
ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Gas Solves Your Problems==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.208
MD End phase
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Hemux suggested sending over an away team via shuttle or transporter to look for their people.  Well given the unreliable state of their minds, Merrick wasn't too sure how to make that work.  It would mean leaving the semi-protective field of theta waves which were quickly making the crew only slightly more competent than fleet admirals.
"There has to be a way to beat these bastards without going over there," he said to Hemux. "We have maybe half an hour before we have to turn tail or risk being incapacitated and captured."
While Hemux and Sean traded ideas, no one noticed the COMM officer staring blankly at his control board.  If they had, they might have realized that the Captain was trying to call in at that very moment.  Then, just as Sean and Hemux seemed about to start banging their skulls on the bulkheads in frustration, the ship passed gas.
Sean didn't notice anything at first.  He was too busy dealing with the anger building at the base of his brain matter: an anger which Stile's neuroactive gas helped magnify.  Then Sean found himself grinding his teeth in at intensified level of irritation.  He actually growled in frustration at the situation and their inability to solve it.  He fought the urge to lash out at Hemux as she floated the riduculous idea of shoving a theta emitter on a cargo shuttle.  Well it would work of course, but it would take a few minutes to move the emitter.
"For frak's sake Hemux!" he snapped,  "Why don't we just beam the whole fraking mess of bodies over here?"
Hemux looked as if she wanted to deck him, but contained herself.  "Because then we wouldn't be able to do a thorough recon of the alien craft!"
"We only have minutes left before we're completely useless," he retorted.  "We don't have time for a recon."
"Then why don't we do both?"
"Then why didn't you suggest that in first place you ... you ..." he stammered, almost calling her an undeserved epitaph.  "Damn it, just start beaming up people and get the recon shuttle ready.  Lord knows you'll probably crash it into a hanger door on the way out the way we're thinking."
Sean went back to the command chair and pounded a few buttons before getting the intercom.  "Security teams to cargo bays 3, 4 and 5.  Wear breather masks.  Stand by to receive possible prisoners from the alien ship.  I want you to seal the bays and guard the doors.  Life Support, seal off ventilation those bays and get an anestazine gas into them.  I want our guests to out like lights when we look them over.  Transporter room, start beaming up anything that looks like it belongs in the Federation, then start picking up anything that doesn't.  Bridge out."
NRPG: Setting up the end game.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Irritating the Crew==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.208
Scene: Unknown Cell
<<Snip From Andy’s Post “Getting Under their Skin”
“Steele ALPHA-two-two-seven-OMEGA-OMEGA- one.  Compute.”
<Working.  Authorization code accepted.  New code required before ALPHA priority access will be accepted on subsequent occasion.>  Jack nodded impatiently at the voice of the computer.  His communication signal could have been compromised so once the code was spoken and accepted it would be rendered useless for future use.  When he returned back aboard HOOD he would have to input a new ALPHA code after first verifying himself with yet another code level password.
He tossed the communicator to Stile.  “Ok smart guy.  What can the computer have released into the air on HOOD to piss everyone off and clear their minds?”
End Snip>>
Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and thought about it for a moment. “How long you want it to last.”
“You can do that turn it on and off like a switch?”
“Well not exactly that quick, but yeah I can cause the whole ship to go into a rage, well all the humans and some of the other races that is. Problem is angry people don’t think straight, someone might do something stupid.”
“I think it’s a chance we have to take doctor. If we can initiate rage in our people for say a 30 second to 1 minute burst it may allow them to push these Talosian bastards out of their thoughts.
“We haven’t experimented on how quickly they recover from our primitive emotive thoughts Jack. It could be immediate. It might be better to cycle it, cause the crew to experience rage then back off. We could then try the communicator and let them know what we are doing. If I can get to ARr’Rhiana she can cycle it as need be.”
“I can’t think of anything better right now. Which brings me back to my original question, so smart ass how are you going to accomplish this amazing feet of rage induction. Tell are your women about each other.”
“That would cause rending and tearing as well as wailing. Oh and let us not to forget that it might be a detriment to my immediate health.  Listen and learn sar.”
Jack smiled and waved his hand in a go ahead and impress me kind of way.
“Computer.” Corbett said.
<Working> came the metallic voice.
“Override code authorization Corbett ALPHA-seven-nine-seven-GAMMA-Tau- four.  Compute.”
<Authorization accepted.>
“Computer on my mark initiate an ELF wave at 11.3 Hz. Start burst for 1 minute then initiate second burst at 450 MHz Cycle through 2 times.
“Ok so what is all that supposed to do?” Jack asked.
“The first frequency 11.3 Hz will stimulate the ventromedial hypothalamus to release vasopressin which will elicit rage. The second burst at 450 MHz will stimulate the release of oxytocin which will have a calming effect.”
“Sometimes you know things that scare me Stile.”
“That’s why I drink sar it keeps the demons at bay.” Corbett said with a smile and then into the communicator. “Initiate ELF waves now.”
Corbett adjusted a setting on the communicator and handed it back to his captain. “Try the ship in about 30 seconds. If a really pissed off operator answers well then you know it worked.”
“If you frak this up I’m taking away your hat privileges.” Steele said taking the communicator
“Yankee,” Corbett hissed as an insult.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Under their Skin==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Under their Skin==