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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Remote Control==
===David Kiel===
Cedria rolled her belongings down the gangplank and looked around for the duty
officer. The flight deck was unusually active, it was instantly clear that she
was simply the first expected landing. She reached out and snagged a passing
crewmans arm.
"What's going on."
He looked over surprised and in a hurried panic extricated her hand from his
arm. "We have incoming from the planet and are apparently playing decoy for a
Romulan warship." He sped off towards the landing area.
"First minute on board and charging Romulans already." Cedria whistled
impressed at fates deadly sense of humor.
She hurried as quickly as her wheeled trunk would allow and tapped a wall panel
with quick fingers. She looked around the landing deck at the crewmen dashing
about, spotting one lonely fellow wringing his hands in a corner near the
turbolift. Eyes darting back to the screen she repeated the pertinent points of
the readout to herself a few times and then hurried with her stuff over to the
lonely crewman.
"Lieutenant Zade." She said by way of introduction as she approached.
He looked up nervously and smiled. "Crewman Michaels, ma'am."
"You look like you can help me."
"Sure." He said, puzzled but looking relieved to have something to do. "I am a
botanist, I'm afraid, I'm just trying to stay out of the way."
Cedria rubbed her hands in excitement as the adrenaline of the surrounding
activity began to kick in. "I need to get to cabin nine bravo on the officers
deck and then the bridge as quickly as is possible, and I need a guide."
The crewman looked back at her shuttle understanding her need of a guide and
picked up two of her bags. "Right this way then." She pushed the trunk and
followed as he led them into the turbolift. There was a pause as the lift
whirred its way horizontally and then vertically up to the main decks. He
halted it at a juncture and the doors whooshed open.
"This way." He trotted quickly down the corridor and then turned to the right
following a curved corridor for two dozen meters. Cedria scrambled after him,
her trunk clattering along the deckplating as she half rode it around the
corners. He stopped at a cabin door and tapped the keypad, it opened and she
pushed her stuff in. She pointed to the bunk and he deposited her bags there.
He began an explanation of the cabins appointments that sounded like it was
straight out of a handbook.
"I'll need a guide to the bridge as well, if you'd wait outside for a second."
Cedria cut his dissertation off with a hurried smile as she unzipped her largest
bag and pulled out a mustard colored duty uniform, tossing it to her bunk.
"Pardon?" He looked back at her seeming disappointed that she didn't want to
hear about the cabin desk feature.
Cedria's eyes glittered and she chuckled to herself. He'll catch on in a second
she thought, and reached down and pulled her top up and off over her head. She
glanced to the side as she began unbuckling her flight pants, his eyes were wide
and fixated on the trail of spots along her slender Trill form. Botany was an
exciting profession she was sure but from the looks of crewman Michaels he was
clearly not used to seeing young Lieutenants in their undergarments as part of
that duty.
He managed a flustered squeak and hurried to the exit. "I'll just wait in the
hall." The door whooshed open and closed again. Cedria carefully collected the
command tube and her hand comp and changed as quickly as was Trillanly*
[forty-seven seconds later]
The door whooshed open and Cedria hopped out pulling her second boot on as she
moved. She looked at the again startled crewman as she stamped her foot on the
deck to push her boot the rest of the way on. His eyes widened even further if
that was possible as they followed the leopard spots long her leg from the boot
to her golden hem of her uniform skirt.
She grinned and pointed a finger at him. "You've seen way too many spots,
"Ma'am, I am deeply,.."
"Bridge now, apologies later." Cedria set off in a jog in the direction of the
"Yes, Lieutenant." Michaels caught up and stepped into the lift. He ordered it
to deck one while she smoothed the hang of her duty tunic and skirt. "I do hope
I didn't give the impression that I uh,…"
Cedria looked over and grinned once again. "Don't worry crewman. I completely
understand, trust me. I was a man just a few years ago."
Crewman Michaels eyes widened so far she was sure his eyelids were sprained.
[Fifteen seconds later.]
She left the speechless botanist in the lift and stepped onto the bridge. The
ship was moving in an arc over Arcturus, the Romulan ship was still small on the
main viewscreen but it was clearly already getting closer. She whistled again,
and her attention was distracted by a flash on a secondary display. A formation
of shuttles was just exiting the atmosphere, the flash had come from the
portmost in the formation and it was peeling away and arcing over clearly out of
"Sir, one of the shuttles has lost nav control, their flight controls have
overloaded." A communications officer addressed a man in a gold tunic sitting in
the Captains chair. Cedria didn't recognize him, he clearly wasn't Captain
Steele and did not have captains stripes on his uniform.
"Do we know who is on that shuttle." The acting captain spoke.
"Unknown, sir. It's flight arc has it impacting the planets surface in six
Cedria stepped a little closer, her vivid green eyes darting from station to
station taking the layout as quickly as she could. She had had three weeks with
nothing to do but read constitution class technical manuals, but seeing it all
helped cement everything in her mind.
"We could intercept, sir. A tractor beam."
"No, ensign. We have to be in position should the Romulans make a move." The
acting captain shook his head and then turned when a young Trill woman in a gold
uniform cleared her throat behind him.
"Lieutanant Cedria Zade reporting for duty, Captain." She said using the
honorific captain to the man who was currently manning the role. "Im the new
navigation officer, with your permission Id like to try something a little,
"I thought you were the navigator, Compass?" A man in red laughed and looked at
the acting captain and turned away with a hastily muttered apology following the
resulting stare.
Cedria looked at him with a mixture of shock and dismay at her unfortunate
timing. It was her turn to apologize. "Im sorry, I didn't,…"
Compass, to his credit, waved her off with a hand. "If you can do something to
help that shuttle do it.." He turned back to the main viewscreen. "Shields up
and weapons ready, but don't charge the banks unless the Romulans do."
"Yes, Captain." The laughing ensign said with deference as his hands moved over
his console.
Cedria moved quickly pulling a long black cable from one of the emergency repair
cabinets and darted over to the communications station. She knelt and stuck her
head under the station and attached the cable to the leads and looked up at the
communications duty officer. "I need a narrow beam signal linked to that
shuttles sensor array."
She then dashed to the helm trailing the cable and slid legs first under it as
well. Attaching the cable as quickly as possible, she then pulled her hand comp
from her waist pocket and clipped it into a port on the underside of the con.
Lying flat on her back she looked up at the helmsman, "If it was just the
cockpit controls that have failed and not the engines we can possibly fly it
remotely. Access the shuttles command codes and pass them through
communications and then pass control to me on the hand comp."
"You intend to fly and land a shuttle from a hand computer?" The acting Captain
looked as if he suspected her of being a clever Romulan spy.
Cedria Zade nodded. "I can do this, Captain."
The helmsman looked at Compass with incredulity and awaited confirmation. "The
shuttle will crash in five minutes, sir."
There was a short pause and Compass nodded down at her. The helmsman tapped a
few keys and suddenly she was looking through the shuttles main viewscreen on
her hand comp display. Cedria heard the words `Ahead full impulse' and felt
the slightest tug as Hood increased speed. She accessed engine control and sent
speed and attitude corrections leveling out the shuttle. Her eyes darted back
and forth from the auxiliary viewscreen showing the shuttles rise from Arcturus
and the hand unit in front of her.
Still lying flat on the deck of the bridge she began flying, arcing the shuttle
up from the surface and picking up speed to rejoin the flight formation with the
others. The Hood was moving quickly and she hoped the Romulans didn't choose to
become aggressive. If Hood's deck began pitching flying the shuttle would
become nigh to impossible. She kept the shuttle about two widths out of proper
formation as touch control was tricky on a hand unit meant to display technical
In about forty five seconds she saw the Hood veer into and turn about on the
shuttles display. It was an odd feeling watching herself approaching the very
ship she was currently laying down in. She slowed and took the aft position,
she couldn't trail the others by far lest her shuttle be left behind. Her brow
furrowed and beads of perspiration trailed the edge of her hairline as her
fingers moved furiously sending mathematic commands directly to the shuttles
engines. Landing was much harder than the rest of it combined.
Cedria Zade set the last shuttle down on the landing deck as carefully as she
could and without hitting any of the other shuttles. She cut the attitude
controls and powered down the engines and then, with her fingers shaking,
allowed the datapad to drop to her chest, breathing heavily and letting all the
panic she had been suppressing wash over her.
It had been a difficult first twelve minutes aboard her new ship and she
definitely needed some tea. Compass gave the order and Hood jumped to warp
I have been reading all the heroic dashing about planetside and decided to jump
in with my own very heroic rewiring of command panels and laying down on the
bridge.  This embellishes the details of what happened in Andrews post
"Not With a Bang…", not meant as a retcon at all, but as an enhancement of those
(*) I like to make up words now and again. As fast as humanly possible in this
case modified by Trillanly. It should probably be Trilly but its my word and
Ill spell it how I please. :p
Last time I was in ASR there were multiple places one had to post. Let me know
if I am missing anything as this group is the only place I am sending to.
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Party!==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Party!==