
ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Deus ex Machina==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.059
MD: 1.1907
Setting: Main Engineering, O-Deck, TSS HOOD
Gar Th'elenth holstered his phaser without so much as an acknowledgement for
the life he had just char-broiled.
"Anyone else want to tell me what we can't do?" he growled as he punched
buttons on his status display.
No one said a word, and instead simply just scurried off to their duty
"And take this carcass with you!" Gar shouted, nudging the blackened lump
that had been one of his warp systems ratings.
A couple of his staff quickly ran over and carted the body away, not daring
to make eye contact as they did, lest the temperamental Andorian shot
someone else.
He adjusted his eyepatch, and began to study the readings in front of him.
Unfortunately, they were the same as they had been a minute ago...and unless
the properties of physics were significantly different in this universe than
his own, they **wouldn't** get any better on their own...
Exactly as he and Zade had planned.
<<snip- from Steve's "Another You Another Me" with a change in perspective>>
Suddenly, the comm panel chirped. [[[Gar,]]] came the Captain's icy voice.
[[[Status report and none of your bullshit this time.]]]
Gar's lips pursed tightly as his antennae swept dangerously back. "The
dilithium chamber took a hit when we activated that Tholian device. It sent
a power spike through the antimatter chamber and fused four of our crystals.
All that's left of them is a charred lump."
The captain's response was predictable- immediate, angry and stupid. [[[I
don't think I need to tell you your job mister. Utilize the crystals we
keep for backup.]]]
Gar fought back the urge to curse the idiot in command. "I would sir, but
you traded them to the Cardassian slavers in exchange for information on
that damn ship's whereabouts." The Andorian knew he was pushing the
Captain's buttons by mentioning "that damn ship," but Gar didn't care; it
was his glory-seeking that got them into this mess in the first place.
<<end snip>>
He awaited a response, but when nothing came, he closed the channel.
Gar touched a few buttons on his console again, sending out work orders to
the damage control teams dispersed throughout the ship; there would be
meters of fried conduit to replace, overloaded junctions to fix...
However, he knew it was, essentially, all for naught, a thought which made
Gar very happy. It was only a matter of time before Steele did something
monumentally dumb in an effort to either grab more power or take out one of
his rivals...
...And they'd be ready for him. Everything was in place; next time they
went to red alert, Steele, Merrick, DeSimms- all of them- would get a nice
Andoria, Trill, Tellar, Cait- all would shake off the noose of Terran
sovereignty that had slowly strangled them for decades.
Turning his head, making sure no one was watching, he pressed another
button, one which would let Cedria Quell and Hemux that all was ready on his
end without anyone being the wiser.
MD 1.1907: The anti-Gar muses over their current situation on the TSS-HOOD.
I know Dave said he was going to re-post his "triad" posts because of their
mentioning of Veld, but I thought the premise was solid and wanted to tie
into it. This also tied into what Dave has Hemux doing. So...I guess we're
all conspirators together.
Viva la Resistance!
I did have to stop here, as I'm still piecing things together in OUR
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Triad part one==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.060
Cedria stepped over the scorched debris. The charred remains of plasma conduit
crunched to a powder beneath her boots as she walked along exterior corridor
four on deck eleven. The damage to the Hood from transit had been profound but
just about perfect. They were perhaps still a match for Constellation, should
she try to follow, but most definitely not a match for the denizens of the new
She passed one of DeSimms lackeys stationed near the turbolift. Hood always had
goons patrolling the corridors, making everyone's job a little more difficult,
especially hers. The redshirted human leered at her, his eyes tracing the
pattern of spots between the skirt and the top of her duty gold. On Trill just
that look would have cost him an eye, but here she had to watch her step. A
woman's place shipboard was not usually outside the sleeping cabin. She was
fortunate to get a pilots cert and even more fortunate to land on Hood.
Well the second part had taken no small amount of string pulling back on Terra
Three. But still, a lot of people had stepped out on the plank to get her here
and she wasn't about to risk that by eviscerating some mindless thug. She gave
him a cold look, something less than a challenge but enough to let him know that
she was far more trouble than she was worth. Cedria knew she was here because
she was smart, not because of her skill with a blade.
Cedria kicked a burnt section of insulated tubing out of the way as she stepped
into the turbolift. There were a few others on board just as smart. Jeri
Merrick was one, one she had to watch out for. The Merrick name alone may have
saved the woman when the Tholian device had devastated Hood's systems in
transit. Fortunately the damage had obliterated all trace of the truth.
Jeri's work wiring the device into Hood's warp core had been perfect. It took a
mathematical genius to manage the cross patching of such wildly different power
systems. It had taken a second genius to tamper ever so slightly with those
settings and shift the balance just far enough out of phase to cause the ships
current predicament.
"Ensign Quell!" The order was barked in Zade's clear and sharply venomous
voice. Cedria turned to face him. Hood's NAV was a tall, angular Trill with
dark black hair and cold blue eyes. The Zade symbiont was legend on Trill,
three times monarch and still alive to tell the tale. It amused her that he was
on the ship as well, it made her mission that much more delicious.
"Yes, lieutenant Zade." Cedria Quell stood at attention, of all the people she
had to be careful of this one was the easiest to fool. Zade was historically
arrogant, he knew Cedria had failed out of the symbiosis commission and that
made her nothing in his eyes. Nothing but a functionary, nothing of
consequence, nothing to worry about, exactly the notion she prefer he kept.
"Make sure our fighter-transports are spaceworthy. If we need them I don't want
any suprises."
"Already done sir, five has some denting on the port nacelle, I have engineering
teams on it. The others are fine and ready to go."
"Good." Arctura Zade scowled and turned, his mind clearly on more important
things than the lowly Ensign Cedria Quell. Cedria kicked a section of burnt
conduit insulation from the lift entrance and stepped inside the turbolift.
With a little luck her plan would work, the quiet ambition of it would bring her
glory within the movement. Constitution class ships were the power of the
Sovereignty, and for them to lose the Hood would weaken the Sovreignty. If the
strike team in the other universe had succeeded then Constellation was burning
in space as she walked. Two of the twelve missing might just give the
resistance a chance, it would certainly give it momentum. Cedria smiled as the
lift rose, whatever it took she would ensure that the Hood died here in this
backwater universe.
Long live the resistance.
NRPG: Slight changes made to leave Connie in the alternate universe.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Ens Cedria Quell
Pilot, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Sovereignty Fleet
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Triad part two==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.060
Arctura Zade scowled as he left the simpering fool Quell in his wake. She was
smart enough to fill the functionary role she served on the ship, and useless
enough to not be a threat to his place on Hood.
He had just finished his bridge shift, it had been as pleasant as always. Zade
walked towards the observation deck to try and clear his head, a short interval
of medative rest always helped after any exposure to the Hood's unstable
captain. The psychopathic Steele had ranted and screamed and raged his way
through four hours of threats and insinuations. How the man had risen to his
station was beyond Zade. But it would end in this place.
Arctura had not joined the Sovereign fleet to be a glorified chartkeeper. Zade
had been Monarch of Trill when his homeworld had been conquered by the
Sovereignty. And twice before he had managed to grasp the throne in hands still
stained with the previous Monarchs blood. Now he had his sights set a little
higher. Trill's oldest living symbiont had forgotten more about assassination
than any living human could ever hope to accomplish in a single pathetic
lifespan. Hood was a rung, the fleet was a means to power and once he had that
he was in range of the Terran throne itself.
He had struck a deal with Veld, a man who looked stable only next to the Hoods
sadistic taskmaster. Hood would suffer a tragic failure at the least opportune
moment. Unfortunately Constellation had not been in any shape to fight
following its re-transit. Nevertheless, small victories could still be had.
There was no reason Steele had to survive this dangerous gamble, with some luck
he would die in this strange universe and Arctura Zade would take one more rung.
Merrick was an obstacle of course. The mans senseless devotion to Steele was
mystifying. He couldn't be removed until the last moment though, it was only
Merricks steady hand that kept Hood from the abyss. It was critical that
Merrick live so long as Steele did.
If only Merricks fool wife hadn't botched the transition, a fully powered Hood
might have taken care of both birds with one photonic blast. There would have
been no need for DeSimms subterfuge and the Connie would be breached and
bleeding atmosphere back in the Sovereign universe.
One photonic blast.
Arctura Zade smiled and looked out at the starfield of this strange and timid
universe. A new order would most certainly arise in the Sovereignty fleet in
the next few days. Forty lifetimes of experience had taught him to recognize an
opportunity when he saw one. Glorious and rarefied blood would soon flow.
Long live the Sovereignty
NRPG: Slight changes made to leave Connie in the alternate universe.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Arctura Zade,
Sovereignty Fleet
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Triad part three==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.060
Cedria Zade tapped a series of keycommands into her console and logged off
station just as Hood slid into orbit around Celes II. She already missed having
Steering to talk to, she was piloting a shuttle full of Nausicans to the local
Federation outpost. The duty shift replacement was an officer Perkins who
seemed to be tireless in his appreciation of his career arc thus far and
describing his triumphant rise through the ranks, well at least the one so far,
to anyone who would listen. And to anyone who sat next to him on the bridge for
four hours and had no choice but to listen.
Krista Anderson took Cedrias chair, she was a bright young woman from some
arctic part of Earth that Cedria had never heard of. A good officer and not at
all crazy which put her in the top fifty percent of the officers she had met
thus far.
She tapped a few keys on her hand comp and perused the daily reports. She
walked to the side of the bridge as she perused, looking up at the emerald world
on the viewscreen. Celes II was an odd combination. A tropical world lush with
life and also a mineral rich world. Generally Starfleet found all the ore it
needed in asteroids and dead worlds. Celes was an odd exception, the world had
been dead eyed by Eta Carinae's magnetic pole in one of its episodes. A wave of
gamma particles had scorched the world some 80 years before. Life had recovered
quickly enough and the ferocity of the radiation bath had left the planet
exceptionally rich with rare isotopes.
Mining here was essential and lucrative. The many unusual isotopes present in
the rock layers on Celes II could be duplicated in labs when needed but often
only with staggering effort and associated costs in energy and raw materials.
Here you just had to dig them out and ship them off. There was a formidable
population of miners and engineers on the world, and for each living person
there were perhaps a hundred automated machines of various shapes and sizes
actually doing the heavy lifting.
Cedria looked around the bridge realizing she was the highest grade present and
technically in charge. She smirked at the thought of having a go in the
Captians chair before deciding shed rather not. The Trill woman opened the
ships com and announced their arrival and summoned senior officers to the
"All hands, we are in orbit of Celes II. Command staff report to stations,
orbital protocols are in effect."
She walked over to the duty officer at the science console. "Full report on
planetary operations, let me know if anything unusual shows on the scans. The
Nausicans did something to earn their gemstones and we have a rogue ship still
unaccounted for. Look for,… fires." She said tapping her chin with one long
NRPG: So here we are, Celes II. I decided to leave any fires that might be
happening up to others.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Everyone Has a Plan==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Everyone Has a Plan==
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==[ORIGIN] USS HOOD: Join the Resistance!==
==Join the Resistance!==
===by David Kiel===
===by David Kiel===

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The Resistance
The Resistance

==ORIGIN: The Sovereignty's Response==
==[ORIGIN] USS HOOD: The Sovereignty's Response==
===by Steve Apple===
===by Steve Apple===

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ASR Origins
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: First Command==