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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Sorting Out Problems Part I==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.091
MD 2.1130
Scene: Engineering, USS HOOD
"What did you mean, Zade?" Cedria said in confusion.
Merrick wanted to slap his forehead, but knew he could cover quickly for this
mistake. "Word had it you were secretly going by that. More false trails it
seems. Now get the frak up before I decide to shoot you here and take an ass
kicking by the Captain for depriving him of his pleasures. Pike. Kindly don't
let her do knock your toys out of your hands again. Get her up to the bridge
and we'll see what it is she's been doing."
With that, several red shirts moved in and proceeded to frog march Cedria off to
give Steele a new headache. Sean didn't envy the Captain's almost certain
necessity to execute this mirror Cedria. They absolutely had to keep up
appearances if they were to succeed. Knowing that didn't make it any easier
though. Kinda made him think being a Captain wasn't all it was cracked up to
He turned back to Gar. "What have we got."
"See for yourself. Does that make sense to you?"
Merrick looked at the display Gar was reading. He frowned. "She's trying to
leave the ship maybe? Sabotage and run?"
"I can't think of any other reason right now," Gar said.
"What the hell is going on in this crazy ass hellhole of a ship," Sean commented
in disgust. He popped open his communicator again. He thought about how they
might be overheard there in the open so he looked for an office Locking himself
in conference lounge, he set the communicator to scramble. "Captain, it's
Merrick. Scramble protocol. Are you secure?"
[Go ahead Sean.] came Steele's voice.
"Holy crap John. Seems Cedria has a switch rigged to kill the shields. It is
like everyone on this ship is trying to kill each other. Whatever is happening
in their universe seems to be coming to some sort of head if things are this
[Or maybe the stakes are just higher. Either way, it may come in handy.]
Sean took a breath. "What are you going to do with Cedria."
[Don't worry about it. Let me know about the transdimensional device as soon as
you can. Everything depends on locking out their universe with it. We have to
get this thing done fast. Things are growing more complicated by the minute.]
"Anything I should know about?"
There was a thoughtful pause. [Well, you might want to congratulate Stile on
his wedding. Seems he married that Orion you saw last mission.]
Sean wanted to laugh. "I'll bet the shock of it has already driven him to
drink." He heard a snort in the background. "I'm right aren't ... " The color
suddenly drained out of his face and the last syllable died in his instantly dry
Merrick's heart was suddenly pounding. "Captain," he said in suppressed
desperation. "Captain she's not here is she?"
[Who? You don't mean? Aw frak! Why the hell didn't we think of that earlier.
Look, even if she is, you know it doesn't change our mission Sean.]
To hell with the mission he thought icily. "Sir, if there is even a chance I
can save her."
[God damn it Sean, don't lose it now. You don't even know ...] Steele's voice
trailed off. Sean guessed he was doing exactly the same thing. Looking up the
dossier for a one Jeri Merrick.
And she was there. Alive. Still the wife of Sean Merrick.
"She's one of the chief scientists John."
[Yeah I see the file too.]
Sean was in a cold sweat and pacing the little room. What was he going to do?
[Alright look Sean. Look at what our counterparts are capable of doing. What
they have done.]
"She worth saving John. I don't care if she's committed genocide. This isn't
some coincidence." He could practically hear Steele banging his head into a
[Alright damn it. We'll find a way to get her off. Just for everyone's sake,
get that device sorted out first. We're all dead if you can't rig it to block
out the mirror dimension.] There was ping on the Captain's end. [Seems Cedria
is here. Good hunting. Steele out.]
The moment the line went dead, Sean opened another. "Computer locate Jeri
[Lieutenant Jeri Merrick is in her quarters.]
"Is she alone?"
"Open a channel."
NRPG: Part II coming up in a few hours
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Sorting Out Problems Part II==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.091
MD 2.1135
Scene: Engineering, USS HOOD
"Jeri are you there?"
And a voice that made every hair on the back of his neck stand on end replied,
[Sean? What's wrong?]
"Get down to engineering right away. Meet me at the device. We need to discuss
a few things."
[Okay. I was about to come down to get back to work anyway. Do you need me to
bring you something?]
Jeri had always been thoughtful that way. Something he'd never learned to be.
He realized then what a trap it would be to say yes. This was not *her* and he
knew it. When she saw him, he had no right to take her into his arms and kiss
her. She was in fact another man's woman. But for his soul's sake, he would
find a way to get her away from this place. He didn't know anything about his
own counterpart. But he guessed that if the mirror Sean had married Jeri, then
there was still something decent left in that man.
"Just come down here," he answered, then added, "But thank you."
He closed the line and tried to breathe. Was "thank you" the right thing to say?
He didn't know. What was their relationship supposed to be like here? It took
several seconds, but he finally pulled something of himself together. Before
leaving he had presence of mind to check Gar's file. No mention of a spouse.
That didn't mean the Andorian didn't have a woman or two stashed away somewhere
though. He'd have to clue him in.
What a mess.
He walked up to Gar. "Come on let's get to wherever that thing is being housed.
Steele has things well in hand so I'm sure the crystals will be sent down
straight away."
Gar nodded. "You don't look so good."
"Jeri is here."
Gar shook his head in resignation "Sean, you'd have no luck if you didn't have
crap luck. Wait a minute. I'm not married am I?"
"Not that I know of."
"Hmm. Well, at least I'm consistent too then."
As the pair wound their way through the bowels of the Engineering deck. More
than once Sean felt like they were being watched. But it wasn't anything he
didn't expect at this point. In fact, if Jesus himself showed up right there and
said to him "Buenos Dias" it would be par for the course.
When they got to the transdimensional device, it was being tinkered with by no
less than two scientists and an engineer with another few standing at a console
puttering away at some specs. About twelve guards were stationed at the
entrances looking bored. The dilithium crystals were in their case beside the
device. It was too easy.
Sean thought about how to best clear the room. Suddenly it came to him: a
wicked thought from his academy days about a certain windbag professor with no
couth and a noisy ass.
He let out a long ripping fart that got everyone's attention instantly.
"Get the frak out of this room before you all die. I want some peace and quiet
while the commander and I work. Oh and Lieutenant Merrick will be here shortly.
Do let her in."
As they left, Gar made a show of holding his hand up to his nose. "Dear
"Shut up and let's get this thing figured out."
They started with a visual walk around. Cooling pumps, electrical hook ups,
braces, field dampeners, logic circuit relays. It was a mess. But both of them
could make out at a glance what most of it did. The schematics would be even
more telling.
They pulled them up at the console. A few keyboard strokes later, Gar said, "It
is ready to go as far as I can tell. We load the crystals and fire it up.
Simple as that. It may take a few minutes for me to sort out the wavelength
pattern and plasma flow parameters to get the job done. But I think we can have
this wrapped up in ten minutes."
A knock came at the door. "Come!" Sean shouted, practically on his toes. And
in walked Jeri. Followed by a weapon. Followed by Hemux."
NRPG: Part II complete. Couldn't be that easy now could it.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Quantum Spin==
===by David Kiel===
SD 2261.091
MD 2.1050
USS Hood Cargo Bay 4
Cargo bay four was filled with twisted and blackened metal. It had taken more
than an hour to tractor it inside through randomly programmed and extremely
temporary shield windows. Hemux surveyed the gathered data pouring in from a
dozen each of science and engineering specialists. The room flowed with blue
and gold uniforms.
She had another group of scientists burning spare hull plating with phasers and
plasma to try and analyze any sort of subtle differences in the way the two
ships burned. She sifted through the data as it flowed in from dozens of
tricorders comparing it to the data from the last hour looking for minuscule
shadows of differences, trying to find tiny patters in a jumble of otherwise
meaningless mathematics.
She tapped keys and fed the data through predesigned filters. Metallic stress,
plasma fatigue, power echoes, phaser etching patterns. Nothing stood out as
usefully different. The hull materials on TSS Hood were somewhat different,
they would be interesting to analyze metalurgically when time permitted but they
possessed much the same tensile, crystalline and compressive properties.
She switched to a spectrum analysis. TSS Hood's plating was noticeably
different in that it reflected less energy spectrum wide than similar plating
from USS Hood. It was a difference, but not a useful one. It helped make TSS
Hood harder to find, not easier. Sighing she switched once more to the quantum
analysis, watched the lines scroll rapidly across a pair of displays side by
side. Page after page after dozen pages and then again it scrolled and scrolled
and scrolled and,…
Hemux's hand twitched and both displays stopped. To anyone else it was half a
thousand meaningless digits splayed over twin displays. But the science
officers eyes widened, one massively useful difference. A radiative particle
given off in heat exchange and a quadrillion other common subatomic processes.
But in this one exchange in this one so very common exchange, heat transfer,
there was a subtle difference.
TSS Hood had the opposite spin, every particle when observed. Up, always up.
USS Hood down, every time, down. Everything in her universe would radiate in
this manner when heat was exchanged, planets, stars, moons, her ship herself,
even the background radiation in the vaccum of space. All down, always down.
Except for one thing. The TSS Hood, her hull, her shields, her crew and the
very field cloaking them. One particle given off in one so very common
condition would spin so very tellingly up.
"Hemux to Zade."
"Zade here."
"I'm sending you some deflector array settings. Input them and run a passive
"Have we found something?"
"I believe so, I'm on my way to the bridge."
/ / /
Five minutes later Hemux was on the bridge, standing next to Zade as she tapped
mathematical sequences into the sensor display with entirely unfair speed and
precision. Zade eyes widened as she began to recognize the numbers and their
"It's a completely passive scan, we don't even have to direct sensors at them?"
"They wont even know we've found them, if it works."
Zade finished and within five seconds a blue outline appeared in the distance on
the port display. "Nice." The Trill whistled. "Put that on the main screen
and magnify."
The main screen changed and resolved and suddenly they were looking at an
incredibly detailed blue relief map of the TSS Hoods hull, down to the twisted
and shattered nacelle they had salvaged remains from. The entire thing was
encased in an elliptical blue cloud, the outline of the cloaking field.
Cedria walked a little closer to the display and stood next to Captain Steele's
chair, twisting one lock of long brown hair around her index finger. "Keep that
on the display, but continue our search pattern. We don't want to have to break
them in half until the Captains found his way off that ship."
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Big Problem - JP==
===by Brian Mansur, David Martens and Scott Lusby===
SD 2261.091
MD 2.1135
Scene: Engineering, TSS HOOD
Hemux pointed a finger to Gar and Merrick while pushing her gun a bit
rougher into Jeri's back. "Don't even think about trying to load the
crystals. It's sabotaged. Check the power conduits and the plasma
conduits. If you load the crystal their energy will set off the thing and
destroy half of the ship's systems." Hemux grinned menacingly. "Probably
ripping half of the hull off too."
Jeri, Sean saw, looked every bit as beautiful as the last time he had seen
her. And she was both defiant and calm. As though this sort of thing had
happened to her before. And that somehow he'd come through for her those
times past.
Gar was the one to speak first, "You silly old bitch. Just what do you
think you're going to accomplish here?"
Hemux snapped at Gar, "Just step away, I am not your good old lady
Denobulan." Hemux grinned as she noticed the surprised looks on both their
faces. "Oh, yes I know exactly who... and what... you both are." She
pushed Jeri roughly to Merrick. "Our Captain's favorite toy here on the
other hand has no idea why we are having this little talk." Again she
grinned at the doubly shocked look on Sean's face.
Gar held his composure at the Denobulan's revelations. He hadn't expected
the ruse to last; they were just too different, though he figured he should
have played the savage a bit more convincingly. But the comment about jeri
surprised him, though it shouldn't have- anything, after, was obviously
possible in the other universe...
"She's lying Sean," Jeri protested. "He's never taken me."
Sean knew he shouldn't feel jealous but this demon of a Hemux obviously knew
how to play Merrick for all he was worth. It took every ounce of strength
he had not to go for his phaser. Instead, he wrestled his insides into
submission and took a deep breath. After all, he reminded himself, it
didn't matter what the truth was about Jeri and the mirror Captain. She
wasn't his wife anyway. It could be sorted out later.
"Be quiet Jeri," he said gently, putting her behind him.
Hemux shrugged her shoulders. "Believe it or not I am on your side, if I
was not then you would already be dead." He paused for a moment. "I am
just here to see that you don't do anything stupid AND that I make it back
to my universe alive."
"Your universe?" Jeri said, bewildered. But this Jeri was as quick as
Sean's own had been. She got it in 2 seconds flat. Sean could feel her
edging back in true terror now.
Sean acted quickly. "Jeri, I'm here to save you. You have to believe that
or we're all dead."
"What happened to Sean- MY Sean?" she demanded coldly.
"He's fine. He's in our brig. Stay behind me in case this crazy woman
decides to shoot you after all." It took Jeri a moment to calculate the
odds. She'd rather have run from the room, he was sure. "Its gonna be okay
this time," he whispered lovingly.
The look in her eyes softened. It was something he hadn't seen for more
than two years. It was that look she had only ever given him. She moved
back behind him.
Hemux shrugged again. "Thick as thieves."
"So just what are you proposing, Hemux?" Gar demanded.
The mirror Denobulan grinned wickedly. "I want to go home- MY home- where I
can do my research in peace. That can't happen if we're invading YOUR
universe. You see the problem, don't you?"
Jeri stepped out slightly to Sean's side. "You want to go back and destroy
the device afterwards so that you can't come back."
"Exactly," Hemux said.
They all turned to Gar.
The Andorian shrugged. "I don't know the science behind it," he said. "If
Dr. Merrick, however, can set up a feedback loop that will destroy the unit
after you return, I can see that no one in Engineering can stop it from
Hemux grunted. "There's already a feedback loop set up to destroy the
crystals- shouldn't be too hard."
Gar countered. "It is if you don't want to take half the ship with it, as
you so delicately pointed out."
"What do I care if half the ship is destroyed- as long as it's not the half
I'm in," she said. Then, she added, "I can make sure of that part at
"Enough!" Commander Merrick said. Then, he turned to Jeri. "Can you do
Jeri didn't think for long. "I can," she said.
Gar nodded. "I'll get to work on my end," he said, turning from the group.
Hemux, however, cut them all off. "Make sure you do it right," he said,
ointing his gun back at Jeri. "It'd be a shame to have to kill you, doctor,
and deprive you of such a promising and fulfilling life together with your
NRPG: Kill her or don't kill her. Hmmm. Now this is a dilemma.
Respectfully Submitted Jointly,
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
Sovereignty Fleet
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Scott Lusby
LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
United Federation of Planets Star Fleet Navy
==COMORIGINS: Falling on One's Sword==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.092
MD: Current
Setting: CO's Office, Starbase 6
Vice Admiral Joseph Carstairs leaned back in his chair, and tried very hard
not to curse.
Things were getting complicated...some of which was by his own hand.
"That's what you get for trying to play the hero, Joe," he told himself.
And he knew, deep down, that he deserved what had just happened. He thought
he was doing right: everything that CONSTELLATION had uncovered at Mirra
Bella spoke of conspiracy within the ranks; the business with the lowly
Petty Officer Ballantine- like a Starfleet Admiral should be thinking about
petty officers- seemed to confirm it.
And that's where it began: the sniff of conspiracy made him keep his cards
close to his chest, and not send anything upstairs. He didn't know who he
could trust within the fleet...
The capture of Commodore Berlen seemed a godsend- if he could find out who
she was working for, who was directing her, he could bring down the
conspiracy himself...
And so he issued an order- an order that was an illegal one, he knew: he
ordered Captain Veld to have Lieutenant Sefal get the necessary information
by forced mind meld. He thought the end result- the uncovering of the
conspiracy within Starfleet- would justify the means he used to get the
It was only when he found himself covering his tracks- destroying the
records of the issued order by deleting the communications logs and then
writing over them- that he started to realize his mistake.
If he was justified in what he was doing, why was he committing crimes to
cover his supposedly justified actions?
And then, finally, was Veld's call. How Jack had uncovered what he had done
wasn't important; he was pretty sure the science officer was involved, but
Carstairs had no desire to take on a Brooks right now. And while Veld
certainly didn't have the connections of a Brooks, Jack himself was
well-known enough on his own, with a solid reputation that was growing
seemingly by the day.
And, of course, the evidence was irrefutable. So, in the end, Veld had
him-and if Veld wanted to ruin his career, he could.
The worst part, Joe finally realized, was that he would absolutely deserve
He leaned forward in his char, and depressed the secure comm link button.
"Get me Admiral Kommack," he said, his tone soft, defeated.
He leaned back in his chair, fingers steepled in front of him, as he waited.
Suddenly, the graying, wizened visage of Admiral James Komack popped up on
the screen. [[[What can I do for you, Joe?]]]
"I have something I need to go over with you, Admiral," he began, "and
you're not going to like it."
This is an outgrowth of a CONSTELLATION plotline that actually came about by
complete accident; everyone's getting it because, as Carstairs is
effectively COMORIGINS (though we obviously wouldn't call him that), this
might affect some of the background stuff for your units.
I don't know where I am going to take this; I may end up switching to a new
COMORIGINS character, or let Joe survive it. But he's coming clean as to
what he did to his boss. We'll see where this goes. :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ VADM Joseph Carstairs
Commander, Starbase 6
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Revelations - JP==
===by Andy Catterick and Steve Apple===
SD 2261.093
MD 2.1130
Scene: Captain’s Cabin, TSS HOOD
<<Snip from Brian’s “Sorting Out Problems Part I”
Merrick's heart was suddenly pounding. "Captain," he said in suppressed desperation. "Captain she's not here is she?"
[Who? You don't mean? Aw frak! Why the hell didn't we think of that earlier. Look, even if she is, you know it doesn't change our mission Sean.]
To hell with the mission he thought icily. "Sir, if there is even a chance I can save her."
[God damn it Sean, don't lose it now. You don't even know ...] Steele's voice trailed off. Sean guessed he was doing exactly the same thing. Looking up the dossier for a one Jeri Merrick.
And she was there. Alive. Still the wife of Sean Merrick.
"She's one of the chief scientists Jack."
[Yeah I see the file too.]
Sean was in a cold sweat and pacing the little room. What was he going to do?
[Alright look Sean. Look at what our counterparts are capable of doing. What they have done.]
"She worth saving Jack. I don't care if she's committed genocide. This isn't some coincidence." He could practically hear Steele banging his head into a wall.
[Alright damn it. We'll find a way to get her off. Just for everyone's sake, get that device sorted out first. We're all dead if you can't rig it to block out the mirror dimension.] There was ping on the Captain's end. [Seems Cedria is here. Good hunting. Steele out.]
End Snip>>
Corbett pushed his hat to the back of his head and appraised Steele for a moment. “If Jerri is here and alive this certainly complicates things.”
“He’s going to bring her back, or die trying.” Steele said pacing. “Damn it Stile he could risk the fate of two universes.”
Corbett looked down at the Captains desk and his voice, a sad whisper, was almost inaudible. “Don’t worry Jack he can’t bring her back, or she’ll die for a second time.”
Steele stopped pacing and looked at his chief surgeon. “Just what the hell does that mean?”
“It means that she’ll be dead in a week maybe two at the most.”
“Do you want to tell me what you know?” Steele asked coldly.
“In this universe my chief rival and sworn enemy is the security chief. He has tried to have my office and cabin monitored and has me shadowed by his men at every turn. Hell he’s even tried to have me assassinated on a few occasions.”
“Are you going somewhere with this doctor because it’s not making sense.”
Corbett ignored his Captain and continued. “Since I got on this ship his activities have been conspicuously absent. So I had Mother do some investigation. It turns out that our security chief is hold up in his quarters dying from massive cellular disruption.”
“How the hell did she find that out?”
“She like her counterpart runs the nurses and all physician activity reports flow through her when nursing personnel are required. The security chief has one of my staff doctors on his payroll and has been using him for treatment. That physician in turn has requested nursing care for the chief.”
“That still doesn’t tell me why Jerri is going to die.”
“I told you that they are physically the same as us, but that their DNA structure is in an opposite configuration. At the quantum level they are in a counter spin to us, which means that given enough exposure to an opposite force they begin to experience cellular breakdown.”
“Then why isn’t everyone else on this ship getting sick?”
“Because the security chief has been here longer, he was used as a spy when the first ship entered our universe. Eventually everyone aboard this ship is going to fall ill and die.” Corbett said with finality.
“That would solve our problem wouldn’t it.” Steele said musing over the possibilities.
“Given the nefarious nature of these people I doubt it. They would just send another ship here to scout us out. Also I don’t think your conscience would let you sentence everyone of them to death. So I still think our original plan is the best one.”
“In that case we may need to neutralize both Cedria and ARr'Rhiana.” Steele said.
“It might be better to use them.” Corbett countered. “I’ve been thinking that we might also need to do a complete wipe on the computer storage banks and totally destroy any information about our universe.”
“Did you forget that our counterparts are on our HOOD as we speak and will still have that knowledge?”
“No I did not Captain, but I think only one of them will be the problem.”
“Let me guess Black Jack.”
“The others from what my investigation and operatives tell me…”
“Operatives?” Steele interrupted.
“It’s a story best saved for another time.”
Steele nodded. “Alright what have you so unscrupulously uncovered?”
“Gar in their universe comes from a slave world and some of the energy wounds his Stile treated coincide with ship systems failure. So I don’t think Cedria is the only saboteur aboard.
“What about Sean and you, I mean the other you?”
“My other self seems to be quite the genuine healer and from what I gather from his wife a bit disenchanted with the establishment. As for their Sean his psych profile is similar to our boy’s. I looked over his service record and he seems to have been passed over for promotion a couple of times because the command staff thought him weak and lacking in the necessary aggressiveness to command.”
“So that leaves me.” Steele said.
“Jack not to be the harbinger of doom but my counterpart has many hours of recordings he took of private conversations between himself and Black Jack.”
“And,” Steele said knowing the results without being told.
“He is at best psychotically insane and at worst a monster. I can’t count how many atrocities their Stile has talked him out of committing.”
Jack looked back at Stile as he thought through the options.  Kill his counterpart in cold blood.  How could he do that?  Just walk up to the brig and phaser him down?  He knew Blackjack would do it to him without thought, but he was Jack Steele and assassination was not something he could do.  But what then, return the four officers to their ship and let them return to their universe?  If what Stile said was true it wouldn’t matter, their counterparts could never return with their invasion fleets and survive.  But they could do much damage in the two weeks they would be here.  And there was always the possibility their scientists could find a solution.  With that much at stake they would surely try. 
No, the doctor was correct.  They had to send TSS HOOD back, but with the original goal of sealing the rupture behind them so they could never return.  They would destroy the computer banks in the hopes that the loss of readings would hamper any efforts their scientist’s may attempt to return.  Surely it would be easier to open a gateway to some other door in the multiverse.  And if they were truly lucky TSS HOOD would return to her own domain only to explode from all the damage she had sustained in the battle with USS HOOD and the instability of the dimenensional transit.  He gave a mental sigh.  He could not gun down one psychotic killer, but he had no problem longing for an entire crew to die.  Perhaps he wasn’t so far from Black Jack than he thought.
With a nod of decision he moved towards the door.  “Let’s join up with the others.”
The door slid open and 4 red jacketed security men had Cedria in the corridor on her knees hands resting on her head. “Commander Merrick had us bring this traitorous trill here to you sir.”
Jack looked out at the small group and hoped he didn’t appear as surprised as he felt.  He recognized the lead security officer as Gene Lowl and hoped to hell these officers were loyal to the captain and not someone else.  Finally an evil grin broke out across his face.  “Gene why don’t you bring her in here and we have a little fun with her before we carry out her punishment?”
“Yes sir!”
Jack moved aside as the four red shirts dragged the Trill into the cabin.  They were clearly intent on their prey and did not notice as Stile pulled a hypo from his pouch.  Suddenly the hypo hissed and the first red shirt went down followed closely by the second.  The remained two lurched up in surprise turning on the doctor.  It was a move based solely on instinct and one that allowed Jack to send one crashing into the wall as Cedria easily, and viciously disabled the last.  “Stile make sure the other two are out for a long time.”
“Done sar.”  He answered as the hypo hissed twice more. 
“Good.”  Jack looked up at the trill.  “I hope you have a plan.”
CAPT Jack Steele
Stile Corbett, MD

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time To Shine==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Time To Shine==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Home==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Getting Home==