
ORIGINS: USS Hood November 2009: Difference between revisions

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Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What Rattles a First Officer?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Sickbay
“So how’d it go?”  Jack asked.
Once the commotion of the emergency med beam in and the arrest of Bennis and Campbell had been put to rest Jack, Stile and Sean had returned to the doctor’s office.
“You’re both hilarious.”  Sean muttered.  “Missed your calling in fact.  You two comic geniuses should be on the road together you’d make millions.”
“It would be nice bringing such joy to the masses.”  Jack mused.
“I’d insist half our millions go to those less fortunate.”  Stile added.  “I am after all a humanitarian.”  He reached over and poured Sean a drink.
“Ya I just noticed that.”  Sean replied dryly.  “A regular Albert Switzer.”
“Who?” Jack asked.
“Heathen.”  Stile said as he sadly shook his head at the captain.
Jack shrugged.  “So Sean what happened.  You looked like you’d seen a ghost.”
“I don’t know.”  Stile offered.  “I’ve seen him see a ghost and that was definitely not the look he had on his face then.  I think he’d have rather seen a ghost.”
“That’s true.”  Sean agreed.
“So what was it?”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Hard Time==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Brig
Corey Campbell lay on the hard mattress inside HOOD’s brig and stared at the ceiling.  He couldn’t believe that that idiot Bennis bit him but more then that he couldn’t believe that he’d been arrested.  Arrested and thrown in the brig like some sort of common criminal!  He’d been brought up on charges many times in his checkered career, he’d been reduced in rank more times then he cared to acknowledge and he’d spent more time on restricted duties then not. But he’d never been arrested.
He liked Captain Steele, he even liked Commander Merrick, although he  still couldn’t figure out exactly why.  But they had gone off the deep end this time.  Arrested?  He chuckled at the memory of Bennis wailing like some kind of injured cow, the FO standing in an exam gown and in the middle of it all the captain looking like he could chew through duranium.  It had been quite a scene, right up until Steele had gotten all stern and started spouting out charges and ordering people into the brig.  It just was crazy.  Certainly the captain would calm down and come to his senses and let him out of the brig.  They’d all had a long and trying day and emotions were obviously running high.  Steele would make the order soon.  He was sure of it.
Of course Lieutenant Hemux hadn’t helped things.  He couldn’t figure out how she’d been able to pin it on him.  Of course she hadn’t actually said she knew he had done it he realized.  All she had said was that someone had accessed the files.  They’d all just assumed he had done.  And why wouldn’t they?  He was, after all, the smartest one on the ship.  By a long shot.  But he’d covered his tracks.  There was no way they’d be able to pin it on him, not in a million years.  Still, Hemux had noticed the breach and, he admitted uncomfortably, he had been sure that no one would be able to see anything untoward had taken place.
But the captain liked him.  He’d actually been more lenient then any other commanding officer he’d ever had.  And it wasn’t out of fear like some of his other COs.  Steele actually recognized the tremendous asset he had aboard his ship.  He wasn’t stupid he knew he needed Campbell.
Corey smiled up at the ceiling.  It would all be just fine.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: To Answer Your Question==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Sickbay
"To answer your question, love a woman, divorce her even though you still love her, and then have her die in a mass murder event of biblical proportions
He paused to knock down half a glass of 200 proof. 
"And then sign onto a 5 year tour aboard a ship with someone who could be mistaken for her twin sister." 
"Who has seen you naked already to boot," Stile cut in with a laugh.  "You know what I think sar."  He banged his glass down on the table.  "You should go to her, ask her out to dinner," he started making cuddly motions with the air in front of him, "romance her, and damn it man, then you should sleep with her.  Hell, go marry her you sappy ass."
Both Jack and Sean gave the half-drunk Stile gapping "what the hell" looks.
Stile seemed to take the hint and shut up.  "Okay maybe that isn't such a good idea."
Settling back, Sean said, "Seriously Stile, I may be an atheist now but sleeping around is a plain dumb.  Tell me about what happens when your ladies start meeting each other."
"I will never tell."
"No matter," Jack said, "I'm guessing you'll get to see it happen tomorrow in person Sean."
"Huh?" Stile said.
"Word has it that there are, let me see, one two three four, FIVE women on this ship trying to get in touch with you tonight?"
Stile looked as if he'd just missed the punchline to a joke.
"You're kidding right?"
NRPG: Over to you Steve.  Time to put on the coffee for Stile.  I think he'll need it. 
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Tender Moment==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2260.328
Scene: Later that night, Deck 12, USS HOOD
Gar moved purposefully through the halls, senses alert for any threat. He
was hungry. Very very hungry.
He turned the corner and there stood ... leftovers.
"Hi Sean," Gar said.
"Hi Gar," Sean replied politely. "Where you headed?"
"Supper. You?"
"Weapons locker."
The friends smiled agreeably at each other then and went on their way.
NRPG: This one is for you Scott. Hope you liked it.
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Not Invited to the Party==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Workout Room Two, USS HOOD
Mark Compass pounded the heavy bag with a vengeance.  He knew it shouldn’t get to him but he couldn’t help himself.  He was pissed.  The fact that he was angry made it even worse.
It had gone well enough.  He’d been given command of the ship while the majority of the senior staff went down to the planet.  He himself would admit that it wasn’t like there were any challenges facing HOOD for the majority of time he was in command.  But he was in the center seat when it hit the fan down below and he was the one that had the final say when the solutions started to be found *on* the ship.  Which he reflected wasn’t actually true he reflected in a moment of honesty.  In fact it was Lieutenant Hemux and the combined science and medical teams that found the solution and it was the captain that signed off on it.  But he was still the one with the responsibily when they were all saved.
To be fair the captain had commended him on his actions and had even said he was relieved to have a bridge officer he knew he could rely on during a crisis.
So why was he here taking his frustrations out on this bag instead of being down in sickbay with the rest of them?  What did he have to do to become a member of the inner sanctum?
He understood that Steele, Merrick and Gar has served together since HOOD was commissioned and before Steele had been made captain.  But the doctor was as new as he was.  Yet there they all were hanging out in his office like they were back in an Academy dorm room.
It made him sick.
He so wanted to be down there.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Night of Fun==
===by Daniel Belin===
Brig, Interrogation Room Number Four, 0200 hours Skeleton Shift
"Mr. Campbell," said DeSimms, "I have been commissioned to do a preliminary investigation to find whether a General Court Martial is in order. I've been cracking at you for four hours and all I get are wisecracks and not even an account of what happened."
"Nothing will get me off the ship or fleet. The Captain knows I am too valuable."
"You are being uncooperative. So, if I find any wrongdoing, I will recommend at least that your commission be revoked or you be booted from the fleet," He gestured to the security officers, "Take him away."
Suddenly, a harried looking Warrant Officer barged through the door. The first thing DeSimms noticed was the bloody gash in WO1 Garrison's uniform, "Sir! Sir! The whole ships going nuts!"
"We got Hemux stumbling around like a zombie, Gar is tearing up deck 5 with a hand phaser, we got a Bar Fight in the enlisted mess, the Skeleton replacement for the Lt. on Helm never showed up, we got a group of women looking for Corbett and I think some of em' are armed. General Unrest on all decks!"
"Who's the senior officer on duty?"
"You are, Sir. Everyone else is either going nutballs or sleepin'"
DeSimms bulldozed past the Warrant Officer and smashed the button on the comm panel, "Bridge, go to Security Alert, Condition Baker Two. Flash the Captain!"
"I already tried! I think they're asleep!"
"Wake em' up!"
"I tried, they're drunk asleep. Look, I have a feeling mother might let those women in. Orders?"
"Put ship on automatic control," said DeSimms, "I want every guy who can safely carry a hand phaser down in Armory."
DeSimms ran out of the Brig. He almost bulldozed over a group of five women carrying pipes and phasers. The ladies looked him over and asked, "Who are you."
"I am Lieutenant DeSimms, the security chief. The ship is on Baker Two, where you all headed?"
"To...uh...find Corbett," said the taller one in Sciences blue.
"And why would you want Corbett at this hour?"
"Look, we've set up triage in Storage Area 2. Get there on the double!"
"Will Corbett be there?"
"Probably," answered DeSimms. As they turned the corridor, he opened a channel to the armory, "Listen, set up a temporary holding area in Storage Area 2. Put guards on the door and make sure no one gets out without me or the Captain saying so. How many of you are down there."
<<Sir, out of the 75 that are on Skeleton shift, 25 managed to show. Captain is still nowhere to be found.>>
"Understood, I'll see if I can find him."
Two minutes Later- Sickbay Office
DeSimms had rang the bell. Twice. He was tired of this. He had already stunned two crewman, disarmed two Petty Officers running out of his quarters with pistols and knives, and rugby-tackled a freed Campbell. He was getting the Captain back into action, dammit! He backed up a few feet and ran at the door like a Kellatian Rhinoceros. It, like most personal and office doors on the ship, crumpled under the impact of 600+ pounds. Now the Captain stirred. He grumbled, "How long has the light been flashing."
"Fifteen minutes. The whole ship's going bonkers!"
"What," said Steele, now alert.
"It seems everyone awake has just gone a little nuts. We got people running around screaming, and we got a whole party of angry women for Corbett."
"Understood, Lieutenant! Any idea of what it might be."
"Well," DeSimms said, "For some, like Hemux, it seems to be simple inebriation. For Gar, I don't know, but for everyone else, they either seem to be running around or sleeping like babies. I've got 15-25 people running chasing about 150!"
"It seems like you've followed procedure on this one. I'm not sure what more I can do command-wise, but I can sure lend a helping hand!"
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
John DeSimms
U.S.S Hood
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Not Interested in the Party==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Under like her bridge partner Lieutenant Kim Steering was exactly where she wanted to be.  She didn’t care if the entire ship was celebrating New Years Eve in the doctor’s office.  As far as she was concerned they cold stay down as long as they wanted.  It was her first time sitting in the center seat and as long as all the senior officers stayed off the bridge, her bridge, she would remain HOOD’s mistress under God. 
She knew she wasn’t really doing anything.  The ship was on course for Starbase 10 and they were fairly deep within Federation space. It wasn’t likely that something dire would happen but if it did she would be the first one to ascertain the situation and make the decision on what to do.
She stroked the arm rest of the chair reverently as she stared out at the star field.  A small smile remained on her face after she had given up trying to remove it.
“Coffee captain?”  Yeoman Green asked as she extended the cup with a supportive smile.  “Just how you like it.”
Steering accepted the cup and took a small sip her eye brows shot up in surprise.  “Its exactly how I like it!”
Green nodded matter-of-factly.  “It’s a yeoman’s job to know her captain’s preferences.”  She handed over the clipboard she had tucked underneath her arm.  “Fuel consumption reports for your signature.”
Kim accepted the board and glanced down at the information.  Was she supposed to sign it?  It looked like the figures were reasonable but she really didn’t have any idea. 
“Don’t worry the numbers are where they are supposed to be.”  Greene whispered.  “And the captain gets the report on his terminal as well.”
Kim signed the report and handed it back.  “Thank you yeoman I really appreciate it.”  She said formally but with clear gratitude in her eyes.  She waited a few more minutes and then rose from the center seat taking the long way over to the open science station where she accessed the ship’s computers and called up nominal fuel consumption reports for CONSTITUTION class cruisers.  She had no doubt that Greene had been honest with her but she knew if she was going to command a ship one day there were a lot of things she needed to know.  And this was a good a place to start as any.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What Party?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.328
Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD
Lieutenant junior grade Terrence Marconi was blissfully unaware that there was any sort of festivities going on in sickbay or anywhere else aboard ship.  Like Lieutenant Steering he was exactly where he wanted to be. So engrossed in his comm board he had barely even realized that his friend Kim had the conn.
Currently HOOD was passing close to Inda IV and he was intently studying the world.  The Indans had a tech base that put them approximately 25 to 30 years away from discovering the warp drive.  As such Starfleet Command was starting to make a concerted effort to gather information on the civilization in preparation for the covert teams that would study the society up close in preparation of the eventual first contact.  Although the Universal Translator had already decoded the Indan language Terry preferred to listen to the transmissions, mostly radio and video signals, emanating from the planet raw.  It was a good way to hone his linguistic skills and on the rare occasion he was able to identify a word or phrase the UT had gotten wrong.  It was all a matter of nuances. 
Currently he was monitoring an entertainment program that was likelky classified as science fiction.  It was interesting in a clinical way but he also had to admit he enjoyed the program immensely. So much so that he had instructed the ship’s computers to flag these transmissions specifically so he could watch them at his leisure.
As far as Lieutenant Marconi was concerned, the party was right here.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Runner!==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.329
Scene: Unknown
Fveirrolh Sahen lay in the small bunk and stared at the ceiling that was barely 5 centimetres above his face.  He supposed he should be grateful for the cramped uncomfortable coffin he had been hidden in, he was alive after all.  But it was beginning to become a little more than just confining.  Eight days of little movement and even less light was taking its toll.  He was starting to get anxious about his situation and with little to do but think he had spent many hours going over all the 'what if' scenarios.  Many of them he had considered before he had convinced himself to run.  They hadn't seen real then, but now as he struggled to remain calm inside his coffin where he had been placed by two strangers he had trusted everything to they seemed very real.
Sahen had always been a scientist.  Even as a child he was more interested in observing and quantifying his surroundings rather than enjoying them.  Looking back he could understand why his strange tendencies had ostracized him from  the other children.  Even in school, where he had of course excelled in his studies he had been belittle and mocked.  His nickname had become Vulcan and he knew that even his instructors referred to him in this insulting manner when they thought he could not hear them.  Secretly of course he relished in the insult.  He could think of no higher compliment then being labeled a member of such a noble and intelligent race.  He had spent many hours fantisizing that he was in fact a true Vulcan who had some home been lost on a Roumlan world.  He dreamed of one day being able to return to his true homeland and be accepted by his brothers.  As he grew older these childish dreams were replaced by bitterness as he realized his dreams could never be achieved.  Vulcan's were the enemy intellectual puppets of their human masters.  Their intelligence used to create weapons to destroy the Empire.  Charges he must accept and spew out publically but beliefs he would never privately allow.  His hatred for the Empire grew.
As he grew into adulthood his intelligence became accepted and then sought after.  He was accepted into the most prestigious institute on his home world where he, of course, excelled.  When he found he could learn nothing from his simple minded instructors he was sent to Romulus and soon was patiently explaining the nature of the universe to his instructors.  Finally he was accepted.  He was surrounded by the best and brightest of the Romulan scientific community.  His colleagues repsected his intelligence, sought his guidance, and on rare occasions provided him with insights and discoveries he had not considered.  It had been a most pleasing time.
Yet still there was the emptiness and frustration.  As an able bodied male it was expected that he would join the military and work towards the greater glory of the Empire.  That he did not was looked on with suspicion and cowardice.  Even when, his studies complete, he joined the military and began to work in its science division he was still viewed with disdain by a society reared on conquest.  A true solider of the empire did not run tests and write papers, they conquered worlds and squashed rebellion. So far as his neighbours were concerned he was not a true Romulan.
Eventually his disaffection became known by those who felt as he did.  He was approached and accepted and eventually became a leader in this underground and outlawed group.  A group who only sought peace and openness with all beings of the galaxy.  A group who ranks he of course rose in.  A group who, he had almost found too late, was home to many government spies.
And so he had been forced to take the action which he had always dreamed of but never been brave enough to seize.  He had been forced to flee.
Just some ground work for the next mission.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: No Smoke, More Dreams...==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2260.322
MD: after mission
Scene: Corridors, USS HOOD
ARr'Rhiana found herself sitting at a wall in a corridor. She blinked with her
eyes as she noticed five young women rushing along, armed, with dangerously
looking eyes and bright smiles asking everyone if they had seen Stile. Others
where starting small fights amongst each other or just using handphasors to fire
at the walls or ceilings. Heck, she even had seen a young couple that was
`burning' their names with a large heart drawing around it on every door they
came by.
A few minutes later she lurked a last time on her pipe and inhaled the last
smoke. She sighed and closed her eyes for a long moment to enjoy the feelings
of her hallucinations a last time. She grinned as she thought of her vision of
Sean nude in the sickbay, the idea of five woman running around to chase Stile
Hemux opened her eyes as she suddenly realised that the noise she heard was
real, not a part of a hallucination; She blinked her eyes again as she noticed
the chaos around her. This was not a mushroom - dream, this was real!
While she was stumbling back through the corridors, avoiding people, sometimes
even using her fists to keep some people from attacking her, she tried to
contact the bridge and captain at every Comm she passed by. Mostly she just got
static, sometimes people singing or shouting, but no captain, no bridge. What
was going on?
She had to get to science or to the bridge, either of those places would be good
to start to find out what was happening.
<tag anyone>
Hi All,
Hey, guy, this is not fair, I am living in poor old Europe, please wait with
your posts untill I am also here...
On the other hand: keep posting guys, we might beat the Connie!
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Measure of Revenge==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.330
<<snip- from Brian's post, entitled "A Tender Moment">>
Gar moved purposefully through the halls, senses alert for any threat. He
was hungry. Very very hungry.
He turned the corner and there stood ... leftovers.
"Hi Sean," Gar said.
"Hi Gar," Sean replied politely. "Where you headed?"
"Supper. You?"
"Weapons locker."
The friends smiled agreeably at each other then and went on their way.
<<snip- new material>>
As soon as Gar rounded the corner and out of the sight of the First Officer,
his grin did a one-eighty and turned to a frown. "They"- most of the senior
staff- had been all over him about what he was forced to do to one of the
security officers on the planet...
...but Merrick had been, by far, his worst tormentor. It probably had
something to do with the fact that Merrick was next on Gar's dining card,
but the fact that Gar was NOT in control of his own actions at that time
seemed to have been lost on him.
For that matter, Gar's own pain at having been forced to do such a thing
didn't seem to matter to Merrick either. He expected to receive a little
stick about it, frankly...but Merrick's puns, jabs and jibes were
inexhaustible. And though Gar was hardly weeping openly in the hallways as
he walked, he still bore the scars of his violation...
...and every time Merrick made a wisecrack, it tore them open just a little
bit more.
Suddenly, Gar stopped outside of the officer's mess, antennae twitching,
corners of his mouth suddenly turned upwards in a decidedly devilish-looking
"Time for someone to pay," he said and, spinning on his heels, headed in the
other direction.
Setting: Merrick's Quarters, a few hours later the XO's somewhat
embarrassing evening in Sick Bay
Sean Merrick passed through the open doorway and into his room with a
somewhat less-than-stable gait. He wasn't exactly "stumbling"- at least not
yet- but he was at least as little worse-for-wear from his exploits in Sick
After a couple of steps, his olfactory senses detected something- something
that smelled frakking delicious. Which was convenient, given that he was
JUST thinking about sneaking down to the officer's mess and whipping up a
nice steak or something...
After a couple of sharp head movements, Merrick's eyes found the source of
the aroma: a covered plate at the head of the small table in his quarters,
flanked by the ship's formal silverware, a glass of what appeared to be red
wine, and a folded napkin.
Sean smiled, though he had no idea who had arranged for such a wonderful
treat as he walked over to the chair. He took a seat, and looked at his
plate. Closing his eyes, he raised his head, and inhaled the aroma deeply,
smiling widely as he did.
After a moment, he could take no more. Merrick tucked the napkin into his
neck and, lifting a fork and a knife, cut a healthy morsel from the
medium-rare filet mignon on his plate and popped it into his mouth.
The meat melted in his mouth.
From that point, he dug in with gusto, moving from meat to baked potato to
salad back to meat in an inexact, random fashion.
When he was nearly done, he noticed the menu which had been slid part-way
under his plate.
Merrick sipped the wine as he pulled the menu out and read from the card:
"Chez Gar"
Menu for Stardate 2260.330:
1. Filet of Merrick in a light butter-garlic sauce
Baked Potato smothered in gravy made from Merrick-fat
House Salad
Picard Chianti, year 2256
(may substitute Picard Cabernet Sauvignon for wine)
Also available:
2. Merrick-chops Parmasan with Spaghetti
Andorian Snow Peas in a butter sauce
House Salad
Picard Pinot Grigio, year 2258
(may substitute Picard Riesling for wine)
3. Grilled Merrick-tails in a butter-lemon sauce
Denobulan White Corn
House Salad
Picard Rose, year 2259
All meals include a 15% gratuity for the chef.
We proudly serve 100% Merrick meat: "Merrick- the other, other, OTHER white
Merrick felt himself flush as he read the hand-written note scribbled at the
Hope you enjoy your meal- and don't be afraid to try the Merrick-tails; I
hear they are in season!"
Hugs and Kisses,
Gar Th'elenth"
Merrick's stomach felt slightly queasy despite his knowing that this meal
was NOT really "him."
He started to scoop up the last of the filet on his fork, but, after a
moment, froze again.
"Son of a--," he hissed, dropping the fork back onto the plate.
Sean- touché.
Hungrily Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player One==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Global Exports Office
M'Lara stood in the doorway and looked at her mate in disgust.  It was barely two in the afternoon and he leaned on his desk snoring loudly, empty bottles of bloodwine strewn throughout the room.  It was bad enough that she had been mated to this petaQ, worse still that her illustrious husband had managed to fail in ever task he had given and thus leading to his current assignment on this hell hole.  Worst of all he had been given a chance to redeem himself and she already knew he would fail.  Just as he always did.
"Husband wake up."  She said in an almost pleasant voice  "Husband!  Wake Up!"  This time he stirred.  But then the snoring got louder.  With a litany of curses she strode across the room.  "Wake up now!"  Two fists came slamming down on the desk causing her husband's head to bounce up and then crash back down. 
"What time is it?"  He asked groggily.
"Time for you to get your filthy carcass up and begin to pretend you are a male."
K'Temec of the house of D'jon jumped up from his desk with a roar.  "you forget your place woman!"
"Better."  She sneered as she tossed a PADD on to the desk.  "It would seem you have work to do."
More pre mission groundwork
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player Two==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260. 331
Scene: Romulan Scout Ship
Centurion llhran Kola cursed the god for at least the fourth time in an hour as he willed his small one man ship to go faster.  His assignment had been to monitor Fveirrolh Sahen and he had spent the last year watching the scientist.  It was clear Sahen was only playing the part of the loyal Romulan and Kola had watched patiently as the scientist began to exhibit his inner thoughts.  First, he began to display his less then enthusiastic sentiments for the Empire to several of his colleagues (one of which was a intelligence operative) at the institute.  Next he began a relationship with a member of the anti-government underground.  The man was clearly trying to recruit Sahen and Sahen was just as obviously intrigued with the idea. 
Eventually, after much ego stroking, Sahen joined the local underground movement.  For several weeks he was content to come to meetings and listen to the diatribe the leaders spewed forth.  As he became more comfortable he began to join in and then dominate the discussions.  Within 6 months he was leading his own cell and was actively, and successful, increasing recruitment.
This was something that could no longer be ignored.  Centurion Kola was issued orders to round up the leaders of the local cells as well as any other members he felt posed a danger to the government.  The operation went off with only a single failure.  Fveirrolh Sahen had not been at the meeting and had evaded arrest.  Not only was the failure to capture the most important leaders a stain on his perfect record Kola could not believe that Sahen’s disappearance was a simple coincidence.  What had seemed to be nothing more then a nuisance was now potentially much more especially given the programs that Sahen had not only spear-headed but had access to.  It had not taken long to discover that the traitor had left the planet and Kola knew that if he did not arrest Sahen and return him to Romulus before his superiors found out he would be branded either complicit with the traitors or simply incompetent.  It did not matter which, for and intelligence officer the penalty was the same.
He cursed the gods again.
More mission groundwork.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Formulating a Plan==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Global Export Office
K’Temec stared down at the PADD his wife had thrown in front of him and steered at the Romulan face that stared back at him.  Another assassination he assumed as he pulled the red datachip from the PADD and inserted into his computer.  As the resident intelligence officer representing the Empire on the planet Arcturus he regularily sent back what information he could glean on this pathetic world.  On occasion he would receive and order to quietly kill someone.  Generally that was some digusting merchant who’s goods had not been what were promised or a Klingon mercenary who had come to here after annoying the wrong person.  He had never been ordered to kill someone from one of the Empire’s deadly enemies.  He scratched at his chin thoughtfully as he waited for his computer to power up.
Finally the brief but shocking orders flashed across the screen.  Not an assassination but a kidnapping.  He leaned back in his chair and considering the implications.  This was a real mission, one that was being watching by Council Members no doubt.  A mission that, if successful, would save him from this dreary world where he had been banished so many years ago.
So a Romulan traitor was coming here?  He looked back at the image of Sahen with a predatory grin.  Decided to escape the paranoid and repressive Empire to throw his lot in with the weak willed Federation.  He chuckled at the notion knowing what all Klingons did, you could never trust a Romulan. 
He would have to think on this.  Dozens of ships arrived and departed here every day, how was he determine which ship his quarry was on?  Next, how would he capture him?  Surely the Federation knew he was coming.  They of course would want to welcome this Sahen into their fold.  But they would not want to do so openly and possibly escalate the cool relations they had Romulus.  No they would send operatives to quietly snatch this traitor.  He would have to find the Romulan before they did.  But that was a problem he could see know answer.  He frowned at the thought knowing he would have to ask his wife.  As infuriating as she was he had no illusions as to which of the two was the smarter. 
But first he would call his Romulan counterpart.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Player Three Out==
===by Andy Catterick===
Scene: The Tavern Laughing Vulcan
K’Temec scowled at his tankard as he waited for Pilo the sole Romulan intelligence officer.  Many star nations had sent intelligence operatives here and likehim self none of them had been assigned to this paradise as a reward.  No, those who had been unofficially exiled here had been sent due to their incompetence, or in recognition of their failures.  Pilo was no difference in this sense and K’Temec was glad for it.  Over the years they had all come to know one another.  What started off as a mutual mistrust had slowly formed into a group recognition that they were al in the same boat.  Overtime they began to keep in regular contact passing on information to each other which could then be sent home as proof that they were all being good little spies.  It was easier for all.  Nothing of consequence ever happened on this god forsaken rock and all knew that no one would betray their homeworlds.  It was a system that served them all.
Tonight it would serve K’Temec just as it would pass judgement on Pilo. 
Finally, the Klingon thought, as the Romulan entered the small tavern and headed to meet K’Temec at their customary table in the back corner.  Pilo, he was pleased to see, was drunk as he usually was.  That would make things so much easier.
“nuqneH.”  Jilo said in greeting as he sat down.
“Jolantru.”  The Klingon replied.  “I have information.  I am sure you must know it already but I wanted to make sure.”
“What type of information.”  The Romulan answered after the waitress had put his usual drink in front of him. 
“Of the traitor.” 
“What traitor?”  Pilo asked. 
K’Temec hid a smile.  If Pilo had known he would have of course denied the knowledge.  There was only so much information that they shared.  “The Romulan traitor who is racing here as we speak.”
Pilo blinked over his glass before he took a sip. He was deep in thought at the Klingon’s story he did not notice the taste was strangely sweet.  “I can not speak of such things.”  He finally replied.
K’Temec emptied his tankard and laughed.  “Good!  As I said I had assumed you would have been informed of this by your government.  I offer my assistance to you to capture the disgusting filth.  Qaplaa!”  He said as he rose from the table and stode out of the tavern. Soon the waitress would be found dead and soon after the poison she had slipped into Pilo’s drink would take affect.  Then he would be the only one who would know this traitor was coming.  What secrets could he provide the Empire?  Surely they would be enough to get K’Temec home.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Out for Good==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Outside the Laughing Vulcan
Pilo left the Laughing Vulcan in a panic.  He had no knowledge of what the stinking Klingon had told him.  None.  He had received the latest intelligence update from the home world just this afternoon.  Even the ‘housekeeping’ reports pertaining to him and Arcturus had not hinted at this. 
He stopped and stared as the reason worked its way through the alcohol that was clouding his mind.  They hadn’t told him on purpose.  A traitor was heading this way and his superiors held him in such disdain that not only did they fail to send orders for him to intercept and arrest this traitor they had not even bothered to tell them that an operation involving his area of responsibility was being conducted
And the Klingon knew!  The filthy beast.  That was the worst dishonour of them all.  He knew and he felt suck pity for his ‘Romulan friend’ he passed on the information.  Pilo came to a halt and sat on a bench over looking the river.  The alcohol was affecting more then usual and he had to stop and think.  Why had the Klingon told him?  It was surely not out of any great altruism, professional courtesy even here on this travesty of a world, did not go this far.  No!  He realized, the Klingon was looking for information.  K’Temec wanted to know what information, if any, Pilo had.  But if he had been on a, what did the humans call, fishing expedition?  Why then did he tell him in the end?
“Oh!” Pilo moaned both in realization of what the Klingon had done and in response to the pain of his stomach dissolving away.  His last thought before he fell to his knees and then rolled down the embankment into the river below was that finally he was free.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Orders...of a Kind==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.331
Scene: Captain’s Quarters, USS HOOD
Jack stared at the screen in surprise and read his terse orders through for the third time.  He kept telling himself that he must have missed some small fact that would allow him to understand the orders.  Something that would make it all seem reasonable.  But there wasn’t much to the entire message and there was no way around it.  With a shrug he sent his acknowledgement back to Command and then forwarded the orders to the first officer and chief engineer.  With in seconds his comm was beeping.
“Yes Mr. Gar?”  He said pleasantly, noting the sour look on the Andorian’s face.
[Sir I don’t understand these orders.]  Gar began bluntly.
“Well that is disappointing commander because I was hoping you would be able to shed some light on them for me.  I take it you haven’t forwarded any reports to Starfleet Engineering outlining deficiencies with the ship?”
[There are no problems with HOOD!]  Gar assured him.  [All our damage during the fight with the Klingons was made good before we sailed.  We are fully loaded with both supplies and parts.  There is no reason for this.]
Jack nodded.  “Very well Commander you’ve seen the orders.  Please compile a list of whatever could be addressed while we are in dry dock.  Steele out.”  He thought it best to close the channel before the engineer working himself into a froth.
He looked at the orders one last time.  HOOD was to report to Starbase 10 and then 24 hours later she was to park in the Starbase’s repair dock where she would remain for a period of 7 days.
He shrugged as he closed down the terminal.  Hopefully there would be more answers once they reached the Starbase.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS Hood: What Security Needs==
===by Daniel Belin===
Ready Room- USS Hood, 0730 shipboard, 5 hours out of Starbase 10.
"Sir, what I really need now is men. Not just men, but well trained
men," DeSimms grumbled. He looked to the Captain.
"Go on."
"With all due respect to the Captain, I am freaking tired of
chaperoning people just out of PT. I have one specialist, my Second
Officer, and the rest are just a bunch of teenagers serving out their
first tour of duty!"
"Well, Mr. DeSimms," said Steele, "You'll be pleased to know we are
getting the replacements for all the men lost to the Klingons and on
Velorum. Not to mention the addition of several security men. They are
all specialists and on their second or even third tour."
"Great! We have men, but now we are lacking in materiel."
"Have you got a list? This is important. I know you have not seen our
orders, but the gist is to turn this ship into a fortress, a POW
transport, a Battleship, a floating hospital, and Starfleet
Intelligence Centre."
"Jesus. I better start conferring with the engineer."
"He's waiting for you to come down now."
"Well now you told me this, I have to revise my shopping list. I'll
send it to you when I am done with the engineer."
"Got it! I want that list by 0930!"
<tag Scott>
Submitted with Respect
Daniel Belin
Lieutenant John DeSimms
Security, USS Hood
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Accountability==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.332 
Scene: Captain’s Quarters
“So what do you think?”  Jack asked Sean after the surveillance footage ended.
Merrick chuckled.  “The bastards.  I can’t believe Campbell got caught on something so stupid.  And we’ve got him on the log hacking as well?”
“Got him cold.”  Jack shook his head still shocked at the whole sorry mess.  He thought he’d gotten through to him, thought Corey was going to be on the team.
“So what are you going to do with him?”
Jack handed over the PADD.  “I’m going to get him to sign this.”
Sean whistled as he read it.  “That will be quite an accomplishment.”
“I like to give myself goals.”  Jack agreed.
“What do you want to do with the other idiot?”
“That’s your call.  I’m sure you’ll be fair but stern.”
“It’s a hard line to walk.”  Sean agreed with a chuckle.  “I’m sure Mr. Bennis will understand the error of his ways when I finish with him.”  He rubbed his chin.  “I can’t really bust him any lower in rank but there are always options I like to say.”
Jack stood up.  “Well I’m going to go tackle mine, you have fun with yours.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Part of the Bureaucracy==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.333
Setting: Engineer's Office, 0645 shipboard
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth, by this point in his career, was used to
waking up and seeing orders that didn't make sense cross his desk...
...but few had been this bad.
"Well, that's not quite true," Gar muttered to himself. "At least THESE
orders weren't likely to get anyone killed."
And that was true enough, he told himself. However, he'd rarely seen any
orders that were as inefficient or unnecessary, either.
He decided to see if Captain Steele had any more thoughts on the matter,
though he was pretty certain Jack would have said something first if there
was anything to say.
He punched a red button on his desk, and the comm channel opened. The
none-too-happy face of Jack Steele filled his viewscreen.
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Orders...of a Kind," edited to fit Gar's
[Yes Mr. Gar?] Steele said pleasantly, noting the sour look on the
Andorian's face.
"Sir, I don't understand these orders," Gar began bluntly.
[Well that is disappointing commander because I was hoping you would be
able to shed some light on them for me. I take it you haven't forwarded any
reports to Starfleet Engineering outlining deficiencies with the ship?]
Gar took the bait Steele had left dangling for him. "There are no problems
with HOOD!" Calming slightly, he continued, "All our damage during the
fight with the Klingons was made good before we sailed. We are fully loaded
with both supplies and parts. There is no reason for this."
Jack nodded. [Very well Commander, but you've seen the orders. Please
compile a list of whatever could be addressed while we are in dry dock.
Steele out.]
The Andorian watched the channel close and shook his head. "Of all the
stupid things..."
Gar grabbed the tablet on his desk which began this whole mess- the one with
the orders on it, and read through them one last time- this time out loud,
so as to make sure he didn't miss any detail that might lend some clarity to
"'USS HOOD to report to Starbase 10 and then proceed 24 hours later to slip
A-7 in the Starbase's repair dock for repair and refit for a period of 7
The Engineer couldn't fathom it: he'd essentially been given carte blanche
to do anything he wanted to HOOD- which and of itself was strange, given the
stranglehold with which the beancoutners held appropriations. But then
they'd gone and given him only a week's time, which was not enough time to
do ANYTHING meaningful.
Gar sneered as the realization dawned on him. This smacked of politics:
whoever sent these orders wanted to be seen as "doing everything possible"
to make sure Starfleet got everything it needed...while ensuring it would
never be anything too expensive by giving them no time to do it in.
However, a couple of thoughts were starting to ferment in his brain. He
knew at least one other person here who was certain to be bending the
Captain's ear with his needs...
Gar's sneer curled at the corners of his mouth, and turned into a fairly
evil-looking grin.
If the Captain wants a list of things we need, he'll get a list, all
He touched the comm panel again. "Please set up a meeting with Lieutenant
DeSimms and Lieutenant Compass after DeSimms gets finished with the meeting
I know he'll be having with the Captain," he said to his second-in-command.
"We have some brainstorming to do."
Just setting up the JP I am going to write with Daniel.
Daniel- I'll be writing that JP up tonight. Wife is working this evening,
so it'll be late.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: He Will Be Missed==
===by Andy Catterick===
Scene: Brig, USS HOOD       
Jack did not look up from the computer screen as the doors to the briefing room swished open and Corey Campbell was escorted in by two security officers.  “You can wait outside gentlemen.”  He said, not looking up until the doors swished closed behind them.  “Have a seat Mr. Campbell.”
“Yes sir.” Corey mumbled as he sat down.  “Thank you sir.”  He had screwed up big time he thought to himself as he struggled to look up at the captain.  He knew that eventually he would but he just didn’t think it would be this soon.  It was too bad, he had really enjoyed his time here.  Much more then he had at any of his last few postings.  And, he mused, he probably wouldn’t get another starship.  His next assignement would probably be a fleet base or on ship stationed near the Core Worlds.  He’d have to build up some good will before he’d be able to get reassigned on an exploration vessel.  He hoped to get another CONSTITUTION class ship.  They were state-of-the-art and he’d been able to do a lot of research here.  He only wished he’d researched the security systems better then he had.  He never would have believed he could have been caught so easily.  It was pretty embarrassing.
“You’re aware of the charges against you?”  The captain asked.
“I am sir.”
“And you’ve seen the evidence?”
“I’ve seen what Lieutenant DeSimms showed me sir.”  Corey said with meek defiance.  He knew he was guilty but he wasn’t going to make it easy for anyone.  Not that it would affect the outcome.  It never did.
“Any explanation?”
Corey shrugged.  “None sir.”
“I see.”  Jack finally answered as he watched Corey shift under his glare.  “Very well.  Read this.”
Corey almost pushed the PADD back without reading it.  He knew what it would say,  it was always the same.  But he liked the captain so he decided to humour him.  Let him believe he’s the first one to come up with this.  He bolted upright as he realized what the document was.  “You can’t do this!”
“Sit down Mr. Campbell!”  He waited until Corey was back in his seat.  “I realize in the past your commanding officers gave you the choice to face charges or put in for a transfer.  I am not going to do that.  First I don’t pass my problems on to  someone else and second I believe that you will be better served by doing resigning from Starfleet, effective immediately or I hand you over to Starbase 10’s security with my recommendation that all these charges be pursued.
“You can’t.”  Corey said hollowly.  “I won’t sign it.”
“Mr. Campbell with your intelligence you have a great future ahead of you.  But not in Starfleet.  You don’t fit here and you never will.  I recognize that, surely you must.  I don’t know why you haven’t left yet.  But I am going to makesure you do.  Unless you prefer to spend the bulk of your life in a Starfleet Penal Colony.”  He pushed the PADD back across the desk.  “Decide.  Right now.”  He watched with great satisfaction as the document was signed.
Poor Corey…I’ll miss him.  ;-) 
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: No More Questions==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: Docking Tube, Starbase Ten
“Captain!  Captain Steele!”
Jack and Sean stepped off the docking tube onto Starbase 10 and did their best to pretend they didn’t notice the half dozen reporters waiting to badger them just a few meters away.  Jack turned to grimace at his XO careful to ensure the angle would not allow the vid cameras to see him.  Sean smiled in response.  “Shall we?”  He asked pleasantly knowing full well that any conversation they had would be easily picked up by the news microphones.  Which mean they couldn’t comment on what they thought of the scrum they would have to wade through.
“Captain Steele, I’m Guy Smiley GNS news.  Welcome to Starbase Ten.”
“Thank you Guy.”  Jack replied with a smile as he slowly kept walking across the bay to the lift that would whisk them away to the safety of the command centre.  “It’s good to be here.”  He lied.
“Two weeks ago your ship, USS HOOD, engaged and destroyed several Klingon warships that had entered Federation space.  What can you tell us about this?”
“Well Guy I can’t really add any more to the comments I have already made on this mission.”  Jack replied knowing full well he had not spoken publicly about the operation.  He was just trying to waste as much time as he could as he and Sean continued to make for the turbolift.
“Of course.”  The reported answered.  “But wasn’t what the Klingons did an act of war?”
“Guy as you are aware the Klingon government has made clear that the actions of those rogue Klingons was not in any way sanctioned.”
“There are some who say that the whole operation was in fact sanctioned by the Klingons and this was a prelude to war.”
Jack kept walking.  He hadn’t heard a question so there was no reason to answer.
“Commander Merrick.  Is Starfleet ready for war?”  Smiley persisted.
“Starfleet is certainly capable of defending the Federation and her allies.  Fortunately  we are at peace with our neighbours it gives us the opportunity to continue with Starfleet’s main goal.  Exploration.”
“That might have been true in the past but you have to admit that the CONSITUTION class program was an obvious decision to begin an arms race with the Klingons and the Romulans.  Each one of those ships is a floating fortress capable of destruction the likes of which has never been seen before.”
“Guy the universe is a dangerous place as we have seen time and time again.  When we sail out into the unknown we need to be able to defend ourselves and the new colonies and research outposts we help establish.  But our defensive systems are only a small part of a CONSTITUTIONS class ship’s makeup.  HOOD and her sisters carry the most powerful mobile computers in the quadrant.  We have labs and medical facilities that rival the best institutions from around the Federation.  We resupply colony worlds, respond and provide relief to natural disasters and more often then not we are the ones charged with the initial diplomatic dialogue with the new races we encounter.  We’re all working towards the same goal, peaceful exploration and scientific discovery.”  The lift doors swished open and Jack turned back to smile at the reporters.  “Now if you’ll excuse us?”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: An Upset Cory is Twice as Dangerous==
===by Daniel Belin===
Continuity: occurs before and parallel to Andy's post.
Bridge- USS HOOD, T minus Two minutes before docking.
"Drop to one-half impulse," said Steele, looking at the tactical map. He gestured to Powers to open a channel,and a muscular man with graying hair wearing old fashioned glasses appeared onscreen. Steele looked at the man and said, "Admiral Hayes, how are you?"
[[Excellent, Captain. Ready to dock at the crossroads of the universe?]]
Indeed Starbase 10 was at the crossroads of the Galaxy. In one direction laid the Tarsus Expanse, which had several colonies, mines, and dozens of various spacefaring races. In another direction laid the beta quadrant, volatile free space. In yet another, there were the Core Worlds. It was near two of the biggest trading routes of the galaxy; The Orion Belt and Heading 211 mark 15, which connected the Core Worlds and the Colonial regions. Not only was the physical Starbase a large and important one, the civilian towns, docks, warehouses, stopover areas, and the large city Hedron tended to flourish. There were hundreds of Starfleet warehouses and engineering facilities, as well as storage bays the size of Geltian football stadiums filled with all forms of provisons and supplies. For civilians and the off-duty Starfleet officer, there were thousands of shops and recreational facilities that catered both to the commonplace and more exotic tastes.
"Aye sir," said Steele, closing the channel. When they docked, and only about 20 people were needed to run the ship, he would let the other thousand run loose. It was their first opportunity for shore leave ever since he assumed command of the vessel (and for about a year before that!), and he was not going to deny it for them. DeSimms probably knew some more shady individuals on the planet who might replenish his ammo supply, then Doc would probably go Tequila hunting. He also knew that some of the enlisted men, and some of the officers too, would enjoy a very specific form of recreational facility which was plentiful on the planet.
"Dock her well, Mister Compass," said Steele. He looked at Powers and said to her, "Once relief crews arrive, keep a man on Communications and someone in engineering. Send the rest of the crew down. Well, at least try to get most of them to leave."
He now turned to the entire bridge, "I want everyone who is standing on this bridge to take their week of R&R and spend most of it on the planet."
He got a lot of grumbling, but finally he heard the bridge crew chorus, "Aye, sir."
Transporter Room 1- Docked at station.
Two security guys manhandled Cory onto the transporter. Cory mumbled and grumbled, but finally, "Fine. Gar, it was a pleasure."
Gar looked down at the teleport panel and waited for a few seconds. He could have said something meaningful, but instead, Gar raised his unoccupied hand, made a fist, and then lifted a solitary middle finger. DeSimms had trouble containing his laughter, and Cory turned red with anger.
DeSimms handed Cory a card and said, "You have a way with computers, Mr. Campbell. I am not a heartless bastard, so heres a contact card for Federation Intelligence. Maybe you can do something there."
"Thank you, DeSimms. Permission to disemabark?"
"Granted," DeSimms nodded to Gar, and Gar pushed up the three sliders. They thought this was the last they would hear of Campbell.
Public Communications Lines- SB 10, Line with Earth.
The face of Mary Campbell filled the screen. The seventy year old was disappointed in the HOOD, and she made it very clear to Cory that she would try to get him back in the fleet, "Listen, Cory. I will do my best to get you into the fleet, but I don't know how far I will get with that. What I can do is persuade them to assign the HOOD an IA guy, who will probably be civilian to the ship."
"That should get them all in trouble," said Cory, smiling.
"They should get in trouble for what they did to you," said Mary, "And all the other transgressions I have heard about. Bye, Cory."
"Bye, Mom!"
From: Fleet Admiral JT Comsol, Chief, Starfleet Operations
To: Rear Admiral Makarov, Commandant, Starbase 10 and Operational Fleet 2
Subject: Internal Affairs
Internal Affairs shall be assigned to USS Hood for next operational mission. This will be effective from T-1 hour before leaving drydock and will apply until next post-mission stopover. Alert all applicable parties of the preceding order
Fleet Admiral JT Comsol, Chief, Starfleet Operations
[[Reply to Memo]]
From: Rear Admiral Makarov, Commandant, Starbase 10 and Operational Fleet 2
To: Fleet Admiral JT Comsol, Chief, Starfleet Operations
Subject: RE: Internal Affairs.
Orders understood and relayed. Qualified civilian, Ms. Ida Melbourne, has been assigned. Captain Steele has responded that they will be ready to take her aboard T-1 day before leaving drydock.
Rear Admiral Ogily Makarov, Commandant, Starbase 10
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shore Leave for Most==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: Starbase Ten
“So, what do you think?”
“I think the admiral hates us.”  Sean answered as the two HOOD officers stood just outside the admiral’s office.
Jack chuckled and reached for his communicator.  “Steele to HOOD.”
[Gar here.]
“Whats your present location Mr. Gar?”
[I’m in my office sir.  Mr. Compass is keeping your seat warm.]  Jack and Sean traded a look.  Although he hadn’t said it you could clearly here ‘that idiot Mr. Compass’ in the Andorian’s tone.
“Good.  Commander HOOD is going to be moving over to the dry dock in six hours.  Before that happens the entire crew, save for the senior officers, have to be off.”
[Sir?]  Gar answered incredulously.  [The entire crew?]
“An immediate 10 day shore leave for all crew either on the Starbase or at the facilities.  The repair teams will be assisting the officers in the uh, repair work.”
“Smooth.”  Sean whispered, rolling his eyes at the captain. 
“Get the department heads on it right away and also notify them that we will have a senior officer’s briefing in two hours.  Steele out.”
“Well I have to admit to feeling more then a little guilty hiding over here for the next two hours.  I’m sure lunch in the O Club will help me get over it.  Care to join me?”
“Wait.”  Sean said as he cupped a hand to his ear.
“I think I can hear Gar’s screams from here.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mission Brief==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: Main Conference Room, USS HOOD
As the last officer entered the conference room Jack leaned forward and began the briefing.  “As you all know, four hours from now HOOD will transit over to the dry dock for repairs and refit.  Obviously this is not necessary and is instead only a ruse to cover for the fact that some of us will not be aboard her.”  He turned to face Lieutenant Commander Compass.  “Commander in three hours you will take temporary command of the ship.  Over the next 7 to 10 days your job, with the assistance of Lieutenants Steering and Marconi, will be to ensure this subterfuge is kept up.  As far as anyone is concerned the rest of us are still aboard overseeing various classified upgrades.  In actual fact as HOOD heads over to the slip we will beam off and onto a passing cargo shuttle heading for the planet.  Clear?”
“Yes sir.”  It wasn’t clear by any stretch of the imagination but it wasn’t like he had the option of any other answer.  Besides he would be in command.  What did he care about the reasons!
“Very well.  You three are dismissed.”
Once the three officers had departed Jack inserted a datachip into the computer and a Romulan face appeared on the tri screen monitor.  “This is the Romulan Scientist Fveirrolh Sahen.  It seems that Mr. Sahen has decided it is time to move on to greener pastures.”
“Federation pastures perhaps?”  Stile drawled.
“Exactly that.”  Jack confirmed.  “Currently he is on his way to the planet Arcturus.”  The captain ignored Gar’s groan.  “Our mission is to quietly meet him and escort him back to Starbase Ten.  Obviously if Romulus finds out they won’t be very happy with the Federation.”
“Which means Starfleet won’t be very happy with us.”
“I think that is a safe bet.”  Jack confirmed.  “So as you heard  we will beaming over to the cargo ship which will take us to the main space port on the planet below.  It will be up to us to find transport that will get us to Arcturus within three days.”
“We have to find?”  Stile asked.  “No free rides on Starfleet transport?  Surely someone must be heading that way.”
Jack shook his head.  “No, this is covert from start to finish.  We make our own plans so no one will have any knowledge to deny at a later date.  To that end we’ll be traveling in civilian clothing and will have nothing on us to identify us as Starfleet officers.  I do have some credit slips that we can utilize but it is up to us to beg, borrow or steal what ever we need.  We’ll go in two teams of three.  Sean, Stile and Hemux and myself, DeSimms and Gar.  Once we leave here the two teams will act independently although I’m hoping we will be able to support each other once we arrive on Arcturus.”
“Do we know when and where on the planet the defector will be arriving?”  DeSimms asked.
“No.  Only that he is enroute and he will be arriving in no less then three days.”
“But he knows we are looking for him.”
“No.  We don’t think so.”
“The how do we find him?”
“I asked the admiral that very same question.”
“And what was his answer?”
“The same one I can give you.  Are there any other questions?”
“That’s just great.”  Gar grumbled.
“Alright.  We beam out shortly I’ll meet you all in the transporter room once you are suitably garbed.”
Sean waited while the other officer’s left the room.  When they were alone he turned to Jack.  “You didn’t want to mention the Internal Affairs Officer?”
Jack shook his head.  “I want them focused on this mission and not the future.  She won’t be here until we leave dry dock which won’t be until after this mission.  Admiral Carstairs has assured me that after his discussion with CINC-Starfleet that there won’t be any surprise visits during this sensitive mission so there is no point in getting everyone in a tizzy now.  Besides I’m hoping the admiral can put a stop to this before it even happens.  He certainly owes us one after the last mission.”
And there you have it…
Steve: Don’t know if Stile drawls J
Separate NRPG to follow after I have a late dinner! ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Let the Races Begin!==
===by Daniel Belin===
Briefing Room Number 2-
Steele turned to DeSimms, "I think Carstairs knows DeSimms is onboard.
I'm suprised they didn't send SpecOps, I think their line of thought
is DeSimms will be qualified to do the tracking down, protection, and
if need be, blasting our way out of there."
He turned to everyone else, "Because competition seems to always speed
things up, I am making this into a race. Whoever gets to Arcturus
first gets a prize, and no, I do not know what it will be. Get a cover
identity and get planet side in no more than an hour! Dismissed."
Hedron, Mezzaine District
"I liked your covers for us," said DeSimms, "They look to shady and
malevolent to be standard starfleet, but not unrealistically so. Good
"DeSimms," said Gar, "Assuming you've done this kind of thing in
SpecOps, how do we go about this?"
"I have a plan, but you have to promise me something, gentelmen."
"Yes?" inquired Steele.
"When we are done, don't report any of my aquaintances to the police.
I promise they are very discerning in their customers, and they have
never aided enemies of the Federation."
"Fine. What is your plan?"
"First, we go to a more unsavory part of town," said DeSimms, pointing
to a part of the tourist map marked in red, "Then we procure some
weapons from a contact of mine, you know, the kind that a shady
trafficer might use."
"And transport?" asked Gar.
"I know a place where more, well, unscrupulous crews hang out."
"And if we don't find anything?"
"Then, gentlemen, I teach to you stowaway 101."
The Bad Part of Town, 0100 hours.
"Gentlemen, right this way" said DeSimms, ushering Steele and Gar into
an alley. They walked down the foul smelling alley, and found
themselves at what Gar and Steele thought was a side entrance. DeSimms
pushed them inside hurriedly, and closed the door behind him.
"Who are ya?!" yelled a voice from the dark. Suddenly, a red dot
appeared on Captain Steele's chest, and the tension in the room
"Ah terrific! When I am out impersonating a deadly assassin and you've
got Feds crawling out of manholes and dangling from trees."
MacGyver to Pete about backup
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
John DeSimms
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mother's Reprimand==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
Just After Arrival Star base 10
Corbett’s hangover had moved to the base of his skull and decided it wanted to stay for awhile. He shuffled into sickbay looking for the ingredients to his hangover recipe.
“Looking for this Cowboy?” Mother asked holding a hypospray and a cup of coffee.
“I knew there was a reason that I loved ya darling.” Corbett drawled.
“Save it for your fab five.” Mother said as she injected him.
“Thank you Mother, so what’s on the docket for today?”
“First off you will apologize to Miss Saxman, for your frat boy behavior last night.”
“Yes ma’am.” Corbett said wincing then added. “In all fairness you should have seen how uncomfortable Commander Merrick was. It was priceless, so I’d say it was worth it.”
“You want to act like an overgrown child I won’t stop you, but if bring my nurse into it then you got to answer to me, understand.”
“Yes Mother point well taken.”
“Good. Now once you’ve done that then you can sign the stack of waiver forms on your desk so the crew on sick call can take shore leave.
“Is that it?” Corbett asked hoping he could finish the tasks quickly and go back to bed.
“No there are two other issues. First Lt. Hemux hit her head against a bulkhead last night.”
“So, why wasn’t she attended to?” He asked.
“Because she was under the influence of some sort of hallucinogen, that’s why.” Mother shot back.
“She’s a Denobulan they use mushrooms like I use tequila. Scan her head and neck to make sure she doesn’t have a concussion or cervical injury then give her 800mg of Hexaprophen. I’ll stop in to see her in her quarters later to make sure there are no lingering effects.” Corbett said as he turned to leave.
“Not so fast Cowboy there is one last thing.” Mother said with a smirk.
“Why do I get the feeling I don’t want to hear this.” He said looking at the amusement on her face.
“Oh believe me you don’t.” Mother said with a wide grin. “But I’m sure it will give me no end of pleasure to watch you squirm.”
“And what would that be?” He asked.
“Do you know what these are?” She asked in response as she held up her hand.
“They look like several slips of paper” Corbett said.
“Five slips of paper to be exact.” Mother replied.
“Out with it woman.” He yelled tiring of this.
“All right Cowboy.” Mother said giggling. “These are five separate invitations for you to have dinner tonight with your little girl friends.”
“You heard me. They are all expecting you for a romantic dinner tonight and I’m looking forward to you trying to be in five places at once.”
“I am sorry to disappoint you madam, but I am a professional scoundrel and this is just an occupational hazard.”
Mother looked him up and down for a moment then finally asked. “You have no idea what you’re going to do, do you?”
“Not a clue.”
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Boss is REALLY On Your Side==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.333, just before Steele briefed the senior staff in "Mission Brief"
Vice Admiral Joseph Carstairs really hated his job somedays...
...usually that happened when politicians got in the way of operational
Such as right now.
"You're assigning an Internal Affairs person to the HOOD? What on Earth
for?" he asked.
The Chief of Starfleet Operations didn't look all that pleased with
Carstairs' tone. [[[The fact that you asked that questions makes me wonder
whether you truly know what is going on with the ships under your command,
Carstairs reigned in his anger- somewhat. "That might work on some people,
Admiral, but not on me. I've been around this game too long to miss a power
play when I see one." He paused, then added, "This is about Campbell, isn't
JT Comsol said nothing.
Joe pursed his lips and held back a curse. "Are you kidding? He's a menace
to the fleet; every place he's been assigned, and he's caused trouble and
been passed along. Captain Steele does what's right- cashiers his butt for
what he did instead of making Campbell someone else's problem- and STEELE
gets the IA treatment? What about Campbell? He should be doing hard labor
on some penal colony for what he did, not a back way back INTO the fleet.
What kind of fleet are we running here--"
[[[That will be quite enough, Admiral,]]] Comsol said. [[[The fact is that
Steele and his senior staff bullocksed the entire mission to Velorum, and
I've heard about what they do after hours--]]]
"I've endorsed the actions on Velorum completely," he said. "As for the
other stuff, you don't think that it's possible it's exaggerated?"
[[[That's what the IA officer will be determining: its affects on the senior
staff's performance.]]]
Carstairs shook his head. "And all this from a rumor, a little word in the
ear from some disgruntled sailor's mother--"
[[[Tread carefully, Admiral--]]]
"Not a chance, Admiral; I will see this in front of the Commander-in-Chief
himself...and if that doesn't work, I will have it in front of the
Federation Council in 36 hours. Count on it; this is a gross
misappropriation of resources without cause, and I'll see to it that
everyone knows why."
The two Starfleet admirals stared at one another, each one's eyes ablaze,
each one ready to pounce through the viewscreen on which they were viewing
each other.
Comsol blinked first. [[[OK- I can see to it that IA stays away until you
are ready to launch in 10 days' time. I can also see to it that Campbell
never sees the decks of a starship again. I can't promise he'll stay
cashiered; there are too many friends in high places for that. But I can
guarantee he'll stay grounded.]]]
Carstairs hesitated; he didn't like the idea of Campbell being anywhere near
a Starfleet facility where he could endanger other lives...but IA poking
around with them on Arcturus could get very sticky...
"I want it in writing," he finally said. "The IA thing, not about Campbell.
I don't want to see hide nor hair of an IA officer until the ship is ready
to leave Starbase 10. If I do, I will go to the CINC-ESS-EFF."
The Chief of Starfleet Operations said nothing, save [[[Comsol, clear.]]]
As the screen in front of him turned black again, he let out a heavy sigh.
Comsol was his superior officer, and Joe knew he could have gotten into big
trouble for pushing like that.
He still could, conceivably...but he didn't think so. Comsol had more to
loose than Joe did, in the end: currying favors, especially when the
circumstances were so plain for all to see, would not sit well with the
straight-arrow CINCSF.
Just a little something to bridge Andy's post and Daniel's.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ VADM Joseph Carstairs
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Fuzzy Dealings==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.333, during and immediately after Daniel's post, entitled "Let the
Races Begin"
Gar was NOT in a good mood. At all.
He was not a soft person; you could not grow up on Andoria and BE a soft
person- the environment wouldn't let you. And he understood that sometimes,
in order to get things done, you sometimes had to 'bend the rules' somewhat.
But there was a difference between 'bending' and 'breaking' in his
book...and, apparently, he and DeSimms were not reading from the same
Shady people were 'shady' for a reason: they did bad things, dealt with bad
people...and as a result, trusted no one. He couldn't help but feel that
DeSimms was leading them into an unnecessarily complicated scheme.
Gar had been around the block enough to know one thing: consorting with
known criminals was going to draw attention- either from the police (bad),
other criminals (worse), or both (worst of all). That's if they even got a
proverbial foot through the door with these...'associates' of DeSimms'.
Not to mention the fact that, in dealing with these people, now others were
involved; there were others outside of themselves that knew some part of
what they were doing. WITNESSES.
The best way, in Gar's mind, would have been to simply book transport on a
modest passenger liner bound for Arcturus, or even a freighter with
passenger berths; the cover identities they had would cover their arrival
just fine as long as they laid low, and the cost of 'modest transport' would
be minimal, and offer them the added anonymity of mingling with the poor.
And, best of all, no 'shady characters' as witnesses.
As for weapons, DeSimms seemed ready to outfit the three of them as a
complete special operations unit. All one really needed was a phaser;
anything heavier could always be acquired locally, on Arcturus.
"Captain," he said, quietly, as DeSimms ushered them into The Bad Part of
Town. "This is unnecessarily risky- we should just take--"
<<snip- from Daniel's last post, entitled "Let the Races Begin!">>
"Gentlemen, right this way" said DeSimms, ushering Steele and Gar into an
alley. They walked down the foul smelling alley, and found themselves at
what Gar and Steele thought was a side entrance. DeSimms pushed them inside
hurriedly, and closed the door behind him.
"Who are ya?!" yelled a voice from the dark. Suddenly, a red dot appeared on
Captain Steele's chest, and the tension in the room skyrocketed.
<<snip- new material>>
Gar spat a curse as he quietly removed the small palm-sized hand phaser from
a pocket, and set it on heavy stun.
Without warning, Gar shoved Steele and DeSimms back out through the doorway
with a fierce roar, at the same time firing his phaser back in the direction
of where the red laser seemed to come from. As they exploded back onto the
street, gunfire roared from within, and pitted the pavement around them.
The got up, and as someone emerged from the doorway, DeSimms- already with
phaser in hand- blasted the bad guy. Quickly, they ran back out of the
alleyway, all three firing intermittently behind them, finally coming back
onto the main roadway. They weren't **quite** out of The Bad Part of Town
yet...but they were no longer hidden from public view either- something
which offered them at least some security at the moment.
Steele put his phaser away, and Gar and DeSimms concealed their in their
palms as they walked quickly south, glancing over their shoulders as they
"He was an old contact of mine," DeSimms growled. It was not an apology; it
was a statement of fact by his tone.
"Well, he didn't like something about us, that was certain," Gar said. The
Andorian then turned to the Captain as they walked. "Captain, I suggest we
just go to the spaceport, and catch a ride on the cheapest civilian
transports we can and...'blend in'- we can worry about the more covert stuff
when we get to Arcturus. There, we'll definitely need DeSimms' connections
to help finding our Rom and keeping him safe until we can get him back to
Starbase 10. Until then, however...we're just traveling. Draws less
No one said anything further as they continued south, towards the spaceport.
Just adding to our team's first attempts to get to Arcturus.
Really, I just wanted to create some comedy out of this. We don't need to
go that far over the top- yet. :) I can't wait to see what we do when we
get to Arcturus...
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer-turned-Intel Operative
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Out of the Pan and into the Fire==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333
Scene: CMO’s Quarters, USS HOOD
“Stile what are we doing here, we have to be in the transporter room in like 5 minutes?” Sean Merrick asked.
“That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” Corbett said sitting down in front of his vidscreen, but I’ve got a personal matter to attend to first. However, I’ll need you to sit down and no matter what you hear please stay quiet.”
“Make it quick.” Merrick said as he flopped into the seat in front of Stile’s desk.
“Corbett to data storage.” Corbett said pushing the comm. button.
Merrick lifted an eyebrow and tried to suppress the smile that was creeping up on his lips.
[[[Thompson here, hey sweetie, I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight.]]]
Merrick watched as Corbett got a sad pained look on his face.
“I was looking forward to it too darling. It’s been a long time since… well you know.” Corbett said wryly.
[[[What do you mean you were looking forward to it?]]]
“I have been incarcerated on the ship by the Captain as have all the senior staff.”
[[[That’s ok; I’ll stay on board with you.]]]
“I wish you could sweetness, but other than the senior staff all personnel are on mandatory shore leave.” Corbett answered.
[[[Well that sucks. I’ll tell you what when I get back from leave I promise I’ll do something special for you. Again I’m really sorry.]]]
“I’ll hold you too it.” Corbett said winking into the screen.
After Corbett had made the last of his 5 calls with the same response from each, Merrick looked at him with disdain.
“I hate you with a burning passion.” Merrick said smiling
“Jealousy does not become you sar.” Corbett said.
“Ok now that you’ve kept your cojones from being ripped off your body we need to get down to the transporter room.”
“Precisely what I wanted to speak privately with you about.” Corbett said.
“Damn it Stile pop a tranquilizer, we’re not taking a shuttle over to the cargo ship.” Merrick said in frustration.
“No not the transporter.’ Corbett yelled back. “And for your information I’ve taken several, but that’s beside the point. I’m talking about transportation to Arcturus.”
“We’ll have to figure something out at the space port. “ Merrick replied.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I have taken the liberty of contacting an acquaintance of mine in the syndicate.” Corbett said pushing his cowboy hat toward the back of his head.
“What… what syndicate?” Merrick sputtered.
“The Orion one.” Corbett answered.
“Why, how… you know what I don’t want to know.” Merrick said.
“Then I take it you don’t want to know about the 50,000 credits that I had set up in a dummy account.”
“Do you know how many regulations you have just trashed to hell?” Merrick asked his face turning an ugly shade of purple.
“17 to be exact now take a breath before you pass out.” Corbett chuckled.
“Orions why did it have to be Orions?” Merrick asked.
“Because I did 3 years Emergency Medicine Residency there and met all the wrong people, which now seem to have come in handy.”
“When this is over you’re going to be the one to explain it to the Captain.” Merrick said as he headed out the door.
“You worry too much sar… what could possibly go wrong.” Corbett said as he followed Merrick out the door.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
===by Daniel Belin===
Spaceport- Tickets Section
"Look, all we need is a seat on the next flight to Arcturus," pleaded
Steele. He hadn't had to deal with civilian spaceliner representatives
in years, and this was not a part of civilian life he has relishing.
"OK, sir, we had a flight cancellation on a flight departing in 30
minutes. I can't guarantee you'll make it in time, and of course there
are no refunds for this," said the representative, "That will come up
to 890 with the surcharges. That's for all three of you."
Steele forked over the credits, and he, DeSimms, and Gar ran for the
plane as fast as they could. Security slowed them down considerably,
and they made it to the gate with literally seconds to spare. When
they found out where they were sitting, they winced.
--Onboard Flight 298 to Arcturus.
After being seated so the Captain was protected by DeSimms and by Gar
from the back, DeSimms regretted ensuring the Captain's safety. He was
seated in the middle seat, with Steele in the window seat, and a
hyperactive boy of 10 in the aisle seat. To complement this four-foot
annoyance, a rather obese Metian woman was already leaning back in her
seat, completly restricting DeSimms's movement.
The boy looked at DeSimms as the plane took off. The G-forces rippled
through the cockpit, because Inertial Dampers weren't engaged in
athmosphere. Once they accelerated to warp, the boy squeaked, "That
was fun, just like a rollercoaster!"
DeSimms looked at the boy menacingly. The hyperactive boy shut up, for now.
Daniel Belin
John DeSimms
A Man Who Hates Flying,
Onboard Flight 298 to Arcturus
ASR: Origins
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
"Ah terrific! When I am out impersonating a deadly assassin and you've
got Feds crawling out of manholes and dangling from trees."
MacGyver to Pete about backup
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Boy vs. DeSimms==
===by Daniel Belin===
Flight 298 to Arcturus, 1 Hour before Landing at Arcturus.
DeSimms was freaking tired of this kid running his little yapper.
Steele and Gar were both asleep, but his insomnia was augmented by
this transport. The kid continued his verbal barrage with yet another
story of his life. Looking at DeSimms, he said, "So yeah, Billy and I
climbed this huge tree, and we were able to see my dad walking on the
Horseshoe path!"
The morbidly obese woman in front of him was not helping. DeSimms had
already kneed her through the seat twice, and there was no indication
of her waking anytime soon. He was effectively trapped by the woman,
and forced to listen to this verbal torture machine. He tried the
menacing look trick, but that lost its effect hours ago. The kid
continued about his grandpa, who was a Cargo Ship Captain, and DeSimms
just tilted his head up and moaned.
The kid had been yapping for about six hours. DeSimms was tired of
this, and he the kid know.
"Look kid, I ain't sensitive and I don't like kids. Shut the hell up
or I will knock you cold,"
The words definitely had an impact. The kid shut up, but started
crying loudly. Several people gave DeSimms the 'why did you make a kid
cry, you son of a bitch' look. He gave them the malevolent look he
gave the kid. It had an effect, and no one looked in his direction for
the rest of the flight.
He was grateful for the landing on Arcturus an hour later. Stumbling
off the ship, he immediately located the nearest bar and proceeded to
procure several strong drinks. The Captain smiled, and sat down next
to him, "Gentlemen, I suggest we divide and conquer. We have
communicators, so we can stay in contact, and we seemed to have
arrived two and a half days before the defector arrives. I say we
spend the next day and a half preparing."
Both DeSimms and Gar nodded in agreement, so Steele continued,
"DeSimms will focus on procuring whatever equipment he might think we
"I know people," said DeSimms, "And I should be able to beg and steal
from some of the Cargo Ships passing through."
"Alright. Gar, you focus on getting the lay of the land. Get to know
places of interest, shady establishments, spaceports, bars, and the
general area. Research this whole area well!"
"I will focus on providing a base of operations. Once I locate it, we
will stock that as our fortress, our Intel Center, and our shelter.
Move out when you are ready, men."
Gar stood up and left for the tourist info center. Steele looked at
DeSimms and quipped, "Try not to get shot prematurely, Mister."
On that note, the two men drained their drinks and headed in seperate
Submitted by,
Daniel Belin
John DeSimms
ASR: Origins
With all due respect,
Daniel F. Belin
"Ah terrific! When I am out impersonating a deadly assassin and you've
got Feds crawling out of manholes and dangling from trees."
MacGyver to Pete about backup
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Into the Devil’s Den==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2260.333, Time frame during Daniel's post, entitled "Let the Races Begin"
Scene: Hedron, Red Light District aka “The Sea of Nectar”
Corbett, Merrick and Hemux exited the space port from three separate locations so as not to attract attention that they were together. The plan was for them to rendezvous in 1 hour at the club Corbett was to meet his Contact. Corbett watched Hemux from the shadows as she made her way to a taxi station. He knew he needed to wait and make sure the Denobulan wasn’t going to get into trouble. Even though she was three times his age there seemed to be a naiveté about her that could lead to trouble. After the Science officer had disappeared into a cab Corbett made his way to the subway terminal, doubling back several times to make sure he wasn’t being followed as well.
The train to the Sea of Nectar was relatively empty; it never had many passengers as it was headed to the seedy side of the city.
The train glided to a halt and the few passengers aboard shuffled out the door. Their heads were hung low and they made it a point to avoid eye contact with anyone around them. These upstanding citizens didn’t want to be recognized in this pit of an area.
The street above the subway terminal was well lit by the garish neon of the signs that were attached to the buildings on either side. The streets were moderately crowded with people getting food from vendors or checking their PADD to make sure they had the right building number.
Corbett looked around the street for a moment making sure he wasn’t being watched and then headed out. He had committed the back alleyways to memory long ago. Walking for a few more blocks he made a sharp left into a cramped alley off the main drag.
This was dangerous and he knew it. Reaching into his boot he pulled out his pistol and cocked the hammer back. The doorway in front and to his right cast a long shadow into the alleyway. After making a quick check behind him he ran to the doorway and hid. If anyone had been following him he would soon know. After a few minutes he deemed it was safe and continued down the alley to where it intersected another populated street.
Corbett tucked his pistol into his waistband and covered the protruding handle with his shirt. Stepping onto the street he turned right and made his way to a gaudy two story building with Grecian columns and a flashing pink neon sign that read ‘The Olympus Garden’.
“20 credit cover charge.” an overly muscled man wearing a black tunic said as Corbett approached.
Corbett handed over the money and the man stamped his hand.
“First time here?” The man asked.
Corbett kept his head bent low so as not to make eye contact with the man. “Yes, I heard this was the place to be.”
“Don’t worry you’ll have a story to tell the guys back home, I guarantee it.” The man said with a smirk.
Corbett nodded and hurried inside. However, he smiled when he overheard the man say, “Effing Tourists.”
Scene: The Olympus Garden
Corbett made his way through the short hallway and held his hand up for the bouncer who was standing by a thick black velvet curtain and looking to see that he had been stamped.
“Enjoy.” The man grunted and pulled the curtain back for him to enter.
The bar area was just as garish as the outside of the building. The walls were lined with mirrors and red velvet drapes. Corbett looked around for a moment at the rows of tables and booths that lined the 3 stages. The music was loud and pounding and the strobe lights hit the ascending smoke turning it into a thin haze.
Corbett watched the activity for a few minutes. He scanned the dancers and hostesses working the tables then slowly made his way to a back booth where he saw an uncomfortable looking Merrick sitting.
“You picked some place for a meeting.” Merrick said.
“I didn’t pick it. I was told where to meet.” Corbett answered.
“Yeah, but I’m sure you didn’t fight very hard to have the location changed.” Merrick shot back.
“Sean if one is going to have a dangerous clandestine meeting then the scenery at least should be memorable.”
“Ah-huh sure.” Merrick said as he waived off a Deltan table dancer.
“Sean you need to lighten up a bit,” Corbett said in mock anger. “Have a drink, or better yet get a dance. I mean look around you some of the most beautiful girls the quadrant has to offer are right here.”
“Why is it that I think you’ve been here lots of times before?” Merrick asked relaxing a bit.
“Sar I am appalled that you would besmirch my character this way. I’ll have you know that I have never…”
“Hey Stile haven’t seen you here in a long time.” A sweet Risian female hostess said interrupting the doctor. “Can I get you a drink, the usual?”
Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and frowned at Merrick. “Not a word sar, do you hear me.” Then turning to the Risian said. “Ah Briana you’re as lovely as ever and still take my breath away.”
The Risian smiled at the Cowboy, “Always the charmer Stile. What’s your friend drinking?”
“Just bring 2 tequila’s darlin.” Corbett said.
“ARr'Rhiana has arrived.” Merrick said gesturing with a nod to the front entrance.
“Then we are all here; however given our current situation I think it better that you and I handle this while ARr'Rhiana stay’s in the main bar area.” Corbett said.
“Shouldn’t I waive her over though?” Merrick asked.
“Look at her Sean, she is mesmerized by that male dancer, let her have her fun.” Corbett replied.
“Here you go hun, 2 tequilas.” The Risian said as she placed the drinks on the table interrupting them.
“Thank you Briana,” Corbett said then motioned toward ARr'Rhiana. “Darlin you see that Denobulan over by the front bar. Well she is a very dear friend of mine and I would appreciate it if she were well looked after by the staff and bouncers, if you know what I mean.”
“Don’t worry Stile we’ll make sure she stays safe.” The Risian said then left to talk to the bouncers.
Corbett up ended his tequila then stood. “I’m going to talk with ARr'Rhiana for a moment. Do you see that alcove in the back just under the balcony of the V.I.P. room?”
Merrick nodded.
“After I get up slowly make your way over there.” Corbett said.
Corbett casually wandered over to ARr'Rhiana and sat in a chair at the table next to her. “Enjoying yourself darlin?” Corbett drawled.
“Immensely Stile; what a wonderful place this is.” She said as a male dancer gyrated in front of her.
“I’m glad you like it.” He said. “Sean and I have to take care of some things and you may not see us for awhile.”
“Oh don’t worry I can wait here very patiently.” She said with that overly large Denobulan smile.
“I can see you’ll at least be entertained.” Corbett said chuckling. “Here are some credits to play with.”
ARr'Rhiana smiled at the number of credits he gave her. It seemed this was going to be a fun evening after all, she thought.
Patting her shoulder Corbett stood and slowly headed to the back alcove where Sean was already making his way. He ignored the different girls who called out after him asking if he wanted a dance and kept walking toward the alcove.
Corbett could feel the barrel of a pistol press against the flesh of his left kidney. “Give me a reason why I shouldn’t leave you on the floor bleeding to death.” A raspy female voice whispered in his ear.
“Because the red color of my blood would undoubtedly clash with your beautiful green skin Alia.” Corbett answered
“I can always wash it off.” She retorted.
“As a doctor I’m pretty sure the green won’t wash off.” He answered.
Laughing she pulled the pistol from his kidney and allowed him to turn toward her.
Corbett hadn’t forgotten how beautiful the Orion was, nor how deadly. Even now the power of her pheromones was casting a spell on him. Abruptly he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply feeling the curves of her body conform to him.
“You left me without a word.” She said as they broke the embrace.
“I was given little choice darlin, but that’s a story for another time.” He said then added. “I’m here to see Fat Mickey.”
“I should have known.” She said with a mirthless laugh. “The great Stile Corbett would never come back after a conquest.”
“First of all Alia, I don’t think any man in history has ever conquered an Orion female and secondly I would have thought that after so much time had passed you would have found yourself a rich man to subjugate.”
Alia’s eyes narrowed and without warning she lifted her hand to slap Corbett across the face. Instinctually he grabbed her hand and pulled her in for another kiss.”
“Alia I need to see the Fat Man now; however, I promise I will come back and finish this with you.”
Breaking from his embrace she looked into his eyes and nodded. “He’s in his usual spot.” She said then turned and made her way from him and toward the center stage.
Corbett watched her walk away and physically shook himself to clear his head from her spell.  He walked the last few feet to the alcove and Sean.
“You know I really am starting to hate you.” Merrick said. “Once just once, I’d like to go someplace with you and not have beautiful women who supposedly resent you fall back under whatever Texas voodoo you practice.”
“Trust me Sean it doesn’t happen all that often. Most of the time things end rather badly with either blunt objects or projectiles being aimed in my general direction.”
“That I can believe; now before we head into the lion’s den do mind telling me who these people are and how you know them.”
“Are you sure this is something you really want to know?” Corbett asked.
“Damn it Stile if my ass is on the line then yes.”
Corbett let out a long sigh. “These people are very dangerous Sean. I know them from my time on Orion. Fat Mickey was a patient of mine in the ER several times and took a liking to me. However he ran afoul of his brother who controlled shall we say certain activities on and about the planet. So to make a long story short instead of killing him outright he was exiled here to operate this club, but to our service he still has ties to the main organization. If you want to get anywhere covertly and pick up a package no questions asked then this is the place you must come to”
“Great just frakin great. I had a clean record then I get hooked up with you and now I got gangsters and strippers in my life.”
“Quit complaining at least it’s never dull.” Corbett said as he pushed the door that was housed behind the curtains of the alcove and opened it. Together the 2 descended down the stairs it hid.
DeSimms is not the only one who knows and is loved by shady characters. A life as a professional scoundrel brings about the most interesting of relationships, which is why Corbett was so paranoid about being followed.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD