok hypothesized.
"Can we get main power running from here?" Zane asked.
"No, not from here," Maril reported. "However, we can get dimmed lights on in this room."
"Make it so." Dimmed lights came on, and the four officers started to explore.
"Look at all this medical equipment," Charles shouted over to the others.
"Maybe this was a medical research installation."
"That appears to be correct," Lt. Commander Maril said, scanning the green light. "This light appears to be a field containing several different viruses and bacteria. I definitely advise against shutting it down."
"Could it be that the virus we have contracted is one that somehow escaped from the field?" Lt. Commander Zane asked.
"That is a possibility."
The sun has met the sea,<br>
Lt. Commander Onta Maril,<br>
Second/Operations Officer, USS Feynman,<br>
aka Max Felsher<br>
All:Mysterious. :) Well, let's see what happens!<br>
Andy:Looks like Zane escaped this virus(probably because he's of a very uncommon species-at least in the Alpha Quadrant.) ;) But if you want to make Zane the victim of another virus, feel free to do so. ;D
