
ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Saving the Day with Technobable==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.181
MD: Not Hppy Hour
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Sean gripped his aching head and swore for the fiftieth time that he would never drink again to excess.  Wait a minute.  Oh that's right.
"Tamura you ass!"  he shouted, and immediately regretted the cranial reverberations that the exclamation cost him.  He opened his eyes carefully.  He was still on the bridge.  "Small favors," he muttered.  "Someone give me a status report."
Hemux responded immediately from the Conn. "You won't like it."
"Ar'Rhianna!" Sean growled.
"We're headed back the way we came.  Warp 5."
"What happened?"
"Tamura went rogue.  He's locked out the controls."
Carefully, Merrick got to his feet.  As the former chief engineer, he knew there were still some things they could do.  "Cut power to the antimatter feeds.  Stall us out."
"I'm working on that now,"
Suddenly the hum of the ship's drives cut back.
"Good job.  How far out are we?"
"About 2 light years."
"No far enough." Sean complained as he rubbed at the back of his neck  He surveyed the bodies strewn across the deck.  Tamura lay at his feet, a satisfied smile playing across his face.  "Sweet dreams sunshine," he said.  He turned to Hemux, "You mentioned creating a telepathic shield of some kind to protect us.  What do you need to make it happen and how long will it take?"
"It's just a theory, but a theta modulated warp field ..."
"Whoa whoa," Sean said putting up his hands.  "Theta is a bad word and you know it.  We don't want to cook our synapses."
"Well if Corbett was here he'd probably tell us to inject the crew with something to make it all better.  But since he's not, this is all I have."
Sean sighed.  How intense does the field need to be?
"About 25%."
"My head isn't up to calculations just now, so what would the half-life of the crew be before they start turning into useless lumps of quivering protoplasm."
"About 3 hours.  With about a day of neural rehab to get back to normal."
"And that means about 4 hours before the damage starts to become irreversible."
Hemux nodded. Neither bothered to add, "if it works at all."
Sean tried not to think of the crew staggering around as their brain paths stopped working.  "We'll have to try it.  So you need a plasflow calibrator?"
"You called it a what?" Hemux asked in confusion.
"The dual tube device with the wavy red lines in it.  Has some black manual adjustors.  We have three in the engine room."
"Right.  Yes, those."
"Ok then, make it happen."
NRPG: Oh that was *awful*.
Regretfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==USS HOOD: alpha, beta and the rest==
===by David Martins===
MD 2.1630
Scene: USS HOOD: Engineering
With a headage building up, Hemux lay on her back attaching one of those, what
Merrick called `a plasflow calibrator' to the shield emitter array. She pulled
herself from under the console and tapped some keys on the tricorder. Things
looked good.
With Seans help they now had the three calibrators added to the shield emitters.
When they would raise the shield the telepathic influence would be broken off
and the crew would return gto their normal behaviour, at least if everything was
going to plan.
She went up to the comm and messaged the Bridge "Hemux to Merrick, all
calibrators are in place and ready, Sir."
[Excellent, keep an eye on the reading as I raise the shields.]
Hemux nodded and a few seconds later the shields started to get online. Only
seconds later her headage diapeared and the medical tricorder showed that the
alpha- and betawaves from the crewmembers where returning to their normal
"Shields are holding, the theta modulated warp field is in place and holding. I
think we are back to normal for now."
[Get back to the bridge then, Hemux] said Sean.
"On my way" she said and rushed back to the Bridge.
Hemux dropped took place at her console as slowly the crewmembers where
regaining consciousness again. One by one they stood up, looked confused around
them, but with some words from her or Merrick got back to their duty.
"Now, Hemux, how long do we have before we need to drop the Theta field?"
"We have 2 hours, 47 minutes before the effects of the theta radiation will
start to build, in 3 hours and 19 minutes we will reach dangerous levels and
will need a severe decontamination of the ship and treatement of the crew, in 3
hours and 37 minutes, levels will reach a level where most of the crew will
suffer permanent damage."
Sean sighed, why do science officers always tend to be blabbermouths? "Good, so
in less then three hours we must find our missing crew and get the RUTGLEDGE
back in our hand."
Hemux nodded "Or we have to find a safer solution to these telepathic attacks."
Merrick looked around "suggestions, anyone ?"
Very nice post, Bryan. Anyway, here is another post to count for June!
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
CSciO ,
Sovereignty Fleet