
USS Persephone Crew Biofiles: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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===<vacant>, Combat Information Center Officer===
===CDR Tanjien Dar, Combat Information Center Officer===
''This position is currently vacant.''
* played by: Andrew F.
* updated: SD211228

Name:  Tanjien  Dar
Rank: Commander
Race: Romulan
Sex: Female
Age: 97
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 108 lbs
POB: Hsien Vor (Romulan Colony)
Father: Centurian Juren Dar
Mother: Commander Hisad Kalya
Education: Admitted Romulan Naval Academy 2350, branch Communications.
Trained in Vulcan language and culture.  Attended Voice Intercept and
Surveillance advanced training in 2362.
Background:  Jen is the granddaughter of Ambassador Caithlin Dar, the
Romulan representive sent to Nimbus III (Star Trek V), and is said to look
"just like her."
Jen is an only child, and with both of her parents being career naval
officers, she only had one choice as far as career was concerned.  Thin and
weak by Romulan standards, she barely passed the academy entrance tests,
however she quickly demonstrated her gift for languages, learning the
languages of four of the Empire's enemies with such fluency, that she could
pass for a native speaker (Vulcan, Fed Standard, Klingon and Andorian).
This ability attracted the attention of the admiralty, and Jen was recruited
and trained to serve both in espionage and counter-espionage capacities, as
well as First Contact and Cross-Cultural Communications.  Recruited is not
quite an accurate term, as Jen was coerced into serving the Tal¹Shiar,
though it was not accidental that the Tal¹Shiar became interested in her.
With the coming of the Dominion war and the Empire's joining forces with the
Federation and the Klingons, Jen once again found that she was a very useful
person to have around.  Now at the rank of Centurian, she served on DS9 as
the Romulan fleet liaison, her knowledge of  Starfleet procedure and
operations allowing her effectively coordinate the activities of Romulan
ships with their Federation counterparts.  This was her first truly
diplomatic role, as she found herself balancing the operational requirements
and security protocols of the Romulan command on one side with the military
objectives and necessity for joint operations and cooperation with
Federation forces on the other.
With the war over, Jen returned to Romulus where she served for a few more
decades, however when the admiralty was approached by the Federation with
the possibility of an officer exchange, Tanjien Dar, now a Sub Commander was
selected for the assignment.  She spent a number of months on the USS
Endeavour as the ship's counselor, then was recalled back to Romulus as the
Romulan senate suffered from its own internal problems.  A second stint as
an exchange officer, this time on the USS Macronin, came at the same time as
significant Romulan activity within Federation space.  As a result of the
"Pisces Incident", all factions connected in any way to deceased Enriov
(Admiral) Tr'Ninith have been recalled to Romulus to face a purge from the
highest levels.  Tanjien Dar, while not involved in the Pisces incident in
any recent
way, was sent to the Federation as an exchange officer by none other than
Enriov Tr'Ninith, and thus Tanjien Dar was also ordered back to Romulus, to
be executed.
Sub Commander Dar received word of her recall while serving on board USS
Macronin, in Green fleet, however at the time that she received the order,
she was tracking Macronin's captain, who had been kidnapped by Orions.
Delaying her order long enough to rescue Captain Thorne, a personal friend,
Tanjien Dar set out with a small Federation/Romulan crew and brought Captain
Thorne back from her kidnappers.  Though her methods were brutal, Captain
Thorne was not harmed in any way, and as a result, CINCSF himself intervened
on her behalf.
While Dar is too proud to seek asylum, CINCSF was not too proud to "bring
up" the Sub Commander's contributions at a meeting with a Romulan senator.
As the meeting involved a massive aid package of food and minerals
desperately needed by the Star Empire, a pardon and emigration visa was
issued for Tanjien Dar, who essentially became a stateless person.
Dar was quickly brought into Starfleet intelligence for debriefing and
interrogation, and though she steadfastly refused to betray her people in
any way, her long-standing service and loyalty to the Federation were also
taken into account.  In the end, Federation citizenship was granted, as was
a commission in Starfleet at her Romulan rank of O-5, or Starfleet
Commander, branched science and communications.
Jen's Romulan career was an active one, partly spent monitoring and
interpreting Federation communications from behind Federation lines.  She
spent roughly half of her active career on a small bird of prey,
intercepting and interpreting errant signals, as well as making contact with
non-Federation member worlds within Federation border space.  However early
in her first tour, while tracking a small Federation courier vessel, she
witnessed an attack on said vessel by the Borg, and with the entire crew
killed and the vessel ignored, was ordered to assume the identity of the
Vulcan science officer on board that ship.  For 9 months Jen remained
"behind enemy lines", gathering not only a wide assortment of intelligence,
but upon return, providing a detailed analysis of Starfleet's readiness that
resulted in massive invasion plans, and almost started a war, for her report
was published 6 months after Wolf 359, at which she "served" on the USS
Gemini, and with
Starfleet's strength at an all-time low, invasion became a winnable
stratagem.  Of course anyone who read the report would be clearly aware that
Dar herself was vehemently against such a course of action, and she used her
eloquent writing skills to minimize the attractiveness of that prospect, but
the raw data she did honestly report, and more conservative elements within
the empire held sway and military buildup took place.
While Dar was not officially trained for intelligence work, and appeared
terrified at the prospect of going "under cover", the Tal Shiar officer on
her ship made it clear to her that if she chose to disobey the order, it
would be considered as treason, and she and her family would be dealt with
accordingly. It was the coming of the Dominion that halted the invasion
plans, and it was the massive Romulan fleet build-up in preparation for the
Invasion of the UFP that allowed the Romulans to so effectively fight the
Dominion, so in a way, Dar's earlier report ultimately helped to save the
Federation.  Dar was truly relieved that war did not come between the empire
and the Federation, though the Dominion war proved extremely costly to both
the Romulans and the Federation.  While she was angered that her work had
resulted in plans for the invasion of the Federation, she was somewhat
vindicated when that same build-up was used to fight the Dominion.
Her next assignment was command of the small scout vessel Khorsk, a
146-year-old Bird of Prey with a crew of 5.  The Khorsk, and other ships
like her, are assigned patrol duties, in Dar's case, inside Federation
Like most of her race, while appearing as a Vulcan, she is driven not by
logic but by emotion and reason much as humans are, though she has learned
well to feign Vulcan disinterest.  She is quiet most of the time, curious by
nature, and possessed of an eidetic memory, hence her gift with languages.
Due to her frail (by Romulan standards) build, she has always been rather
timid when it came to physical activities, and while semi-skilled in the
disruptor, she prefers to leave any fighting to others, knowing that her
talents lie elsewhere.
Sub Commander Dar is very loyal to both of her masters, though always her
first loyalty is to her own sense of honor.  Should she receive conflicting
orders from Romulus and the Federation, she would do her best to find a
creative solution which would violate neither, but if forced to make a
choice, would side with the virtuous, unless and until it created a security
violation for the empire, which is a line she would never cross.
As an exchange officer, the Romulan high Command presented Sub Commander Dar
as a cultural anthropologist/communications expert, which while more of a
science officer in the Starfleet hierarchy, Dar was considered more of a
diplomat after her work on DS9, and was assigned to the advisory role of a
Ship's Counselor, with the civilian title of "Ambassador" on the USS
Endeavour, where she served for one year.
Lastly, with the current rift between the two factions of Romulan politics,
it should be noted that Dar has no love of the Tal'Shiar, especially after
the coercive means by which she placed in extreme jeapordy early in her
career.  During her tenure at DS9, she developed a strong working
relationship with, and respect for many officers in Starfleet, and is
solidly committed to the success of the Federation/Romulan alliance, seeing
as the only way that both governments can move forward in the changed
socio-political climate of the Alpha Quadrant.
Physical Appearance:
Tanjien Dar is tall and very thin, and while Romulans are generally
stronger than their human counterparts, she falls toward the middle-range of
average for a human female of her general build.  While she is 97 years old,
Romulans, like Vulcans, are long lived, and she is actually closer to 30 in
human aging terms.  Lastly, like her grandmother Caithlin Dar, she has Asian
features and is extremely exotic-looking and sensual.

===LT Valareos fi'Fferyllt, Chief Engineering Officer===
===LT Valareos fi'Fferyllt, Chief Engineering Officer===
* played by: [ Bartlett, Bryan]
* played by: [ Bartlett, Bryan]
* updated: SD210406
* updated: SD210406

