
ORIGINS: USS Hood June 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: We’re Not In Kansas Anymore==
===by Steve Apple===
SD:  2261.170
Scene: Transporter Room
The bright cascade of swirling lights started to clear and Corbett could make out the RUTLEDGE’s transporter room. Instead of solidifying on the pad a sick jolting vertigo grabbed him. When the wave of nausea and vertigo finally subsided he could feel he was lying on a damp floor.
Corbett took slow deep breaths and tried to stand, stopping only when the vertigo threatened to take hold again. After a minute he was able to stand and take a look around the small room. It looked like it was carved out of solid rock with a long slab of stone that served as a bed. The front of the room looked open.
Pushing his hat to the back of his head he took the ten steps to the opening. Extending his hand he tapped with his left index finger what he hoped would be air, instead he felt the cold surface of some kind of Plexiglas type surface. It was black and gave no sign that it was seamed into the rock. Placing his hand flat against the glass he stepped onto his toes trying to feel if it ended somewhere he could reach and possibly climb over; however luck wasn’t with him and the glass seemed to go all the way to the ceiling.
It didn’t take long for it to dawn on his foggy mind that he was in a prison cell, or cage. The light in his cell was bright, but the glass wall was black. Well not exactly black, more like it was clear and that the blackness was on the other side of it. Backing up a few steps he grabbed his right wrist with his left hand and tucking it into his chest extended his right shoulder. Hurling himself forward he hit the glass and felt it shift slightly with him, absorbing the blow, a second later it rebounded throwing him back onto the floor of the cell.
That was a smart move he thought as he rubbed his shoulder. Go ahead kick it and see if it’ll break your foot. Corbett paused for a moment at that thought. Maybe that wasn’t such a farfetched thought after all. Digging into his med kit he brought out his hand scanner and adjusted the frequency. It took a few minutes, but he found an anomaly in the glass. That might be the part he would need to concentrate on. Taking out his hypo he broke a vial of seraline blue over the anomaly so he would know exactly where it was later.
After several hours of trying his laser scalpel and several sound frequencies he had almost given up when the glass began to brighten. He could see a hallway in front of the glass and several identical cells that ran its length. “It’s a prison alright,” he said aloud when he saw the cells. “I’ve been in enough to know.”
“Stile is that you.”
Corbett heard the voice of his Captain and saw the man pressed up against the glass of the cell diagonally in front of him and to his right. “Nice to know I’m in good company sar.”
“I can see Cedria from here; she’s lying on the floor of the cell to my left.” Steele said.
“Now that must be a sight.” Corbett yelled back then added. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll trade you some smokes and my breakfast for a week if you change cells with me Jack as I’ve always had a women’s prison fantasy involving Zade.”
“Stow it doctor. We need to figure out how we got here.”
“Captain where are we?” Someone yelled from another cell.
Corbett knew that voice, it belonged to Gene Lowl. “We are not in Kansas anymore sar, so I think the better question is why are we here and how do we get out.”
<<NRPG>> Kind of reminded me of “The Menagerie” or if you prefer “The Cage” episode
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD