ORIGINS: USS Hood March 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Shadowcloak==
===by David Kiel===
SD: 2261.069
Bridge: TSS Hood
Arctura Zade stood on the bridge and watched the slow turn of the planet below.
Or rather the apparent spin caused by the ships orbit above. The Hood was
staying calm and silent, just like some friendly denizen of a foolishly friendly
Federation. The weakness of it all sickened him, but it did make it easy to
liberate the dilithium they needed.
He crossed his arms, eyes taking in the movements of the crew. Vigilance was
the assassins way, the Captain was in hostile territory and that was the
opportune moment for a craftily arranged change in the order of things.
Arctura was aware of this moment, a chance for him to take all the steps he
needed at once. But the opportunity was poor. A crippled ship in the wrong
universe with minimal resources and power was a small window with a limited
upside. So he waited and protected the Captains kingdom and bided time for a
better opportunity to arise.
"Incoming warp signature, sir."
Arctura turned, his mind rifling through probabilities. Whatever was incoming
would either be a match for Hood or it would get a distress call off before it
died and summon something tougher. The glory of conquest was of limited value
if it got you cornered or dead. "Take us up, into high orbit and cloak."
Hood shimmered and slid up to the high end of the gravity well and waited. A
few minutes later a second ship warped in within three standards of Celes II.
An arrogant flightpath but it had her below Hood already and that gave them a
tactical advantage should it be necessary. Arctura hoped it wouldn't be as he
watched the other ship, they were outgunned. By a strange joke of fate he
looked down at his own ship. The Federation also had a Hood in orbit of Celes
Cedria Zade smiled at the viewscreen. The twinkling starry sweep greeting the
green and blue of Celes II as they merged halfway down the main viewer. It was
peaceful and beautiful.
Green eyes glittered as they traced the raw sensor readouts, her course had
dropped them smoothly into the lap of the planet. There was nothing amiss with
the surface, no catastrophes to interrupt their patrol with actual danger. The
orbital paths were clear, a pair of freighters outbound, one inbound and no warp
signatures. Four fresh ion trails and some plasma traces.
Cedria frowned as she waited for the Captain to arrive. Life was a strange mix
of twisty paths. She had been a police detective, she had made many enemies of
the folks shed sent to prison. But oddly enough the most danger shed ever been
in was as a pilot. Thirty five minutes in the vaccum it had earned her the last
time. She watched the sensor displays again, her eyes tracing the ion trails.
The plasma drift intersecting with the spare trail.
Ion trails dissipated quickly, there should be a warp signature but there
wasn't, and plasma leaks meant violence. You didn't run without those repairs
unless you had a very great need.
Cedria looked out the viewscreen at the starry sweep of twinkling black as it
met the green and blue of the planet below. "Raise shields." The helmsman
looked back at her surprised, questions in his eyes and she simply said. "Now."
There was something else in orbit of Celes II and it was cloaked.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Abrams==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Mr. Abrams==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Finding Yourself==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Finding Yourself==