
ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green dreams==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Therapist is "The Rapist" Run Together==
===by David Martens===
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2261.026
SD 2261.031
USS HOOD, Personal quearters ARr'Rhiana Hemux.
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
Time: after Dr Sahen was transfered
"I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you," Sean sat muttering.
Hemux sat on her bed, legs wrapped up under her and the pipe with Denobulan
It had taken an order from the Captain to get him back onto the exam table.
mushrooms clenched between her teeth. A single tear glanced on her cheek as she
His exact words had in fact been "No this is not a joke. Yes mister, march
stared into the void, or better into the Abyss...
your butt to sickbay and submit to the doctor."
The confrontation with the Orion slavetraders had messed her up, the talk with
Submit to the doctor? What the hell was he? The XO of the fraking ship or
Sahen had confused her even more. The horrors that he promised and that his
a dominatrix partner?
research held made her spine shiver as if the winds of the Andorian Ice Plains
blew over her skin. To be honest, she was a wreck.
And now his butt was cold. That was because he hadn't even bothered to tie
up the stupid exam gown. Instead, he ground his teeth in dead set
A cruel smile came to her as she remember the feeling, the taste of blood as she
determination to not give Stile, and doubtlessly the Captain too, the
sank her teeth in that Orion swine his neck. A small bit of revenge, a bite of
satisfaction of seeing him squirm before any pretty nurses. There would be
revenge she thought and giggled silly. She nodded once and took a deep breath
''no'' pretentions of modesty today dammit.
from her pipe and smiled, more would follow, one Orion down, a million to go,
she grinned wicked...
It was while he was scratching his left cheek that the perfunctory knock at
the exam stall's doorpost came. He took a deep breath and in walked ...
She blinked her eyes; Corbettt, the man came to her memory... Corbett, could he
be trusted? She remembered how he pulled her of the Orion, how he wanted to
He blinked. "Hello mother."
protect the Orion bastard... ARr'Rhiana her mind was filled with smoke and
halicinations, she remember vaguely a dscussion between Corbett and the Orion
"Didn't disappoint you I hope," Mother said with a cheery smile.
slavetrader, something about trading her in exchange for the death of the Orion
overseer... Yes, Corbett,... she had to keep an eye on him, would he be after
"I'm in no mood today mother."
her, should she... kill him...just to be safe...? She smiled, an opportunity,
yes she needed an opportunity, to test him, to check him, to make sure he was
"Oh, you got a headache hon? That's okay. We can do it tomorrow night."
trustworthy... She would find a way, a deep laughter bursted out, she had plans
oh yes, precious plans, for now, she was gong to sleep and dream, about Orions
Sean rolled his eyes. "I never knew off color was your thing. Just what
has Stile cooked up for me this time?"
"Me. As a matter of fact."
"I've been promoted to ship's marriage counselor for a day. Stile thinks
something is eating at you and he sent me in to find out what."
"What?" he repeated.
"Stile says you've been a bitch to live with ever since you came back from
Outpost 8."
"You have got to be kidding me."
"He even tried to hook you up with Kiska thinking that might help. Tsk Tsk.
Talk about a drop dead little hottie. And you gunned by her like a yellow
stoplight. Now, I know you aren't gay, so why don't you tell me what is
this all about?"
Sean stared blankly. He hadn't realized he had been *that* irritable.
NRPG: To Be Continued.
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Aftermath==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.031
Scene: Spaceport, New Detroit
K’temec sat among the smoking ruin that had once been the New Detroit spaceport.  He had not only failed, he had failed spectacularly.  His wife sat beside him.  He hoped with all his Klingon blood that she would pull out her weapon and kill him.  It would be easier then maintaining this life, especially now that her nagging and disappointment would increase.  He had known for sometime he would not see Sto’vokor but at this point the horror he would see in the afterlife seemed much more tolerable.
The cursed Starfleeters had robbed him of his prey but not before those soulless automaton’s had swooped in like a plague of hilra and spread chaos everywhere.  Even his own countrymen, the Klingons from the Bird of Prey had only help muddy the waters.  Once all of that had happened he had not been able to even see the Romulan traitor much less capture him.
He cursed the day he had ever heard the name Sachen.  He had become accustomed to his lot in life.  It had been miserable but at least he had accepted it.  To live these past two weeks with the hope of success and vindication had been a heady dream. He had planned his new future, fantasized about the planets he would visit, the promotions and accolades that would be showered upon him.  The respect his wife would be forced to give him.
“Agent K’temec.”  A deep voice behind him said.  “You are K’Temec?”  It asked again when he did not answer.
Slowly he brought himself to his feet and turned to meet the voice.  “I am.”
“I am Biltem, I am the new captain of the Klingon warship DAGGER, I have been instructed to return you to the homeworld immediately.  Do you have personal items to gather?”
So that was it.  Recalled to the Council to answer for his ‘crimes’.  He looked over at the soldier.  Perhaps this commander would allow him to take his own life first.  Probably not, he thought, then he would fail in his mission.  “No.”  He nodded over to his wife.  “We are ready.”
“Good.”  He pulled out his communicator to command for the transport of the small party.  But before he did he leaned closer to K’Temec.  “Fear not brother we go home as heroes.”
“What!”  The old Klingon asked in confusion.
“Before my captain died he saw that the Romulan’s had recaptured their traitor.  We could not let that happen so we were able to assault the weak Romulans and kill the traitor before they could transport him out.  By defeating the Romulans we have struck a major blow.  Have we not?”  He looked at the Klingon spy expectantly.  “That is what I have reported to my commander.”
But that’s not what happened K’Temec wanted to scream.  He had seen the Romulan whisked away by Starfleet it was all a lie. Finally he spoke.  “I watched your commander die and my heart wanted to burst with pride.  I only hope you recounted your own exploits to your superiors.  I certainly will make sure they hear of them.”
The two Klingons smiled as the transporter beam took them.
Lets hope the high council doesn’t watch FNN.
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Somewhere a Pimp is Crying==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.031
Scene: Sickbay, USS HOOD
"Look, mother," Sean began and suddenly didn't have anything to say.  He
looked away.  "Damn it Stile," he whispered.
And he just sat there for what he guessed must have been a few minutes.
Very quietly mother pulled up an rolling stool and sat down.
"I cleared out sickbay.  You can talk.  I even made sure Stile's little spy
cams and microphones are turned off." 
He looked up.  "I knew it.  I knew he'd put a security system in the dirty voyueur."
"We're focusing on you tonight Commander."
He looked away again. 
"Survivor's guilt.  Crisis of Faith.  Living on floating looney bins in space for two years straight.  Take your pick."
NRPG: I'll have to pick this up another night.  It's back to the grind stone. 
Repectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: New Superweapon==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.031
Scene: Infirmary, Romulan Warship
The Romulan commander looked down at the centurion who lay stiffly on the examination table.  “He is our only death?”
The surgeon nodded as he stared at the medical scanner on the wall.  It was not nearly as sophisticated as what the Federation starship no doubt had.  But it didn’t have to be in this case.  “Yes, the only death.  Many injuries mostly from swords those barbaric Klingons were flaying around with.  But fewer then I had expected.  It would see our Starfleet friends kept their weapons on stun.”
“As they should, as did we.  I surmise their commander understood the absurdity of this mission as I did.  The loss of one scientist was not worth the possibility of war.  We are lucky neither of us lost our heads.  The results could have proven to be disasterous.”
“And what of the Klingon heads?”  The surgeon asked, not really paying attention to the commander.
“I had no difficulty ordering my soldiers to kill those dogs.  They deserve it and nothing will come of it.”  The commander did not add that he knew the two governments were secretly in talks to develop closer ties.  The Klingon Navy was going to supply Romulus with what they deemed state-of-the-art battleships and in return Romulus would surrender cloaking technology.  It was one of the most short sighted policies he had ever heard of.  He was certain the Empire would come to regret it.  “I don’t see any large wounds.”  He said bringing the discussion back to the present.  “What killed him?”
“This.”  The surgeon said as he dropped a small piece of metal into the commander’s hand.
“What is it?”  The commander frowned.  “Some sort of kinetic weapon.”
“That’s my theory.”  The surgeon answered.  “I’ve been 
“Klingons aren’t smart enough.  Must be Starfleet.  No wave signature to trace.  Some sort of knew covert weapon.”  He frowned.  “That’s all we need another magic trick from Starfleet’s armoury.”  He turned and headed for his office already beginning to form his report in his mind.
Not want to post anything ‘up to date’ in answer to the hooks already out there til the JP goes out…not that it is earth shattering or anything just we’ve got several time periods going at once.  Thought it best to stick to the past for now ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Nothing Up My Sleeve - JP==
===by Andy Catterick and Steve Apple===
<A JP from Steve (the good bits) and Andy>
SD: 2261.025
A few Hours Prior to The Events in Andy’s Post “Still Employed.”
~~Scene CMO’s Office~~
Corbett rubbed his face with his left hand then took a long sip from his glass of tequila. Jimenez was stable and would live, for that he was grateful. He had seen many injuries of this type while undergoing his Emergency Medicine Residency on Orion. The fact that most of them could have been avoided if the medics on scene had been a little more aware of what a chest contusion could produce was beside the point. The Ensign would once again be able to put herself into harm’s way at an order’s notice.
Throwing himself into his overstuffed office chair he propped his feet up on the desk and let out a large unheard sigh. He would let Mother know tomorrow morning what an asset nurse Saxman had been. He knew she would appreciate his noticing. Oh she would hem and haw about the fact that he didn’t call her in, but he knew that was only because she loved him and didn’t trust anyone but herself to assist him. Mother was special to him and she knew it. Damn annoying woman, but he couldn’t think about running the medical department without her. He couldn’t count how many times she had threatened to phaser him in his sleep, or how many times she made sure to support him in the many heated senior medical staff meetings.
Looking over to the desks comm. unit he noticed the red blinking light, he had a message. Flicking the toggle he heard the stiff metallic voice of the computer say. [01:52 Captain Jack Steele]
Corbett pressed the hold button and looked over at the chronograph it was 02:12. Pressing the play button he listened while the message continued.
[Doctor just checking in to see how Jimenez is doing] Steele said. [Let me know when you get a chance]
Corbett could hear the weariness in the voice. Things he was sure did not go well with the Admiralty. Standing he grabbed a full bottle of tequila and headed out the door.
~~Captains Quarters~~
Corbett stood in front of the Captain’s quarters and pressed the chime.
“Enter,” echoed from within.
The door slid open and Corbett stepped through into the dimly lit room. “Beware of Texan’s bearing gifts.” He said walking to the Captain’s desk.
“It’s a little late for a house call don’t you think?”Steel asked sarcastically.
“That would depend on you sar.” Corbett said putting the bottle of tequila on the desk with a thud. “I thought you could use some pain medication.”
“I’m just fine doctor. How’s Jimenez.”
“She will live and as for you being fine, well sar, I bet if I examine you I will find bite marks on your ass that acutely resemble the dentition of one Admiral Carstairs.”
Steele couldn’t help but laugh at his Chief Medical Officer. Abruptly he got up from his bunk and took a swig from the doctor’s bottle.
Looking down at the bottle he found he didn’t know what to say.  The easy answer, the command answer was that he could take it, or its part of my job.  But that wasn’t the real answer and he suspected that Stile would know that it would be a lie.  Instead he sighed and took another drink before he passed the bottle back. 
“You ever feel like you’re in over your head?”
“Not a day goes by.” Corbett said lifting the bottle in salute.
Jack doubted that.  “I’m a good officer and a good commander, but I have to be honest I’m not sure why I was given this command.  There are twelve of these magnificent vessels, can you honestly believe that I’m one of the top twelve command officers in Starfleet?  I can name any number of officers senior to me, who deserve this more than me.”  The fact that many of these officers had been lost to Nero’s attack seemed to have escaped Jack.
“That sar is not entirely true and you damn well know it.”
“Really?  Weren’t you around for our last two glorious missions?”
“Ring side seats to be sure.” Corbett said before taking another long pull off the bottle. “However, I’m not so sure anyone could have done better given the circumstances.”
“Really, well I think there are eleven others who would have done it better.” Steele answered as he took the bottle from the doctor.
“I see, so you are the weakest of the glorious twelve.” Corbett remarked. He watched as Steele’s brow furrowed a bit. “So who’s the best, Tracy, or maybe it’s Garrovick, two men in their fifties who have tons of experience to draw from. I wonder if any of their past missions were less than stellar.”
“I think you hit upon the key word, experience. Those men were born to command and me; well I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
“Did you ever wonder why Tracy was so successful?” Corbett asked.
“Great men do great things.” Steele answered morosely.
“Well that great man has a big ole stick up his ass, it’s written all over his face.” Corbett snorted. “Very uncomfortable makes him surly and quick to action. My diagnostic skills tell me that when he moves he doesn’t feel the stick so much.”
“Yeah well maybe that stick is what makes him so competent.” Steele said laughing.
“Oh yes to be sure. Saving the Federation from Klingon incursion was definitely the doings of an incompetent man. Maintaining ones ethics in the face of an incorporeal menace is surely the mark of ineptitude. Oh and let us not forget robbing an aggressive totalitarian government of their genetic mastermind, truly the doings of a skilless buffoon.”
“It was half a team effort and half dumb luck.”  He raised his hand to stop the doctor’s retort.  “I’m not saying I was along for the ride Stile, I did my part I know that.  It’s just…I don’t know maybe I’m just tired.”  Jack crossed his arms and stared back at Stile.  He hated feeling like this, he sounded like he was whining.  And he knew that for better or worse he was in command and had to act like it.  Not that he would ever let his doubts surface in front of the crew.  He supposed he shouldn’t be expressing himself like this to the doctor but in the short time they’d served together he’d come to trust the man completely and value his council even more.  He was aware he could ask for a transfer but he knew that would never happen.  He’d never willingly give up HOOD.  Was that because he was being selfish, or he knew deep down that he deserved to be here, that he could not envision anyone else commanding her or leading this crew.  He snorted at the thought.  “Just arguing with myself.”  He said in answer to Stile’s questioning glance.
“Good, you’ll always win that argument.”
Jack took another drink from the bottle and then picked up the tube their new NAV had delivered.  He stared at it for a long time and then suddenly tossed it to the doctor.  “Here, you should see this.”
Corbett looked over the contents of the tube. The Hood was officially ordered to the Celes and surrounding systems for routine medical check-ups and supply runs to the colonies, mining facilities, and scientific outpost scattered throughout.
“Wow a routine mission, who would have thought it.” Corbett said putting the contents of the tube onto the table. “Now where are the orders for the real mission?”
“Is it that obvious?”
“In Texas we have a saying, ‘You don’t risk your prize show dog on a coon hunt.’ Even as punishment they wouldn’t send a ship like this for such a mundane task.”
“No you’re right.” Steele said quite soberly. “These orders are just cover, the Admiralty feels that our, how did you put it… less than stellar performance will provide enough cover for those who might be prying.”
“Wait don’t say a word, let me guess. The Romulans.” Corbett sarcastically guessed. “Since Celes II is dilithium rich and we are so very close to the DMZ, sorry Neutral Zone.”
“Did you think of that all by yourself Stile?” Steele interrupted then looked over at the bottle; it was three quarters empty. Oh what the hell, he thought as he took another swig. “Celes II isn’t our target.”
“So what is?”
“The Sonata Nebula.”
“Well Jack since I’m almost drunk, how about you save me the trouble of trying to figure this out.”
“What I’m about to say is highly classified.” Steele said then paused for a minute to make sure Corbett understood.
“Yes yes silence and the whole bit. Please continue sar.”
“Star Fleet Intelligence has a listening post in the Celes asteroid belt. Its function as I’m sure you can guess is to keep an ear out for Romulan activity.”
“So what have our boys in black uncovered?” Corbett interrupted.
“A Constitution Class Star Ship has been implicated in raiding several planets in the surrounding system for supplies and people.”
“You heard me right doctor.”
“Who is it?”
“That’s what we’re here to find out. The ships transponder does not match any Star Fleet signature. Yet it has been identified as fitting our design and its crew is for the most part human.”
“So why tell me instead of Sean?”Corbett asked.
“Because of the data collected. The Admiralty thought you might be able to decipher it.”
“Come on Jack what’s really going on?”
“Something no one is willing to discuss in the open Stile. They have a human genetic pattern that they want you to decipher and a ghost starship they want me to go after. It’s insane to be sure, but according to the fleet all 12 Constitution Starships are accounted for and no crew has gone rogue.”
“So what in the hell are we going after?” Corbett asked as he finished the bottle.
“A whisper, a phantom, something from the imagination; who the frak knows. Once we get to Celes a genetic code will be uplinked to you and a warp signature to me. We better figure this out quickly, or our less than stellar past performance will catch up to us. For now I expect you to keep my confidence, as I will be relaying the cover story to the rest of the senior staff, understood.”
“Yes of course, my word on it.”
“Good, pretend to be annoyed at the inconvenience of conducting routine physicals when I bring it up tomorrow at the briefing.”
“Don’t worry I expect my hangover will compensate for any bad acting.” Corbett said standing.
“We’ll talk more after the briefing tomorrow.” Steele answered while maneuvering the doctor to the door.
“Good night then Cap.”
“Thanks Stile, believe it or not I feel much better.”
“That’s the tequila, miracle drug and my personal favorite.”
“You able to get back to your quarters?” Steele asked.
Corbett looked at the Captain and smiled. “Me no, I’m way too drunk to make it. My feet however, know the way by heart.”
“That makes me feel so much better. Try not to let the enlisted men see you like this.”
“Aye sar, I shall be the bastion of sobriety should I meet the lower ranks.”
“Well at least it’s not something they haven’t seen before.”
“Oh ye of little faith.” Corbett said as he stumbled out the door to his own quarters.
The much balleyhooed JP ;-)
Steve: I like it! ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
Commanding, USS HOOD NCC 1703
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
ASR Origins
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Green dreams==
===by David Martens===
SD: 2261.026
USS HOOD, Personal quearters ARr'Rhiana Hemux.
Time: after Dr Sahen was transfered
Hemux sat on her bed, legs wrapped up under her and the pipe with Denobulan
mushrooms clenched between her teeth. A single tear glanced on her cheek as she
stared into the void, or better into the Abyss...
The confrontation with the Orion slavetraders had messed her up, the talk with
Sahen had confused her even more. The horrors that he promised and that his
research held made her spine shiver as if the winds of the Andorian Ice Plains
blew over her skin. To be honest, she was a wreck.
A cruel smile came to her as she remember the feeling, the taste of blood as she
sank her teeth in that Orion swine his neck. A small bit of revenge, a bite of
revenge she thought and giggled silly. She nodded once and took a deep breath
from her pipe and smiled, more would follow, one Orion down, a million to go,
she grinned wicked...
She blinked her eyes; Corbettt, the man came to her memory... Corbett, could he
be trusted? She remembered how he pulled her of the Orion, how he wanted to
protect the Orion bastard... ARr'Rhiana her mind was filled with smoke and
halicinations, she remember vaguely a dscussion between Corbett and the Orion
slavetrader, something about trading her in exchange for the death of the Orion
overseer... Yes, Corbett,... she had to keep an eye on him, would he be after
her, should she... kill him...just to be safe...? She smiled, an opportunity,
yes she needed an opportunity, to test him, to check him, to make sure he was
trustworthy... She would find a way, a deep laughter bursted out, she had plans
oh yes, precious plans, for now, she was gong to sleep and dream, about Orions
and teeth and blood and revenge, sweet, sweet dreams!
and teeth and blood and revenge, sweet, sweet dreams!

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Smooth Journey==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Smooth Journey==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Another You Another Me==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Another You Another Me - JP==
===by Andy Catterick and Steve Apple===
===by Andy Catterick and Steve Apple===

Line 2,804: Line 3,193:
ASR Origins
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Visit From Christmas Past==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Visit From Christmas Past - JP==
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Fireside Chat==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Fireside Chat - JP==
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===