
SCIMXFOR- Orestes Station Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

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<center><font size="+2" color="#D4AF37">ORESTES STATION Crew Biofiles</font></center>
<center><font size="+2" color="#D4AF37">ORESTES STATION Crew Biofiles</font></center>
<center>'''Version 2.0''' (Updated SD 210101)</center>
<center>'''Version 2.0''' (Updated SD 210512)</center>

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TAC/CSO- Chief Tactical/        COU- Counselor
TAC/CSO- Chief Tactical/        COU- Counselor
  Security Officer              MCoC- Marine Company Commander
  Security Officer              MCoC- Marine Company Commander
CON- Constable  
CON- Constable                 MXO- Marine Executive Officer; 2IC
Line 32: Line 32:
CO        CAPT  Timon St. Lawrence      Male    Human
CO        CDR  Samuel Lynch            Male    Human
XO        LCDR  Robin Ellery            Female  Human         
XO        LCDR  Robin Ellery            Female  Human         
OPS/2O    LCDR  Ayden Bates   Male    Human
OPS/2O    Lt    Surya Arani              Female  Betazoid

Line 40: Line 40:
TAC/SEC    ENS  Kyle Cantrell            Male    Human
SEC        LCDR  Lucas Castillo          Male    Human
TAC       ENS  Sruk Dahk                Male    Andorian
FCO        ENS  Xavier Miles            Male    Human
FCO        ENS  Xavier Miles            Male    Human
ENG        LCDR  Keeper                  Male    Talosian
ENG        LT    Logan Byrne              Male    Human
ENG Mate  WO2  Chase Gamble            Male    Human       
ENG Mate  WO2  Chase Gamble            Male    Human       
MCoC      LTM  Corbin Wynn              Male    Human     
MCoC      LTM  Corbin Wynn              Male    Human
MXO        1LT  Merc David              Male    Human     

Line 54: Line 56:
CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
CHARACTER          PLAYER                  E-MAIL ADDRESS
St. Lawrence      Jenna Povey            lionors[at]
Lynch              Roger Bedford          markchessman46[at]
Ellery            Anna Cordray            anna_cordray[at]
Ellery            Anna Cordray            anna_cordray[at]
Bates, Gamble      Roger Bedford          markchessman46[at]
Arani              Erica Stark            execofficerstark[at]
Cantrell           Edward Cantrell        firstofficered[at]
Castillo           Tim Cooke              thoth11[at]
Sruk              Mark Hanford  
Miles              Dan Genaw              dangenaw[at]
Miles              Dan Genaw              dangenaw[at]
Keeper            Daniel Belin            belin.daniel[at]
Keeper            Daniel Belin            belin.daniel[at]
Line 64: Line 67:
[COU]              **Vacant**
[COU]              **Vacant**
Wynn   Wesley Sterner   cracked_ice907[at]
Wynn   Wesley Sterner   cracked_ice907[at]
David              Daniel Belin            belin.daniel[at]

===CAPT Timon St. Lawrence, Commanding Officer===
* played by [ Jenna Povey]
* Updated SD 190807
===CDR Samuel Lynch, Commanding Officer===
* played by [ Roger Bedford]

First name: Timon
Surname: St. Lawrence
Current rank: Captain
Current billet: CO, Orestes
Species: Human/Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 37 Standard Terran Years
Date of birth: September 15, 2368
HT: 199cm; WT 104kg; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Complexion: Dark green
Place of birth: Melabra
Spouse: None
  Birth mother: Kelira.
  Adoptive father: Charles St. Lawrence.
  Adoptive mother: Tanya St. Lawrence.
  (Birth father unknown)
Siblings: Aria St. Lawrence (adopted)
Children: None
Religion: Theist (believes there *is* a supreme being, but is unsure of what form it takes)
Academic Background
Sam Johnson High School, New Hope Colony
StarFleet Academy
Primary Military Occupational Specialty: Security
Secondary Military Occupational Specialty: Helm
Command Track qualifications received.
Starfleet Record:
Assigned USS Ariadne, security officer
Transferred USS Ariadne, Chief of Security; Promoted, Lt. (jg)
Promoted Lieutenant
Transferred USS Ariadne, Operations
Transferred USS Bristol, Executive Officer
Transferred Orestes, Commanding Officer
0-12 Street kid, Melabra
12-17 Adopted by the St. Lawrence family of New Hope Colony
17-21 Attended StarFleet Academy
21-23 Assigned USS Ariadne, Helm
23-27 Assigned USS Ariadne, Chief of Security
27-30 Assigned USS Ariadne, Operations
30-37 Assigned USS Furious, Executive Officer
Background Summary
Melabra is one of those worlds that might be legitimately called a
'wretched hive of scum and villainy'. Technically within the
Federation, but located in such a galactic backwater that it has
few visitors, it is known within that sector as a 'Sin City', and
occasionally as a base for pirates.
Kelira was the jewel of the Gold Star which the dancers
often offered other services to patrons. The jewel because she was
Orion...and the de facto madam, the male owners of the club would do
her very bidding. Until, that is, she got pregnant...and died
birthing a son.
In her absence, the Gold Star went from a place where the dancers
were treated as valued employees to one in which they were little
more than slaves. Timon, Kelira's son, was also treated as...a slave.
The owners hoped that he would grow up into a big, intimidating man
who could be used in security, but for right now, he was a child.
Property, and educated only a minimum amount, but mostly left to his
own devices.
Then, when Timon was ten, the Gold Star burned to the ground. Quite a
few of the girls were killed. The owner was also killed...and there was
some indication it wasn't by the fire. Either way, Timon was left on
the streets and on his own. He had long resorted to begging and petty
thievery, and to running whatever errands he could persuade somebody to
pay him for. He used this to survive.
Until the ship came. Melabra was still Federation...albeit forgotten and
neglected much of the time. When somebody decided to do something about
it, they sent the destroyer, the USS Colin Powell, to check on what was
going on. It's commanding officer was Commander Jason St. Lawrence.
Melabra had atmospheric anomalies that interfered with transporters. And
suddenly, St. Lawrence found himself faced with an odd problem. A stowaway.
At first he thought the boy was about fourteen, but he rapidly adjusted
Timon's age downward on talking to him. Eleven or twelve, Orion human
hybrid, no place to go. Melabra itself would have to wait...and the
Federation would force no solutions on it. This boy he could help.
Not himself, mind. Jason was thirty-three and married to his ship, like so
many Captains, and a destroyer was no place for a ship. But he had an older
brother, Charles, who lived on the agricultural colony of New Hope, with
his wife. They were childless, and quite willing to take Timon on.
So, the street kid from Melabra became a farm kid on New Hope. He was
formally adopted some months later...but the adjustment was not easy.
Civilizing him was an uphill struggle...complicated by the fact that six
months after Timon arrived, Tanya St. Lawrence, against all the
pregnant. In addition to learning a culture, Timon had to learn another
new role: Big brother.
He was smart, though. Smart enough to rapidly learn that three square meals
and a reliable roof that did not leak was worth what they asked of him. And
once he had learned to read, the galaxy opened up to him. If he hadn't been
smart, he wouldn't have survived. Now he began to apply that to learning
about the wider universe. His life was not easy. New Hope was not the most
cosmopolitan of planets and he was the only non-human in his class. His skin
color attracted negative attention, and his size...he seemed to have picked
up the size of an Orion male in full measure...made people assume he would
be a 'jock'. In fact, he even was on the high school team as a defensive
Yet, he did not want to be a farmer. Aria, his sister was the one who loved
the land, and besides, she was born to it. He was quite happy to say that she
should get the farm when the time came, but that left the question of what he
should do. He wanted to go to college...but not on New Hope. He wanted to go
somewhere where he would meet different people. The St. Lawrence's were well
off...but not that well off. It was, of course, his uncle, Jason, who made
the suggestion. Why didn't he consider StarFleet?
And he considered it. Plenty of chance to meet different people, if he got in,
it would be decent money, reliable if he didn't screw up. At the back of his
head, too...fleet people made a difference.
It took him two attempts to pass the academy entrance exam, but that was not
uncommon. The aptitude tests revealed surprisingly good reflexes for such a
big man, and he went in on a security MOS...his size, once more, pigeonholing
him, but this time he didn't mind.
He did reasonably well in the academy. Not close to the top of his class, but
above average. His reputation, though, was of a man who was 'More StarFleet
than StarFleet', compensating for the reactions some had by trying to be the
perfect cadet and the perfect officer. His instructors knew this attitude
would survive about one mission in the field, but could do little to persuade
him of the fact. He would have to learn it, as others had, the hard way. His
cadet cruise did help a little, but then he graduated.
He was assigned to the light cruiser Ariadne in the security department, under
a tough but fair woman named Charlene Hall. She taught him to stop seeing
things in such black and white. And regular reminders that size was not
everything, the petite Lieutenant regularly dropping him to the mat in spars.
He came to respect her...and to understand that sometimes one had to be a
maverick to get things done. When she was a station ops
position...she recommended him as security chief in her stead.
He took the position, and a promotion, and proceeded to do his best to be
twice as good as anyone else in the position. Charlene had never held his
past against him, but some did. Even the Ariadne's Captain, John Jameson,
was unsure about the man, although he never let his feelings affect St.
Lawrence's reviews. Timon flourished, in other words, yet he found himself
less and less happy.
He was still being viewed as a big, not overly bright man. The fact that he
resembled nothing so much as a Syndicate thug colored people's opinions of
him. He set out to change this. First, by obtaining a Masters degree in
military history by correspondence. Second, by taking, and passing the
command tests. Which is why when the Ariadne's XO was killed in action...
Jameson promoted the operations officer to XO and, despite his prejudices,
his chief of security to ops.
The taste of command was enough. Timon had a new goal in life. His own ship.
Not that he would push. But he would be good enough, he resolved, to earn his
command in due time. Hopefully without anyone else having to die for him to
get there. Sometimes, though, we don't get what we want.
Timon left the Ariadne for the Furious seven years ago. It was a promotion...
to executive officer. And the atmosphere was very different. The Furious was
commanded by T'Ler. A Vulcan woman. She did not try to run the ship under full
Vulcan command protocols. Yet, she was still Vulcan. Utterly logical, a firm
believer in IDIC. They made a surprisingly good team. Good enough that Timon
was in no rush to leave. Although he had not given up on his own ship.
Besides, there was another complication.
Her name was Nikita Lennon. She was the Furious' Counselor, and the two fell
very deeply in love. Two years ago, they were married. Now any assignment he
took...would have to include her. He was the happiest he had ever been in his
Fate was against him.
The Furious was a warship, plain and simple. She went into dangerous places,
she got into and out of scrapes. T'Ler got out of scrapes sometimes by force,
often by diplomacy and the cool application of logic. Few Vulcans command
warships, but she did so and did so well. Until she made a bad, very bad mistake.
The Furious also did first contact missions. Especially ones that had a chance
of going wrong. The one with the Le'rkat went very wrong indeed. Renegade
Klingons had been supplying them with arms and warp drive. They found themselves
facing the same tactic, ironically, the Vulcans had used against the Orions
many, many years ago...tiny, fast ships that swarmed the Furious. T'Ler had
tried everything to stop them from attacking. Yet she had inadvertently also
offered insult.
The Furious had had its shields down. Timon had not been on the bridge, but on
his way there when they had concentrated fire on the upper part of the saucer.
The bridge and several other compartments were vented to space. Captain T'Ler
was killed instantly. Timon managed to get to the auxiliary bridge. He took
command of the half-crippled ship, managed to destroy many of the Le'rkat
fighters and get out of the system...and limp to the nearest starbase at warp 1.
Nikita St. Lawrence had been on the bridge...three months pregnant with their
first child. When Timon found out, he smashed what was left of his quarters...
and then spoke to nobody for the rest of the way home. In that quiet solitude,
he vented his grief...and recovered his sanity.
The Furious was an older ship, and the damage she had taken was extreme. Star
Fleet elected to decommission her and replace her rather than repair and refit.
Timon was given three months of shore leave...which he spent with his wife's
family. On his recall, he was given the Furious' commissioning plaque as her
last commander, even if it had only been for a few weeks...and then marching
orders to Starbase Beta for reassignment.
Skills Profile:
Timon started his StarFleet career in security. He is also a qualified pilot,
both of small craft and full-sized starships. In addition, he holds an MA in
military history, obtained by correspondence from the University of Michigan.
He speaks a number of languages to some degree, and is fluent in both Orion and
Vulcan. He is a more than competent hand to hand fighter...not merely a brawler,
but familiar with martial arts techniques. His diplomatic skills are solid,
although he tends towards techniques that rely somewhat on intimidation; he is
not above using his size and appearance to his and StarFleet's advantage. As a
qualified command officer, he has some familiarity with the basics of other
departments. However, he does not have a great amount of scientific knowledge,
tending to defer to others in that regard.
Fitness Report:
It is my judgement that Commander St. Lawrence has made close to a full recovery
from the events of the Furious incident; however, I still recommend some continued
counseling. He is, however, fit for duty and command. He has always been a solid
officer, although he can sometimes interpret StarFleet regulations a little bit
too strictly at times.
He has, thankfully, a healthy attitude towards his own mental health; he is not
above letting out his feelings, but always in a controlled manner...he makes much
use of the holodeck in this regard. He expects respect from those under him, but
he gives it in return. He is not always a likeable man, but he never treats
anyone wrongly or unfairly. He can, however, be a little defensive when he feels
he is being viewed either as primarily his race or his size.
Psychological Profile:
Timon St. Lawrence is one of those big men who knows full well how much control
he has to keep over his negative emotions. Although he has a temper, it takes
extreme circumstances for it to come out in public; although he enjoys a fight
at times, he is careful to restrict this to the holodeck or to people who he
knows share such enjoyment. A lot of the time, he comes over at least as gentle
but firm. He is strict but fair with underlings, always showing respect to
those above him unless they do something not to deserve it.
He is an honest man to a fault...that is to say, he can sometimes be blunt. He
is also far more inclined to give his opinions of others to their face than
gossip about them behind their back. He respects more somebody who defends him
or herself, than somebody who takes bad things said about them as read.
He is utterly tolerant, and expects utter tolerance. Bigotry of any kind is one
of the few things that will get him riled, and he has a record of delivering
very scathing lectures to officers who express negative opinions about others
based on 'Those things, none of us can help' as he himself would say. This is
probably due to the teasing he received in school because of his accent (mostly
gone), skin color and size. He can, in fact, be somewhat defensive when comments
about those factors are made.
Although he is very definitely a military man, he tries to live by the philosophy
of 'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'. Fighting (With the exception
of recreational sparring) is what you do when all else fails. He can, in fact, be
very nice, especially to people he genuinely likes or has to work with closely.
His diplomacy is a rough and ready sort, but it is there.
Recreational Interests
Timon is a physical man when it comes to his pursuits. He does enjoy
the sense of a nice, controlled brawl with somebody who shares the same interest.
As a result, some of his closest friends over the years have been Klingons. He is
also something of an outdoorsman...he enjoys hiking, orienteering and mountain
climbing. Especially with a friend or two...he considers a strenuous hike to be a
great way to get to know somebody.
Miscellaneous Information
This is, yes, the character I and Scott discussed. He's got a bit of a...different
background, but tends to *not* be a maverick...he tends, if anything, to over-react
and go the other way. His age may be adjusted...seeking opinions.

===LCDR Robin Ellery, Executive Officer===
===LCDR Robin Ellery, Executive Officer===
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===LCDR Ayden Bates, Operations Manager===
===LT Surya Arani, Operations Manager===
* played by [ Roger Bedford]
* played by [ Erica Stark]

* '''''This biofile is currently underoging development.'''''
* '''''This biofile is currently undergoing development.'''''

===LCDR Lucas Castillo, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
===LCDR Lucas Castillo, Chief Security Officer===
* played by [ Tim Cooke]
* played by [ Tim Cooke]

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===ENS Sruk Dahk, Chief Tactical Officer===
* played by [ Mark Hanford]
* '''''This biofile is currently unavailable.'''''

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===LCDR Keeper, Chief Engineer===
===LT Logan Byrne, Chief Engineer===
* played by [ Daniel Belin]
* played by [ Logan Byrne]

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'''''This biofile is currently unavaialble.'''''
'''''This biofile is currently unavaialble.'''''

===1LT Merc David, Marine Executive Officer===
* played by [ Daniel Belin]
'''''This biofile is currently unavaialble.'''''
===CAPT Timon St. Lawrence, Former Commanding Officer===
* played by [ Jenna Povey]
* Updated SD 190807
First name: Timon
Surname: St. Lawrence
Current rank: Captain
Current billet: CO, Orestes
Species: Human/Orion
Gender: Male
Age: 37 Standard Terran Years
Date of birth: September 15, 2368
HT: 199cm; WT 104kg; Eyes: Black; Hair: Black; Complexion: Dark green
Place of birth: Melabra
Spouse: None
  Birth mother: Kelira.
  Adoptive father: Charles St. Lawrence.
  Adoptive mother: Tanya St. Lawrence.
  (Birth father unknown)
Siblings: Aria St. Lawrence (adopted)
Children: None
Religion: Theist (believes there *is* a supreme being, but is unsure of what form it takes)
Academic Background
Sam Johnson High School, New Hope Colony
StarFleet Academy
Primary Military Occupational Specialty: Security
Secondary Military Occupational Specialty: Helm
Command Track qualifications received.
Starfleet Record:
Assigned USS Ariadne, security officer
Transferred USS Ariadne, Chief of Security; Promoted, Lt. (jg)
Promoted Lieutenant
Transferred USS Ariadne, Operations
Transferred USS Bristol, Executive Officer
Transferred Orestes, Commanding Officer
0-12 Street kid, Melabra
12-17 Adopted by the St. Lawrence family of New Hope Colony
17-21 Attended StarFleet Academy
21-23 Assigned USS Ariadne, Helm
23-27 Assigned USS Ariadne, Chief of Security
27-30 Assigned USS Ariadne, Operations
30-37 Assigned USS Furious, Executive Officer
Background Summary
Melabra is one of those worlds that might be legitimately called a
'wretched hive of scum and villainy'. Technically within the
Federation, but located in such a galactic backwater that it has
few visitors, it is known within that sector as a 'Sin City', and
occasionally as a base for pirates.
Kelira was the jewel of the Gold Star which the dancers
often offered other services to patrons. The jewel because she was
Orion...and the de facto madam, the male owners of the club would do
her very bidding. Until, that is, she got pregnant...and died
birthing a son.
In her absence, the Gold Star went from a place where the dancers
were treated as valued employees to one in which they were little
more than slaves. Timon, Kelira's son, was also treated as...a slave.
The owners hoped that he would grow up into a big, intimidating man
who could be used in security, but for right now, he was a child.
Property, and educated only a minimum amount, but mostly left to his
own devices.
Then, when Timon was ten, the Gold Star burned to the ground. Quite a
few of the girls were killed. The owner was also killed...and there was
some indication it wasn't by the fire. Either way, Timon was left on
the streets and on his own. He had long resorted to begging and petty
thievery, and to running whatever errands he could persuade somebody to
pay him for. He used this to survive.
Until the ship came. Melabra was still Federation...albeit forgotten and
neglected much of the time. When somebody decided to do something about
it, they sent the destroyer, the USS Colin Powell, to check on what was
going on. It's commanding officer was Commander Jason St. Lawrence.
Melabra had atmospheric anomalies that interfered with transporters. And
suddenly, St. Lawrence found himself faced with an odd problem. A stowaway.
At first he thought the boy was about fourteen, but he rapidly adjusted
Timon's age downward on talking to him. Eleven or twelve, Orion human
hybrid, no place to go. Melabra itself would have to wait...and the
Federation would force no solutions on it. This boy he could help.
Not himself, mind. Jason was thirty-three and married to his ship, like so
many Captains, and a destroyer was no place for a ship. But he had an older
brother, Charles, who lived on the agricultural colony of New Hope, with
his wife. They were childless, and quite willing to take Timon on.
So, the street kid from Melabra became a farm kid on New Hope. He was
formally adopted some months later...but the adjustment was not easy.
Civilizing him was an uphill struggle...complicated by the fact that six
months after Timon arrived, Tanya St. Lawrence, against all the
pregnant. In addition to learning a culture, Timon had to learn another
new role: Big brother.
He was smart, though. Smart enough to rapidly learn that three square meals
and a reliable roof that did not leak was worth what they asked of him. And
once he had learned to read, the galaxy opened up to him. If he hadn't been
smart, he wouldn't have survived. Now he began to apply that to learning
about the wider universe. His life was not easy. New Hope was not the most
cosmopolitan of planets and he was the only non-human in his class. His skin
color attracted negative attention, and his size...he seemed to have picked
up the size of an Orion male in full measure...made people assume he would
be a 'jock'. In fact, he even was on the high school team as a defensive

Yet, he did not want to be a farmer. Aria, his sister was the one who loved
the land, and besides, she was born to it. He was quite happy to say that she
should get the farm when the time came, but that left the question of what he
should do. He wanted to go to college...but not on New Hope. He wanted to go
somewhere where he would meet different people. The St. Lawrence's were well
off...but not that well off. It was, of course, his uncle, Jason, who made
the suggestion. Why didn't he consider StarFleet?
And he considered it. Plenty of chance to meet different people, if he got in,
it would be decent money, reliable if he didn't screw up. At the back of his
head, too...fleet people made a difference.
It took him two attempts to pass the academy entrance exam, but that was not
uncommon. The aptitude tests revealed surprisingly good reflexes for such a
big man, and he went in on a security MOS...his size, once more, pigeonholing
him, but this time he didn't mind.
He did reasonably well in the academy. Not close to the top of his class, but
above average. His reputation, though, was of a man who was 'More StarFleet
than StarFleet', compensating for the reactions some had by trying to be the
perfect cadet and the perfect officer. His instructors knew this attitude
would survive about one mission in the field, but could do little to persuade
him of the fact. He would have to learn it, as others had, the hard way. His
cadet cruise did help a little, but then he graduated.
He was assigned to the light cruiser Ariadne in the security department, under
a tough but fair woman named Charlene Hall. She taught him to stop seeing
things in such black and white. And regular reminders that size was not
everything, the petite Lieutenant regularly dropping him to the mat in spars.
He came to respect her...and to understand that sometimes one had to be a
maverick to get things done. When she was a station ops
position...she recommended him as security chief in her stead.
He took the position, and a promotion, and proceeded to do his best to be
twice as good as anyone else in the position. Charlene had never held his
past against him, but some did. Even the Ariadne's Captain, John Jameson,
was unsure about the man, although he never let his feelings affect St.
Lawrence's reviews. Timon flourished, in other words, yet he found himself
less and less happy.
He was still being viewed as a big, not overly bright man. The fact that he
resembled nothing so much as a Syndicate thug colored people's opinions of
him. He set out to change this. First, by obtaining a Masters degree in
military history by correspondence. Second, by taking, and passing the
command tests. Which is why when the Ariadne's XO was killed in action...
Jameson promoted the operations officer to XO and, despite his prejudices,
his chief of security to ops.
The taste of command was enough. Timon had a new goal in life. His own ship.
Not that he would push. But he would be good enough, he resolved, to earn his
command in due time. Hopefully without anyone else having to die for him to
get there. Sometimes, though, we don't get what we want.
Timon left the Ariadne for the Furious seven years ago. It was a promotion...
to executive officer. And the atmosphere was very different. The Furious was
commanded by T'Ler. A Vulcan woman. She did not try to run the ship under full
Vulcan command protocols. Yet, she was still Vulcan. Utterly logical, a firm
believer in IDIC. They made a surprisingly good team. Good enough that Timon
was in no rush to leave. Although he had not given up on his own ship.
Besides, there was another complication.
Her name was Nikita Lennon. She was the Furious' Counselor, and the two fell
very deeply in love. Two years ago, they were married. Now any assignment he
took...would have to include her. He was the happiest he had ever been in his
Fate was against him.
The Furious was a warship, plain and simple. She went into dangerous places,
she got into and out of scrapes. T'Ler got out of scrapes sometimes by force,
often by diplomacy and the cool application of logic. Few Vulcans command
warships, but she did so and did so well. Until she made a bad, very bad mistake.
The Furious also did first contact missions. Especially ones that had a chance
of going wrong. The one with the Le'rkat went very wrong indeed. Renegade
Klingons had been supplying them with arms and warp drive. They found themselves
facing the same tactic, ironically, the Vulcans had used against the Orions
many, many years ago...tiny, fast ships that swarmed the Furious. T'Ler had
tried everything to stop them from attacking. Yet she had inadvertently also
offered insult.
The Furious had had its shields down. Timon had not been on the bridge, but on
his way there when they had concentrated fire on the upper part of the saucer.
The bridge and several other compartments were vented to space. Captain T'Ler
was killed instantly. Timon managed to get to the auxiliary bridge. He took
command of the half-crippled ship, managed to destroy many of the Le'rkat
fighters and get out of the system...and limp to the nearest starbase at warp 1.
Nikita St. Lawrence had been on the bridge...three months pregnant with their
first child. When Timon found out, he smashed what was left of his quarters...
and then spoke to nobody for the rest of the way home. In that quiet solitude,
he vented his grief...and recovered his sanity.
The Furious was an older ship, and the damage she had taken was extreme. Star
Fleet elected to decommission her and replace her rather than repair and refit.
Timon was given three months of shore leave...which he spent with his wife's
family. On his recall, he was given the Furious' commissioning plaque as her
last commander, even if it had only been for a few weeks...and then marching
orders to Starbase Beta for reassignment.
Skills Profile:
Timon started his StarFleet career in security. He is also a qualified pilot,
both of small craft and full-sized starships. In addition, he holds an MA in
military history, obtained by correspondence from the University of Michigan.
He speaks a number of languages to some degree, and is fluent in both Orion and
Vulcan. He is a more than competent hand to hand fighter...not merely a brawler,
but familiar with martial arts techniques. His diplomatic skills are solid,
although he tends towards techniques that rely somewhat on intimidation; he is
not above using his size and appearance to his and StarFleet's advantage. As a
qualified command officer, he has some familiarity with the basics of other
departments. However, he does not have a great amount of scientific knowledge,
tending to defer to others in that regard.
Fitness Report:
It is my judgement that Commander St. Lawrence has made close to a full recovery
from the events of the Furious incident; however, I still recommend some continued
counseling. He is, however, fit for duty and command. He has always been a solid
officer, although he can sometimes interpret StarFleet regulations a little bit
too strictly at times.
He has, thankfully, a healthy attitude towards his own mental health; he is not
above letting out his feelings, but always in a controlled manner...he makes much
use of the holodeck in this regard. He expects respect from those under him, but
he gives it in return. He is not always a likeable man, but he never treats
anyone wrongly or unfairly. He can, however, be a little defensive when he feels
he is being viewed either as primarily his race or his size.
Psychological Profile:
Timon St. Lawrence is one of those big men who knows full well how much control
he has to keep over his negative emotions. Although he has a temper, it takes
extreme circumstances for it to come out in public; although he enjoys a fight
at times, he is careful to restrict this to the holodeck or to people who he
knows share such enjoyment. A lot of the time, he comes over at least as gentle
but firm. He is strict but fair with underlings, always showing respect to
those above him unless they do something not to deserve it.
He is an honest man to a fault...that is to say, he can sometimes be blunt. He
is also far more inclined to give his opinions of others to their face than
gossip about them behind their back. He respects more somebody who defends him
or herself, than somebody who takes bad things said about them as read.
He is utterly tolerant, and expects utter tolerance. Bigotry of any kind is one
of the few things that will get him riled, and he has a record of delivering
very scathing lectures to officers who express negative opinions about others
based on 'Those things, none of us can help' as he himself would say. This is
probably due to the teasing he received in school because of his accent (mostly
gone), skin color and size. He can, in fact, be somewhat defensive when comments
about those factors are made.
Although he is very definitely a military man, he tries to live by the philosophy
of 'Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent'. Fighting (With the exception
of recreational sparring) is what you do when all else fails. He can, in fact, be
very nice, especially to people he genuinely likes or has to work with closely.
His diplomacy is a rough and ready sort, but it is there.
Recreational Interests
Timon is a physical man when it comes to his pursuits. He does enjoy
the sense of a nice, controlled brawl with somebody who shares the same interest.
As a result, some of his closest friends over the years have been Klingons. He is
also something of an outdoorsman...he enjoys hiking, orienteering and mountain
climbing. Especially with a friend or two...he considers a strenuous hike to be a
great way to get to know somebody.
Miscellaneous Information
This is, yes, the character I and Scott discussed. He's got a bit of a...different
background, but tends to *not* be a maverick...he tends, if anything, to over-react
and go the other way. His age may be adjusted...seeking opinions.

