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==[ORIGINS] 6th/12th Fleet: The Year Ahead==
==[ORIGINS] 6th/12th Fleet: The Year Ahead==
===by Andy Catterick & Alton RIchter
===by Andy Catterick & Alton Reich===

SD: 2262.001, 0908 hours - Starbase 12 - RADM T'lar's Office
SD: 2262.001, 0908 hours - Starbase 12 - RADM T'lar's Office
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Meeting the Neighbour==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2262.017
Scene: Derelict Base
Jack looked over to Sean and then followed his glance.  Off at the perimeter Gene Lowl was making hand gestures.  “Something coming this way, take up defensive positions.”  He ordered as he and the rest of the group ducked behind what little cover they could find.
“What’s he signalling now?”  Merrick asked a few seconds later as he grasped his unworking phaser.
“Looks like ‘yellow alert’.”  Jack answered as he watched Lowl repeat his hand signals three more times before he suddenly turned his attention back to whatever it was that had caused the commotion.
“What the frak does that mean?” Sean demanded.
“I imagine we’re about to find out.”  All eyes of the landing party were on the opening pathway ahead and what was in all likelihood a scant 30 seconds seemed much longer before some movement was finally seen.
Jack had seen images of Gorn on many occasions and while the one that was slowly heading towards him looked exactly like those images he found it was not what he had expected.  It looked like a cross between a lizard and a dinosaur with large lifeless eyes.  It was still almost 100 meteres away and he could hear what he assumed was the beings breathing.  It appeard to be over 200 centimeters and at least 200 kilograms.  But even from this distance he could see there was little if any fat.  If he was to describe it with one word it would have to be solid.  It looked like a walking mass of muscle.  Its gait was slow but fluid and its head swayed from side to side.  It appeared to be unarmed save for a knife clipped to its belt on one side and some sort of device that appeared to be a tricorder on its other.
“There’s Gene again.”  Merrick said breaking in to Jack’s thoughts.  They both watched as the security officer signalled the group.  “Looks like he is the only one.”
“Coming to talk?”  Jack asked aloud just as the Gorn came to a halt.  All was quiet, save for the raspy breathing, as the HOOD officers simply stared.
“I’ll go.”  Merrick said.
Jack put a hand on his executive officer’s arm and shook his head.  “No, I’ll go.  They’ve got to pay me for something.”  He slowly rose from his hiding place and noted that the Gorn had instantly focused its attention on him.  Its head had snapped around with a speed that Jack had been surpised to see.  He looked down at Sean.  “If anything happens,”  He paused, given the situation there weren’t many options to choose from. ”Do what you can.”
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Our T-Rex Neighbor==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2262.019
Scene: Metron Sphere
Sean cursed their luck for the hundredth time as not 20 minutes before, just
when they thought they would have an answer to the virus, their equipment failed
again. There had been nothing left to do then but fall back to the outcropping
the others had taken shelter at. Now, it was up to Dr. Corbett and his
improvised microscope.
And while the cowboy tinkered away, Sean watched Captain Steele move off towards
what for all the world looked like a miniature tyrannosaurus rex. At least
there was only one of the things. But if that hide were as thick as it looked,
their pea shooter of a colt wasn't going to do more than sting it should things
turn ugly.
"Sean?" Kiska asked. He was a bit taken aback by the familiar use of his name.
"Yeah?" he answered, not taking his eyes off the Captain.
"The doc has found something."
NRPG: Quick one to move us along and get the stories back in sync. Steve,
you're all set to tell us that we have to dissect Kiska for the cure or
something ;-)
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Sent from my iPod
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Wizard’s Opus==
===by Steve Apple===
SD 2262.019
Scene: Metron Sphere
“It’s working again.” Kiska shouted as she ran into the cave where the doctor had set up shop.
Corbett looked up from dismantling the tricorder in front of him. “What is working?” He asked a bit annoyed at the interruption.
“My tricorder that’s what,” Kiska excitedly answered. “It showed that Sean was infected.” The last part came out a bit less enthusiastically.
“Let me see,” he said as he took the device from her.
“Interesting,” was all he said as he adjusted the dials. After a moment he handed it back to her. “It’s dead again, but it gave me sufficient information to continue.”
Kiska gave him a look that could wither a Klingon. “Well…”
Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and smiled. “It’s an Adenovirus variant, a kind I’ve never seen before, but at least I know 2 things now.”
Kiska waited a moment then shouted at him when he didn’t seem to continue. “You want to let me in on the two things you now know.”
“Adenoviruses affect both humans and reptiles, so I can see why the Metrons picked it. The second thing is that they can be cured homeopathically.”
“Which means?” she asked.
“Which means I can possibly create a cure; however, the tricky part is getting the right concentration to kill it.” He answered smiling.
“Without a tricorder your little wooden toy isn’t going to be able to see what your cure might be doing to the virus.” She countered.
“I have abandoned that exercise in futility for a new idea. While you are right my dear my primitive lens device wouldn’t help; however, a scanning tunneling microscope could.”
“And you just happen to have one.” She added sarcastically.
“Well sort of, I have the necessary components.”
“Are you going to pull it out of your ass cowboy?” Zade interrupted coming into the cave.
“Eavesdropping, well I suppose as an uncouth Yankee you couldn’t help yourself.” He chided.
“I still have your pistol.” She shot back knowing that fact irritated him to no end. “So tell me genius how are you going to build the thing.”
“I’ll need one of those pig stickers you carry madam.”
“One of your knives woman.”
“Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”
Corbett took a deep breath and waited while she handed it over. “I’ll take the piezo sensor from the tricorder and remove its Unimorph disk.” He said prying the small disk apart. “Now I’ll just need to divide the electrode into four quadrants by scratching it with the knife and use a bit of molten silver to make a connection between these tricorder wires and the piezo disk.”
“And you got the silver from where?” Zade questioned fascinated at the absolute conviction of fools.
“Hat pin,” He said as he used his cigar lighter to melt it into solder.
“At least something on the stupid hat is good for something.”
“Hand me those steel washers I pulled from the tricorder?” He asked Kiska ignoring Zade. “They should be large enough to cover the piezo disk to make a mount.”
Corbett used the resin he had come across as glue and sealed the mounting washers to the disk and created a crude disk scanner. After a few minutes of assembly as the others watched, he looked up and smiled. “I could bore you with the details of the sample stage, scanner holder, and the approach mechanism if you like?”
“Please don’t,” Zade pleaded shaking her head. “So tell me professor since all our equipment is dead what are you going to power this with.”
“This cave is a treasure trove of goodies.” He said.  “I found copper and zinc pellets along with a warm salt water pool.”
“I don’t see how that is a power source.” Kiska added.
“O ye of little faith, it’s all you need to make a Voltaic Pile,” he said excitedly then continued before either could ask him. “You soak bandages in the salt water and cut them into small circles, then just start stacking. Start with copper, zinc, and a bandage circle. You just keep piling them till you get about a four inch stack and then wrap it with the remaining bandages. Here’s the key if you start with copper make sure you end with zinc. The final step is to hook it up to the wires that lead from the tricorders power supply.”
“How did you learn to do this?” Zade questioned.
“Old 20th century television, as a child I liked to watch Mr. Wizard.”
“You learned this from a children’s show. I told the Captain not to trust a drunken…”
“Be gone Yankee worm woman.” Corbett interrupted. “I shall suffer your slings no more.”
“Gorn approaching.” One of the redshirts yelled into the cave causing both officers to stop bickering.
Corbett poked his head out of the cave and heard Steele’s voice
<<Snip from Andy’s Post “Meeting the Neighbour”
“Coming to talk?”  Jack asked aloud just as the Gorn came to a halt.  All was quiet, save for the raspy breathing, as the HOOD officers simply stared.
“I’ll go.”  Merrick said.
Jack put a hand on his executive officer’s arm and shook his head.  “No, I’ll go.  They’ve got to pay me for something.”  He slowly rose from his hiding place and noted that the Gorn had instantly focused its attention on him.  Its head had snapped around with a speed that Jack had been surpised to see.  He looked down at Sean.  “If anything happens,”  He paused, given the situation there weren’t many options to choose from. ”Do what you can.”
<<End Snip
“Bray, as I live and breathe.” Corbett shouted from high up on the hill causing everyone to look in his direction.
The Gorn Commander was taken aback at the sound of her name. Looking up to the crest of the hill she saw a man in a strange head covering waving at her. Only one Terran as far as she knew wore that.
“Ssstile,” she rasped.
“You know that lizard?” Zade asked unsure of whether to shoot him for treason.
“She was the Gorn head of security on Cestus III.” He answered. “We met over a barter misunderstanding, but that is a tale for another time.”
“So she arrested you for smuggling, personally I would have stabbed you.”
“Yes well, fortunately for me Bray is a civil being from the southern part of the Gorn home world. Unlike you she understands manners and we have been friends for many years.  Now out of my way woman there is diplomacy a foot and while the Gorn may consider your slug tasty, I doubt they wish to converse with it.” With that he set off down the hill.
NRPG: I figured since I was posted to Cestus III I’d throw it in.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
6th Fleet
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Expedient Allies==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.024
Scene: Derelict Station
“Bray, as I live and breathe.” Corbett shouted from high up on the hill causing everyone to look in his direction.
The Gorn Commander was taken aback at the sound of her name. Looking up to the crest of the hill she saw a man in a strange head covering waving at her. Only one Terran as far as she knew wore that.
“Ssstile,” she rasped.
“You know that lizard?” Zade asked unsure of whether to shoot him for treason.
“She was the Gorn head of security on Cestus III.” He answered. “We met over a barter misunderstanding, but that is a tale for another time.”
“So she arrested you for smuggling, personally I would have stabbed you.”
“Yes well, fortunately for me Bray is a civil being from the southern part of the Gorn home world. Unlike you she understands manners and we have been friends for many years.  Now out of my way woman there is diplomacy a foot and while the Gorn may consider your slug tasty, I doubt they wish to converse with it.” With that he set off down the hill.
Jack didn’t know if he felt more relieved at this fortunate turn of events or surprised.  He should have known that if a female was involved, even a Gorn, the irrepressible doctor would know her.  He grinned appreciatively at the doctor as he jogged up beside him.
“Good to see you again Bray.  I see the arm has healed well.”
“Thanks to your minisstrationsss.” The Gorn lowered her head slightly at the doctor before turning back to Jack.
“I’m Jack Steele of the Federation Starship HOOD.”
“Bray of the Gorn warship PREDATOR. Why are you on this station?”
“This station crossed into Federation space.  We boarded her to ascertain if she was a threat and to render assistance.  Are you and your crew stationed here?”
“We are no where near Federation space Sssteele!”  She growled and Jack wondered if it was her imagination that had she had suddenly seemed to get much larger.
“And you’re crew?”  Jack persisted.
“Like you we found this craft in our space.  We are investigating.”
Stile rolled his eyes.  “Look we don’t have time for the stubborn commander routine from either of you.”  He looked at Bray.  “We can argue over who’s space this is later.  First, did you meet the Metrons?”
Bray looked from Stile to Jack then back to Stile.  “Yesss.  Surely you are not alliesss with them?”
“No but I’d wager they’ve snared us in the same trap.”
“We’ve been inflicted with somesort of sickness.”  Jack added.  “We are trying to cure ourselves but our equipment is powerless.  Have you been afflicted?”
Bray paused as she considered the situation.  The human doctor was a friend but her training and recent events had told her people that the Federation was not to be trusted.  She knew that this region of space was infact contested between their two governments.  This was Gorn space of that she was certain.  But the Terran’s claimed they had not know this and had inadvertently encroached on it.  The negotiations continued even as she stood here.  Would her government condone her allying with Terrans even to save her crew.  Or condemn her?  Finally she spoke.  “Yes we are afflicted.  We do not have the knowledge to cure ourselves.”  She glanced at Stile.  “As the doctor well knows the medical arts are not something my people excel at.”
“And how about your equipment?”  Stile asked.
Again the long pause as she considered.  “It has power.”  She finally replied.
Just a quick one to move us along a bit.  Not exactly sure how much left we have here.  Team up with the Gorn, develop a cure, have the Metrons pat us on the head for working together etc.  Lots of room to develop some brief ‘friendship’s with your Gorn counterpart etc and then head back to the ship.  But feel free to expand add.
CAPY Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Ahoy There!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2262.028
Scene: Airlock, Deck 6
“Lieutenant Ngyuen to the bridge.”
[Gar here.  What is it lieutenant?].  The Andorian was clearly perturbed at the call.
“I *told* you not to call the bridge.”  Ensign Sommers, Nguyen’s partner whispered.
Tom waved him silent.  “Commander I think I’ve made a discovery about the station out there.”
There was a long pause which caused Sommers to wince before shaking his head.  [You think?]
“Excuse me sir.  I *have* made a discovery.  There is what appears to be a WAYFARER class merchant ship that has impacted on the station.  It appears to have internal power.”
Another pause.  [Mr. Ngyuen given the Metrons have shut down communications and all external sensors how exactly have you discovered this?]  Tom looked over at his friend with raised eyebrows, the tone was still not exactly warm and fuzzy but it had definitely softened.
“Well commander I’m in the Deck F starboard fore airlock and I’ve been using a telescope to examine the station.”
[Stand by.]
“Oh that doesn’t sound good.”  Sommers groaned.  “Not good at all.”
Less then 90 seconds later, much faster then Nguyen had thought possible, Commander Gar stepped into the compartment.  “Let me see.”  He ordered.  He stared intently into the telescope for more then a minute before turning back to the two junior officers and cursing under his breath.  “I’m taking volunteers to lead a rescue mission.”
“That’s me sir.”
“Understand me lieutenant.  The priority is to get HOOD out of danger.  If there is any possibility of that I will do so.  If that means leaving you and your team behind I won’t hesitate.  We’ll of course do whatever we can to get to you but you need to know the consequences, so will the members of your team?”
“I understand commander.”
Gar stared at him for a few more seconds before his face softened.  “We still have several hours before the Metron deadline expires and I don’t anticipate anything changing.  All the same I would suggest expediency.”
“Yes sir!”  Ngyuen replied before trotting down the corridor to assemble his team.
Was just remembering at the start of the mission it was a one man merchant ship that  ‘discovered’ the station.  Just giving us something else to do. While Stile and Bray cook up their cure.
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: You Should Have Knocked First==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2262.031
MD 2.1150
Scene: Derelict Ship on the Station
Nygen checked the chrono for the third time in as many minutes.  "How long is that cutting job going to take?" he called back to the other engineering crewmen. 
"It is tough working in these suits," one of the redshirts complained. 
"Of course it is," Nygen retorted. "Now, how much longer?"
Several seconds later, one of the other voices replied, "Another minute." 
Nygen humphed impatiently.  It his way of covering his nervousness, he knew.  With the away team inside that ball thing being incommunicado and this ghost ship just sitting there on top of it, who wouldn't be on edge?  Moreover, they had thought things would be simple as mating their universal collar to the WAYFARER class merchant and opening the door. 
No such luck.  The thing was locked up tight with a combination code they couldn't break.  So, that left breaking out a good old fashion blowtorch to crack it open. 
"We're through!" the first voice announced excitedly. 
"Bout time," Nygen quipped and unharnessed from his chair to go to the back.  "What have you … "  The words died in his throat as he saw the interior of the merchant ship.
NRPG: Come on!  Somebody write with me here!
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

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