
ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Can I Come Too==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.024
Timeframe: Parallel to Scotts "Back to Normal?"
Setting: CMO’s Office
Corbett exited the party early and made his way quietly to his office. Placing his hat on the desk he went about the ritual of cutting and lighting a cigar. Leaning back he exhaled and looked appreciatively at the Cuban he held between his left thumb and index finger. He sipped on his glass of tequila and wondered not for the first why he felt so uneasy.
People were getting drunk and slapping each other on the back extolling what a good job they had done, yet here he was thinking about what had went wrong. This mission was supposed to be covert; however, there was the crew featured on a news broadcast that spanned all the worlds of the Federation. The Admiralty will not be pleased, he thought as he took another sip.
The Klingons and Romulans could and most likely would claim that those involved were rogue elements from their respective governments and in no way were legitimately sanctioned. Ah to be a totalitarian government and get away with such things. The Federation would not be so lucky. There would be no way to deny that the actions of the crew from a Constitution Class heavy cruiser were sanctioned. Well not unless Star Fleet wanted to brand them mutineers and pirates. Corbett had to laugh at that thought. What would make Star Fleet look worse that they sanctioned the operation, or that a handpicked crew from a flagship mutinied.
[[[Security to the brig- security to the brig.]]] Came over the ships intercom breaking into his thoughts.
Corbett shook his head and put his glass down on the desk. Back to work already he thought as he pushed his chair back and grabbed his hat and emergency med-kit.
He made it to the turbo lift where Merrick and Gar were already inside. “Gentlemen, imagine meeting you here.”
“Avae has escaped.” Gar said with what sounded to Corbett like a mixture of anger and pride.
“So I take it we’re all off to the Brig?” Corbett asked.
“No,” Merrick said.  “Actually were headed to Dr. Sachen’s quarters. Gar believes that’s where she is headed.”
Gar just nodded his head to the affirmative.
“I take it you’re trying to get to her before Security does. Mind if I tag along then?” Corbett asked.
“Don’t you have to go to the brig?” Merrick questioned. “From what Gar has told me about her I would bet that the security detail in charge of her is injured.”
“That’s the beauty of being me.” Corbett said smiling as he stepped over to the lift’s comm. button. [[Corbett to trauma team 1]]
[[Harris here sir.]] Came the metallic sounding reply.
[[Nick take a couple of stretchers down to the brig and make sure no one is seriously injured.]]
[[Aye sir, I’ll let you know if you’re needed. Harris out]]
“Oh don’t give me that frown of disapproval Sean; it’s not an abuse of power.” Corbett said facing Merrick and then turned to Gar. “I have a feeling she only incapacitated her guards; however, what she might do to Sachen is a different matter entirely.”
“The doctor is right.”  Gar said grimly. “She will try to carry out her mission and assassinate him. We very well may need Stile on site.”
“Well then I guess you’re along for the ride doctor.” Merrick said.
You know how I hate to be left out.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Racedown==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Racedown==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What has it Gots in its Pocketses==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: What has it Gots in its Pocketses==