
ORIGINS: USS Hood January 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Where’d the Doctor Go==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.025
Timeframe: Immediately after Brian's "Racedown"
Setting: Corridor Outside Guest Quarters, USS HOOD
<Snip from Brian’s Post "Racedown"
"Waddaya think Gar? Is she going to try for engineering. Blow up the ship?"
"Transporters make more sense. Just beam him out to space. Not even bother
rematerializing him."
Sean pinched the bridge of his nose as though a headache were building. "Gosh I really hate to do this," He flipped open his communicator. "Sean to Security."
End snip>
Corbett took out his scanner and began moving it about Sean’s head.
“What the hell…”
“Hold still, I think you’re having a stroke.” Corbett grumbled.
“I’m having several with a heart attack to boot.” Merrick sighed as he knocked Corbett’s scanner away. “We’re heading over to Transporter Room 2”
Gar nodded and turned to run down the hallway. Corbett turned too, but was halted by the intercom.
[Trauma team 1 to Dr. Corbett]
“Corbett here,” He said as he watched Merrick stop to listen in.
[Doc we got a problem. Ensign Jimenez started seizing and her heart rate just plummeted.] The medic said in a panic.
“How was she when you first got to her?”
[She was roughed up pretty bad, but was talking to us. We were just taking her in as a precaution when she went south.]
“Pull up her tunic and tell me what you see.”
[She’s breathing, but it’s shallow and there’s a large bruise on the left side of her chest.]
“How far out are you from sickbay?”
[4 maybe 5 minutes]
“Damn it; don’t move her I’m on my way.” Corbett yelled into the comm. then punched it again. “Corbett to sickbay.”
[Saxman here sir.]
“Kiska I got an emergency inbound 5-6 minutes. I need a surgical unit and trauma nurse prepped and ready when I get there.
[Aye sir, sickbay out]
Corbett turned and almost smacked into Merrick. “Go, you can check in with me later.” Corbett said shooing Merrick away.
“I will.” Merrick said taking off after Gar.
Scene: Brig
“Easy gentlemen, she’s hanging on by a thread as it is.” Corbett said as they lifted her. She started to convulse as soon as they moved her onto the stretcher.
“BP 60/20, pulse 28 and weak.” The corpsman yelled as he watched his hand held scanner.
“No you don’t darlin, you ain’t dyin today.” Corbett scolded in his thick Texas drawl.
“BP 40/10, no pulse.” The corpsman yelled to Corbett. “We need a Cardio Stimulator, or we’ll lose her.”
Corbett ignored the medic and ripped open the woman’s uniform and undershirt exposing her chest. Pulling an old style syringe from his med-kit he grabbed the plunger from the syringe and threw it behind him as he pressed two fingers against the left side of her chest. Once he found the landmark he was looking for he pushed the needle into her chest and was immediately hit with a stream of blood that was under high pressure.
“BP 80/50, pulse 40 and regular, her vitals are getting stronger.” The corpsmen yelled in surprise as they took off down the corridor to sickbay.
“She had a pericardial tamponade, blood in the pericardial space, which was constricting the heart and keeping it from beating. I relieved it with the needle and syringe. Corbett said. “So don’t be so reliant on technology sar, as sometimes the old fashioned low tech treatments work the best. Also you should have figured that out for yourself had you done a proper secondary survey.”
The medic said nothing in return. He knew he had screwed up and instead concentrated on getting the patient to sickbay.
The doors to sickbay swooshed open and they wheeled the patient to the surgical suite. For an outsider looking in the action was very quick as the corpsmen and nurses surrounded the table and began to stabilize the young woman and prep her for surgery.
“Sir what happened, you’re covered in blood?” Saxman asked.
Corbett looked into the mirror that hung outside the surgical suite and saw his cowboy had was streaked and spattered. “Mr. Wong is not going to be happy with this.” He said.
“Who’s Mr. Wong?” Saxman asked puzzled.
“My drycleaner.” Corbett said over his shoulder. “Now let’s get prepped for surgery.
I was with Sean and Gar for “Racedown”, but eliminated without explanation from the fray in “The Great Escape”. So just in case the continuity police are roaming around I thought I’d post what broke me away from the fun.
Respectfully Submitted,
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
CMO, USS Hood 1703

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Grind==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Back to the Grind==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Starting Over==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Starting Over==